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Everything posted by zazaza

  1. KAP

    I started this thread to see different perspectives. I hope you all find what's right for you. And remember: Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha My opinion on how the kundalini is best awakened, and how the enlightenment is best achieved, is explained in the thread below. BE WELL EVERYONE _/\_
  2. I feel like I'm being targetted

    Hello non The best thing to do is to be careful who you hang out with, don't trust people too quickly - there are ill people out there. On the other hand you can't be too paranoid either, find a healthy balance - and don't be affraid of the demons... Fear is what they're after and it is the food they need to sustain themselves
  3. what makes you raise in love?

    To have no vested interests in body or mind, makes me raise in love ----------------------------- In losing, much is gained, and in gaining, much is lost. - Tao Te Ching To know that you are neither body nor mind, watch yourself steadily and live unaffected by your body and mind, completely aloof, as if you were dead. It means you have no vested in- terests, either in the body or in the mind. - Nisargadatta
  4. The bliss that can be derived from pleasures such as sex is a reflection of the pure light. People love pleasures but once they see the pure light instead of it's reflection, sex, like all other pleasures, is recognized as unfullfilling - compared to the pure light. As long as one attaches himself to the reflections, as long as one attaches himself to impurity, one can not see the full extent of THE PURE. I wouldn't be surprised if complete retention is indeed unhealthy for the body, because the body is programmed to reproduce after all. I guess it can't hurt to have sex for the above mentioned reason, but one who finds sex makes him more (or less) happy than hitting his toe with a hammer is still trapped in duality & samsara because he has not yet perfected his vision.
  5. Shaking, Jerking & Spontaneous Movements

    A lot of questions on kundalini are answered at: One very interesting chapter there is called Pitfalls on the path _/\_
  6. First action then words

    speaking the right words can be a powerful action! _/\_
  7. First action then words

    i agree somewhat with the general intent of the threadstarter, but if you mean i can not quote other people then you're wrong. why wuld i type something with my own words, if someone else already worded things well. the result of bad actions is bad consequences (karma), so in time, everyone will REAL-ize. _/\_
  8. Ayahuasca experience

    doesn't mean you know everything better psychedelics often activate the kundalini and usually the kundalini becomes dormant after the experience in some people it stays active or becomes active afterwards. what the guy describes is kundalini imho... i've known someone who had exactly the same and it was kundalini. the chemical is already out of his body, ayahuasca does not stay active for 8 days. i will shut up now becoz i don't know what i'm talking bout
  9. Ayahuasca experience

    that's already whata the person is doing, engaging in constant activity. i think he should seek to calm himself through meditation as linked to in my signature. the problem is his internal energies are awakened but he's not centered. his monkey mind is feeling good but it's still on the run (because of fear), that's why he's so chaotic. he sounds like a text book case of kundalini syndrome. doing physical yoga poses might help too.
  10. Ayahuasca experience

    sounds like he has an unbalanced "kundalini". he needs to fix his breathing and center his mind as well. he should try vippassanaa ameditation and read nisargadatata. for more information see my signature. ejaculation might help to calm down the kundalini a little bit if it's getting too much for him.
  11. What does it mean to be 'grounded'?

    if you have a strong base, but the others aren't functioning well then one won't be grounded. to me grounded means the same as centered. the way to center oneself is to focus his attention upon him"self", see through the outer layers of mind and recognize your self as the pure substance, and keep your awareness on that always. this way all blocked energy gates become unblocked, and slowly (or quickly) one combusts spontaneously into enlightened states of blissfull centeredness. for more information on how to ground, read
  12. People should definately continue to practice insight meditation until they have insight into their true nature. Nisargadatta and ramana would call this "doing sadhana" and no it doesn't mean we need to practice mindfullness for 3 hours per day on a cushion, it means we need to practice mindfullness 24/24 during everything we do. sitting down meditation for short periods can often be good help to speed up development of insight, but it is not required. if the desire for mindfullness/enlightenment is very strong, then the mindfullness will become stronger and stronger every day no matter what we are doing... and then one day that can happen very very soon... we will be VERY MINDFULL AND TOTALLY LIBERATED FROM SAMSARA, being very very happy. even lazy people without discipline can become enlightened if they only look clearly. having a clear look isn't a hard thing to do. you're not having to do dishes or hardlabor, you can just see clearly.... and by doing that, you will see through your mistakes and they will fall off automatically. The result is that DISCIPLINE, MOTIVATION and ENERGY arise spontaneously... Even in the most lazy persons! That is why "Nisaradatta says that perfect action does not leads to enlightenment, enlightenment leads to perfect action" Although! one little tiny easy action is required to do for enlightenment to come crashing into our illusions... and that is the practice of selfinquiry and mindfullness.
  13. If reincarnation does not exist, i think it's better to not tell people this, as it may only give rise to new illusions. On the otherhand, i am willing to be honest that i don't know all the truths of this universe, neither about reincarnation. Al I know is that the light is very bright, the dark can be very dark, and the fire is very powerful.
  14. When I heard him it sounded like he really talked about reincarnation and future lives, reincarnating into pigs and spirits and stuff. If that's not what he means then why does he say it that way?
  15. Hmm, I don't know much about "future lives" so far. All i know is that the true buddhist and yogic masters are all right about at least one thing: the best thing we can do for ourselves is to purify our mind. It didn't hurt for me to listen to that talk, but I'll see how the "future" unfolds as it unfolds. Even without reincarnation samsara exists. Every moment people reincarnate into thought forms that limit them. It limits their energy levels, their happiness... they suffer. Below is a vid from the same guy you just quoted, he has some interesting critiques on spiritual teachers.
  16. You're right, their language is not perfect. That is why I also recommend people to look into that buddhist book I recommended. It speaks about the same thing but just different terms. If people can read/hear the same thing in different terms, they have the oppurtunity to realize it's not about the words it's about what they point out. Even nisargadatta himself explains the same thing in many different ways, so it often looks like he's contradicting himself but he's not. He's always speaking about the same thing: how one can be in the state of enlightenment/liberation/nirvana/TAO, here and now. On the otherhand, I can agree that this meditative state of being is a mindset, but it is a mindset where one has a very clear view on what the mind is, how the mind works, and how to control it in such a way that it no longer leads to samsara, so that we may always be blissfully happy & full of energy. These 2 tools empower us to make the best of our internal world, but also the external world we live in.
  17. KAP

    peace for you as well _/\_ thanks for sharing _/\_
  18. KAP

    my last reply i hope (i know i'm a hypocrite) i asked you and the people in this thread how to awaken the kundalini only because i wanted to know what your opinions and systems are like. it is my opinion that all forms of mindfullness awaken all latent energies like the kundalini, but an active kundalini =/= enlightenment people use all sorts of methods to have experiences with energy like kundalini or chi, but when the essence of the human (the mind) is not worked on then even the most intense energy sensations will not bring one any step closer to the tao/godhead/nirvana. the reason why many great masters do not teach how to awaken siddhis and energies, is because they know it just becomes another distraction from the essence, and because they know that when working on the essence all the energies develop automatically... the human is like a tree, it starts small... then it grows big.. and then it grows a lot of branches... and then it grows leaves. not the other way around if all roads lead to rome, we wouldn't all be trapped in samsara. thanks - i wish you well too mama
  19. KAP

    i can't come and play in london, but even if i could i wouldn't... i've seen and heard enough to know that i'm done with this thread. we would just keep going back and forth for eternity. my conclusion is that: you push one direction, i push the other. you and me we are the same, there is just a difference in views. peel off all the outer layers and there it is: the end of subjectivity. you and santi's teachings is not centered around peeling off the outer layers, in fact all i see you guys doing is adding more outer layers. you and santi, like many other "teachers", talk about transforming oneself - changing the ego. you (mama) have even said this literally. this is in direct contradiction with the essential teaching of: -buddhist dharma -yoga -tao te ching -many other systems all these teach that we should not transform ourselves because our true nature is already perfect, we are already free. if you like "working with energy", then please continue. I can see that energy work can potentially have positive benefits on the body - and in attaining certain specific goals - but it won't bring anyone closer to liberation... it won't! i know it can bring a sense of empowerment, but this can not be confused with liberation because the creator of the prison is the mind, and the way to stop creating that prison is by learning to see clearly. to stop imagining! the problem begins in the mind and it is to be ended in the mind when one purifies his mind, all of the latent inner energies such as kundalini start to awaken automatically. why you and santi do not emphasize these important core truths is beyond me. everytime i read your posts it seems like your always suggesting in a subtle way that K.A.P. will liberate people? this is impossible, because like i said: the problem begins in the mind and it is to be ended in the mind. this is the reason why i have been replying to your posts, because not even the strongest physically energetic body brings one closer to the godhead/tao. to become closer to the godhead/tao, one must purify the mind... it is the only way. on the other hand, i can clearly see your intentions toward people are good and i sincerely hope you and santi, and every being who is around you both, will have good luck and happiness in life. i promise this was my last post on this matter, and i will now stay off your backs forever. with love, zazaza
  20. KAP

    with authority.....? you think because you do what you do you are an authority? i like buddha's advice on "listening to people with authority". Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. -Buddha i'm not writing truth in the mud i'm writing it on this board. i'm happy with the results of my practice, just as you seem to be happy with yours. that is why you advocate your views, and i advocate mine. i was guided by these free books by Gunuratana and nisargadatta imo, for the student willing to give what it takes, they contain all info needed to attain the surpreme and realize the godhead/nirvana/tao. do you lead a virtuous life or is that your opinion? i'm sure there are less virtious people than you, but i think that it's not appropriate to suggest this about yourself as we all tend to be kind of subjective. about how virtiuous my life is: i don't feel the need to mention the good things i do or have done, i try my best not to take pride in anything and i try my best to be very very aware of where i have lacked in the past and where i lack in the present. i wish you and all around you much luck and happinness.
  21. KAP

    ego dropped or ego retrained, what a person wants to understand in that is often a personal preference... that website you quoted holds no patent on the "true meaning" of the term ego. there's plenty of people who use the term ego to describe other aspects of being human. and yes, even "trained professionals" and "teachers", if that would somehow make them more qualified to speak true words... (definately not always, in my opinion) my personal details are not necessary to be shared. as i already said, even if i was the biggest fool on earth then that still wouldn't mean that my words aren't the true. could reply more, just too much work coz we disagree on too much. i wish you well. bye
  22. Great post goldisheavy. There are already plenty of good and free teachings out there on how to realize the highest. For example: Mindfullness in plain english - by gunaratana I am that - by nisargadatta Physical exercises can probably help to ignite a little fire, but without the right practice for the mind that little fire will not mature. Many people who have not done any physical practices at all, no yoga, no tai chi, no qi qong.. But still they have awakened all their mental, physical and spiritual energies to full capacity. Why? Because the mind is the key to open the door to the highest realizations. No physical practice can take one to the highest realization. quotes Too bad the bible has been corrupted so much it's become very dangerous to quote from it, but i could not help myself. I believe that the teaching of Jesus, just like the teaching of many other holymen out there, have been corrupted Many people try to make other people believe they are holier than them, and that we need their guidance... in return for their services, they often want favors from us... money, sex.. our simply... our adoration! Cut out the middle man, none are more enlightened than the light itself! Your own self is your ultimate teacher (sadguru). The outer teacher (guru) is merely a milestone. It is only your inner teacher that will walk with you to the goal, for it is the goal. - Nisargadatta More quotes Below are some more quotes that contain the plain simple and free truth on how to achieve enlightenment. And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. - Jesus The kingdom of Heaven is within you... Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and all things will be added unto you. - Jesus We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. - Buddha We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. - Buddha The idea of enlightenment is of utmost importance. Just to know that there is such possibility changes one's entire outlook. It acts like a burning match in a heap of saw dust. A spark of truth can burn up a mountain of lies. The very hearing of it is a promise of enlightenment. - Nisargadatta maharaj Nothing you do will change you, for you need no change. You may change your mind or your body, but it is always something external to you that has changed, not yourself. Why bother at all to change? Realize once for all that neither your body nor your mind, nor even your consciousness is yourself and stand alone in your true nature beyond consciousness and unconsciousness. No effort can take you there, only the clarity of understanding. - Nisargadatta maharaj The Self is near and the way to it is easy. All you need doing is doing nothing. - Nisargadatta maharaj For those who practice not-doing, everything will fall into place. - Tao te ching
  23. KAP

    once surrendered the mind to emptiness, doing the tasks you have just named are a piece of cake. (if the body of the parent is healthy, i mean) a self-realized one would be able to raise kids very energetically and with a lot of compassion, for his mind is no longer internally invested in self-interest and his mind is resting in divine wisdom. raising kids is only hard because it cost time and energy. doing hard physical labor 13hours per day is harder than staying at home raising kids. conquering the mind is mentally much harder than the hardest labor, but it does not demand much energy of the body indeed. actually, conquering the mind is not that difficult either. it is believing it is difficult, a lack of faith, as well as practicing ineffective techniques, which makes it seem very difficult. too bad so many parents don't realize. yet, not only parenthood is a deep spiritual practice: -every inch we set with our foot, -every thought we think and emotion we create, -every breath allow to enter and leave the body these are all spiritual practice than when performed with a open mind will take us to the highest realization. everything is a spiritual practice. Being parents does not automatically make people all that much more spiritually enlightened. The world is full of fallen, ignorant brothers and sisters of all ages... still fallen and ignorant despite having raised many kids. not only did you think you were better than your parents, you also thought you were a yogi... which you was not. because one who fully realizes Yoga has dropped the ego, and does not look down on anyone. Yoga is another word for union, as i am sure you know.