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Everything posted by gj551

  1. Current Events Discussion

    please access to non-binary forums
  2. .

  3. kôan / kung-an

    post some cool koans (theres no such thread as of yet) "when a man alone in the woods states his opinion, and theres no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?"
  4. what if one was to translate the damage smoking causes into qigong terms? i suffer from severe smoking addiction.. what (kind of) qigong exercies are best to cure/repair the specific damage smoking causes? the lungs are associated with the element of metal (and the color white, and the direction "west").. so...
  5. whats the difference between 1p-lsd and 1p-eth-lsd? up to this day it is hard to determine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1P-ETH-LAD
  6. american chakra

    heres the thing: charles webster leadbeater has written a book on the chakras (its called 'the chakras'). in that book he says: source: http://www.anandgholap.net/Chakras-CWL.htm in short, he says the (activated) svadhishthana-chakra is a bad thing. westeners (should) use their spleen chakra instead of their (as of yet dormant) svadhishthana chakra whats the difference between a westerner using his spleen-chakra (instead of the svadishthana-chakra) and an indian person having an (active) svadhishthana-chakra?? c.w. leadbeater says, as quoted above, that we would regard an active svadhishthana-chakra as a bad thing... why? (heres a pic of leadbeater's spleen chakra; its the one to the right)
  7. american chakra

    have a good laugh once in a while^^
  8. Holotropic breathing

  9. Anyone sharing their secret sins?

    setting a car on fire
  10. source: http://daoistmeditation.com/2016/10/18/what-is-xing-ming/
  11. "sammy" aun weor has written a book on the golden flower ("mystery of the golden blossom") but as far as i can see i doesnt have anything to do with the golden flower https://gnosticteachings.org/books-by-samael-aun-weor/the-mystery-of-the-golden-blossom.html http://iglisaw.com/docs/english_books/The Mystery of the Golden Blossom.pdf
  12. i thought 'turning the light around' was just a another expression for doing the MCO..
  13. they use to say "pics or didnt happen" ;> well there must be at least one single person having a physiologically changed/altered body structure because of practicing these daoist methods... i'm in search of a photograph of these results, like, a pic of a youthful body despite the person being 80 years old or something like this
  14. i did not find a thread like this. lets just.. drop in here all (url's of) free pdf files and texts and stuff (reading material) on daoism or daoist alchemy ill start with: http://theology101.org/tao/index.htm http://nothingistic.org/library/chuangtzu/ http://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/ http://www.goldenelixir.com/jindan/jindan_intro.html https://archive.org/details/lieh_tzu_cm_librivox (this is an audio book on lieh-tzu) https://terebess.hu/zen/textindex.html (they have a lot of text files)