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Everything posted by 3bob

  1. and I'd add that for same it is not possible to abandon Dharma and various yoga's - pre or post realization while also being a soul in any form of human, astral or causal body that dharma's and yoga's inherently apply to.
  2. some may be born highly advanced and attain realization at a very early age. (along with many important factors being involved)...anyway what is not a yoga of some kind or another.... pre or post realization since you said some don't need any?
  3. and why does Spirit seek Spirit? I'd say because that is its nature and once found right under the nose - a made up anxiety about finding itself ends. (which is not a very good way to put it and probably needs further explanation).
  4. Btw. I did not mean just Bhakti yoga if that is what you meant? More like Raja Yoga and lots of additional help meets.
  5. Om Tat Sat does not negate the process or dance of Lord Nataraja, or the ways of Sanatana Dharma which it sees, realizes and is connected to. we can trade abstractions about the transcendent all day with short and absolute summations, but those will never equal the connected and overwhelming Grace.
  6. umm, the dance of Shiva/Shakti and Om is illusory - says who?
  7. true, also one might ask if nothing is gained and nothing is lost then why a process to gain the loss of nothing?
  8. God as Self, Atman

    ok, that assumption of connotation is plausible...so instead lets say there is nothing wrong with the roots of lotus flower being in the mud. (which has somewhat of a different drift)
  9. who knows unless there 1st hand...
  10. God as Self, Atman

    umm, not to have the kind of fun of fulfilling 10,000 questionable desires, but to fulfill the one true desire of Self Realization. I don't know about anyone else here but you often post faster and farther than I normally have the time or commitment to fully read, guess I'm just a skimmer at a couple of paragraphs to get the gist of what a poster is saying.
  11. Modern London A City Of Death!

    if that was your "tried" then it was very biased or one sided, for one could look back and see who started the related or particular escalation you imply? (which I'd say was Taoist texts and then amplified by Chang. Also does anyone know why post numbering was removed...it was a useful feature.
  12. Hey Luxin, I'd say you need to remove your references to Buddhist (Dhammapada) and Vedic (Chandogya upanishad) teachings and whatever other ones from your long ramblings in the op for neither way has any teachings or beliefs in eternal damnation; thus such is a serious misrepresentation or alluding to on your part. Granted both ways do recognize evil aspects or forces but not as eternal conditions nor of beings remaining in that condition forever although it could be for ages. If one has never fully looked evil in the eye and then come out the other side they will likely get hung up on some Abrahamic based eternal damnation precept. Also your limited experiences with teachers is not the end all summation that you apparently think or believe it is, for they do help one come out the other side as mentioned above. Peace
  13. Modern London A City Of Death!

    please quit with the condescending supporter of lies alt-right fear and hate B.S., which always begins with a devious and corrupt twist and ends much worse. I understand the spell you are under and enthrallment you partake of somewhere up your buttock...but don't expect me or millions of others to be taken in by such ugly and weak minded blarney.
  14. Modern London A City Of Death!

    and so was the vote day insult against democrats which make up many millions of people who have been smeared with trumps constant over the top hellish hate and lies for a long time...and then along comes some attacker who thinks it is all fun and games and piles more on.
  15. Modern London A City Of Death!

    what condescending B.S., smart ass bugger.
  16. Modern London A City Of Death!

    so say sick and corrupt alt-right, or neo-nazi types
  17. God as Self, Atman

    a once upon a time you does not remain being that it was a composite of mental/personality factors and identification, whereas if you mean the soul or spirit you that realizes it is not a mental/personality composite then I agree with your drift...
  18. God as Self, Atman

    umm, being a once upon a time "you" that does not remain...
  19. Modern London A City Of Death!

    umm, it's any and all means for trump to achieve his end, which is having total dictatorial type power per his grandiose and narcissistic ego...meaning that the use of smoke and mirrors, temporary niceties, fake concessions, the feeding of others vanities to bring them over to his side, playing on fear and hateful divisions, pretenses with religion or various established fraternities as a wolf in sheeps clothing would, it's all fair game for him being a creature of zero conscience along with his many other dark traits. Churchill was not blind when it came to Hitlers ways, yet millions in America are blind to a violently cajoling , devious and dangerous trump?
  20. Modern London A City Of Death!

    trumps world disorder is a real bugger, bow down to him, fawn over him, glorify and salute him or be ground up and eliminated in one way or another; don't fool yourselves - in effect and principal he is building of his own 4th Reich in the US although it is different in that he accepts true worshipers from most any race. (thus a variation on diabolical dressed in nice suits with abominations pouring from his cakehole)
  21. granted there are different areas of the mind, but to the Self it's still all of the mind which is like a stage full of actors moving about in their identified parts...so why get finicky about the different areas of such a temporary and changing stage and how real those parts are?
  22. Human destruction of nature

    and a butterflys wing movement affects a galaxy 175 thousand light years away...
  23. Human destruction of nature

    well I'd say flying is more of an astral method, better to already be there beyond a need for movement.
  24. Human destruction of nature

    even immortals (light bodies) have to move on at some point
  25. Human destruction of nature

    death for the physical is not death or an ending per-se but a recycling for the physical.