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Everything posted by NeiChuan

  1. I don't agree that is a loss of control, if that were true, other emotions would be aswell. It depends on how a person deals with anger. If you have control of your emotions, you can choose which times are the correct times to be angry. Also, to OP, being assertive isn't always being angry, so you can let people know the line that way.
  2. Shrinkage Theory of Everything.

    Whenever the tags "Quantum Mechanics" are put up in a discussion red flags are raised.. Being only about 2 or 3 people on the entire planet even understand what any of it means.. So when I see it mentioned on youtube, or a forum, it makes think.
  3. I don't see why you would want to give up sex. Moderate it yes. Although why give up an daily opportunity to not only improve your health, and relieve stress, but get to emotionally and mentally more intertwined with another person. Or just help eachother grow as people. If there's a person in your life you have an opportunity to share this with, why would you not?
  4. Tenaga Dalam/Lin Kong Jin/

    It's so rare it may aswell be fake. It's hit or miss. If you get hit by it in the first place (if they're for real) you'll either just have your shirt move, or be dead. And I doubt a guy only able to move your shirt would think about projecting energy at you. Another reason to not gain things like this in the hope to use them on people. Then again the systems making it available, I believe filter out people who do look to do things like this.
  5. OUT of BODY EXP./ ASTRAL Projection

    I really can't explain it much better, aswell as your previous post. Getting stuck in recurring nightmares is a possibility, but a part of the practice.
  6. The deer exercise alone will be enough. It will be time, but it takes time for lasting results. Be very very sure you take it slow, or else you have to decondition your perineum before you keep trying to excel (or you'll have premature ejaculation) Differenciate your light contractions from your medium, then to your hard. but most of all don't over do it. The inward drawing of the energy will happen spontaneously when you least expect it if you're diligent, and most likely faster if you're practicing the MCO. NeiChuan
  7. I am convincing myself more and more that I am recycling the semen that is dying or dead. I believe this is why generally after ejaculation it is said you should wait a couple of days, perhaps to produce more and wait until you have more to recycle with.. This is what I have come up with though. Edit: Completely forgot to actually reply.. I believe a vasectomy will probably help your training, being the semen would never actually be expelled from your body, yet consistently produced.

    He's quite dramatic isn't he? The first few sentences were enough.
  9. It sounds like you're doing real good work, but also need a balance. Do you eat vegetables? If not many I suggest switching a meal of yours with greeny vegetables, being you don't want your internal organs to over heat, as the way you've mentioned it. It sounds like you're heating up a bit. still try to eat plenty of food aswell. Again sounds like you're doing good work, the bones feeling like they're on fire is a great sign, good progress. Glad to see you have time to do this particular practice, what with how busy you are.
  10. Sitting in Full Lotus

    Very very impressive Anamatva. I know I don't know you (at least yet) but im proud to hear. Good job.
  11. ceiling cat is the one true god.

    Oh god The cuteness... Brb Buying Cat
  12. Drain, compress and charge

    Ah cool stuff. It doesn't look "exactly" the same, but I remember doing a method about back on making energy actually physical, it sounded a bit similar to this. I don't remember all of it.. but the end result was flicking a hand a bit and water landing as if your hand were wet. This method seems cool.
  13. Taoist Approach to Dating

    This. Also, don't always worry if the person isn't exactly compatible. Sometimes it's the ones that're most incompatible that teach us the most about ourselves, or about things in general. have fun too
  14. Taoism

    haha nice
  15. Fire Yogi

    18:20 Bothers me. Seems like he gets burned and notices "oh crap my head/hair" Also I don't know what hes put all over that cloth. and all the stuff on the wood may contribute to a slow slow burn.
  16. Gonna pick this book up, thanks for the good read.
  17. make up your own conspiracy theory.

    Corporations actually pay politicians to benefit their companies, and after the politicians retire, they work as regulators for the corporations. But.. They never actually regulate, and continue to get gigantic salaries that weren't possible while they were politicians. Resource companies and corporations pay patent groups to withhold technological developments, that may run current oil companies or others out of business, holding humanity back. Perhaps 10 or more years, then release smear campaigns on the technology if it's ever released, like Thomas Edison did with Tesla. President Obama actually takes more money than all the other politicians running for president. Those are just conspiracy. Oh.. Wait a Minute..
  18. Healing experiences

    ah yeah popping right after a healing is a clear indication. Do you guys ever get involuntary leg movements? After meditating my legs sometimes shoot out, I sometimes barely feel it. I can't say my legs are healing for sure, but surely something is happening.
  19. Can you right a wrong?

    Ah, I honestly believe the only way to get over it. Is to think about the best way you can function to help people, is if you work with yourself at your best. Instead of heart broken/depressed over previous actions. Otherwise hindered.
  20. Can you right a wrong?

    Personally, I never look at it as "what can I do to redeem myself, how much, to these people" ect. Because I myself have no say of just how much I hurt someone, or whether or not they're till this day in pain. I believe the best thing to do is be better for the now, and the future. Prop yourself up to do good. This way your worked on personality, and things you've done for good in general in your mind will be concrete. It's not about how much you do, it's whether or not you do it. Also what your intentions for doing things are. I also believe if they are only for reward, or out of fear of punishment, the deed you've done is irrelevant. In the same way clearing up a debt would be. In the sense you now don't have to worry about it, which could be seen as a reward. It may seem harsh, but it's my viewpoint.
  21. My telepathy experiment today WORKED

    The best opinion I can give right now. Is to be spontaneous, and if you're looking for things like this, forget what people say about how things "should" work. Sometimes it's best to let nature do its work without always trying to articulate, or disprove it. Sometimes.
  22. Hahah, what's with the opinion alert? Also one thing that seems to have been left out. Businesses are exempt, meaning pretty much only people like us who create sites ect. Or sites for friends can be brought down. Aswell as foreign run sites I believe.