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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Dokkodo

    Turning the other cheek is misunderstood I think. It actually means volte face - turn around or turn away - so what he was saying was learn to walk away from a fight - otherwise you get a never ending cycle of retaliation and revenge which escalates. He wasn't saying offer up your other cheek to be hit. With the money lenders - he was opposing hypocrisy - good thing for me I hate it too. Not sure about his death - except to say its given a lot of people plenty to think about.
  2. Dokkodo

    I find Jesus the person quite inspirational but if I ever start to gravitate towards him Christianity immediately puts me off. He said love thy neighbor but they seem to spend all their time hating everyone who is not one of them.
  3. I'm not really into herbal things but I was reading about the god Nefertem who is the child who is born in the blue lotus. In the Pyramid Texts when the king comes out of the underworld into the horizon he is said to appear as Nefertem. "Unas will appear as Nefertem, as the water lily at the Sun's nose when he emerges from the Akhet everyday, the one at the sight of whom the gods become clean." The fact that he is at the Sun's nose suggests that it is the scent of the lily/lotus which is important. Its something to do with opening up perception, freshness, newness, stimulation. That's why I was asking about the smell. They found blue lotus flowers in Tutankhamun's coffin when they opened it up. Nefertem was the child of the god Ptah of Memphis - one of the oldest gods of Egypt and who is said to create all the other gods through his heart (mind) and tongue (thought). The mother of Nefertem is Sekhemet whose name means 'powerful one', a lioness often thought of as wrathful because of the myth (Celestial or Divine Cow) in which Ra sends out his eye in the form of a lioness against mankind when they plot against him. When she over does it and threatens to destroy all mankind Thoth and another god called Onuris (the hunter) put beer mixed with ochre (a red dye) instead of their blood so when she drinks the blood she gets drunk and sleepy and so is pacified. Rather like the phrase 'drunk on power'.
  4. hello

    I'm saying hello back.
  5. Hi

    Welcome. Keep up the meditation its good for you. A.
  6. Scotty, What do you use it for?
  7. Nothing wrong. I've never been entirely convinced by John Chang but I know he has a lot of followers on here - I've only seen the video posted - the one where he pokes a chop stick through a table and other things though. I think there's probably a lot of us who could cite the telepathic type of siddhis and I myself could say there's lots of occasions when I have known something I could not logically know and so on. But the other walking on water stuff - well I think that's few and far between. Cheers A.
  8. Dokkodo

    I like making my own mistakes too ... I'm very good at it!
  9. Mixing the 5 Elements in the Dantien

    I'm lost ... what do you mean? You are a lump of cellular matter? You may or may not be human? Could you fill in the gaps please.
  10. Mixing the 5 Elements in the Dantien

    Are you not human?
  11. Dokkodo

  12. Haiku Chain

    my ego and I we met once, it was raining I lent him my coat.
  13. Dokkodo

    Sometimes I wonder if the problem is that people ask the sages for rules and they (probably reluctantly) give out a set which then get written down and changed into dogma - when they were only trying to be helpful. Because in the end the only rule is follow your heart/ follow the Tao ... or however you like to put it.
  14. Dokkodo

    No I am not a woman - you were supposed to click on the JC link ... never mind try again JC
  15. Haiku Chain

    while wanting a koan you're nothing but a hound dog no buddha nature.
  16. Dokkodo

    Marbles, Do you mean you respect this woman? JC
  17. Dokkodo

    Heretic! Burn him! *screams loudly and rushes around with a fiery cross*
  18. Dokkodo

    That's an interesting one - I thought it meant that you shouldn't accept what everybody says is true just because they say it is (sort of thing). I think they're all good as long as you remember the world Musashi lived in and that he was a swordsman.
  19. Stripping The Gurus

    Good question. If there was evil intent I would say it was in the man not the woman - on the basis that she just snapped after being subjected to unbearable pressure. But it is equally possible that the man was driven by something he could not control. Despite this I think that we all have to take responsibility for our actions - I don't see the point of the 5 years suspended ... what is that supposed to achieve? She should either serve time or walk free. If the man just deliberately wound her up and abused her for years with a cold heart - then this indeed could be called evil.
  20. Haiku Chain

    live outside of that he said - taking down the tent the sky is my roof.
  21. What are you listening to?

    I really like Gorillaz used to listen to them all the time.
  22. Mixing the 5 Elements in the Dantien

    Then what is the result of this? original chi?