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Everything posted by Everything

  1. A Thought

    Lol, doesn't men equal to people? Or is it the plural of man? In dutch men is van nature goed = people is of nature good I'm sorry, replace men with The People
  2. MCO Brain Damage. Please help.

    Damn, that sounds serious. There is no place for a sentence like "You can only learn from your own mistakes, not that of others" after what you said there. Tell me... If it can cause ilness... Can it also cause cures of equal proportions?
  3. MCO Brain Damage. Please help.

    Define mental ilness It seems that all natural behaviours are labaled as mental ilnesses these days. They should just call it natural mental states of being or something, hehe.
  4. Let me ask you something that will challenge your sense of harmony of sound and perhaps that of life. Can you listen to one of them? Try to follow one colour, whichever one you like: Now try to listen again, but to all of them at once. Its hard isn't it? The reason why I ask this is because the ear of a beginner will laugh out loud as he hears such nonsense. The training ear tries to follow each melody seperate and see miracles and holds on to that one spectrum of voice. The master can hear them all together yet respect their nature of individuality. A higher being can see the harmony in all and form his own harmonies by the use of countrapuntal wisdom. Our universe does not consist of one spectrum of this duality. So must we hold all dualities of harmony in mind together and find the pieces of the puzzle like the dualities of the harmony. Every thing has its opposite. Find what it is and bring them together. This is how you eventually increase your consciousness... You write a fugue. Good luck with that, everyone. EDIT: Please stick with one voice, keep trying. Don't try and listen to all of them at once when you have not yet been able to follow each colour individually. This will naturally and subconsciously move your mind to a dual, lower state of consciousness, clinging to one of the opposites and find itself in an unbalanced state of mind. You will only hear fragments that way. Piece of the puzzle that don't fit together. The same with all of things. Find the extremes, the opposites and respect all dualities.
  5. Music that increase Consciousness

    Nah, I think even Bach coulden't sing... Hehe You just have to have a balanced throat chakra People who are very good at communicated their emotions have a balanced throat chakra. Some people find it hard to say how they feel, because they can't find the creativity to possible express their emotions. Unlike this guy. If you're going to express your desire for mercy to your brothers, you should try do it like him: lol EDIT: you should change the word God to Brother when you do that though. Hehehe...
  6. Music that increase Consciousness

    I mean take this example. Check out how his hands move up and is thrown down by specific notes and then gradually move up with the spiraling music of Bach. Whatever his hands are doing I do not know. I just notice how his left hand seems to be possessed by something else then the mind. A mind would not have his hand floating up and down while playing the piano in such a weird manner. Study the left hands movement in the first 30 seconds: You see its pretty accurate, yet he focuses not on that hand. He focuses on his heart. The humming you hear is simply the expression that is most accurate and universal. He cannot even sing, yet he cannot resist the urge to humm along while playing on the piano. The throat is the most important organ for all human expressions. It is being played from his soul, in that moment. Glenn Gould sometimes seems crazy, but he really gives the viewers what they want. A real performance.
  7. Music that increase Consciousness

    Sure, but when the hands are trained you should not think all is mastered. A robot can replace the hand, the heart knows how the hand should behave. You should train your mind to follow the heart and not the hand. When you focus on your hands while playing the music you actually loose the ability to play from your soul. To understand this you should try play fugues. They're too complex when played out of hand, you have to let go and allow your hands to follow your heart. Let them play automaticly. When you focus on your hands you suddenly loose focus and the music gets messed up. The fugue is designed to deceive the mind and get past it. Don't get me wrong, I can't sing at all. If you can just sing a little, good enough for yourself, its ok. But you should atleast be able to feel the diffrence between two notes in your throat. Once you do that, the two keys relate to eachother in a much more universal way. What I mean from playing with your throat is not literally sing, you don't even have to hum like glenn gould. What I mean is your vocal chords moving along with the melody you are following within the music you play. At some point alot of musicians play great and you can see their Adam's Apple move up and down with the keys. Some of these musicians don't even know it themselves that they're doing this.
  8. Music that increase Consciousness

    True, a fugue would be very simple yet infinitely complex for that. I don't think one can increase consciousness by just listening to regular music. I've only found that fugues have this ability, since with fugues all the voices can be considered independent. While with most music, the counterpoint on base sounds can be great but not of a scale like the fugues Bach wrote. It shoulden't add to the music, it should be its own music. Music upon music, spiralling around eachother.
  9. Music that increase Consciousness

    Are you kidding me? When you can sing music from the throat, it is the greatest form of musical expression. All the great composers started out by composing a melody from the throat in the mind. When the heart is pleased with your throat your expression is coherent with your heart. Your own voice is the most familiar voice on the planet. I've always felt music in my throat and heart, not ears, especially not fingers. The rythm is in the body and music uses the rythm as a tool to express, the expression is in the throat and understanding in the heart. Sometimes you express what you hear, only then can you understand. The heart doesn't always feel what other people express. Your heart is most sensitive to your own throat, not even that much to your fingers. The mind is sensitive to fingers. Eventually the mind just follows what is within the heart. This is why the greates pianist use their throat to sing and lead their heart which is turn leads their mind which in turn leads their fingers.
  10. Music that increase Consciousness

    That sounds alot like it was inspired by Bach, hehe. I find the nintendo low bit sounds very funny, but it does the job. Game music is great these days. Especially World of Warcraft has got great music and so much of it just for one game. Perhaps more music goes into games then some movies. All artists better prepare for a future filled with games, hehe.
  11. Music that increase Consciousness

    Oh, hehe... Thats kinda odd. When I think of music I think of simultaneosly singing all the melodies by voice. Fugues aren't really classics. They didn't receive any attention at all, perhaps because of a lack of capable ears. Still to this day fugues are considered very unpopular. Only the great classical musical composers picked up on Bach's contrapuntal work. Quote beethoven: "Bach is the God of Harmony" And so did Debussy consider Bach as a musical God.
  12. Music that increase Consciousness

    If not bringing out the God of Harmony within you, I hope this little fugue atleast gives you the experience of increasing your consciousness and seeing the music evolve as it does. You can take this experience and apply it elsewhere in your life. As above, so below.
  13. Music that increase Consciousness

    No, infact... If you play them all at once you will find that you can slow down the tempo or increase it at will. The music is not effected by tempo, its a fugue. If you play a fugue, the enlightening will go alot faster. You will have to hear them individually yet all together in order to play it right. I truely recommend anyone playing fugues on a piano and writing their own, but unfortunately not everyone has a piano. BWV 1000 fugue is very popular for the guitar aswell. Guitars are cheap, starting at prices of 40 euro's. These fugues are also great for beginners. Very easy to play, especially if you begin at a tempo of 30% and move up to 60%. Faster then 60% is useless, its like rushing sex while you have to take it slow. A keyboard/piano is much more clear, because you can see all the keys, low to high from left to right. This way you notice the play of tones alot easier. Plus you don't even require a pedal for your keyboard, because fugues are written by Bach for Organs or perhaps a violin. After a while, you will be able to compose your own music alot more easy and effortless when you see the patterns within a fugue you are playing yourself. Just looking at it on youtube will make it alot harder to master dualities, create harmonies and eventually become like God.
  14. can you listen to these all at one?

    They don't form a harmony together, so it would be useless to even try and listen to them all at once when each of the individual sound does not compliment the other. But yeah, I went kinda insane as I even tried, it felt like madness.
  15. A Thought

    When men shall push eachother around they shall fall into the greatest depth of the oceans and beyond. Wet shall they arise to find them selves in a world where the days are filled with rain. The great cleansing will bring forth the wise Men of the Sun and bond strongly the Brothers of the Light. So shall the people be pulled towards the Stars. For the water will have cleansed them of their madness and no longer shall they push in circles but answer to the pull in straight lines towards one ultimate destiny for each of their own. You cannot pull dry men. You have to push it untill its deep under so that they may rise higher then they were before. Only when they are wet, yet outside of the water... Only then can I reach the ropes that shall pull them to their destiny.
  16. A Thought

    Sometimes it just feels like convincing is also a physical energy and ultimate pulls and pushes people. Yet I believe it is simply a natural tendency for people push and pull when they have not yet learned to free them selves from gravity. When I call my self "prophet" and tell everyone that our ultimate goal is towards the stars, it will ultimately be a pull from the children of the stars, and a push from the prophet to bring forth society to a higher place. Surely, people shall fall, but they rise again! Don't fear the fall, pushing and pulling is natural for enslaved beings. Rising and falling is only the learning. The children of the stars have departed with this knowledge and so shall we once depart like them, roaming the stars. So thats a push from me. On to the stars you go, brothers of Light! It is our only true destiny to move beyond time-space and have our inner Light within and not without! "When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly in the air on wings like the birds; when he has learned to harness the lightning, then shall the time of warfare begin. Great shall the battle be twixt the forces, great the warfare of darkness and Light. Nation shall rise against nation using the dark forces to shatter the Earth. Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning and give their edict to the children of men, saying: O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother. Only thus can ye come to the Light. Cease from thy unbelief, O my brother, and follow the path and know ye are right."
  17. Rise of The Planet of Sex

    Hehe, weird topic title, didn't know what to call this sexy topic. Everyone has thought about sex! Often people we not even recognize these sexual thoughts anymore. They might influence our lifes alot, yet people have gotten used to them and think they've it all figured out. There are diffrent ways of thinking about sex for diffrent people. Some talk openly about sex, some talk about it in more subtle ways. Like "He/she is beautiful/ugly, look!" Hehe, sometimes even that isn't subtle enough and someone might avoid a question about beauty/ugliness. Even the people who don't HAVE alot of sex, keep sex in their minds alot, somewhere burried deep down, to crawl up in diffrent shapes. These people just denie sex and remove it from memory as some kind of defense mechanism for trauma or just putting to much emotional weight on the subject of sex. The people who have alot of sex, justify it. Especially women, by saying to their selves or others in subtle ways that sex is not important. Alot of porno actrices or whores are this way. Having sex is like shaking someones hand to them, doesn't leave impressions after doing it so often. Ultimately, for women it does become important at some point. Its not like the people of the world can be divided into sexy and not sexy people, no... But these sexual styles I've just noticed in people. What do you think of sex? Is our society too sexually oriented? Sometimes little children dress very sexual and act very sexual compared to other children. Perhaps this is because they learn this behaviour from the over-sexed media. Would you prefer a media with less sex in it? Sometimes even commercials about food on TV are so extremely sexy that it makes you horny. Like a women licking a piece of chocolate and making MMMhhhmmmmm moaning sounds in a very very sexy way. Would a non-sexual media make the society less sexually oriented? Maybe this thought is waaay out there... I've just heard somewhere that sexual chakra is put there by superior beings, so that we work harder for rewards. As some kind of slaves. It allows higher beings to have control over us in a sense. I personally know it is possible to free yourself from sexual desires, not have it control you. I don't think it is possible to get rid of sexual desires. Do you?
  18. I had once read about dream yogha. It was too complex. Rinpoche or something. I think I still got the book somewhere in pc if anyone recommends it. I'm not sure if anyone here is experienced with this? I mean we sleep so long in our lives, why not become totally conscious during our sleep aswell? So much to learn and experienced there, so much to explore. The truth lies within, all the time, I believe. That is why conscious sleeping is very important to me. I have found many techniques that help get little results. Especially all the advice out there about lucid dreaming on the internet. I'm not content with these. I just want much bigger results and better progress. Not limited by the limitations of science regarding the leaving your body with your consciousness experiences. Any source of information of real experienced conscious sleeping or dreaming teachers?
  19. Looking for experienced Dream Yoghi teacher

    Hi, sloppy zhang I agree with you that just meditation practice in dreams produce no result, but rather that dreaming conscious is a side effect of your daily practice. I'm glad that you mentioned it. If anyone recommends any practices, like consciousness meditation, or whatever increasea your consciousness troughout the day, I'm open to look in to them. That was an interesting thing you mentioned. That your dreams are filled by your mind. It feels like you're in between the two realms of consciousness. Its also impoetant to me that I reach further into the 4th dimension, strengthen my connection to this dream world. See it with more clarity and with less interventions from my mind. I found that clearing my thoughts does this great. You dream, become conscious, you remember to clear your thoughts, the dream fades away, you're in your bed, you try to have an out of body experience by moving out of your body, with a clear thought and upmost conscious and aware mind. This produces best results for me. But I just want more advice from someone who is able to have more results then me, so maybe they can share what worked best for them. Thanks for the words
  20. How to switch fast between work and play? Is there some kind of technique? More play, better love. More work, better wisdom. This is be because it takes a time to really get into the modes of either work or play. Is there a way to make it faster? What do you guys think about this problem of mine? I can't seem to stop noticing how it limits my life in many ways.
  21. How to switch fast between wisdom and love?

    I do feel sensations of extreme sensitivity. Feels like electrical current running trough my heart. I can choose to feel them, I can focus it on diffrent parts of the body. I just got the ability to do that one day, no idea why. I noticed sensitivity to sound with these sensations, when I choose to become sensitive. No idea how I do it, I just make an effort to feel them and eventually I do. I also feel this when trying be more present minded. I perform better on many thing when I do this. When I initiate a dream from a conscious state of mind it feels like my body is tuning in to another frequency, or something like that. I feel vibrations alot. The vibrations slowly calm down and the dream fades in like a tuner reaching a radio station. You even hear the vibrations, bzzz, and slowly fading away the more the dream fades in. Is that what you mean with vibrations or energies? Its funny, cause today I have chosen to feel this allot to explore it further and you ask me about it ^^
  22. How to switch fast between wisdom and love?

    I just realized this topic sounds really odd. Maybe I should word it in a diffrent manner, hehe. I require alot of preperation! Wtf!!! I guess everyone does. I'm really confused. Forgot what the initial problem was all about... damn ^^
  23. How to switch fast between wisdom and love?

    Oh, I'm sorry. My reply towards you was the second one, I accidentally wrote the question about chakra over my reply to you trough edit, so I had to rewrite a new reply towards you. Things got kinda messed up. So basicly, my present mind seems only to be useful for the previous event. Like some kind of lag or latency in perception. It's weird. I do perceive the world in the present, but unconscious mind is like stuck in traffic in the previous event, ariving late at the present moment. Perhaps my brain is odd, I don't recall having any mental disorder or brain disease though. So I'm hoping that someone else experiences the same thing. Or is my brain just slow, and how can I make it faster?