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Everything posted by Apech

  1. The Moon Is Bright Tonight!

    Moon very bright here tonight. Last night a moon-bow ... a ring of light around the moon (caused by ice crystals in upper atmosphere I think). BTW my neighbour plants his onions only at a late crescent/new moon - anyone else come across this?
  2. Cake Corner

    What's a 'bisquick biscuit' ... is it something evil?????
  3. sexlessness in Japan / in marriage

    Mal's scones are his own personal business provided they remain covered in public places. Due to a technical fault I am unable to apologize at present. I can however, apologize for not apologizing for what I am not apologizing for. Sorry about that.
  4. sexlessness in Japan / in marriage

    I insist on apologizing and will do so in due course.
  5. sexlessness in Japan / in marriage

    Dear NMNMTTTNMTTM, Although I uphold the equality of all the varieties of pastries across the world I have to say I found it necessary in this case to take action. I cannot stand by and allow chocolate yumminess to be isolated from the rest of cake-kind and so I unilaterally decided that the definition of cake should encompass the whole of bakery (notwithstanding the uncooked nature of the 'self' of biscuit when understood in terms of Dzogchen) or either that/ or not the cake may be the product of cultivation, that is non-ejaculatory cookery. I hope I have clarified the situation. A.
  6. Cake Corner

    No the beans are kind of mashed up somehow ... you can tell I'm a cook. These are even nicer pasteis de nata
  7. Cake Corner

    Uncooked Chocolate Bars 60 grams butter or margarine 200 grams dark chocolate 3 tablespoons golden syrup 250 grams digestive biscuits, crushed Place butter, chocolate and syrup in a saucepan and heat gently until melted. Stir in the biscuits and mix thoroughly. Turn into a greased and lined shallow 18 cm square tin and smooth the top with a palette knife. Leave to set, then cut into bars. Makes 16. Copied by Mod Action from Japanese sexless thing to here - recipe by Ninpo- *** etc.
  8. Ignore poster feature

    Hi Kate, Go to your user name in the top right hand corner. Click the drop down menu. Click "Manage Ignored Users" Once there it allows you add names. PS. Hope you haven't ignored me already or you won't get this PPS I assume this function works cos I've never used it
  9. Haiku Chain

    A collective mind Shines with a fuzzy glow Not the morning star.
  10. Replies and Relevance

    Glad to see we are still well on topic! Even as Brit I have to say the Stones and all those 60's groups got all their inspiration from American blues and rock and roll ... of this there is no doubt.
  11. In the meantime...

    Hi, Yes the sig is a bit of giveaway - Egypt is my main thing and I am trying (slowly) to write a book on it ... based around the Pyramid Texts and the BoD. I've written a couple of bits about Egypt on here if you look around. Shemsu Hor is usually translated as Followers of Horus a term which appears in the Pyramid Texts. Cheers A.
  12. Replies and Relevance

    I thought David Bowie was from Mars ... or was that just the spiders? Nutmeg on cauliflower cheese? really?
  13. Eye of Horus

    They would also say that the thing in the middle the 'sma' is the lungs and trachea ... but I agree with you that it is the pelvis and spine. I've discussed this with Mark Foote who is interested in the sacrum. We used the version of this that has the two Hapy figures instead of Horus and Set.
  14. Replies and Relevance

    Ah, but do you park on the pavement? Cos that's really annoying to some. I'm mean pavement by the way ... because a side walk is what crabs do.
  15. Prehistoric Civilizations

    That, I think, is almost a given.
  16. BBC article "Astronomers are interested in such observations because they say something about the way the Universe is built on the grandest scales - how matter is organised into vast filaments and sheets and separated by great voids. Not only do the clusters contain colossal quantities of visible matter - stars, gas and dust - but they also retain even larger quantities of invisible, and as yet unidentifiable, "dark matter"." Great article I thought. A.
  17. I think Big Bang is probably one of the most misleading expressions in astrophysics - it makes people think that there was some kind of normal event like an explosion which we now see the 'remnants' of - while what is actually meant is the coming into existence of space/time itself and the resultant energy.
  18. Hi Mark, I think, I may be wrong, but the further they look into space the further back in time they are looking. The revelation is about how structured the universe is in its early days ... not a random splurge of stuff but large groupings of galaxies ... this is where the sheets and filaments come in ... you see if the Big Bang was like a regular explosion you'd just see random distribution and very little structure ...
  19. Yes I think you are right - we will never grasp the complete picture - but the deeper, further back in time they look it gets more fascinating and awesome (in the real sense of the word).
  20. In the meantime...

    Correct on every point - but why are we talking about Egypt? I'm confused.
  21. Shamanic roots of Western World

    He's a what? You mean a lizard?
  22. True Self

    I can't help commenting because of Vajra's Brit bashing tendencies. Actually the British scholars in India were very sympathetic to what they found and did all the early work to open up the rest of the world to the wisdom in what they termed Hinduism. There was a Vedic religion which pre-dated the Buddha which was centred round the more ritualistic vedas like the Rig Veda and were really about how to worship the gods of the Aryan Brahmins. This was a hierarchical religion of the ruling caste - but you have to remember that Siddharta was born a prince ... so this would have been how he was brought up. In terms of the Self. I think it is too easy to say either there is a self or there is no self. Its a kind of cop out. Paradoxically we both have a self and we don't have a self at the same time and that is the hardest view to hold. Non-dualism requires it though and just saying ... oh there is no self is no answer to anything.
  23. SJ, I have no idea what you are saying here ... your ring has turned into a carrot? I call that bad luck.
  24. I think I just experienced enlightenment

    I have forwarded an illusory cheque which you may cash at the bank of Karmic Records - I want to be that Buddhist who believes also in a single god.