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About Mizu

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    Dao Bum
  1. Hi guys, I went to Max Christensen's seminar. Been practicing, extreme hardcore, for the last 4 years. In that time, I've rapidly aged. I've lost my youth, heart, passion, energy. I just cry and cry and cry and cry and lay in bed. I have very bad anxiety. I feel fragile, weak, exhausted. I read Falon Gong and keep thinking when Tao energy increases in the body, we get purified and purification symptoms arise, much like Kundalini people speak of. That's a great theory. But in all honestly, what if this is a demonic snake energy practice, that uses us as human batteries to feed it? http://starlightskundaliniblog.wordpress.com/tag/falun-gong/ I've gotten SO MUCH WORSE in the past 4 years than I've ever been in my entire life. I can barely feel love for anything. I [think?] I get better when I don't practice, but as soon as I do, the low energy and depression comes back. So my question, please save my life, is this: Any long-term, regular Kunlun practicioners, can you please tell me what effects you have experienced in your life, before and after? Are we getting sicker and worse off? Or is your life TRULY better?
  2. The wtf is the point of meditation and all these practices? To lead us to the heart center? Which then needs to pour out to EVERY aspect and avenue of our lives and existence here? Or is there more to it?
  3. Okay, so I am *Everything*, all potentials.. I can be a female, a male, a tree, a squirrel, a planet... only limited by my ego. Yes? So then, again I ask, if this is the Cosmic Joke... my work now is to create RIGHT[virtuous]? Assuming Awakening is this great realization of our infinite capacity, our True Self - simple, yet incredible at the same time, and then Enlightenment is SELF-REALIZING Virtue in the essence of Truth, or rather BECOMING LOVE - in the image of God or w/e you want to see it as, akak PERFECT )or whatever the soul desires to BE now) yes? I feel like there is no more need to 'know' anything, like, now I just need to BE and KNOW any form of Truth I want to experience with Self. *** OH, and serious question: Do I need to even meditate anymore? I mean, what's the point?
  4. So it's all just a dream then... And then I would need to now "dream" in a more, pleasurable "enlightened" virtuous way since I now see myself as infinite and without limits? Like I'm now awoken from the nightmare now dreaming that I have a perfect healthy body healed of it's sicknesses, perfect harmonious relationships... a constant state of joy etc, my goal is now to realize and now BE this...?
  5. Hey all, what is the point of continually working to quiet the mind, and attain a constant state of "no-mind" in the world.. is this beneficial at all? What's the end goal of this? Thank you for sharing, I Want to know if it will be worth my while to work to achieve this goal of Continually Still Presence... and what it does... is it simply to "See things as they truly are" so our minds don't hurt us with illusions / fear / mis-perceptions, or is there more to it? Like Samadhi or healing or anything else like that? thank you
  6. Intellectual. So then, does that mean I am false and there's more to this Enlightenment thing, or do I need to simply start to force-focus my mind in such a way that is on Right Virtue.. like love in every moment, perfect health, glowing radiant body, seeing Oneness in the all with everyone, etc? Or, do I need to LOSE my mind and continue to cultivate continual stillness [awareness] - or, does that simply bring me right back to realizing that it's ALL ME and I am creating all of it, so it's just one big loop when stilling your mind? Or are all these questions utterly meaningless because I am now awake and already "there" I just need to start correcting myself and my mis-creations in my un-enlightened state. i.e "After enlightenment, the laundry." -Old Zen Proverb ??? Please share wisdom. <3 ~m
  7. Truly meaning the essence of TRUTH itself. Ie... this is a cup. That is truth. It is a cup. ISness. Truth. So, TRULY, 'wholly' realizing a state of whatever one wills, in truth. Ie perfect health, perfect love, perfect bliss, perfect samadhi, perfect siddhis ie levitation or walking on water, etc. Virtue. And is this where compassion comes into play? Because people don't know Who They Really Are (infinite, omnipotent HERE AND NOW etc) so they don't realize they're falsely believing themselves into thinking they are limited? So like when a teacher points inside them and tries to show them that and then they go; "Oh.. I just need to practice this spiritual technique for X amount of years, THEN I will be enlightened and free!" THAT is where compassion comes into play? Because you are sad they are putting self-imposed limitation on their perfect, infinite Self? "Uhhh, you can be enlightened and free RIGHT NOW and you don't need to sit in a cave for 20 years to realize that... it's all about beliefs..." And I meant "pretending" in the sense that we are all walking around true GODS acting like goddam fools! Putting self-imposed limitation over our perfect, unlimited Self - here & now. So yes, thanks for the warning, I guess that was the incorrect usage of that particular word. edit: so if someone didn't "Truly believe", they did not fully realize the essence of the Truth [iSness] they were seeking. They muddied the waters, so to speak. Make sense? Did I hit the nail on the head with this whole "Awakening" business, or what?
  8. wtf is this?!?!?

  9. Can someone now please explain to me how my realization was limited? MY REALIZATION: I mean, being infinite, all powerful, limited only by our belief structures (thoughts, attachments & egos) - is that not INSTANT enlightenment, or does this "awakened state" entail something more? It is my belief that buddha just sat down under a tree and was like... "OH... It was ME the entire time!!! 17 years of breathing just to realize THIS? HaHaHa COSMIC JOKE!" So my theory is that once he understood he was creating his own reality then from then on he understood the necessity to only think of Right Virtue, which he teached, that healed himself, and his world. Am I wrong in stating/realizing/assuming this? That we are ALL already "awake" perfectly realized divine creative beings, pretending we are not or imposing limitation on our already perfect unlimited Self? Is that the great "A-HA!" of 'enlightenment' ??? To see that YOU ARE CREATING ALL OF IT??? So you have no Self except that which you create? You are everything, and nothing. Yes? So it's like.. no 'practice' does *Anything* per say, only reveals us to ourselves... like, if I believed standing on my head chanting "OMMM CHOCK NOK SLOK OHMMMMM" over and over again would bring me Gold Dragon Body and Samadhi, and I FULLY and TRULY believed it would (even though it would be me the entire time) than it WOULD, right? So I've ARRIVED... but I've never really left? Is this it? Input highly appreciated.. thanks..
  10. Sexual Urge

    Take it from a dude who.... nevermind. Let's just say the girls will pull you AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN man. It's a never ending cycle. Conserve your sperm, unlock powerful spiritual abilities.
  11. Sifu Chris Matsuo

    Are all these methods truly needed? Can not enlightenment be found through breath alone? I guess that just takes longer eh? DVD looks interesting... what do you think he means as far as "brain evolution", I have seen/heard with these methods that the brain shape will enlarge over time. I myself have developed a ridge... I guess we just become smarter or have a more 'evolved' view of reality than most regular non-practicin' folk? :wub:
  12. Acne cure

    Breathe more deeply more regularly, drink lots of lemon water, and CHILL OUT. I had acne super bad as a kid, but it was only in times of deep stress. I'm highly convinced it's all just a psychological manifestation - I've had friends who literally eat fast food every night and have spotless perfect complexions.
  13. Weightlifting and cultivation

    I find weightlifting opens me up. I get a lot of buzzing tinglies of bliss (Wtflol) after an intense lifting sesh. Squats ftw. Btw your thoughts produce reality. FEEL and THINK "scrawny weakling" and manifest it accordingly. You've been warned. "Hardgainer" my ass, it's all your thoughts/beliefs about your body that helps shape it man! FEEL strong BE strong. Peace. ~Mizu
  14. Lol, okay. I get it. Thank you, Max. And I mean that brother. Was a funny one man, I liked the path.
  15. Okay, I'll strive to become a spiritual "winner" like this guy. A "worthy" one. Forget the comforts and modern luxuries of the fleeting sense pleasures of the material world (like food and a bed)! That guy is in bliss! (In actuality he probably is.. he closes his eyes and sees white pulsating lights TOUCHING GOD and moans in ecstasy, but at the end of the day he's just a weird dude sitting alone in a dark cave with no friends and NO LIFE moaning to himself. Wow, what a treasure... but at least he's happy right?) Sorry If I am offending anybody, and believe me, I reached ECSTATIC BLISS during kunlun so I've "made the journey up the mountain" so to speak, I just think it's so funny how it was ME the entire time. I completely lost my ego because I'm infinite. I feel the purpose of life is joy and following your heart. You can become enlightented through tantric sex, through staring at a flower, through playing the guitar... it's not an end destination, it's just WAKING UP to WHO YOU REALLY ARE, and this is just my opinion... who you really are is GOD. Limited in realizing I'm unlimited and infinite? I, and yes YOU, are all GOD.. completely in utter control of our own experience. Wow, sounds pretty limited huh. People tend to get pissed off when their ego blinders are removed. Emotional reactions simply mean I've hit on something that's quite possibly rocking your reality, sir. I would very much love an intelligent discussion, as this realization I just had that all that bliss and wild movement was "ME" the entire time is... huge. :blink: I feel so FREE.