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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Why do I like the lunatics?

    Seeing the best in people is a gift . The lunatics have the crazy wisdom, often the deepest kind, that we can't get anywhere else. Michael
  2. Enlightenment Poll

    Both, they can happen separately. One can lead to the other or not. There are gentle souls like Eckhardt Tolle who is on one scale of psychological enlightenment but is described as fragile, and high level martial artists whose voltage you can feel as they walk into the room. Michael
  3. Get to know the real Procurator

    I've always found him to be remarkably negative. He mostly posts one line dismissives. Classic Proc. is when he insulted someones style as inauthentic without ever seeing it, then when pressed admitted he himself doesn't study the art. Its hard to guage if he has any skill at all. Morally he seems pretty slimy to me and has for a long time. Michael
  4. Kan and Li

    Thanks for sharing the Pure Yang Mudra, fascinating way to feel the IChing. I've always thought there was an exercise called Kan & Li(Chia, Winn & other systems have it), involving visualizing heat, cold and creating steam. Then there is the state of KanandLi; where the practitioner has gone through Kundalini. Glenn Morris described as a profound physical and psychological experience. Having your mental and energetic clock cleaned, if you're circuits are running clear its a wonderful experience, if not it can be a sledge hammer. Michael
  5. Fixing Google

    Google is really pissing me off. They suddenly, without notice put the tabs on the side instead of keeping them on the top. This continually wastes quite a bit of screen space. Here is a solution I found on the net. Or you can use the UK iGoogle.... Go to "my account" at the top of igoogle, select iGoogle "Settings" on the right of the next screen, then change language to English (UK) and country to (United Kingdom). Press Save. Then use instead of your original address. On Oct 18, 6:31 pm, Aztexa wrote: Michael I tried it, it works.
  6. Help me with a word

    Lets see, Tummo, Flow, We Flow, To Flow, Tao, D'Oh, Sow,
  7. Are there any good books or web sites

    I created a todo list system that is a single sheet, folded into thirds then in half, so you have a little wallet with markings for 'Today's Hard thing', 3 Most important things, Work, Food Diary, Spiritual, Family & Friends, Exercise Diary, Fun/Hobby, Notes, Good Things and ofcourse a To do list. Its a little anal(fine its very anal), but its small and helps organize the day. You print out page 1, flip it then print out page 2, its a Microsoft Word document, so its easy to modify. There's a down loadable version tucked away Personal Discussion site In TheLerner's Stuff & Fluff, Page 9, post #168, from Oct 18th 2007, its there and can be downloaded w/ a click. Michael
  8. White Skeleton Meditation

    I have there other two CD's. The Sleep one never worked for me, though I tend to be a hard core insomniac. The heart CD has an interesting Kan and Li meditation on creating a fire globe in the chest, ice globe at the dan tien, then flipping them. The heat steams the water and you're left energetically cleaner. I don't use it much, though I recognize the power of it. I like the bone breathing best. I don't think its commerically available, but there's a Kaishan Chi gung Longevity meditation that also lights up the skeleton then slowly sends you down in age to a baby, then up to 140 years old thats really good. Michael
  9. Winning Browie Points

    In yoga circles there is Karma yoga. Simply doing service. When I was at a Sivananda Ashram (Paradise Island very pretty) We were expected to do an hour or 3 of Karma yoga a day. For better or worse we live busy lives and with work, cultivation practice, family duties there's not a much time for daily merit work, so its best to do the little you can rather then the make commitments you might have to break. To me, kindness to friends and family is the prerequisite. If you don't have a strong base there, then going for Big Merit elsewhere is misplaced. Mother Teresa also echoed this by making sure nun applicants had no duties and responsibilities at home before they could take positions in her order. Smile and Plato talked about the practice of Merit by serving 'hungry ghosts'. I'm often reminded of that practice in oriental restaurants where food and candles are put out for them, but thats not my religion. Be nice to them while they're alive. Michael
  10. Doing favors

    Faced with the inherent unfairness we think is all around us, what other advice can there really be? M.
  11. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    Bye, you take care too. Have you learned anything here? Or do you leave with the exact attitude you came with? ie. you offered salvation and we're too 3rd rate and foolish to comprehend? Michael
  12. Doing favors

    There's a modernized very condensed version of the Taodejing. I believe Ch 2. is; Shit happens, walk around it. Hope that helps
  13. Winning Browie Points

    I've been thinking about this a lot lately. First, I don't think there is anyone out There keeping score. The universe seems big and impersonal and quite frankly doesn't give a damn about my p's and q's. But being a moral person I keep score. As I've aged I'm becoming mellower, maybe wiser. Take criticizing others, a frequent fault of mine. I realize it doesn't do a lick of good. Plus, in a Newtonian sense, the negativity doesn't end with my pronouncement. It keeps going, bouncing back or knocking things down as it goes by. Its a negative ripple that spreads out, a hot coal I throw at others. The harder I hit the more I separate from my target. While I can't exactly define enlightenment, I know its the opposite of separation. There's a world of small kindness'es that take very little effort. Simple politeness, a smile, giving someone a minute or two of full concentration. Maybe these spread out too. Michael
  14. White Skeleton Meditation

    Another resource for feeling the skeleton is Chi Nei Tsang's The Bone Dreaming Meditation CD. Its a 30 minute guided meditation that slowly lights up your skeleton. Very nice, put it on, lie down, it even includes the sutures within the skull, having them flex as your breath. For $15 its a nice bang for the buck. They have a couple of good guided meditation audios. Michael
  15. Michael Winn - Opening the Microcosmic Orbit

    I took a Basics class with him and talked to him the week I took Fusion. Great guy, very knowledgeable and open. After many years I'll still do the chi gung sequence from his basics video and the Pan Gu routine. I never saw any special powers , but I saw him doing chi gung and was greatly impressed by the emotional power displayed within it. He didn't have the grace of a Tai Chi master, but his movements were expressive, powerful and deep. I later learned it was a tribute to Ron Diana's death. He may not be the ultimate, but there's a lot you learnfrom him. He's friendly, accessible, widely studied and Western. Michael
  16. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    Better, but still forced. I let outer reality- lice attacks, regret over lost opportunities, cloud my inner smile. So, its a work in progress Michael
  17. Hello

    Hi Doni, I just started Santiagos Kap 1. Its 12 half hour elessons conducted live through Skype. I enjoyed G. Morris's books and even got his audio series. Its very nice having a live teacher, even if its through a web. Michael
  18. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    Fine, he should be banned. This place would be a lot quieter if half of you were banned. Then I could finally type in peace. Get off my yard. Michael
  19. Brainwave entrainment question

    Yes, its very effective, but it had a side effect of turning me green. M. or was that his gamma radiation suite?
  20. Starman returns

    Always welcome friend Michael
  21. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    Ofcourse not. He's an experienced knowledgable practitioner. He's provocative, but the good part of that is it can and does create good conversation. (bad part is being told I'm 3rd rate and unworthy of salvation, but I've been told worse ). IMO Banning people should not be a public affair, it turns into a witch hunt way to easily. It should never be done because you dislike someone or there philosophy. If someone has disregarded the insult policy repeatedly and seems unstable, they should be reported to Sean privately in a PM. Its his unhappy job and shouldn't be turned into gossipy conversation. Michael
  22. man of principle

    Here is a suggestion from the far left field. Look through some of the E-Myth books (any of them). They're business philosophy books, the E is Entrepreneur. The value in them to you is the parts on creating strong clear mission statements. Looking at the big picture and finding where you belong. I've been re-reading them and re-translating them into creating myself instead of creating a business. I found it uniquely helpful. In other words, you figure out the man part, the book explains the process of creating a strong lasting reality based description of what you want to focus on. If you're in a library or book store page through and let me know if my suggestion makes any sense. Michael
  23. My Password Is Being Hacked And changed

    I'd like to point out that Gossamer in his last post on the thread he started (Black magic..) gives a site that he says if clicked on will load a key logger virus onto your computer. If true, thats really bad and should be removed. Kinda like here's a really bad magic site, cool pictures, but don't click it. Its not a good thing to have in a post, if he's right. If he's wrong its still questionable. Michael
  24. Long Distance KUNDALINI KAP Training through Skype

    Just joined today. A good class. I gotta work out the details of using Skype and facebook. I joined this morning loaded up Skype and Facebook, and then didn't know how to join. I got on, but couldn't see the chat and I'm not sure how to acccess the facebook info. I look forward to up to speed by next week. Michael