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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. What do you do?

    Retired, playing house husband, learning guitar, just finished a childrens writing class. Michael. Latest idea.. Recreate Wizard chess. Use computer and printer to create 32 T-shirts w/ chess pieces( and xtra queens) on both them, both sides. Staple together large felt chess mat, save time by only one color, other one blank. Then just need 34 kids to play. Only 2 who need to know the rules. Hmnn, could put pieces legal moves on bottom of each shirt.
  2. rolling/falling

    Hmmnn, Whats wrong with fighting the martial art that's just right? IMHO the Universe rebells against just right. You find a place thats comfortable, teaches great real world technique, but the teacher or a few students have big egos, or you find one w/ less 'real' technique but the people are wonderful. Or one where both are great, but its a cult and they'll want you to shave your head. On the fourth hand, everything is great, its not a cult, but inevitably old students/instructors leave and are replaced by others. I'm just thinking that we shouldn't throw out good and/or very good, on the path to just right. Because its almost impossible to fully fathom a dojo or martia art from just a few visits. Michael
  3. rolling/falling

    What are you? The Goldilocks of Martial Arts? My advice, be less picky and prejudgemental, observe classes at the closest places to you. Often its not the art, but the teacher and the atmosphere of the place. With the right sensei even the martial art tea ceremony style can be both satisfying and deadly (first make sure the tea is verry hot, then.. ) Michael
  4. Spiritual Crisis

    The HT alchemical taoist path has some safe guards, ie, the Inner Smile to keep the mind/energy smooth and relaxed, away from contraction and paranoia. Likewise, circling the energy can keep it us from being congested head cases w/ kundalini problems. Still, this site and others have seen people crash and burn. A live teacher isn't a must, but its highly recommended. Trying to do these when you lack mental balance is a recipe for trouble. Overdoing them can cause problems. Straying into thoughts of paranoia or mesiahship, depression or too much elation, are signs to slow the practice down. Personally, I'm not that energetically sensitive, I just muddle along, slowly. Enjoy the practice and what comes w/ it. Michael
  5. Castaneda Dissection

    As I recall, Michael Winn was of the opinion that Castenedas stuff was setting students up as psychic 'fresh meat' for the spirit world. Not my area of expertise, but a unique angle. Michael
  6. Whoa, that you in the picture ? You've been working out. Michael
  7. Old biel post

    Thad, I think you're backed up in this by some of the oldest Taoish Texts. Which book is it that has the Yellow Emperor chatting w/ the enlightened women? The wisest, the plain woman, does let him know that ejaculation will weaken his jing. When he says he will stop sexual relations, she tells him, that is also not the way, it will lead to stagnation. I know I read that as a quote from one of Daniel Reids books. Retention for the young gets pretty problematic if you don't have a better then average outlets, be they exercise or energetic. My 2 cents Michael
  8. I am going to be on Playboy Radio on SIRIUS...

    Thats great, its probably a better forum for you. See if you can get an MP3 version for us non subscribers. Michael
  9. I'm not a taoist

    I think you have to marry one system. Thats not saying you can't flirt on the side, or even get divorced after 5 or so years. But without dedicating yourself, you just scratch the surface and the system never becomes a part of you. Michael
  10. word

    Saying Emoto's work has quacks in it isn't saying we worship science. Or diss any honest investigation into anything. Words do have great power. So does body language and a host of other very subtle cues on us humans. Its pretty easy to emulate his rice experiment, put cooked rice into three covered bowls, put a smiley face one one and be nice to it, a frown on another and curse it, do nothing to a third. I've meant to do it myself, but haven't gotten around to it. Googling around I seem to remember other people couldn't duplicate it, though the original book claims otherwise. Michael
  11. Glenn Morris died

    I mostly agree w/ Clouds assessment of Castenada. Matter of fact I think being caught up in the role of guru/sorcerer probably shortened C.'s life. You can't go see a doctor when you've got access to magical powers and just released a video on the Ultimate Healing method. Those the gods would destroy, they first make mad. Michael
  12. injury challenge

    One thing I learned in Aikido, tap hard, scream loud and early. Michael
  13. Glenn Morris died

    Its hard to know anything for sure about Castaneda. He did die a few years back, probably cancer, though his followers burned his body as quickly as possible and said he voluntarily ascended. That was part of his developed mystique. I'm pretty sure his first book, the one that made him famous was originally a college dissertation and that it was pretty much .. not so much made up as..anthropoligical fiction. He knew his stuff, had juice, but created a story that took over his life. He rarely gave interviews, avoided the public. But he had a wife and child who didn't paint a pretty picture of him. Still, he was an excellent writer and opened the door for many people. Most of the concepts he wrote about were real. Castaneda invented a world that could be, and placed himself into it as a character. I think Glenn Morris wanted to see the world as it was. Castaneda was secretive, Morris was open and friendly. IMHO the ultimate for Morris was making friends, learning and sharing esoteric wisdoms of the world. I think Castaneda was about acquiring power, being a lone warrior/sorcerer. Michael

    ok. ok. Let me admit we shouldn't beat the crap out of anyone or kill any Buddha's on the road if we find them. Spirituality and the the fragile vessels that preach it should be taken w/ a grain of salt. The guru that takes the money and runs is an excellent example of the Buddhas #1 lesson. Change and impermanence ; or maybe permanent lack of change. Michael
  15. Structure of the mind in Buddhism

    I'm getting my latest hits of Buddhism from the infinite smile, (either or He has dozens of (free:) IPOD compatible talks on zen inspired Buddhism. Ultimately they (Buddhists) all teach the same thing. But its refreshing to hear it from someone from a closer background who teaches w/ humor and depth. Michael
  16. New Member

    Great to have old timers, been there at the beginning, people like you here. So many of the problems faced by newbies is that we learn by book, tape, DVD. There are so much subltites that can't be taught that way. With no feedback from a live teacher our growth is slowed or stunted. Since the heady days and personalities of the original 1980's group, what have you been practicing? Michael
  17. Shawshank Redemption

    Movie was good, but the book is even better. Michael
  18. Ginastica natural?

    Cam, whats the trinity freeflow squat? Michael
  19. Introduce myself

    Glad to have you here. Feel free to jump in and comment on anything and everything, as well as start new posts. Michael
  20. Defining Immortality and Enlightenment

    I think in terms of 3 kinds of enlightenment. Psychological, example would be Eckhardt Tolle, a serene being in the Now. Next Physical enlightenment, Glenn Morris, heck most HT stuff are examples; having strong and continuous energy flow in the meridians. A state where inner energy circulation manifests as greater health, awareness and vitality. Third would be Western enlightenment. A state where you are simply happy with your job, family and general life. Mundane, but very important. Immortality(classical), we don't seem to have living immortals around as role models. They appear in history almost as myths, but they're simply not living now(paradoxically) and weren't able or chose not to teach such skills to there disciples. There are many recently deceased very high level masters of many disciplines who aged gracefully, reached enlightenment and croaked like a frog. I think practices can make you live better, healthier, a bit longer. Even give you a sense of eternity and oneness, but when the bodies warranty is up, there are no deposits, no returns. Michael

    Dear God, Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; the strength to beat the crap out of those who bother me and the wisdom to get away with it. Michael
  22. I'm going to be on the radio...

    I was thinking the same thing. I hope it goes straight and well, but you might want to rehearse for the Jerry Springerish atmosphere there. Michael
  23. Getting Polyphasic by Easter

    Fascinating, keep us informed. When doing extreme stunts its good to have a buddy on watch. I think at Stanford sleep lab they call there sleep experimenters or is it experimentees, Oneirauts. Safe Journey Michael
  24. Thanks!

    Really thanks Sean. I think we're still about 3 months away from the next nonsensical, utterly stupid, Flame fest that arise each year and make you doubt the wisdom of ever starting this site. You have achieved a wonderful balance here between free expression and keeping criticism polite. Its a very hard trick. You've been doing it so long, the regulars have been into the habit of doing it automatically. I didn't like this boards layout at first. But I've learned to recognize the genius of it. For the all the work, thanks. Michael
  25. Interview of Daniel Reid and other audio

    I like Daniel Reids stuff. He's a westerner who is really living the life. He writes well w/ authority. That air of authority sometimes turns people off. I think I'm going to do his fasting routine from the book "Tao of Sex, Longevity..". I used to do it every spring, but haven't since I got hitched. Michael