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Posts posted by Mizu

  1. Hi guys,


    I went to Max Christensen's seminar. Been practicing, extreme hardcore, for the last 4 years.


    In that time, I've rapidly aged. I've lost my youth, heart, passion, energy. I just cry and cry and cry and cry and lay in bed. I have very bad anxiety. I feel fragile, weak, exhausted.


    I read Falon Gong and keep thinking when Tao energy increases in the body, we get purified and purification symptoms arise, much like Kundalini people speak of.


    That's a great theory.


    But in all honestly, what if this is a demonic snake energy practice, that uses us as human batteries to feed it? http://starlightskundaliniblog.wordpress.com/tag/falun-gong/ I've gotten SO MUCH WORSE in the past 4 years than I've ever been in my entire life. I can barely feel love for anything. I [think?] I get better when I don't practice, but as soon as I do, the low energy and depression comes back.


    So my question, please save my life, is this:


    Any long-term, regular Kunlun practicioners, can you please tell me what effects you have experienced in your life, before and after? Are we getting sicker and worse off? Or is your life TRULY better?



    • Like 1

  2. For there to be a dream, there has to be a dreamer. Who is the dreamer? Everything that you write is a story with the assumption that there is a dreamer, someone to control the dream, a self which acts, creates, and actually has control. Who is infinite and without limits? Who is it that has woken up?


    These are serious questions. Please contemplate them and see what happens. ;)


    Okay, so I am *Everything*, all potentials.. I can be a female, a male, a tree, a squirrel, a planet... only limited by my ego. Yes?


    So then, again I ask, if this is the Cosmic Joke... my work now is to create RIGHT[virtuous]?


    Assuming Awakening is this great realization of our infinite capacity, our True Self - simple, yet incredible at the same time, and then Enlightenment is SELF-REALIZING Virtue in the essence of Truth, or rather BECOMING LOVE - in the image of God or w/e you want to see it as, akak PERFECT )or whatever the soul desires to BE now) yes? :ninja:


    I feel like there is no more need to 'know' anything, like, now I just need to BE and KNOW any form of Truth I want to experience with Self. :lol:




    *** OH, and serious question: Do I need to even meditate anymore? I mean, what's the point? :)

  3. Who is creating all of it? Who are you? Just a thought? A feeling? Presence? Awareness? Where is this 'I' that you cling to so strongly? Does it really exist? Has it ever?


    So it's all just a dream then... And then I would need to now "dream" in a more, pleasurable "enlightened" virtuous way since I now see myself as infinite and without limits?


    Like I'm now awoken from the nightmare now dreaming that I have a perfect healthy body healed of it's sicknesses, perfect harmonious relationships... a constant state of joy etc, my goal is now to realize and now BE this...?

  4. :closedeyes:


    Hey all, what is the point of continually working to quiet the mind, and attain a constant state of "no-mind" in the world.. is this beneficial at all? What's the end goal of this?


    Thank you for sharing, I Want to know if it will be worth my while to work to achieve this goal of Continually Still Presence... and what it does...


    is it simply to "See things as they truly are" so our minds don't hurt us with illusions / fear / mis-perceptions, or is there more to it? Like Samadhi or healing or anything else like that? :lol:


    thank you :ninja:

  5. IMO "believing" you are omnipotent enlighteneed etc is meaningless. You have to REALIZE it, honestly do you REALIZE you are omnipotent, perfect enlightened or is it an intelectual conclusion?




    So then, does that mean I am false and there's more to this Enlightenment thing, or do I need to simply start to force-focus my mind in such a way that is on Right Virtue.. like love in every moment, perfect health, glowing radiant body, seeing Oneness in the all with everyone, etc? Or, do I need to LOSE my mind and continue to cultivate continual stillness [awareness] - or, does that simply bring me right back to realizing that it's ALL ME and I am creating all of it, so it's just one big loop when stilling your mind?


    Or are all these questions utterly meaningless because I am now awake and already "there" I just need to start correcting myself and my mis-creations in my un-enlightened state.


    i.e "After enlightenment, the laundry." -Old Zen Proverb




    Please share wisdom.


    <3 ~m

  6. And those words FULLY and TRULY can now be filled with meaning depending on the outcome of someone's efforts towards enlightenment. If you try and work and act and give into belief and everything, but just can't manifest or reach enlightenment, someone can always say that you didn't TRULY believe, but what does that mean anyway? ... Those words are not an adequate means of conveying an idea. "Truly" is a filler word, creating arbitrary divisiveness.


    Truly meaning the essence of TRUTH itself.


    Ie... this is a cup. That is truth. It is a cup. ISness. Truth.


    So, TRULY, 'wholly' realizing a state of whatever one wills, in truth.


    Ie perfect health, perfect love, perfect bliss, perfect samadhi, perfect siddhis ie levitation or walking on water, etc. Virtue.


    And is this where compassion comes into play? Because people don't know Who They Really Are (infinite, omnipotent HERE AND NOW etc) so they don't realize they're falsely believing themselves into thinking they are limited? So like when a teacher points inside them and tries to show them that and then they go; "Oh.. I just need to practice this spiritual technique for X amount of years, THEN I will be enlightened and free!" THAT is where compassion comes into play? Because you are sad they are putting self-imposed limitation on their perfect, infinite Self?


    "Uhhh, you can be enlightened and free RIGHT NOW and you don't need to sit in a cave for 20 years to realize that... it's all about beliefs..."


    And I meant "pretending" in the sense that we are all walking around true GODS acting like goddam fools! Putting self-imposed limitation over our perfect, unlimited Self - here & now. So yes, thanks for the warning, I guess that was the incorrect usage of that particular word.


    edit: so if someone didn't "Truly believe", they did not fully realize the essence of the Truth [iSness] they were seeking. They muddied the waters, so to speak.


    Make sense? Did I hit the nail on the head with this whole "Awakening" business, or what? :P

  7. Can someone now please explain to me how my realization was limited?


    MY REALIZATION: I mean, being infinite, all powerful, limited only by our belief structures (thoughts, attachments & egos) - is that not INSTANT enlightenment, or does this "awakened state" entail something more?


    It is my belief that buddha just sat down under a tree and was like... "OH... It was ME the entire time!!! 17 years of breathing just to realize THIS? HaHaHa COSMIC JOKE!"


    So my theory is that once he understood he was creating his own reality then from then on he understood the necessity to only think of Right Virtue, which he teached, that healed himself, and his world.


    Am I wrong in stating/realizing/assuming this? That we are ALL already "awake" perfectly realized divine creative beings, pretending we are not or imposing limitation on our already perfect unlimited Self?


    Is that the great "A-HA!" of 'enlightenment' ??? To see that YOU ARE CREATING ALL OF IT???


    So you have no Self except that which you create? You are everything, and nothing. Yes?


    So it's like.. no 'practice' does *Anything* per say, only reveals us to ourselves... like, if I believed standing on my head chanting "OMMM CHOCK NOK SLOK OHMMMMM" over and over again would bring me Gold Dragon Body and Samadhi, and I FULLY and TRULY believed it would (even though it would be me the entire time) than it WOULD, right?


    So I've ARRIVED... but I've never really left? Is this it? :)



    Input highly appreciated.. thanks..

  8. Take it from a dude who.... nevermind.


    Let's just say the girls will pull you AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN man. It's a never ending cycle. Conserve your sperm, unlock powerful spiritual abilities.



  9. Are all these methods truly needed? Can not enlightenment be found through breath alone?


    I guess that just takes longer eh?




    DVD looks interesting... what do you think he means as far as "brain evolution", I have seen/heard with these methods that the brain shape will enlarge over time. I myself have developed a ridge... I guess we just become smarter or have a more 'evolved' view of reality than most regular non-practicin' folk? :ph34r:


    :wub: :wub: :wub:

  10. Breathe more deeply more regularly, drink lots of lemon water, and CHILL OUT.


    I had acne super bad as a kid, but it was only in times of deep stress.


    I'm highly convinced it's all just a psychological manifestation - I've had friends who literally eat fast food every night and have spotless perfect complexions.



  11. I find weightlifting opens me up. I get a lot of buzzing tinglies of bliss (Wtflol) after an intense lifting sesh.


    Squats ftw.


    Btw your thoughts produce reality. FEEL and THINK "scrawny weakling" and manifest it accordingly. You've been warned.


    "Hardgainer" my ass, it's all your thoughts/beliefs about your body that helps shape it man!


    FEEL strong BE strong.





  12. Mizu, let me give you a sarcastic analogy to explain what I find funny about your writings:


    I was told that the quickest way to learn how to drive a car was driving school. Many people said that, so I tried it. I followed the instructions of the teacher, I even learned all that theory stuff about traffic laws and such. But at some point I realized that I was simply being ripped off, because if I hadn't been willing to learn how to drive, the teacher would not have been able to teach me anything. He would just talk and take money. So it all comes from ME, it is ME doing everything. You don't need to waste money for driving school! I finally realized this and it pains me how millions of people are ripped off by that scam where YOU learn how to drive and someone else takes your money.


    Lol, okay. I get it.


    Thank you, Max.


    And I mean that brother. Was a funny one man, I liked the path.



  13. i am not a fan of kunlun


    but i find a lot of sour grapes in the spiritual community..


    it is like.. a lot of people find too many powerful spiritual paths to be too high for their own consciousness.. this is why they continuously fail to achieve the standards or goals demanded by such powerful spiritual paths..


    case in point, Mantak Chia's semen retention practices .. the main goal of conserving one's semen is to transform the energy into higher consciousness .. but too many lack the will power and spiritual discipline to partake in such difficult practices.. then such failures will go around claiming that such paths are useless, dangerous, bla bla bla..


    the reality is.. while knowledge of true spirituality is being spread around like wildfire in today's age of the net, too many humans lack the consciousness and willpower to stick to the path..


    you probably didn't gain anything by kunlun because you are not worthy enough of the path.. this is probably why the guardians of that particular path refuse to give you any "accomplishments" or siddhis..


    my advice to you would be.. stop being a spiritual person and go enjoy the everyday mundane maras of sex, alcohol, money and entertainment.. in fact stop participating in such spiritual forums like this one.. you would be much happier that way..


    you are probably not evolved enough to be a spiritual practitioner and would probably never evolve your soul high enough to become a spiritual practitioner..


    leave the path of spirituality to the more evolved humans in the world.. the game demands that much sacrifices must be taken in order to evolve oneself and not too many players can finish the game successfully before being dropped out..


    Okay, I'll strive to become a spiritual "winner" like this guy. A "worthy" one.




    Forget the comforts and modern luxuries of the fleeting sense pleasures of the material world (like food and a bed)!


    That guy is in bliss! (In actuality he probably is.. he closes his eyes and sees white pulsating lights TOUCHING GOD and moans in ecstasy, but at the end of the day he's just a weird dude sitting alone in a dark cave with no friends and NO LIFE moaning to himself. Wow, what a treasure... but at least he's happy right?)


    Sorry If I am offending anybody, and believe me, I reached ECSTATIC BLISS during kunlun so I've "made the journey up the mountain" so to speak, I just think it's so funny how it was ME the entire time.


    I completely lost my ego because I'm infinite. I feel the purpose of life is joy and following your heart. You can become enlightented through tantric sex, through staring at a flower, through playing the guitar... it's not an end destination, it's just WAKING UP to WHO YOU REALLY ARE, and this is just my opinion... who you really are is GOD.


    I am not a follower of Kunlun.


    I find Max to be dubious.


    But so far, Max has not engaged in any real devious acts like sexual slavery yet.


    Quite a few Kunlun Practitioners have also positive experiences which tell me that this path does work.


    So if there is a path which works for some people but if there is a small handful of people who fail to progress on the path, cold logic sense will tell me that the small handful of people are not ready for the path.


    Furthermore, Mizu has implied that the Kunlun path is suppose to bring him worldly benefits like wealth and women..


    no spiritual path will work for someone who is following spirituality only for the sole motivation of gaining 3rd dimensional egoistical benefits..


    not the Kunlun path anyway.. unless the Guardians have appeared to him..


    this is my basis for saying Mizu's realizations are ... limited because they are indeed.. limited..


    Limited in realizing I'm unlimited and infinite?


    I, and yes YOU, are all GOD.. completely in utter control of our own experience. Wow, sounds pretty limited huh.


    People tend to get pissed off when their ego blinders are removed. Emotional reactions simply mean I've hit on something that's quite possibly rocking your reality, sir.


    I would very much love an intelligent discussion, as this realization I just had that all that bliss and wild movement was "ME" the entire time is... huge.


    :blink: :blink: :blink:


    I feel so FREE.

  14. LOL,I was thinking about the same.


    Thanks guys. I'm literally shaking and crying as I read your words and realizing how stupid I was wasting all this time, energy, and MONEY on this bullshit.


    YES - I take full responsibility for my life, Kunlun didn't "do" any of that in my life, I DID. But the point is, I was brainwashed to believe it was some mystical art that would bring me "bliss" and "Salvation" and "siddhis" and all this CRAP.


    Looking back on what has happened, I feel so much sadness for how distant I've become from my family, my goals, my relationships with friends... ALL I wanted to do was sit in my fucking room with the door closed making weird body movements and noises, mind-creating orgasms... alone and sad and miserable.


    Thanks for your support.


    I just have a lot to go through right now... my whole sense of reality has just been shattered.


    I haven't feel this ALIVE in years though, so that's good. But I can't help but feel like the rug was pulled out from underneath me.


    I don't know where to go now... I think I will just start being who I was before I started down this toxic path.


    Any words of wisdom or courage to help me now ( I know I am talking like it's a big dramatic deal but to me it really is.. I put my whole heart into this.. drug/mental parasite) would be very much appreciated.




    P.S. also, can someone shed light on the "real" path? IS it just meditating and releasing thoughts? Thank you. I thought I was spiritually "advanced" but now I feel like an infant.

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  15. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Never have I received so much love and help from a community b4 :D. I am (can't wait!!!) going to a kunlun seminar with one of the lead instructors, I cant wait to get a portion of his magnetic energy transfered. I heard he might be able to do private healings too.


    Oh and I didn't mention this either but...


    Remember the old master's saying that "for every great high point in your awakening, there will be low points". You have to come back to your normal world and life. You will see things within yourself that you don’t want to see. The mind and body trash that you have hidden away will be shown to you. This is part of knowing yourself, you have to see the negative things in yourself, and change them yourself.


    Also when I do kunlun bliss practice, I feel this NUMB tingling dark energy under my left eye... it usually stays with me all day then goes dormant after it saps my vitality and energy. (I've had dark circles under my eyes for years for no reason) It's almost as if kunlun forces it to the surface, do you guys have any tips for transmuting the negative blocked energy or releasing it? Thank you again :)


    oh and I THINK sooo much every day. Should I start meditating? What should be my focus, still mind for as long as possible? I mean, I can barely listen to people speak or pay attention in class or even be present because my mind chatter is so much...


    I wouldn't be surprised if your "lazy eye" has already improved or improves over the next few days or weeks.


    I hope so. That's exactly why I got into this energy / spiritual work in the first place (to improve my eyesight)... here read this its really cool.. [originally posted by me 1 month ago on tolle forums]


    Hello everyone, just started reading up on the good ol' Tolle. My pain body is a weird one. Growing up I had bad eyesight and a slight lazy eye. I was always super self conscious and nervous (Still am) around people and for the past year every time someone looks at me I notice their left eye squints. Oneday my friend goes "hey when you look at me your left eye squints..." as his was as well. Like, I INFECT people with that energy. I started to become conscious of it and now its like a subtle SUCKING BLACK HOLE everyone I look at I can see their eye squinting and they get weirded out and nervous when they talk to me... so anyways my is poor and the cause of bad eyesight is tension in the eye muscles... so Tolle talks about the pain body as sometimes a tense constricting force that blocks life energy, I applied this "bringing the light" into my eyes and WOW WOW WOW I started to feel myeyes get soft warm and relax... sort of like expanding awareness on all senses!! I felt INCREDIBLE I even smelled / tasted better and my eyesight literally starting improving before my very eyes!!!! like, I have an eye chart in my room because I practice the Bates method (natural eyesight improvement) and it went from ~20/200 to literally 20/40 and I felt like an EXPANSION of energy and I felt really good. The colors were more rich and vivid... I became aware if subtle things (as I said before taste, smell, sounds, EYESIGHT IMPROVED etc...) I can't put it into words other than EXPANSION of energy and awareness... I just felt REALLY good and lighter - weightless kind of. I went for a drive and same thing, got these fluctuating "clear flashes" of good vision followed by bursts of intense presence, centerdness, "in the moment"... the inner chatter quieted down and I was feeling the music in my car, like the booming bass, it sounded INCREDIBLE I couldn't help but bob my head, it felt SO GOOD. I cant put it into words... I could just FEEL the music.)


    but this was all fragile because as quick as it came on, it quickly faded as soon as I got back to the apartment with the roommates.


    Is this a taste enlightenment? Is this what enlightenment, or on the path of it is??? I felt alive, strong, happy... A little bit of the pain was still there in my eyes and otherwise (read below) but still it was so much more depth and sensation than anything I've felt in YEARS.


    but the thing is, as I go deep into this unconscious eye tension strain/clenching etc all these weird feelings keep coming up, like I feel pain in my eyes (and under the left eye socket) and chest,abdomen,stomach... almost like a stinging. I even am getting constricted breathing on and off/sternum pain on and off...I couldnt even sleep last night... I also feel this odd cold sensation too....like a TINGLING.... that's the best way to describe it.


    is this a normal part of the process of dissolving the pain body?


    oh and when I felt good my voice got deeper, louder, richer and resonate too... like...wow. Before my voice was kind of shallow and higher ptched because I guess I walk around nervous all the time around people so my diaphragm or eyes cant relax....

    but just then it felt GOOD to even breath and TALK lol.... ... I'm hoping I'm on the right track here. I don't want these teachings to lead me down a weird dangerous harmful path.....


    so anyways please let me know if this process is normal. Besides feeling tingly and the odd stinging bitter numb dark "pain" that keeps coming up and staying with me under my left eye, I feel like I can't feel love or warmth or much of any emotion / sensation either, like, we just got a kitten and I literally feel sorta numb to it, like I'm trying to pet it but I dont feel love towards it at all, I try and I try but it just isnt working :| OH and get this lol, I look the cat in the eyes and HIS LITTLE LEFT EYE SQUINTS AT ME TOO! hahaha It's like a blackhole pain body that sucks all living creatures into it...humans and animals! scary... he also closes his eyes (Squints) a lot when he looks at me, I think he might be becoming myopic/nearsighted like me :((( or he senses pain in my eyes when he looks at me...


    Oh and also my roommates are like telling stories in the den cracking up and I CANT LAUGH its like this weird nervous energy builds up and gets blocked inside me and my facial and eye muscles get all tense and I feel bad and then get hyoer-nervous....I cant "vibe" with them or listen or even feel the joy and laughter they are feeling. I can't "follow their stories" I just get self conscious and nervous like all this built up energy and tension in my face and body. I couldnt even make eye contact because im embarassed as to why thats happening...


    but I think I'm bringing light on all these unconscious painful feelings I carried around for years, as tolle says..


    oh and I feel exhausted and am getting dark circles under my eyes too..... :[[[


    SO CONFUSED, advice would be great, or if I'm doing it wrong please let me know. Is this normal during purification? Thanks everyone. I hope this is a normal part of the healthy process of freeing up blocked unconscious pain body energy and coming into joy and enlightenment and aliveness!!

  16. OKAY... WHOA..... guys. I just got REALLY sleepy after typing this. So I decided to take a nap.


    I put my head down for what must of been 20 mintues, and then the dream beagan. It was me, outside of my body, looking at my body laying in bed, and all of a sudden I felt INTENSE fear like, I thought I was going to die. I was being DRAGGED/PULLED towards my closet across the floor, almost like I was A TRAIN, this HUGE magnetic pull. My feet were tingling and on fire when I woke up. Dudes, it was like how in kunlun bliss it says " surrender to your divine flow " or when eckhart tolle was being "sucked into the void and a voice said 'resist nothing' or ever heard "go with the flow of the universe"


    anyoneeeeee experience anything like this?? Should I stop resisting this fear of death in these moments and "go with the flow" ? I'm afriad I'll die in my sleep. which might be a good thing as I am tremendously suffering right now. (I being my ego, aka pain body aka illusions)


    but what if I dont wake up and end up being pulled into the afterlife, leaving my body? scared, confused,





    edit...so i looked up the direction I was being VIOLENTLY pulled in on google maps and it appears to point from santa barbara, CA to SOUTHEAST which ends up being the south of africa, cape town area... the odd thing is, that looks like where all the original land masses originated and 'fit' together like a puzzle... uhhh maybe I'm looking too much into this but if thats the case, thats the source of all life aka the begining formation of our very planet? who knows :| maybe I'm just mumbling

  17. Hello everyone! I'm new here. I hope you'll read my story as its VERY interesting...


    Okay so basically for the longest time I always thought I had a lazy eye in my left eye. So whenever talking to people for years and years I would always squint that eye to "hide it" anyways, oneday I noticed people squinting back at me and almost like a flinch from them mirroring me. One day, and this is what got me searching for answers, we got a new kitten and she comes up to me and her left eye starts squinting too!!!!! It's like this black hole negative energy field thats affecting everyone. Sometimes when I talk to people they even rub their left eye and feel uncomfortable.


    So I started practicing Kunlun Bliss... and some weeiiiirrrrdddd things are happening. I think I'm starting to "see" energy... for example I'm sitting in class today and I look at my teacher and I swear its like I see this black smoke cloud start forming around her left shoulder and she keeps moving her head towards it, almost like a nervous tick / jerk. When she moves the cloud sort of follows her. I'm just like WHOA what the hell... then, I feel my eye start hurting (the left one) and I look and my teachers left eye starts closing and its almost like black smoke / darkness / pain body / whatever you wanna call it is surrounding her eye and mine starts HURTING and then her voice fluctuated a little bit like a nervous person, she sort of moves her head back... then it got even weirder. like this GOLDEN whitish light started SURROUNDING her left eye socket and shoulder, the black smoke disappears, and then all of a sudden her whole body seemed to subtly glow golden light and she went back to normal happy smiling teaching mode... then all of a sudden I felt my eye and NO PAIN, I felt LIGHTER, it was like a good giggly feeling inside... even the guy next to me kept looking at me and we were laughing together almost for no reason..


    Can anyone explain this or help me? I'm sort of scared, this is so far out of most peoples realities they probably wont even believe me.

  18. hey so my names marc. pretty much I have poor eyesight, and occasionally I'll get these things called CLEARFLASHES and BANG! I'll have 20/20 perfect vision and feel really good and my heart light energy expands my awareness into the world... then BANG it sucks and shrinks back and im stuck in tension and pain in my eyes. I've been searching long and hard how to keep that flowing perfect state a constant...


    hope to help people on their path, and recieve help on mine. take care everyone!