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Everything posted by zerostao

  1. How to cultivate love and compassion?

    i think for most folks "heart issues" can be very tricky and hard to understand. you seem to have a good grasp of understanding here. the "little things" do add up over time and lead to attainment. continue to practice the compassionate little things and let go of the greedy little things.
  2. working with lao gong

    was wondering if anyone here does any candle training? the type where you extinguish the flame with qi coming out the finger tips or the palm.
  3. Bums

    "not even a single tree" that is very sad indeed. i have often wondered about the different classes of bums. there were the classic hobo bums who traveled down railroad tracks perhaps with a destination in mind? there are the folks you see holding signs "will work for food" a few years back i was traveling thru florida and came upon a guy holding a sign like this. he did look rather pitiful. i myself only had about 20 bucks but i stopped and was gonna give him a 5 spot. then his cell phone rang i smiled and told him he was probably doing better than me( i didnt have a cell phone) so i asked him to understand that i changed my mind about giving him 25% of my net worth. he smiled and told me he had made a couple of hundred that day holding that sign and maybe i should consider to find a spot to hold my own sign. on one occasion i did hold a sign. i was on interstate 75 in south kentucky. the sign read "tampa florida". i stood out there about an hour then a kind gentleman gave me a ride to within 40 miles of tampa, he left me at a truckstop,where i still had my sign and a lady trucker driving a bobtail gave me a ride right to the door of where i was going. i got down there 12 hours faster than if i had riden a greyhound. anyways there in florida i became a beach bum for awhile ,i rather enjoyed it.
  4. thread for off topic re-directs

    hmmm. i didnt know where to put this post?! luckily i have this thread where nothing is ever off topic ANYWAYS MARCH MADNESS!!! this is the time of year when i become obsessed with round bouncing balls , string music, surge of emotion and momentum, dribbling, defense, fanatics, selection sunday, sweet 16, final four. the one thing i did excell at in college was spring break when the day comes in march madness ( and now due to the big bizness part of it(it extends into april) when the day comes that my beloved Wildcats( BIG BLUE) taste bitter defeat, i become withdrawn and have to console myself with an extended fishing adventure. it is just one of those seasonal traditions. it must be close to really being springtime here ,as this morning, i observed alot of birds chasing birds UPDATE oh well wildcats take another SEC championship. having more than all of the other sec schools combined. munching on gator tail today. mmm
  5. Poems

    the english version ain't bad either
  6. Lion Rolling Ball Demo

    i do enjoy checking out your youtube channel. it is very cool to see someone who has love for the arts, can display skill, and who is willing to share their knowledge. keep up the great work.
  7. How to cultivate love and compassion?

    in this process 2 factors are to be taken into account; wisdom and skillful action or intellect and will. if intellect and will are correctly centered, then the emotional life takes on a harmony. consider wisdom and love, justice and mores. the hexagram chien(the creative)"sublime success;perserverance furthers" the effects of wisdom,love,justice are shown. on the basis of all-embracing wisdom, the regulations springing from a love of the world can be shaped to where all goes well for everyone. this is what furthers. wisdom and love excludes no person or thing; these are regulated by the mores, which do not allow one to be carried away into anything improper or one-sided. this insures success. when we have harmony of the mind it becomes perfect in wisdom. this rejoices in heaven and understands its dispensations. this provides the basis for perserverance. the love that aquiesces trustingly in every situation and out of this store of inner kindness will manifest itself in good will towards all men. this attains the sublime which is the root of all good.
  8. The Max Christensen Facts Not Fiction Thread.

    ah, well thank you for the responses. and also thanks for the tip about the micro exelerite clay on the other thread. i am not at/in/with any conflict for me there is no need to enter into one.
  9. Where did I go?

    hang in there cat pillar, i think we all go thru something similar to this, from what i have seen of your posts on TTB, it looks encouraging. are you doing any type of qigong or tai chi? maybe you need to work on grounding, then you will find your center.
  10. The Max Christensen Facts Not Fiction Thread.

    i must have. i admit i have not kept up on this thread too much, just a glance in now and then. but as to your remark about on this website barely a hint of tao to be found. and i realize it is none of my bizness but i am curious why you frequent a website and post when you see little useful activity.
  11. The Max Christensen Facts Not Fiction Thread.

    May i ask your purpose on this web-site? If you feel it is waste of energy?
  12. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    sometimes i just have to laugh at myself. yesterday i was doing some circle walking in the yard and there were these robins walking everywhere. i nearly stepped on one. they were probaly trying to show me a better way to walk idk.
  13. Ginkgo Biloba Debunked?

    just found this thread put me in the pro-ginkgo camp. there are ginkgo trees that i visit each year.(100 years + in age, the trees, not me) i never took ginkgo as a memory aid. it also depends on if the leaf used was green or yellow when harvested becoz they give entirely different results. green is not better than yellow, and yellow is not better than green , it depends on what you are trying to adress.
  14. Sinew-changing the Lazy Way

    well, it's not just for breakfast anymore ....wise.... this is the time of year i find deer antler more useful than just some material for making knife handles or mounting on a wall.
  15. What Books are by Your Bed?

    I Ching The Real Eluciadtion of Zhou Super Memory: The Revolution Civil Disobedience
  16. Sinew-changing the Lazy Way

    is consuming the select herbs that strengthen connective tissue, tendons, bones, marrow, considered a lazy way?
  17. Antioxidants

    the most powerful antioxidants on the planet are found in berries. gogi berries, blue berries, black berries, pomegranate..most berries, fruits and vegetables and some nuts and seeds have good antioxidant levels. green and white tea also.
  18. vortex; very nice, thanks. i would like to have that up on one of my walls. i have also heard that turtle meditation is very key to this type of goal? in your signature it says knowledge can be taught, skill must be practiced. do you play some baguazhang? do you think baguazhang practice can lead to taoist immortality?
  19. Sinew-changing the Lazy Way

    think of it as a chi kung exercise. or a chi kung to do before other chi kung. here i will call it the first of the 3 main frames. it will activate the body's natural waves and pulses. it raises vibrational frequency. it will open you up. in your drawing in #2 are you squatting? becoz this and the other 2 main frames are standing on a triangle you have found raised up on the ball of your feet. so if i said "sit" just above the place where you find the pain in your calf. maybe it is better if i say rest or find your sweet spot , just above the calf pain. most folks will find pain in the shoulders, in this case you will just have to deal/work thru that. there are also 3 squatting exercises to be done after the standing ones. doing the squatting ones and use of hand mudras temper these connections made to heaven and earth. it this didnt answer your question? let me know. i like to share.
  20. What are you listening to?

    it is such a wonderful sunny day i am about to step out into. thought i would leave a love song or 2, 3 b4 i go visit my "other" friends. i peeked out the front door and so many yellow daffodills
  21. Internet Generation and Tao Training

    -O- you make some points that make sense to me. in regards to this early 20's generation and a bit younger, i have great confidence in them. from what i have seen they are remarkable in their spirit and towards me they have shown kindness and great respect. even to the point at times it has truly humbled me. did we ever say what this "tao training" is specifically? no one owns the tao or controls it either. my understanding is, it is cool to be in harmony with the tao. i never try and criticize anyone , i cannot determine what struggles they are dealing with or which battles they are now fighting. each and everyone one of us, regardless of social status, age, experience,knowledge is dealing with this in some form.
  22. Taoist things to do

    today i am just gonna walk around whistling & enjoying the sunshine, will find some trees to play with. will also touch base with the I- ching. may stop in and visit a blind girl i know.
  23. Internet Generation and Tao Training

    ok, now i have gone thru and read the posts on this topic. @ fiveelementtao. in my view this thread was started by you because you were considerate and did not want to hijack the Difference Between 3 Qigong Style thread? because of an exchange of ideas between you and sloppy zhang on that thread? so ,wasnt the idea of this thread to continue that conversation here? You make many valid points and you have alot of experience and knowledge. so why would you have a Reply To the Internet Generation discussion and then put sloppy zhang on ignore? sloppy zhang was giving insight directly from a member of the internet generation. was your intention here to have a conversation or to lecture?