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Everything posted by Apech

  1. KAP

    Maybe feel a little wired afterward? Bad joke - but its not my volt.
  2. KAP

    So he was putting mains 240 volts AC current through you?
  3. KAP

    For info. UK electricity is 240 V alternating current at 50 Hertz (cycles per second) ... so either he had a transformer or what he was doing sounds pretty dangerous to me.
  4. Haiku Chain

    with natural ease... an unnatural disease infected my ass. (I feel this may be an all too common problem these days )
  5. The wu-chi diagram

    Hello knowledgeable ones, I have been reading Eva Wong's "Cultivating Stillness" over the Xmas/New Year and am interested in the diagram (Fig. 1 in the book) - version attached below. I wondered if anyone knew of any source material which deals with this diagram in greater depth - online or in print. Thanks. A7.
  6. Haiku Chain

    swiftly the hawk flies... right into my living room drink beer watch TV.
  7. Haiku Chain

    'neath the empty sky.. is some empty atmosphere breath and nitrogen.
  8. Being Banned from Taobums

    XYZ dollars! What happened to numbers - do we have to count in letters now? Or have I fried all my synapses with a burst of chi?
  9. The wu-chi diagram

    I like to balance left and right and get the benefits of both.
  10. Haiku Chain

    sleep is my coffin and waking is my arm chair watch the world go by.
  11. Being Banned from Taobums

    Is this a crossover from the stronger erections thread?
  12. Being Banned from Taobums

    Thanks for timing it for the early evening it'll give me time to prepare my hot chocolate drink.
  13. Being Banned from Taobums

    Having read this thread about the effect on people's computers I have decided I would like to apply to be banned - how does one go about it - is there an application form to complete?
  14. The wu-chi diagram

    Thanks. I've found limited material. But I have been able to confirm that Wiki was far too generous with the dates of Zhou which are given elsewhere as 770BC making it much later. I realise its unreliable as a source (unless you know who posted) but I have done some work on some of the Egyptian stuff so I knew those dates were more or less ok. One thing I can agree wholeheartedly about is the distortion of archeology by the archeologist - especially 19 century and early 20 century - who were very prone to project their own theories and prejudices on the evidence. This is why I always work with source material triangulated (where possible) with verifiable evidence. Putative mythological origins are fine if understood to be what they are but I don't like to mix these with hard evidence like properly dated artifacts and so on. I also agree that historical views based on Europe and the Middle East are slanted. I think that from the very earliest times mankind has had a very broad lines of communication and carried with it a wisdom about nature/reality and so on. Anything seen from this perspective would challenge the orthodox view of the history of mankind.
  15. The wu-chi diagram

    Wong says that the Ho-to revealed itself through a pattern on a horse to Fu-hsi. Lo-shu on the shell of a tortoise to Emperor Yu - but does not give a date for either event. I realise Fu-hsi was supposed to have lived 6000 years earlier but if so are there examples of the diagrams from this period? I'm interested in these burial sites you mention - do you mean Banpo? If not can you give me any names? Thanks.
  16. Haiku Chain

    winter crows that sing I see black flags in the wind in a bleak chorus.
  17. Being Banned from Taobums

    Findlay's been banned! Why? I don't see that Drew's that far out of line really. He was probably in full lotus and giving people orgasms at the time and therefore not responsible for his own actions. Its annoying when people try to spam but its really obvious as well. Caveat emptor and all that.
  18. Haiku Chain

    wind in deep winter many helpings of bean soup silent but deadly.
  19. Nagging back pain from meditation! HELP

    Check your neck posture and maybe get some massage.
  20. The wu-chi diagram

    JK, Thank you for your kind offer but the demands of the rest of my life would prevent me traveling to China. I didn't realise that the book was intended as a 'Rosetta Stone' and I would say if so, it is only partly successful, although it is a very interesting book - hence my original question. All I was after was a bit more background and people have been most helpful. I don't really follow your point about schools. I didn't go to school in the US although I did spend some time there when I was younger. I don't think I would struggle to follow the 186 rules though - except perhaps the one about keeping warm in winter and cool in summer, we have the coldest winter for 60 years here although signs of a thaw today! A7.
  21. The wu-chi diagram

    I think you may have misunderstood what I was saying. The oldest extended corpus of written religious writing in the world is the Egyptian Pyramid Texts (~2300/2400 BC) of King Unas (or Wenis). In these texts are ideas which are clearly older and given how developed they were when first written and that they come towards the end of the pyramid building age must stretch back at least to around 3000 BC. The Four Sons of Horus as a) guardian spirits of the major organs of the body, b ) four aspects of the construction of the cosmos and c) the four rudders of heaven are the antecedents of the what was later to be incorporated into Babylonian/Hellenistic zodiacs and so on which led to the four beasts and the four elements. In other words it was a consistent theme in the tradition of thinking which came from the ancient world through places like Alexandria and was preserved in traditions such as western alchemy and Hermeticism. Every valid system of thought/symbolism of this kind is developed in a way which internally self consistent. They are models which allow us to reflect on the nature of reality. Where problems emerge is when trying to read across from system to system - this is because each 'element' in each system makes sense in the context of that system. The idea of 'metal' as an element or 'stage of change' did not exist as an explicitly stated function in the west and so it was not the case that it was dropped, left out or forgotten. Yep ... I think that's an interesting analysis.
  22. The wu-chi diagram

    Sorry no. The Western Four Element system has its origins in Egypt and the Four Sons of Horus later developed by influence from Mesopotamia and then Greek thought. I'm not saying no influence from Silk Route but that was later and Alexandria was only constructed towards the end of the history of Egypt. They didn't lose metal it was never an element. There are correspondencies between the two systems but you can't read across like that. One interesting comparison though is where earth is placed centrally. In Western Hermetics the substance produced by the perfect harmony of the Four Elements is the Philosophers Stones (secret of immortality amongst other things).
  23. Haiku Chain

    quite like clouds really... but hate that bastard called fog... Mist? Not forgotten.
  24. Haiku Chain

    A snowflake perhaps? And an icicle or two? Frozen things are free.