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Everything posted by zerostao

  1. Wabi-sabi

  2. just wanted to share some thoughts on the lighter side of things i hope at some moment of this day that you did experience some laughter?! was it a reaction from hearing a joke? were you being tickled? did you experience joy? or happiness? did you have an evil laugh?
  3. fairly safe for awhile?

    Doesn't Tina's song's words still ring true? BMW? baby mama's wheels?! Naw I can't use those. I do have a poor man's BMW, a Jetta, also F150, both useful, what I need here though, Atv 4 wheeler and a dual sport bike. Not wanting to accumulate more physical possessions, however, while I'm here ( new location, out of Kentucky( a safety factor was pondered over concerning the move(( was safe in kentucky and safe here as well)) good to have options on how to get around. Also trains here, so that's something kentucky didn't offer too much of,,,, A few bikes in the video. I like the Cafe racer. The US has simmered down from a few years back perception of boiling over, calm waters all around.
  4. Bums I am missing

  5. fairly safe for awhile?

  6. simplify

  7. simplify

  8. a country boy can't survive, unless...

    guess i'll just have to suffice with my coal fired brick outdoor pizza oven//// no internet required,,, it doesnt take up much space, so, i'd imagine that they would be useful in cities as well. so yeah, most common country folk can suffice appreciate ya'll's concern for us, and likewise, we country folk wonder in concern how ya'll city folk gonna be able to survive; likely, this is just a perspective thing. (during normal times, whatever those are) regardless, surviving is one thing, surthriving is another thing,,, there are several levels of survival, further comment on this later in the post. at the freelance artists studio; my job title is party manager, the party must go on, in fact, the party does go on sort of self perpetuates, perpetrates, careful with that word trickery, Eugene. (it is not only crimes that can be perpetrated, although, they also can be) I will share a couple of country songs for illustrative usefulness the second country song is for @Nungali BONUS TRACK!!! becoz i always go the extra miles for ya'll bums. (going the extra miles is useful for many things, surviving included) One lesson I've learned this life; a hard lesson fr, and like a fool that i am, i still try to do the impossible sometimes, too often/ yet, when it comes to life, life choices, surviving, and there are widespread opinions concerning this, IT IS HARD< SOME SAY IT CAN"T BE DONE< DON'T EVEN TRY---TO SAVE SOMEONE ELSE (from themselves)from this world YOU CAN ONLY LOVE THEM oh yeah the bonus track! the thread is about survival, there are times when surviving becomes more challenging. often, it is your state of mind that will determine your outcome. Stay focused. Stay calm. All Ya'll in the cities, know that your country cousins, wish only the best outcomes for ya'll. Whatever arrives to threaten us, our best defense is to stick together. this last song comes from the Heart
  9. simplify

  10. I want to become powerful

    Liking how the thread winds along to something useful, TDB style no doubt, where true power is bestowed from, once they notice the next batter up, power seeker, joining the hordes that preceded (common generics)(boring) seeking power, most possible power in fastest possible time, least amount of effort type of characters, these characters instantly (unceremoniously) land on the disqualified list. scrap pile. however, they also land on a list of prospects for the worst cheap type of 'power' --- some achieving results. it gets messy.
  11. -

    Let your inner smile shine through. Grin early and often.
  12. I want to become powerful

    it is attributed to Solomon, by many. Whoever, The Teacher was/is, they handed us one deep reflective essay. perhaps, my favorite. one of, on a short list. how'd I'd time travel back 3000 years or so, out of upmost curiosity,,, just like now, just like then, there is nothing new under the sun. All you power seekers do understand, that despite how much power you have, you will remain just as vulnerable as you are now. right? It's utterly meaningless. it is tempting to go back to walk among the ancients, yet, this is the appointed time, now. Walking presently is still magical. Must watch for power seekers.
  13. I want to become powerful

    if you're still around? I see it as arriving without my will; beyond my imagination, manifesting in a way that is far superior to anything I could've concocted on my own. I didn't have to command anything; use my volition, or try to do anything. It is always delicious, right on time, magnificent, symbolic, allegorical, authentic, true, and very much welcome.
  14. simplify

  15. The Cool Picture Thread

  16. simplify

    Silent Lucidity
  17. Is there an east/west schism

    Disturbance and disruption go hand in hand. At 2:52, shows a job I once had; when I was as naive as the song. Obviously, since 2020 the move towards absolute authoritarian rule is underway. Things cycle, hellish conditions included.
  18. simplify

  19. Hello, I am a solo cultivator

    Fair enuff
  20. sometimes, that's how it works anyways. or, you could go with one of the several available Tien Shan schools, here is a link to one
  21. Hello, I am a solo cultivator

    imo\ Solo is way far more impressive than "esteemed venerable master solo" Solo: minimalistic, simple (simple almost always infers genius) flows so easily, smooth,,, concise, damn near perfection. "esteemed venerable master solo" comes across more like what one could find on some late night 'as seen on tv, wait there's more" type of gadget. sure, there is a following for ginsu knives, chia pets, or my personal favorite, the shamwow, i think that is what it's called or was called, but comes across very commercial grade, at best. and Solo sounds like an authentic higher level artist. at least, connoisseur. that's just my aesthetic, and always of course, different strokes for different folks applies. What's really in a name though? it's just some random ambiguous thing. an apple used to be a fruit, then it was a phone, so names don't reveal the real. It is merely some label that doesn't mean much. a lion doesn't have to tell anyone , Hey, "I am a Lion!" if a lion was called a pansy, it wouldn't change the reality or the nature or virtue of the lion. like the old school saying goes; A rose by any other name would still be just as thorny. and here on TDB, a power that be, with wisdom, looking out for You, gave you free of charge, a major upgrade for your user name here. then you tinkered with it, not bad really, way far mucho better than what you actually asked for. IMO but damn, you coulda been Solo. how you choose to respond to any interactions here, is up to you, as well as part of the learning\journey. my advice is do not let a name, or how others act, affect your dignity. if however, you ever feel someone has insulted you in some way here on TDB, file a report, and no worries, I got You, kindest regards, junior
  22. simplify

  23. I remember @Trunk mentioning this during my early days on TDB. Interested to hear from anyone experienced with hard Light /\
  24. The shadow self

    2019, pretty much entirely, was my main shadow year. In my ppj; I have that thread currently hidden. The experience was deep on another level, multidimensional, intersecting, all kinds of elements involved. 2019 was a monumental year for me in life altering events, All of it overshadowed by the Shadow. Remaining fully conscious of that, recognizing everyone else's (it was a small town) conscious efforts with their shadow, at a place where seemingly, shadows ran from themselves, and towards themselves as well. A couple of things, for now, Jung spoke of, he did mention devil in one passage, and whatever idea you happen to have of "devil" whether a real entity, religious or not, some art motif, something psychological, whatever your notion happens to be, you are going to deal with it, in one form or another at a deep personal level. Up close, eye to eye. Jung says that keeping something inner situational unconscious leads it showing up outside of us, fateful. The OP cites Jung saying this again and again, just worded differently. This aspect of shadow work, in its workings, I found of utmost curiosity and undeniable. So, five years after, maybe enough time and distance have passed for me to take another look at it, for me personally, I still have some shadow work going on, but nothing like 2019.