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Everything posted by suninmyeyes

  1. Spiritual Eye (Blue Pearl) in Taoist literature

    Same here (some time ago..)! I found out about it later on written about and explained to me from different yogic sources . Here its is how it is explainded in Kriya Yoga (the author is someone I dont know very well but have read some stuff from and appriciated it , but certanly dont buy everything he says -- had to state this to protect my coolnes factor).. just to mention that the spot - star of counciessnes is the 'blue dot 'or star .. It is also meant to be the finest (as oppose to gross physical ) repersantation of being -- the casual , which means that this is taking place in casual body where all the karmic seeds are stored , where all posibilities grow or get weeded out or are stored . This is our Garden (jungle in my case ) . So here is the quote that has some intersting stuff : Explanatory Note: The physical body is the product of the inner Sound OM (Aum, Amen), which represents Babaji. The Kriya followers in Bengal, India used the Bengali script for OM, which contains Vibrations of Babaji. The Spot represents the Star of Consciousness between the eyebrows and the aperture (Brahmarandhra) at the Head. The semicircle represents the ethereal state of vibrations between the eyebrows and the Cervical Center. The upper curve represents the subtle state of vibrations extending from the Cervical Center to the Lumbar Center The lower curve of the script represents the gross (physical) state of vibrations extending from the Lumbar Center to the Coccygeal Center. In fact, the entire Universe is in the Spinal Cord. That is why the body is called the Temple of the Lord. Sorry if people are getting anoyed for posting this in Taoist forum I can erase it if required ..
  2. Equinox Love Energy is Strong Tonight

    Interesting dream . Well oak trees are sacred too , especially in Celtic mythologies . For me everything is alive and communicating in its own way .
  3. It goes other way as well -- I personally know hermits who have a very strong need for hiding in the mountain retreat , as well as few who developed some form of neurosis and inability to function well in soceity becouse of ' the energies present in urban areas that rob them of their wellbeing ' . Loving ourself is fundamental though.
  4. Equinox Love Energy is Strong Tonight

    I just remebered sitting on the train across two woman talking about baby crying . One woman giving advice to put alchocol in baby bottle with milk and baby will not cry at all -- she knows becouse it works with her baby every time and it really is the best way . She couldnt say enough goodness about this incredible 'cure' . It is one of those situations where I feel I should have said something even though it would have been highly inappropriate.
  5. Equinox Love Energy is Strong Tonight

    Just recently I have read a Japonese tale about Creascent Moon Bear . It is a beutiful story full of deeper meaning about healing and living with people . In this tale a husband comes back home from fighting in many wars and wife is so happy to se him ,she loves him and was looking forward to this moment for a long time . However he just wants to be left alone and is full of rage . She consults the healer about this terrible situation and wants him to be gentle and loving like before . Healer says to go to the such and such mountain and get a hair from the throat of the bear as this is absoultley the only cure . Further story describes her massive hardships on the cold mountain , climbing , the snow, storm, wind... After a while meeting the bear and slowly getting accouentianed with him . She puts food out for him to come out of his den . Finally ...she talks to the Bear (who sees her as easy food )if she could have only one of the hairs from his throat as a cure for her husband who just came back from the wars as this is the only thing to cure him. The bear agrees that she can only if she is fast before he changes his mind . The woman brings the hair back to healer after all this trouble where she lost herlife almost few times ... Healer inspects it , acknowledges it as a real hair and throws it into fire , upon which woman gets shocked . Oh no why did you do it ? Healer said : Remeber every step you took on the mountain , every feeling you had to capture the bear, what you saw ,heard ..? Please go now back to your husband and poroceed with the new understandings and proceed the same ways with your husband.
  6. Equinox Love Energy is Strong Tonight

    maybe trying different approach -- the one your sister can understand EASILY as well intentioned (through her mental language ) would be helpful , bringing more harmony ? anyway good luck to you all , especially the baby , comuniccation within family can be so difficult sometimes .
  7. simplify

    sit on the beach sun in my eyes
  8. Qigong and Aliens

    Hey , what about the Dogon tribe from West Africa and their cosmology from wiki: The Dogon talk about Nommo - amphibian deities that arrived from the sky in their fantastic sky ship. They preached to the people who assembled in large numbers around the lake that was created around the ship.[14] Certain researchers investigating the Dogon have reported that they seem to possess advanced astronomical knowledge, the nature and source of which have subsequently become embroiled in controversy. From 1931 to 1956 the French anthropologist Marcel Griaule studied the Dogon. This included field missions ranging from several days to two months in 1931, 1935, 1937 and 1938[15] and then annually from 1946 until 1956.[16] In late 1946 Griaule spent a consecutive thirty-three days in conversations with the Dogon wiseman OgotemmĂȘli, the source of much of Griaule and Dieterlen's future publications.[17] They reported that the Dogon believe that the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (sigi tolo or 'star of the Sigui'[18]), has two companion stars, pƍ tolo (the Digitaria star), and ęmmę ya tolo, (the female Sorghum star), respectively the first and second companions of Sirius A.[19] Sirius, in the Dogon system, formed one of the foci for the orbit of a tiny star, the companionate Digitaria star. When Digitaria is closest to Sirius, that star brightens: when it is farthest from Sirius, it gives off a twinkling effect that suggests to the observer several stars. The orbit cycle takes 50 years.[20] They also claimed that the Dogon appeared to know of the rings of Saturn, and the moons of Jupiter.[21] Griaule and Dieterlen were puzzled by this Sudanese star system, and prefaced their analysis with the following remark:- I have been doing some research about African spirituality latley and it is FULL of aliens in all different ways of interaction , and as the human origins and spiritual teachers too . Very interesting stuff -- although I am not into aliens as an interest per se . I am in the rush now and am nowhere near internet these days , but may write few more things if the threads still on in the future..
  9. Amazing short documentary about Bushmen shaman and healing dance: Anyone on TTB who practises or is/has been involved with this tradition ? Any feedback you want to share? Thanks.
  10. Bushmen healing dance documentary

    Yes, antibiotics are good in some cases . Healing dance is also good in some cases. For example antibiotics will never cure neurosis and alienation epidemic so spread all over Europe and other parts of the world . They will never cure mad power trips and media idol worship. They will never cure crazy stuff we do to our enviroment and the way we are so good at digging graves for us and generations to come , so they can just jump/fall into them immediatley . Who will buy antibiotics than ? I appriciate your pragmatism , but sometimes the picture is really very large and complex .
  11. Bushmen healing dance documentary

    Yes I have read it somwhere before . Aaaaaaaaand ?
  12. Bushmen healing dance documentary

    Thanks for the share ! Looking forward to hear it. I have read Tracking God some time ago and liked it , but didnt think it was so fantastic . Mainly becouse of a lot of mixed in Christian perspectives , which doesent speak to me so much . However after checking the book out again , it made me want to read it again -- and maybe appreciate it more this time around . Bushmen practise/process may be similar alchemicaly to Daoist practises (you would probably know this better ) , but the general approach is very different . It is intersting what Keeney said in the book that Bushmen said that most Western (for a lack of better word ..)people are starved for touch and they can see it from the lines on their face and posture . As well as afraid/taboo to touch and to them hugging and touching is a vital part of their spiritual diet . Where for example in many other cultures you cultiavte alone and also have your typical hermit type .. Havent heard if they have them in Bushmen society . There are definetly hermits in some other African spiritual cultures like Zulu Sangomas who retire in some natural setting and even follow vegeterian diet for certain resons for at least some amount of time. Bushman saying: If my heart is open to you and your heart is open to me , than when I hug you and shake you , the n/om will come inside.
  13. Shiv Tandav

    Well the practise of devadasis has been outlawed in India since 1988 . I suppose these kind of practise may start as well intentioned , but that good intention is also debatable. As you say yes there are a lot of warped analyses , but at the same time there is a lot of sweeping underneath the carpet. I have read some stuff from Rajiv Malthora , might check the reccomended book out..
  14. Shiv Tandav

    Hi Dwai , it seems that they were predominatley forced into the lifestyle at very early age ,as far as I am aware , which is a big difference... This is from an interesting article : Devadasi system is not only exploitation of women, it is the institutionalized exploitation of women; it is the exploitation of Dalits, the lower class of untouchables; it is the religious sanction given to prostitution of helpless economically and socially deprived women; It is the glorification of humiliation of women. Inherent in this system is the fascistic belief that a certain section of human population, the lower caste, is meant to serve the ‘higher caste’s superior men’. Inherent in it is the feudal-lord-temple-priest-nexus, where the priest, already having a psychological hold over the minds of simple people to the point of dictating their way of life, uses his power to give ‘religious sanction’ to the practice by declaring it ‘sacred’, and thus cajole and lure simple minded villagers into this worst form of prostitution. Devadasi literally means God’s (Dev) female servant (Dasi), where according to the ancient Indian practice, young pre-pubertal girls are ‘married off’, ‘given away’ in matrimony to God or Local religious deity of the temple. These girls are not allowed to marry, as they were supposedly married to the temple. She ‘serves’ the priests and inmates of the temple, and the Zamindars (local land lords) and other men of money and power, in the town and village. The ‘service’ (read sexual satisfaction) given to these men is considered akin to service of God. The Devadasi is dedicated to the service of the temple Deity for life and there is no escape for her. If she wants to escape, the society will not accept her. ... According to the famous Indian scholar Jogan Shankar, following reasons played a major role in supplanting the system with firm roots: 1. As a substitute for human sacrifice, being and offering to the gods and goddesses to appease and secure blessings for the community as a whole; 2. As a rite to ensure the fertility of the land and the increase of human being and animal population; 3. As a part of phallic worship which existed in India from early Dravidian times; 4. Probably sacred prostitution sprang from the custom of providing sexual hospitality for strangers; 5. Licentious worship offered by a people, subservient to a degraded and vested interests of the priestly class; and 6. To create a custom in order to exploit lower caste people in India by the upper castes and classes.
  15. Are you used to a certain type of meditation / cultivation techniques ? One or few ? If you feel unwell to focus on LDT than by all means do not do it . However , as cat pointed out sinking is a important -- what it really means is deep and torough relaxation . Also , what it looks like to me is that you may be getting high --as you call it , but that is it . It has not yet gone in your blood and bones , so to speak . That is not instant enlightement , that may be at best a taste or expirience of enlightement . Encouriging to see what is available on the way , but in reality a house of cards . I say it becouse something similar has happened to me as well in past . IMO all issues need to be noticed and resolved/dissolved for real wellbeing , person becoming innocent and gentle (should not be mistaken with weak ) , not minding whatever life brings and prepared to do whatever is necessary to do .
  16. Yes there is puropse . We all exist becouse of each other , we are interdependant and life is as it is becouse of us . Us - as in whole universe . Also , no there is no purpose .
  17. Removing stuck energy in the head.

    You have to learn how to sink . This is how I learned it, the actual technique is on page 157 I think. From : Hakuin 's -- Precious Mirror Cave Hakuin was very ill and suffered from what he termed zen sickness and managed to cure himself with this technique.
  18. Racism , homophobia and sexism do constitue personal attack . If want peaceful coexistance -- these have no place for expression . Idea of communicating in friendship (mentioned earlier on in the thread )is really good . It a huge warm and flexible space ranging from agreements , inqisituivness to disagreements in a spirit of discussion , rather than a competition or mental martial arts .
  19. how to add a friend

    hey, cant find out how to add a friend .. could someone help me figure it out. i have done it before without problem in the past . ah , good old days !
  20. how to add a friend

    done , thanks
  21. K said:..'Some of what you're mentioning can be found on here as well, I've found.'.. Yes some of it can be found on here too , agreed. Plus there is another kind of bunny too -- hard core iron bunny of a 'purist traditional serious practicioner 'and unfelxible. Looking down on those who mix and match , pick and choose to suit their temperament better . Iron bunny does not keep in mind that there is wisdom in all times , forgetting that everything changes . We change psychologicaly and physically therefore some spiritual approaches may evolve and change to suit current times . I wouldnt know much about New Age , and always associate aliens , dolphines , angels etc with it. Not that anything is wrong with those -- just not my in depth area of exploration.
  22. easiest way to enter the central channel?

    It seems that lucid dreaming comes naturaly to you , so prehapes try and explore it toroughly and learn that way -- it is obviously your gift . Through lucid dreaming one can learn to be lucid in waking state too . One good way is to ask yourself a question about this issue and concentrate on it in quietness before going to sleep . It may be suprisng how much we can learn from ourselves in dreams . You see , on one level you already 'know how to do this' , otherwise it would not happen . Kundalini is your fuller potential that is manifesting in your dreams , through becoming aware in the dreams this knowledge will be become clear and common knowledge in subconciusness . Which means easy acess to it in the waking state .
  23. It is good to be offended , but for the right reasosns. Infact we need to become so much more ofended concerning human rights and earths rights in order to create more pleasent living conditions and enviroment . Knowing when to be tolerant and when not to be tolerant is an art in itself. Just being constantly tolerant can also be leathal .
  24. Thank you !!! lol Original post at least made me look into what ho'oponopono is , so its good and informative to a degree . In past whenever I have seen it mentioned I just skipped it , and never got interested into finding out what this practise involves.