Mark Foote

The Dao Bums
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Status Updates posted by Mark Foote

  1. Hi, Apech,

    From your thread, "Non-Dual Buddhism":

    "For me its more about readdressing the process we are undertaking as Buddhists (or probably Bon and Daoist for that matter) to see it in a light which actually makes it work a little better(?) , easier (?) - or even kinder ..."

    For three months, I've been riffing off that!  Here's the result, if you're interested:

    I went ahead and posted it to the thread, as well.


    Mark Foote

    1. Apech


      Wow thanks man!!!

    2. Mark Foote

      Mark Foote

      I can't tell you what it means to me, to have had the inspiration--I didn't realize I had something to say about the concentrations until I started to write in response to what you said (which was something that really registered for me).

      Although when I sit, I wind up just reminding myself of what I said and not trying to make anything happen, still it's been insanely helpful to me.  

      Thanks again, stay safe and all the best!


  2. you bet.

    Don't know how you did this, but thanks- I have greatly enjoyed your presence on the haiku thread, small things, small something, I don' know...

  3. hey, all- thanks for dropping by!