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Everything posted by Everything

  1. How to switch fast between wisdom and love?

    I just wanna repeat that sentence, it really rings truth for me: Most of my present mind is only useful for the past event... That reall sums up the problem alot better.
  2. How to switch fast between wisdom and love?

    Sounds like coded wisdom, difficult to understand. I'm curious. When I'm in the mood, it feels like I'm coherently using my entire being for a specific task. So lets call that feeling "mood". The problem is, when I get in the mood for one thing, I can't seem to get in the mood for another thing very quickly. Do you have some meditation practice for that, like you said? Hold the two in mind untill their diffrences dissolve? That doesn't really bring me in the mood, but rather makes me tranquil. The second piece of advice is very interesting. I don't know how though. When I for example make conversation with a friend and they keep talking about work, it geta boring right? Thats not love, thats work. How can both resonate? Like make work your love? Or bring your love to work or something? The third piece of advice implies a present mindedness? I'm always present minded, but most of my present mind is only useful for the past events, thats what I'm trying to say. If I have a full mind from work, even not thinking about it and completely focusing on my current moments I still have these thoughts arise out of nowhere. As if the arising of these thoughts are automatic. I cannot clear my mind and become focused and coherent with the present activity, or get in the mood, I always feel stuck in the previous activity. Its not like I do it on purpose though.
  3. How to switch fast between wisdom and love?

    If anyone knows anything about chakra's. How would that play its role in all of this? For example, when I'm over studying, what chakra am I using? When I'm composing music, what chakra am I using? When I'm listening to music, what chakra am I using? They all seem to be diffrent experiences, and the more I do them, the more a specific chakra for that thing opens perhaps. Maybe thats why I become better when I keep doing something.
  4. Hey, anyone can recommend some good meditation or training for concentration / focus? I'm determined more then ever now to train my concentration / focus again. I somehow lost it along the way and get distracted by even the tiniest of thoughts at the moment. It is extremely annoying. I hope someone can share with me what worked for them?
  5. Do I smell a third world war?

    Thats what I mean with filtered media. It is corrupt. Have you ever seen news about so many people peacefully protesting in favor of gadhaffi? Has the news ever made room to make public the philosphy of gadhaffi? Did you know that the system gadhadffi is fighting for is alot better then this current system? No, in my country I see only one guy who does not even live in Libya and says his girlfriends friend is dead because of gadhaffi. Then they say "thats it about sending troops to kill some libanian people" Perhaps read a book that gadhaffi wrote and see it resonates with you, then decide if you want to punish him for whatever fcking reason you wish. Slap him like a b!tch, I don't care. As long as you base your actions on your own being, not blindly following other people and live the lives of other people. You're like the good guy who is being used by the corrupt. The corrupt say, "hey, he said your momma!" and you go attack te other guy, blind, without doing your own research. That is why I believe that our current crisis is a crisis in consciousness. People need to wake up amd think for them selves, but they're too tired. Always look for oppositw truth of what you believe, this is the only way we can increase our consciousness.
  6. """"""I love it when people give the source of their quotes for me to dig deeper in." -By Everything" -By Everything" -By Everything" -By Everything" -By infinite parralel Everything's" I just can't seem to enjoy giving away the source of all my knowledge, personally The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources and deceive people -By Einstein Oops, there I go again
  7. what god do you worship?

    Exactly! If not the sun then the stars, right?
  8. Hahaha, now I know where all my missing characters go all the time!
  9. Do I smell a third world war?

    For me it smells really fresh! Its currently raining alot where I am. If I do smell something fishy, I'll just ductape some roses around my nose. It really is honorable to journey trough the way, with roses ductaped around your nose. The last thing I want is someone recalling the scent of poop from his past life. I think the children of the future shall remain innocent to such a scent. On the other hand, I've never smelled pigeon poop either.
  10. Do I smell a third world war?

    This piece of enlightening text feels like someone just turned of the lights.
  11. Know ye not that the void is filled with marbles? Only the children of the light can enlighten these and reveal them to us all! Such a day shall come and it shall be recalled as the day that the stars gained their shine. Resembling the reflections we find upon your head.
  12. death

    The truth and nothing but the truth? I can only tell you lies... Your spirit has form, dependant on your heart. The electromagnetic field around the heart, or the force. You will most likely loose this form because it is not independant of your body. Thus, if you die, you will merge with other forms. Why? Because your shape causes inbalance and is naturally carrie away. Know that the secret of life in Amenti is the secret of restoring the balance of poles. All that exists has form and is living because of the Spirit of life in its poles. See ye not that in Earth's heart is the balance of all things that exist and have being on its face? The source of thy Spirit is drawn from Earth's heart, for in thy form thou are one with the Earth When thou hast learned to hold thine own balance, then shalt thou draw on the balance of Earth. Exist then shalt thou while Earth is existing, changing in form, only when Earth, too, shalt change: Tasting not of death, but one with this planet, holding thy form till all pass away.
  13. How about, the words that bring about Life? "Oh, Tulku, master of darkness, guide of the way from Life unto Life, before thee I bring a Sun of the morning. Touch him not ever with the power of The Void. Call not his flame to the darkness of The Void. Know him, and see him, one of our brothers, lifted from darkness into the Light. Release thou his flame from its bondage, free let it flame through the darkness of The Void."
  14. What you mean is perhaps the nothingness that initiates the light. The darkness from which light originates. In the psyche this can be seen as the subconscious. This pattern of the underworld can be interpreted in many ways. The void might be an interpretation from the emerald tablets of toth, which speaks of the underworld. I personally think this void does have thoughts, it just lets go of external reality. You become a nothing entity in void space, in complete darkness. It is a gateway. From this place you are initiated into life, to be reborn again. Becoming aware in between the dreams during sleep is the key you seek. Deep sleep is like the void. Here dreams and reality is born. The darkness is followed by images and sounds. The dream arises, you enter the dream world. The goal however is to get lucid during deep sleep, for if you can do that you can initiate yourself into life and you become immortal in a sense. You can enter the dream lucid everytime you sleep. The void is spiritual mastery and the light is material mastery. Or something like that. They're part of each other. Experience them appart from eachother, in their extremes, and you can merge them to form a perfect balance. That you may opperate in this life from the void. Thats the alchemical mechanics. This is just my current thoughts about it. Might be complete BS. This samadhi you speak of might be an interpretation of the Halls of Amenti. "A hundred times ten have I descended the dark way that led into light, and as many times have I ascended from the darkness into the light my strength and power renewed." The void, interpreted as deep sleep, is known in science to regenate the body and muscles. Healing. There are many ways to look at it I guess. We all make our own interpretation. I don't know what kind of void you seek. I believe that physical death also plunges you into the void. Perhaps studying darkmatter brings us closer tk the void.
  15. what god do you worship?

    To be honest, I'm a lunatic when it comes to worship or praying. I imagine some spaceship out in space like star trek and them watching me on their computers. Then I say, "If you get this message, please bla bla..." I just pray for the placebo effect, and I'm actually crazy enough to fall for my own crap. Sometimes it works I also have my rituals, like a comedic act to catch the attention of these aliens. I'll do something out of the ordinary like drawing an imaginary Flower of Life pattern and then kneel in front of me doing the initiation for knights ritual and finishing that with a christian prayer. Any divine math always gets the job done in convincing my self that I have caught the attention of these almighty aliens that I worship. It is like the art of deception, but then applied on thy self.
  16. what god do you worship?

    Don't you count dolphins and whales as highly intelligent aliens? I do We could learn a thing or ten thousand from them.
  17. what god do you worship?

    I worship light and sun/stars. Is there perhaps a sun god or something similar?
  18. Feeling Close to a Break Through

    I've had alot of out of body experiences aswell, but its all gone suddenly. I have no clue whatsoever why I suddenly had so many sleep-wake states, wake initiated lucid dreams, out of body experiences. I wish I could have them everyday, but I can't. If that was an awakening, then I must sleeping now, cause my nights have been fruitless for months.
  19. Wait, I don't get it... How is mud and water going to help reduce the wieght of thise blocks? It is more likely that some higher consciousness built these pyramids from top to bottom then small people that push blocks from bottom to top trough the use of mud and water.
  20. Then you have known all along? Hehe... It appears that the followers of the Emerald Tablets of Toth follow the same path in comparison to Taoists... "Man's search for understanding of the laws which regulate his life has been unending, yet always just beyond the veil which shields the higher planes from material man's vision the truth has existed, ready to be assimilated by those who enlarge their vision by turning inward, not outward, in their search." The translations of the Emerald Tablets of Toth say the exact same thing in diffrent words as Tao Te Ching teaches us. It is amazing... Have you ever read the Emerald Tablets of Toth? Just curious. Emerald Tablets of Toth, Translation
  21. Holy crap, Lao fcking Tzu! This emerald tablet of Toth is more profound then Tao Te Ching itself! Is there any forum for the emerald tablet of toth? A friend of mine told me once about it, I thought that Tao Te Ching was more ancient. I wonder what the relation of Tao te Ching is to those Emerald Tablets of Toth. The knowledge is so similar to Tao Te Ching in many ways. This Emerald Tablet translation link you gave is awesome. Thanks man! You read it? The things they say in there, how could they have known all those stuff in such ancient times? They speak of dark matter and how light is formed out of darkness... The more you know, the more there shall be to know more. One step thou has gained on the long pathway upward, infinite now is the mountain of Light. Each step thou taketh but heightens the mountain; all of thy progress but lengthens the goal". The sun is the wisdom for all men. When we study the sun, we become children of the stars. Immortal, roaming the space-time. Thats sounds like more then just nice poetry, hehe. Thanks for sharing that link. I'm defenitely going to dig way deeper into these ancient texts from now on. Also: The particular group of priests bearing the tablets emigrated to South America where they found a flourishing race, the Mayas who remembered much of the ancient wisdom. I knew the mayas must have had some kind of alien source for all the things they knew!
  22. Tao that can be expressed is not Everlasting Tao. The name that can be named is not the Everlasting Name. The Name, in its inner aspect, is Life-Spring of Heaven and Earth. The Name, in its outer aspect, is Mother of all created things. Therefore: To perceive the mystery of Life, desire always to reach the innermost. To perceive the limitations of things, desire always to posses them. These two aspects of Life are One. In their out-come they become different in Name but in their depth they are One. In a depth, still deeper yet, is the Door of many mysteries. In their depth they are one? They are opperating from within the spirit. You see the truth when you reach your inner spirit. The desire to become one with the material trough spirit... Only trough this desire can you truely interact with the boundaries of the physical. The spirit can go deeper aswell, the higher and lower dimensions are infinite. A depth, still deeper yet, is the Door to manifold mysteries. How could they have known such things in ancient times if there were no higher conscious beings? There were no physics and science. What about the flower of life pattern found so early in times? This pattern reveals the multi dimensional reality we live it. It can't be a coincidence that we found this pattern to be part of so many ancient civilizations. Its obviously not just some drawing by some artist. When you're alien and try to communicate with lower conscious beings, the best way is to give them patterns that only time shall allow them to discover the true meaning of the pattern. Only when they reach higher consciousness can they possess technology that is so dangerous.
  23. Desireless means desiring the less. It is not without desire or it is not to desire the without. We are not this body, the external material we see. We are a spirit like being. It is hard to accept this. Its like this: Ever watched a movie? You view the main character of the movie and feel very connected with him, yet you observe all these tiny details You observe details of the life of the main character much better then your own life for most people. When you choose that which is within you, your spirit, and not outside of you, your body, it shall be the first time you have ever felt so connected to your physical life. People think that they must remain in their bodies, they're afraid of loosing it somehow. Like they're afraid of detaching from their mothers. Truth is, you have't been attached to your mother for most of the time you were growing up. Just as you haven't been part of your body and physical life. The fear itself is fake and hilarious once you've gone past the point of realizing that you're not part of this reality. You're part of something much bigger or deeper. When you desire the less, desire to live from within, you shall feel more connected to live then ever before. Every scent of flower is taken in so powerfully that it is ingrained in your mind for ever. You value everything ten thousand times more, for you understand how scarce these things are. You choose to connect to the physical in this life, when you die, you return to being an energy form. Like a ghost. This is how we live from our truest nature. Discard that which is outside of you first, only when you have departed can you return to it more complete. Establish a real connection with life. The connection to live can be found within your spirit, yet people seek it outside of them selves. This leads no where. It is insanity, spiraling around, getting swept by, attaching to this thing we call reality. Let go of it, desire less of it, return to that which is within. Return to spirit and you shall find that you can make a true eternally lasting connection with this physical reality. Accepting that reakity is fake, for most people, means that they return to the spirit which sees the truest nature of reality. Your life becomes more vivid, not less vivid.