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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Zhan zhuang

    This reminds me of Adyashanti's teachings which say we meditate wrong. We put ourselves into a relaxed trance state and miss the whole point of what meditation should be about. I've been working with this concept and at first it feels like a step back, but has made my sitting deeper. I'll have to keep your advice in mind when I stand. Thank you. Michael
  2. Systema, Aikido

    What is the breathing practice like? In my Aikido dojo there was a breathing practice w/ an unusually long breath cycle. 30 second in, 30 seconds out. It took a long time, actually years to get, course I didn't work on very hard on it in those days, and now, a decade out of practice I can't do it. A senior instructor told me 'This is whats really going to save your life'. I dismissed it at the time, but that probably is the truth. Michael
  3. Daoist Secret of the Six Healing Sounds

    I've always thought the heart was haaaAAAhhh. Its presented that way in the Healing Tao system, as well as a few other Chinese presentations. It also connects to some Kabalic sacred sound system I work with. For the liver I'm used to SShhhhhhhhhh. Sometimes, particularly translating the Chinese spellings are strange, but the sound is actually the same. Or maybe its like the Animal Frolicking series of chi gung exercises where different systems are an animal or two apart. Michael
  4. Taking Revenge Without Holding onto Hatred

    eh, Batman is comic boook character and he lives in a comic book world. You may as well inspire to be Scooby Doo. The situations you present are extreme, basing morality on extremes is a bad idea. In the real world its not a child molester who's upset your kid, its another kid or parent. That is what happens 999/1000 times, putting your mindset into the revenge/fantasy mode is going to make you over react most times, as well as increase paranoia and anxiety. Again you stop w/ 'get on with your life', when in reality its being hauled into the police station, and a long involvement in revenge & counter revenge, linking of karmas that may go for a very long time. I'm not saying violence is always wrong, or not understandable. But, in problem solving, if you look at violence as a shiny golden tool (just like in comic books & TV) you pull it out when its not appropriate and you'll be up in shits creek for months or years. Why?? Cause it wasn't a child molester, wasn't a rapist, wasn't one sided between sister and her boyfriend. In anger you thought it was because you cling to a fantasy. Take the sister being beat to a pulp scenario. What happens in reality is your sister is going to have messy break ups. She will cry and be miserable, but not be beaten to a pulp. Live in fantasy/revenge land, indulge in it and you can count on her not speaking to you for months or years. Be wary of decisions made in anger. Cause you never 'just walk away' from them. In 17 years in the martial arts, one the most important things I was taught is; If you're angry fine, you don't need to repress it, but you may not feed it. My sensei studied bar fights, he once said 'What messes you up and get you killed is wanting the last word. Having won or lost, getting in the last comment, turning back to the conflict is what turns victory into defeat, and loss into disaster. Don't play comic book character, move away quickly with awareness. Win or lose. Teaching 'them' a lesson is pointless. my 2 cents. Michael May as well spit this out as long as I've thought of it. Your child molester scenario may well leave your kid, molested and without a father for 5 to 10 years. When you're out of prison if you find your wife in bed with someone else, thats another 20 to 50 years the kid is fatherless. Hell, if you're willing to murder due to infidelity then you're probably willing to beat the shit out of your girlfriend for cheating on you. Then if she has a brother like you, he beats you to a pulp or kills you, in double counter revenge you wind up prison..the degeneracy you experience there makes you... cycles go on and on, until someone forgives and walks away. Thats not to say there should be no justice, but actions done in anger tend to bare rotten fruit.
  5. Go to China!

    The irony is, if it was super cheap (and some Indian saints are) you could go there and see them, but you're visiting with a few hundred or thousand admirers, so the teaching isn't quite as powerful. BaGua there are amazing people out there, some tour; keep your ears open and be willing to travel a few hours. If you want to be in the presence of a living saint(Indian Holy people tend to travel quite a bit), you can be. But on the bargain basement plan, you'll be in a big group. But so what, sometimes there teaching is there presence. Michael
  6. Taking Revenge Without Holding onto Hatred

    You're leaving something out of the equation. Counter revenge. Will you keep your calm demeanor and attitude of forgiveness if they do something nasty back to you or someone else because of your action? There is human anger and the will to protect. You've already given away pieces and peace of mind when your thoughts turn to revenge. Its often a saintlyhood beyond us, but if there's no current threat, getting on with your life and not engaging in the revenge cycle is probably the best. Otherwise as Don Corleone said: It'll keep pulling you in. my 2 cents Michael
  7. Prediction - who will make it and not...

    Well duh, ofcourse there is compassion for those who have suffered under the Chinese. Its terrible. Falun has some solid practices and philosophies. Its also on some levels a charismatic cult tied up with religious and political entanglements and as you've shown something of a doomsday mentality. The people who practice it don't deserve the persecution they've gotten. Quite the opposite, but historically groups who are lead by a near deified master who preaches the coming doomsday don't do well. I don't think the leaders of FG have done a great job of shielding there followers from pain. Michael
  8. create your own sexual tantra?

    darling, if you must have diapers, make them silk.
  9. create your own sexual tantra?

    Good sex starts before the sex. Just lying together w/ the smaller on top and 'buddy breathing', one person breaths in as the other breaths out. Playing w/ it, developing rhythms; from easy harmony to very fast or slow. Then carrying this style of play into the act.. or not. Michael
  10. Prediction - who will make it and not...

    Sometimes we (bums) have a nasty habit of raining down criticism on followers of an orthodox system. Ofcourse a diehard believer is going to be 100% faithful and toe the line, but they're also the ones who put in the most time on the mat. Gauss will never convince me to join falun, but I'm sure there's many things I could learn from him. my 2cents Michael I've noticed the more Orthodox (I'll define as strict w/ rule based hierarchy & mythology) the system, the sooner they proclaim the world is coming to an end. I suspect its been that way throughout history.
  11. El Cheapo tea challenge

    Here's an interesting article on Pu erh from the teamuse. It mentions the Pu erh from Adagio, and talks about the importance of rinsing. On Pu Erh, The Other Tea by LaRoi Zavier An ancient past time Dark and earthy Pu Erh tea Yunnan Pu Erh Gold If I were stranded on a deserted island and could only have one type of tea with me, in unlimited supply, it would definitely be China's pu erh tea from Yunnan Province. It has all of the medicinal properties of green tea, plus other medicinal properties which are unique to pu erh alone. It has a flavor that is complex and yet much smoother and more enjoyable than a cup of a gourmet coffee. So aside from its numerous health benefits, it's just plain good! One of the things I find so fascinating about pu erh is that it is actually a living tea, which is what makes it so unique. The living cultures within the tea are why pu erh is the only tea in the world that actually improves with age. The living, healthy microbes in the leaves smooth out the flavor of the tea over time, which is why pu erh remains drinkable and enjoyable no matter how long it is steeped. No other tea has this quality. A good cup of pu erh is so rich and dark that it's easy to mistake the tea for a cup of coffee, but once that smoothness hits the tongue, there's no mistaking pu erh for any other drink. It's no wonder to me why pu erh has always been the choice tea of China's old aristocracy and now the business elite. Though it contains the least amount of caffeine of all the black teas, it is surprisingly invigorating, yet at the same time balancing, so no jitters like coffee. Strategists and leaders historically would drink pu erh when making important decisions that required focus. Business leaders continue this practice today, enjoying a pot of pu erh prior to meetings and negotiations. As a morning boost to start off the day, pu erh is so naturally smooth that no additives are required to enjoy a cup, unlike coffee, which few people actually enjoy plain. For some reason, however, pu erh has a reputation for not being very pleasant to the taste. Probably the most important (and, unfortunately, the most often overlooked) factor in whether or not you enjoy your first cup of pu erh is proper brewing. It's not like other teas, and if it's not done correctly the first time, you're not likely to give it a second try. So right off the bat: YOU MUST RINSE THE LEAVES BEFORE BREWING A POT! This is paramount. The tea has been fermenting and aging many months or even years, depending on the quality of the tea, and in that time it acquires a bitter, chalky, sometimes even fishy-tasting filminess. And when most people claim not to like the taste of pu erh, it's because their first cup had this unpleasant flavor from an improperly prepared pot. So make sure you rinse the leaves properly first! How do you do that? Simple. Just boil the water like normal, and once the water is ready just pour a quarter- or half-cup over the leaves, just enough to fully submerge them. Swish the leaves around in the water for a period of 45 seconds to a full minute, and then strain. Only then are the leaves ready for making a proper pot. And believe me, it makes all the difference in the world! Green tea is now well-known throughout the world for its medicinal properties, but few people know the value of pu erh in this regard. Like green tea, pu erh is full of antioxidants, which helps to prevent cancer. In Chinese medicine it is held in high regard for regulating the energies of the spleen and pancreas, as well as regulating the triple-burner and overall metabolism of the body. It contains cleansing properties for eliminating toxins, and also replenishing properties for improving digestion and intestinal health. Probably its most profound medicinal properties are in its ability to regulate cholesterol and heart disease. A blind study was conducted in France using patients with advanced cholesterol conditions, and the results were rather remarkable. The study demonstrated rather conclusively that drinking 3-4 cups of pu erh on a regular basis can lower cholesterol to the same extent as some of the most advanced medications available. Now, I've had the opportunity to try three of Adagio's pu erh teas side-by-side. Just yesterday morning I brewed a pot of the pu erh Poe and the pu erh Dante, two basic, inexpensive teas that I would consider fair representations of the average cost-friendly pu erh on the market. Then this morning I decided to go for the gold and try the Yunnan pu erh Gold. Here are my thoughts: The Poe: deep, rich, and full-bodied, which is what I like in pu erh. mildly spicy (think cinnamon or nutmeg, not chili peppers), slightly smokey finish. Anyone who is looking for a coffee replacement will find both the price and the taste of this tea favorable. The Dante: lighter bodied, a little more complexity than the Poe, very energizing (which might suggests a little more caffeine content, like a younger stock), but not quite as satisfying overall as Poe's fullness, which really is comparable to an uncommonly smooth cup of coffee. However, for people who prefer lighter bodied brews or who enjoy coffees from Latin America (slightly citrus with a bright acidity), the Dante pu erh will be your winner. Yunnan Pu Erh Gold: Truly I was saving the best for last. This brew has all of the qualities I have come to expect in a mid to high range pu erh, and none of the weaknesses of the lower priced varieties. For instance, one of the drawbacks shared by both the Poe and the Dante is a somewhat heavy earthiness in the finish. The Yunnan Gold doesn't have this at all, and instead you get more of a clean woodsiness that tapers off into a faint apple peal flavor. It's incredibly full-bodied on the tongue, yet surprisingly light on the taste buds. It also washes with a bit of that earl grey/bergamot sweetness, indicating a delicately controlled fermentation. And everything is in balance; nothing overpowering at all. A really great tea to serve my out-of-town guests with discriminating pallets. There are so many different varieties of pu erh on the market that the best idea is to simply explore a number of different types as you would with different wines. It's a fun process to explore and discover the complex and nuanced world of pu erh tea. Proper rinsing and brewing really makes the flavors come alive, and the health benefits alone make it worth a second look if you've tried it before. Who knows? You might even discover along the way, just as I did, that you have fallen in love!
  12. What would YOU ask Chunyi Lin?

    His answer to that will be ridiculously simple. 1. BUY MY PROGRAM, then 2. Follow it. Ta dah done. Michael
  13. What would YOU ask Chunyi Lin?

    Great work getting the interview with such an esteemed Master. I like to keep things simple and practical. I'd ask: What are 3 simple things we should do each day? Michael
  14. Prediction - who will make it and not...

    Thanks I didn't realize the title referred to a different Buddha. I agree with what you're saying about the aim of nonattachment. Still I like my Buddhism simple and non pantheistic. Michael
  15. The coming economic crisis

    Its a contrarian view but when the masses panic and run for the hills its time to invest. The frightened money is already out and there is room for explosive growth. Fright of the masses is not the only metric to use, but it tends to be a good one. Just like when counter person is giving out stock advice its time to sell, the market is reaching its nadir. Was it Musashi or Buffet who wrote, “Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.” my 2 cents Michael <edit cause I can: FWIW the SP500 is up 62.53% (Dow up 47.41% QQQ up 69%)since this was written. Me be right, this time>
  16. Prediction - who will make it and not...

    You lost me at Lord Buddha. IMO(&admittedly limited study) the Buddha was a great man and teacher, with deep insights into the human psyche, but making him into a God is not just (again my opinion) wrong, but against the whole of his teaching. He lived, taught, ate bad pork, thus died of food poisoning. He is as worthy a man who ever lived, but I don't think he was or wanted to be known as God. His writings and practices must stand on there own worth, not on any super natural platform. I find it ironic the ultimate nondeist becomes a deity. Michael
  17. mama-ing and meditation

    Lucky kid I'd meditate around my kids, no energy work though. I remember my youngest would walk around me, sit in my lap, even put his fingers around my nose and squeeze. Quite a test of my calmness.
  18. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    um, my go traveling comment wasn't aimed at you (Non). Probably it was a foolish comment altogether, still travel can be good for the soul, you never quite know where you'll end up or who you'll meet. Even a small trip can give you some new perspectives (I just did the local Burning Man, a long weekend- $40 plus transportation, very renewing) You're in college and moving in a direction. Everyone goes through dark tea times of the soul, especially in college. We come out and find our way. Its just easier if you're moving in a direction. Tao99 has a good point on concentrating on the basics. Yours Michael
  19. El Cheapo tea challenge

    I'm 'workin' through some Gong Long Jing and Tiegguanyin wang<I don't do martial arts, but I drink teas that sound like them>, when I'm almost done I want to try some Pu-erh, bergamots notes are a nice bonus. Chicago has relatively clean water, kinda tasty water. I use the cold tap water and let it run for 2 minutes. Thanks Michael
  20. retribution

    Great explanation. Humans are full of rationalizations. When I want to understand Tao I look to nature.
  21. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Please excuse my earlier frivolous comment, are obviously going through a great deal of pain. The world isn't going to change for you. But its really really big..if you make the effort making plan after'll find a place you fit in. You can only spend so much time raging at the machine, wallowing in how much its mistreated you. At some point you have to roll up your sleeves and get to work to change your situation. How much have you contributed to the world? what have you been giving?? Shit, why does it owe you anything? Your bitchin gets old real fast. I worked a dead end job and at 24 left it to see the world. In the middle east I lived on $7 a day, in Europe I needed to spend more, rarely over $35. I often traveled w/ Aussies and Kiwi's who'd travel a year at a time, living on shoe string and doing odd jobs for the occasional buck. They lived in the spirit of the true Tao Bum. I learned when I got back one of my bosses had committed suicide. It struck me that if he was so unhappy w/ his lot he could have taken a new name and joined me on some small greek island living cheap. Again the world is so big, there is a place for everyone, though the search may be long and hard. I wish my boss had kept looking. If you're disturbed enough to hurt someone then I recommend (1st is get prof. help) you get a passport and start walking (or hitching or riding) North or South. Look up some library books or online sources for vagabonding and get moving.. Travel with an open mind and Find your place. Michael uh on the subject of non ejaculatory Orgasms(how the hell did these posts stray so far?), never really had them, but at times I can have sex and not orgasm, which allows more sex and bigger orgasm later.
  22. El Cheapo tea challenge

    We're being very Chinese oriented. What input is there on Japanese or Indian teas? I particularly like Japanese Genmai styles that add toasted rice, giving them a sweet and hearty taste. On the conventional (&cheap) side I grew up with bags of Constant Comment(from Bigelow), and w/ a little sweetener and slice of lime its great. Likewise when I'm not doing coffee I'll have Earl Grey in the morning, sometimes taking it w/ milk. Michael
  23. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    In my (admittedly) obnoxious opinion. You guys need to get laid so badly. I wonder if after a week or two of steady sex you'd still be so concentrated on feminist, government and alien conspiracies? Michael
  24. If you like to drink good tea...

    Congratulations Mikael, good to see your skills appreciated. What do you need for the discount? I'll PM you my email or address? Michael
  25. Thank you for your sharings and insights. You are a TB Treasure, wise & experienced :)