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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. old dead zen dude quote.

    true, more so for a mature woman, but if you are a guy (mature or not) that would be missing a lot of fun...
  2. old dead zen dude quote.

    yes, this guy has improved his cow call...(click on picture) https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/animals/cattle-herd-incredibly-flocks-to-mans-odd-cow-call/vi-BBQmFJY
  3. learning a practice the fun way?

    So anyone felt some kind of penalty (similar to what the video was saying) on whatever level consciously or perhaps suspect unconsciously in trying to do whatever practice it is that you are doing, say in a form of karma or in self conflicts?
  4. anybody read Peter Breggins (MD) books about the dangers of anti-depressant drugs? (and dangers of to fast of a withdrawal)
  5. anti-depression drugs??

    Luke, Thanks for sharing your very difficult story about working things out with and for your partner's condition. And from what you've described it is obvious you guys have been through a great deal of looking for help and through many heart wrenching ordeals! Best wishes to you.
  6. anti-depression drugs??

    a couple of big medical questions: how did people become dependent on some of these drugs in the first place and why is it so many people are prescribed such addictive drugs that they may never be able to get off of?? (which If I remember correctly experiments with them started around the 50's, before that they didn't exist or were not used) No one is born with a need for drugs along these lines; perhaps unless they have an organic brain disease at birth or very unlikely develop such which is extremely rare to almost non-existent (I don't mean cancer) and even then with the complexity of the brain being what it is there is very limited knowledge on how such people (besides people without organic brain disease) would be effected by these types of drugs. (as far as I've studied) The myth of chemical imbalances in normally healthy brains has never been proven, what has been clinically proven is that after being put on drugs along these lines is that normally healthy and ok brains then become chemically imbalanced. Again I'm not a doctor so do your own medical research since it your brain and mind!
  7. anti-depression drugs??

    I don't agree Luke based on an MD's decades of direct observations and studies about patients on these types of drugs and what has been revealed by his clinical and medical work with a great many those patients. I hear a wait and see tolerant attitude in your position which you would probably not hold if you read: "Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the "New Psychiatry" Aug 15, 1994 by Peter R. Breggin M.D., (also in Kindle edition) which is one of his older books and is somewhat dated but still gives an incredible amount of medical and personal detail that would surely blow your mind and break your heart in hearing about those that have suffered and also died because of drugs prescribed along the lines we've been talking about.
  8. anti-depression drugs??

    umm, one might also consider that using some of these drugs can be like playing Russian roulette with your brain/mind, for there are many documented cases (and resulting lawsuits which have been won) of people having their once ok brains chemically harmed or committing suicide after only being on certain drugs for short periods of time or others for longer periods, in any either case something no one would want! for instance: Makers of antidepressant Paxil paid out $3 billion in fines for β€” among other misdeeds β€” illegally persuading doctors to prescribe the drug to children and teenagers despite internal evidence that it’s ineffective and can trigger suicidal thoughts in adolescents.
  9. anti-depression drugs??

    thanks for the info, it has been awhile since I've read up on the various mind/brain altering drugs related to the topic. (I may have lumped some of them together which are sometimes are prescribed together) A shrink had my daughter on what was imo. a dangerous chemical soup of drugs which produced very scary symptoms in her which had to be carefully and safely backed off from; btw. it is common that some shrinks don't back off on doses but increase them along with adding new and powerful ones that can can put a person in viscous cycles of more intrusive drug doses and mixtures in trying to counter the effects of one drug with another, for instance heavy duty drugs for sleep that can kill a person if taken incorrectly! (we tend to skip or minimize the importance of warnings on drug labels, some of which include warnings of possible serious harm or even death!)
  10. anti-depression drugs??

    thanks for the personal reply's of 1st hand experience Karen and Luke. I believe there have been several past and related topics posted at this site, I'm just not sure of when or where so I brought it back up. The drug company advertisements on TV for anti-depressant related drugs blow my mind; they make it sound almost as normal as taking something like ibuprofen! And more recently they are pushing a drug for TD (which is uncontrolled twitching or worse) which normally only happens after being on anti-depressants! (as noted in Peter Breggins clinical studies) Anyway I suggest that anyone being told to try anti-depressants or who is trying and get off them safely (or for their kids) to consider reading at least one of his books! I make no medical claims and have no medical experience but he does.
  11. What is Ego ? Low Frequency

    Self can see ego, ego can not see Self.
  12. Human Brains Shrinking for 30,000 Years

    that which is against the Tao has no root, thus a rootless doom will not prevail, She will prevail.
  13. Human Brains Shrinking for 30,000 Years

    before Mr. G. died he apologized for the mess he left, so I suggest not swallowing everything he was mostly quoted for as being "gospel". (including the crap about soul-less people)
  14. Reincarnation

    another is that billions of us are plugged into our almighty cell phones, social networks, on-line retail, media, etc. which does not leave much time to reflect on or work on spiritual endeavors or needs, along with the fact that we have to make a living in a world that can slowly eat away at us. (better smell the roses and the coffee while we can)
  15. Reincarnation

    seems that has been going on since the 60's and Vietnam. (from my perspective here in the US)
  16. lots of talk about cosmic time among us but there is another kind of time we tend to loose...
  17. Reincarnation

    the Tao can make no choice against its own nature, it would be unreasonable to deny that observation.
  18. Egyptian teaching

    ok, but the Bangels are more fun than airplanes that crash, are they not?
  19. Reincarnation

    if one stops a song while they are playing it, the song dies.
  20. Egyptian teaching

    with a name like rabbit hole one should expect something hare-y.
  21. Reincarnation

    Btw., it is said that a great master on the other side can enter a very recently deceased persons body, re-enliven it, then get up and walk away without being on a sci-fi movie set. (unless the body happens to be located there and was not previously taken by a zombie)
  22. when time runs out...

    Bowie., a very unique dude...!