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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Secrecy

    I don't either, but I can respect it, if others believe it. Remembering your past is remembering among other things, your mistakes. Important lessons. CC may have ended in a bad place, taking some people with him because of that.
  2. Secrecy

    That's what I like about travel. Living life day to day one is moving thru ruts made by the roles we have. In travel, particularly solo you can drop all that and just be.
  3. 2021

    & I believed if you didn't eat the paper fortune, it wouldn't come true. In Chicago, most of the New Age shops and books stores have been long closed. Pity, some were great to grab a pastry, coffee, peruse a book. Some offered a palm or tarot reading. Not that I'm a true believer in such, but every year I'd partake, to give myself food for thought. Focal points to dwell on. We live in a Rorshachian world, and perhaps it's better to look upon it and give values and interpretation, then to ignore the designs we see, altogether.
  4. Anyone got interesting plans for February?

    Ain't that the sad truth. I practiced more when I had 3 kids in diapers, ran a small business and was working on black belts. Problem w/ doing nothing is you're never quite done w/ it. Though, this morning I woke up, played w/ wife, did Pan Gu qigong, followed by Ocean breathing, sun/moon form, Crossing the Ocean, 5 minutes of shaking, little bit of zhan zhuang, and KAP stretches. Not that I spent much time on any one thing, but felt good. I've been sitting too much, getting stiff. the only interesting thing I'm half way planning is the creation of a certain kind of tincture. One that would be actually legal, a bit expensive, but frowned upon by my significant other.
  5. Anyone got interesting plans for February?

    mostly retired, putzing around a bit in finance.
  6. @king 13 years ago I read it and liked it. I assume it's got the story about the Yoga master who moved a compass needle after a lightning fast recitation of 1,000s of mantras.. but can't be sure. It had interesting stories on masters of biofeedback, sports, meditation.. Don't think I own it anymore. Full title- What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America Paperback by Tony Schwartz (Author) On Amazon, you can 'open; the book. It has an unusually generous amount of pages you can access. Including a dozen or so pages on indexing. You might find the guy mentioned in one of the back indexes or extensive notes.
  7. Secrecy

    Like Cheya I was thinking there are some practices where one leaves the past behind and don't talk about it. Not that have experience with such. On the other hand if he's been living with you, what do his actions tell you? What's his mood? His likes, what makes him tick? And basically, do you trust him and how far does the trust go? If you have a worry, a gut feeling, it's not a bad idea to honor it. You don't have to do anything drastic, perhaps have a conversation on his plans.
  8. How long can your sitting meditation last?

    I usually sit for 25 to 35 minutes. From Stillness Movement practice I learned to do a slight bobbing motion, from the waist. It's helped quite a bit with numbness problem. Also a zafu (cushion) at the right height w/ a secondary cushioning for my knees, help for longer sits. Every 5, 10 minutes I'll check my posture. Too often I'll slouch my lower back. For beginners its not a bad thing to sit against a wall for support. Though at some point you have to give it up. I've found some breathing exercise audios that last for 30 minutes, they help me stay consistent and focused. (see
  9. The end of Facebook

    Not exactly the end of Facebook, but hopefully a wakeup call to stop intrusive data over-reach. They can do it voluntarily and intelligently or if the over reach keeps up, they'll invite in legislation, that could (somehow) split them up. Cooks speech was well done. The pioneer creators and users of the internet were 'naive', at least the users were. The new generation cares about data control. If it's not done by the US, it'll be done by Europe and that splinters access.
  10. Which are your favorite yoga nidra scripts?

    copy and pasted from an older posts- In any case here is one of my favorites, excellent first thing in the morning on a lazy Saturday or Sunday.- Yoga_Nidra_Beach_and_Stars_42_min_1.mp3 I encourage people to go to and try out a few, find one they like, download it and work with it. Often there are bits we miss the first few listenings that have experiential teachings. For those with Amazon Alexa units, you can Open up the skill Yoga Nidra, then anytime you want to hear a nice one you simply say Play Yoga Nidra and it plays. I notice the Yoga Nidra network changes there selection. One of favorite longer ones Beach and Stars is no longer available. So if you like one, download and why not throw them the organization a pound or two for it. Google or search youtube for Yoga nidra and you can find many other sources for them. This one is long and blends traditional yoga nidra and pleasant guided meditation imagery. As I recall it cuts down the usual body sensing. Instead of right hand thumb, right hand finger one etc., it does both 'sides' at once. I was just listening to another nidra that began with the tip of the nose and worked out. Nice to hear variety.
  11. Continuum

    Just found the book used, I'll break it open tonight and give it a peruse.
  12. Back with new name - "VonKrankenhaus2"

    hmnn, with females we'd just have to work out some equivalent, perhaps some sound affect, though it's rumored some of them can fake it. Retentioners.. maybe bone marrow or something. It'd probably keep them from coming on too often.
  13. .. Is it accurate to say that the Buddhist and Taoist differences in approach to practice lies in psychological work vs energy cultivation? While not the whole truth, I think there may be something to that. From a Western viewpoint Buddhism has much psychological work, plus a whole lot more. Similarly Taoism has many energy practices, plus a whole lot more too.
  14. Back with new name - "VonKrankenhaus2"

    seems to be him.. good thing we checked. if he got any of those wrong, we'd need a blood, urine and semen sample. actually.. that could be a marketable idea for password protection. Instead of the tedium of memorizing a password we could hook up a biotester to our computers. Hmnn urine out, can't always produce it at will. Guess we'd have to use blood, cause sometimes getting semen takes too long.
  15. Hey Goodlookin, What u got Cookin?

    Yeah what gourmet restaurant do u work at?
  16. Hey Goodlookin, What u got Cookin?

    Grain bowl was a big success. Relatively fast, filling, very nutritious and easy cleanup. I could see making these more often. The leftovers make for great um.. leftovers. It's easy and flexibly carnivorous or vegetarian.
  17. Back with new name - "VonKrankenhaus2"

    wait.. how do we know he's not some sort of VonKrankenhaus clone? @vonkrankenhaus2, what is something only the real Vonkrankenhaus would know??
  18. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    I appreciate the caution. The head focus is one part of 5, the shortest and first part. For me it ends with time in the dan tien and last stage of just sitting.
  19. Things for the blind

    If he doesn't have one, smart speakers like the Amazon Echo Dot are amazing (& require internet). Cheap too $35ish. Particularly if someone could go through the various possible apps they have with him. And sadly musically they're much improved if linked to an Amazon Prime account. But they also play Pandora and will if you name an artist they'll play there songs. Beyond music they can read audio books to you. I can use Overlook app on my android phone, download ebooks into it, then have the echo read them to me. It'll play podcasts, give me weather, you can even have it call people and act as a speaker phone, if you set up properly. Audio games too. For my dad I found setting listen word 'Computer' instead of Alexa made him happier. Hooking it with a simple cable to a better speaker or say clock radio made the sound better.
  20. nice resource. I converted it into mp3 w/ Airy, for future listening. Because it was almost 300 MB, used itunes to convert it to down to 32 kbs, thus only 28 MB of space, easier to transfer to my phone and w/ talk, high fidelity doesn't matter much. Rick's been interviewing for 10 years, tons of them, mostly people I don't know, but others like Adyashanti, Shinzen Young and few others I do.
  21. Things for the blind

    I got my 20 year old kids a 'Bop It' toy, $15. It has 4 noise makers, they make a sound and you hit or twist shake a piece of it. It becomes a memory game w/a timer. Quite fun, a little exercise.. It gets a body moving, but not too much. Great if there is buy in. Also got a Simon!, these days its has more game variations then single person memorizing the lights flashing. Similarly there are larger sized Rubik's cubes and $9.99 classes that teach the basics or free youtubes. A guy carrying around a Rubik cube and solving it by barely looking will draw a crowd. The highest ability is solving it blindfolded or behind your back! For $7, I'd consider getting him this- 10 audio's that teach relaxation, visualization and meditation thru relatively short guided meditations. Couple healing things to boot. He gets into them, then he can get into some of the trippy ones on the youtube. Finding favorite ones and making MP3's. For some people its better then VR. How's his voice? I think there's always a need for readers, even if its specializing in shorter kids books. Maybe Libra Vox is always looking for readers. If he can read (big letter english or braille) he can be worthwhile volunteer. Giving back can be a wonderful experience. lastly I typed Massive Online Games for the Blind and I got- which had a interesting blind first shooter game and others a massive text based game for the blind Visioned or not, we're all staying home these days. If he can join a group, and electronically kill some of them off, it'd be great.
  22. Newbie seeking Nei Kong Sifu in KL

    Hi Arthur, I think for the most part we're just regular folk. One of our members knew Kosta Danaos and did a good interview with him. see- Actually there are many excellent interviews in that section. Welcome and enjoy the site. We're an eclectic philosophy forum for learning, discussing and cultivation. Below are 3 important sections: Our Rules, The Insult Policy and our 3 Foundations. Before you join give them a read. Most of it boils down to being respectful. No name calling or trolling. Post as if your mom's looking over your shoulder. Discussion and arguments are what the board is about. Keep it civil, don't get personal. Don't be a troll or one issue zealot. We're here for good conversation and making some friends along the way, to be a community. Jump right in, start threads, ask questions, look for interesting threads and post your (relevant) thoughts. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. TDB team At your leisure, please review-
  23. I wish there was a 'Whoa!' icon. You are the bravest person I know, so far, in 2021. . .. wait a second.. there is, but I couldn't give it to your post.
  24. Hey Goodlookin, What u got Cookin?

    ummn crispy pork belly.. a good kind of evill..
  25. Hey Goodlookin, What u got Cookin?

    <a post from my blog. wanted to open it up to get others suggestions> Yesterday, an easy chicken parmesan. Started w/ decent quality frozen Chicken kiev stuffed w/ broccoli cheese mix. Baked in toaster oven for 35 minutes, last 4 minutes put on spaghetti sauce and slice of mozzarella cheese. While cooking made spaghetti and a salad. Plated pasta & sauce, w/ Chicken Kiev covered in baked cheese on top. Very little effort and looked good tasted good. Nutritionally, so so, but in winter, fatty and carb is more forgiveable. Today, making a thick soup,, I like that its a split pea that uses potato. Gives it a thicker body. Uses liquid smoke too, being veggie it needs some extra flavor boost. Sorry I don't have any sea weed around. I'll hit it up w/ a little fish sauce, just a tad, knocking out its pure veggie nature to give it even more umami. I'll serve it with salad and 7 grain bread, w/ butter and hummus on the side. <I'm getting tired of chopping and peeling. So used a square box shredder. Instead of peeling the potato, I gave it a light scoring along the sides w/ the box shredder, then shred it into the hot oiled pan. Same w/ the onion, shredded it thickly into the pan. No tears or knife work. Gotta to remember to use that more often. Especially for turning tomatoes into sauce> Tomorrow a grain bowl. Farro (boiled), corn (nuke or run under hot water), edamame(boiled), chopped salad from bag, cooked chickens.. served w/ a lime and balsamic dressing. Perhaps leftover soup. < w/ the farro no need for rice > Like the soup menu, this is solidly good nutrition. I'm a coffee guy. Generally 2 small cups a day. At 2:30 had the decision- coffee or tea. Chose the tea. Good decision. Sipping Gunpowder Green. Mellower, a taste I have to reach out to savour, versus coffee, an overwhelming but pleasing bitterness. Plus getting a different 'hit' of antioxidants, the wider variety the better.