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Everything posted by zazaza

  1. Buddhist or Taoist

    I want to disqualify myself from the competition because i don't know loads of scriptures, and i'm a bit too tired to think too much . By the looks of things you have mixed up the fingers... that's sneaky! All i can tell from those texts is that all the fingers are pointing at the same moon... Good night friends.
  2. KAP

    my dear forest that's a beautiful theory, and it's been written very well too. (now, please don't allow the ego to take pride in that. not saying i see ego in your post, for all i know you are in nirvana and i pray to god that you are or will be soon. ) i'm not sure whether that theory is close to the truth, but it's a good example of how sometimes a smaller evil is necessary to create a greater good. may all beings be happy!
  3. KAP

    would it really? or would it just give rise to another subjective opinion? truth spoken through the mouth of a fool is still truth nonetheless. ---------------------------- at this point in time, we obviously differ a lot in our views. my apologies to you as well if i have unknowingly made a mistake. And peace and tranquility to all who do not abide in it yet.
  4. KAP

    No offense my dear mama, but I don't believe your opinion is the opinion of all women in general - and even then, their opinion does not say all that much about something being right or wrong in the grand scheme. Dear mama, i could reply to every thing you and others bring to table, but i can see that it will only lead to further arguing. I see you and santi teach, and you are both older than me... but being older and being a "teacher" does not mean you know better... i have a mind of my own and we are free to disagree. even though i think both your replies to me have been a little condenscending, i wish both of you and all that is around you good luck and much happiness. we are all brothers and sisters after all. the ones who hold wrong views will soon or later realize their mistakes. may all beings be happy.
  5. KAP

    whether a particular thing is good or bad in the grand scheme of things is not decided by the fact whether someone is repelled by it or not. even if his kids really suffered from his departure so incredibly much (something i'm not convinced off because as you say yourself, it's long time ago and we'd have to see the specifics of the situation to really have a good view on it), then that sacrifice was worth it imo. Gautama had and still has a positive impact on this world on a very large scale.
  6. KAP

    Many people will probably claim that they can't become a buddha "because of their family" or "because of this or that". There will always be something to put blame on, because that's easier than taking responsibility for one's own mind, here and now. A bad excuse if you ask me. But your opinion obviously differs, which is fair enough. If nitpicking is the game, I can continue by saying there is no "heart mind connection" either. You understould what i meant with it, and i suppose most people will.
  7. KAP

    Not sure if you interpreted that right, I meant in terms of difficulty... mastering the mind is much more difficult. Compared to keeping the mind under control, going to work and feeding the kids is a very easy task
  8. KAP

    Buddha was royal family, i'm sure his kids and wife had plenty of money and good company around. If buddha had not left his family, he might not have succeeded in what he did succeed. In a time of hinduism and corrupted dharma systems he extracted the true from the fake. Not only did he bring spiritual enlightenment to himself... but help bring it to many many people as well. I agree, taoism has some good elements... so does yoga... but the core of buddhism is exceptionally clear in it's theory, and they have very practical instructions for meditation. Ofcourse buddhism is not perfect, and ofcourse there are many styles of buddhism that have become corrupted... but some styles are still very very pure for example: Samatha Vipassana meditation (Mindfulness In Plain English - PDF) Compared to mastering the mind and staying master of it, going to work and feeding the kids is a very easy task.
  9. KAP

    If you ask me, buddhist nirvana... yogic self realization... and taoist-non-self... refer to that same surpreme state of liberation. Once you have had even just a taste of that, you would understand why it is called unexcelled.
  10. How to prevent PC muscle contractions?

    i used to not be able to sit on a chair because my PC contracted spontaneously, and sitting down caused pain. i had trouble pissing too. make sure u have enough magnesium and potassium (for muscle relxation). i healed my PC-muscle problem by stop doing kegels, and by masturbating now and then.. always ejaculating, although i'm not sure if this plays a role. too much or too little masturbation(or sex) can cause problems. like any other muscle in the body, if there's too much or too little exercise it can go loopy. putting warm cloth on the place where your pcmuscles are approximately at, might help to heal quicker. heat makes bloodvessels dilate and stimulates bloodflow. be careful with the warm cloth though because i guess it could work against you as well. too much = too much
  11. KAP

    Mind and heart are one. If you don't open your mind to truth you won't be able to open your heart either. Goldisheavy's replies contain a lot of truth imo.
  12. KAP

    this is a request to everyone in general, and nobody in specific please do not seek to profit from your brothers and sisters, we are all equal and we want to live in peace. let's please help eachother honestly and generously.
  13. Don't know where to go

    not really. it's not good to allow the demons get (too much) power over him
  14. Don't know where to go

    15 years old, excellent age. congratulations for being so young... i wish i was the same age. (i'm 25) i suggest you make an effort now to become aware the power of desireforpleasure and fearofpain have over you, and that you take the power back. nevermind too much the pleasures of the flesh and of the mind, because they are unsatisfactory. on the otherhand, it won't hurt to find a girlfriend, have some sex and perhaps (in a few years???lol) experiment with some alcohol so you at least know what the pleasures of the flesh are like. ur brain's still developing a lot tho so be careful with the alcohol becoz its not good for the brain, even when it is already "fully developed"... is it ever? so don't use it in too high doses and don't use it everyweek ... i'm guessing if u felt the alcohol high around 20 to 30 times in your youth that should suffice. the high of meditation is better for your mind and body. maybe you don't need to experience the alcohol high ever... i dunno. i suggest you also read the thread "Meditation driving me nuts" at especially my post
  15. acid/LSD question

    how so?
  16. acid/LSD question

    Very well put. what ticked you off then? a certain spiritual technique? or did it just happen out of the blue?
  17. Meditation driving me nuts

    i can't do lotus either, but i don't think it's important. i don't believe it's healthy to sit in one same position for a very long time. if my suspicion is correct, this probably increases the chance for production of a deadly bloodclot. i think it is important we sit with a straight back, so we don't put unnecessary pressure on our organs.. and so the bodies energy can flow freely. and for meditation, it's also important to not lay down and enjoy the relaxation of being in a lazy position, because when your enjoying the body you're also identifying yourself with it. thus, uncomfortable body positions can be good for development of the meditative state, as it can show you your identification with the body. on the other hand, if you are laying down in a very crappy position but you're not identified with the body... then your bodies position will not prevent you from being in the surpreme state.
  18. celibacy and body changes

    the theory behind "men who masturbate now and then have less chance for prostate cancer", is because when the prostate gets squeezed there is more blood circulation there... so things get refreshed.
  19. Meditation driving me nuts

    trying to keep ourselves entertained costs a lot more effort than just "letting go" (by entering the meditative state) not doing is a lot more pleasurable than doing pleasurable things. it is very strange how being meditative seems so hard and boring, when it is the exact opposite. i believe the fear of letting go is at the basis of that false idea about the meditative state. About playing games and any other kind of entertainment: Question to nisargadatta: How does one reach the Supreme State? Answer by nisargadatta: By renouncing all lesser desires. As long as you are pleased with the lesser, you cannot have the highest. Whatever pleases you, keeps you back. Until you realize the unsatisfactoriness of everything, its transiency and limitation, and collect your ener- gies in one great longing, even the first step is not made. On the other hand, the integrity of the desire for the Supreme is by itself a call from the Supreme. Nothing, physical or mental, can give you freedom. You are free once you understand that your bon- dage is of your own making and you cease forging the chains that bind you.
  20. Meditation driving me nuts

    everything that is received through the 5 senses is being paid attention to automatically by each of us, but the focus of attention keeps on jumping from one point to the next. to me the phrase "being meditative" means to start focusing attention on everything that we think ourselves to be. this way we indeed switch into "observation modus"... by observing it becomes clear that that we are not that which we are observing. everytime you dis-cover some new concept you thought yourself to be, there is less "mental baggage" you have to carry... which means you feel more free, more happy and more energetic. (you become conscious of the kundalini, etc) when everything you are not has been dis-covered, the truth of "no-self", "emptiness" or "The Self" (with a capital S) has been fully realized. i believe the kundalini is already present in each of us. it is inside every fear of pain and desire for pleasure, it is present in everythought and in every fibre of ourself... but because we are all caught up in our mental games, we're not conscious of it.
  21. acid/LSD question

    That's not true. Except the odd exception, almost everyone can control themselves. When one believes he cannot control his mind, then ofcourse his mind will control him... UNTILL he retrieves faith in himself. I guess one of the biggest problems with LSD is that if someone is sensitive to psychosis that it could bring it out for long periods of time - or very rarely: permanently. I have had several incredibly terrible psychedelic trips in a period of only 6 weeks, during the time of these bad trips (8 hours each) i had totally lost it - i was psychotic. but always after the drug wore off, i became normal again. (even though during the trip, i thought i had been insane for maybe years already) a very small percentage of all people who get psychotic during the trip don't come back to normal immediately after the drug wears of. why? something physical? something mental? evidence suggests that had a person not taken LSD or mushrooms, then cannabis or alcohol... or perhaps even sobriety would have possibly lead the person subsceptible to psychosis to eventually become psychotic. people say that intense or traumatic experiences brings out psychosis in people subsceptible to them. in that case you can't really blame the drug, as the drug would have just been a catalyst. contrary to these beliefs, i believe that drugs like lsd bring out psychosis in people where otherwise it would not have happened. but it really does not happen all that much! is the risk to have that spiritual experience worth it though? maybe. if u really want that spiritual experience fast, i think it's better to try the other -non drug- ways first because they are probably safer. (although i have heard of people becoming psychotic during yoga sessions too, cause they couldn't ground the energy ) for the people who become psychotic from drugs antipsychotics might slow down or prevent the natural healing process of the brain. on the other hand, sometimes a psychosis is really too much even for a day.. and then antipsychotics are the first choice, but they should be used for as little time as possible. so in these worst case scenarios, i would suggest 1 week of antipsychotics maximum... then be sober for 1, 2 or 3 weeks and if psychosis still exists too strong try antipsychotics again for another week. before trying antipsychotics, the psychotic person should practice meditation to try and ground himself. an energy healer might help to ground too...
  22. Don't get into complicated discussion with simple minds. If you notice people can't handle the truth, tell them they 're right even when they're wrong and wish them well
  23. Meditating In The Snow

    when first the body is extremely hot and immediately afterwards it is extremely cold, then the heart must pump unnaturally fast to adjust to an unnaturally quick change in temperature. So is sniffing a big line of methamphetamine, but it is much healthier to slowly build up the heartrate rather than having it go very fast in very little time.
  24. kundalini is quite well documented in many religions, and websites like: (i'm not sure how trustable this site is on information, or how important it is to read all of that) i'm wondering what is the name of the energy that comes from "the heavens" and enters our body downwards through the body? it's called "cosmic energy" or what? which religion or system has got some good information on it?