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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Indian Martial Arts -- a good resource

    Often the greatest danger we have to protect ourselves against is.. bum bum.. Ourselves. finding the sweet spot where we're pushed; learning and expanding without getting hurt. I guess we pay either way. Too little is as bad as too much. I had a friend taking a boxing course. I asked what it was like. He said, Its like paying $60 to get beat up. I asked if he had a class that night, he replied Oh yeah.
  2. Indian Martial Arts -- a good resource

    In my late 30's after 17 years I hung up my gi. At meetups I'd see two old war horses meeting and like you say, how's the knee? How's the shoulder? What's been ripped or torn lately? And we were in relatively gentle Aikido. The people I knew in competitive sports did even worse, some with Arthritis in their late 20s. I don't know if such is the rule or what percentage are still practicing in their 60s, 70s and above. How many old grandmasters and simply non-quitters are out there. 30 some years ago I rose in rank w/ a fellow practitioner. I need to look him up, hear he's taken over the ever humble dojo.
  3. Wise or Foolish

    In my various writing classes it was hammered into me, Good Writing, is personal writing.. letting it all hang out. Cathartic too, but it's not strangers I worry about. It's the people involved. But so far so good. For the worst of it, I think the friends involved assume the writing is about someone else.
  4. Wise or Foolish

    Wise or Foolish? A place to write up what one is doing, and get the crowd's opinion if its smart or not. Mild-mannered supermen are held in kryptoniteAnd the wise and foolish virgins giggle with their bodies glowing brightThrough the door a harvest feast is lit by candlelightIt's the bottom of a staircase that spirals out of sightThe carpet crawlers heed their callers:"We've got to get in to get outWe've got to get in to get outWe've got to get in to get out"
  5. Taoist Sorcery/Wizardry

    What are some of the most important things/concepts you've learned from it? thanks.
  6. Wise or Foolish

    1. I drink 2 cups of coffee and 1 cup of green tea each day. gotta think this is wise, I try to stop my coffee intake by 2pm and green tea by 3:30pm. 2. I don't floss, except for the week before dental apptmt so I can lie w/ a straight face.
  7. It is known

    From my perusal, though it was on Fox and said by a Republican legislator, the fact checking I've found have counted the claim as false. It's a huge problem, I don't think its a bipartisan one necessarily. Full explanations- this one looks at another meme that is incorrect. ".. Mark Walker: “President Biden is raising the prices of insulin and Epi-Pens on those with high costs and the uninsured.” PolitiFact's ruling: Mostly False Here's why: A Republican running for U.S. Senate in North Carolina says Joe Biden is already raising drug prices for some of the most vulnerable Americans. Former Congressman Mark Walker hopes to replace U.S. Sen. Richard Burr, who won’t seek reelection next year. Two days after Biden’s inauguration, Walker took aim at the new Democratic president. "The disdain for President Trump and his accomplishments are so deep that President Biden is raising the prices of insulin and Epi-Pens on those with high costs and the uninsured," Walker tweeted .. Our ruling Walker said Biden "is raising the prices of insulin and Epi-Pens on those with high costs and the uninsured." Biden froze a directive that would have ordered some health centers to provide insulin and epi-pens at the same price they purchased them through a government program. But experts say the health centers were already providing the discounts. Furthermore, Biden froze Trump’s order before it ever took effect, so it’s inaccurate to suggest prices are going up. The program’s status quo will continue until a final decision is made. We rate this claim Mostly False.
  8. Hopefully its a minority few who tend to be loud. They'll have their day, then the counter flow and string of nothing happenings, quiets them down. There are only so many times one can cry Storm! before people get that it ain't happening and they bought into a load of bull.
  9. Wish I did. January has been a chronological wasteland for me. I got nothing to show for it. Not even blisters. Looking for inspiration or vicarious living.
  10. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    That's smart. Wouldn't be surprised if Swedes were healthier in general compared to England. Exercise, fresh mountain air.. perhaps even less tourism and travel might help in the current conditions. I'd rather see the above chart against Norway, Finland or Denmark. It'll be a little more apple to apples. <fwiw From Scandinavian Journal of Health in July Mortality Higher case incidence corresponds to overall higher COVID-19 specific mortality rates. Sweden, with a COVID-19 attributed death rate of 0.54 per 1000 population as of July 5, has a higher death rate compared with its neighbours (Figure 1(c)): 11.5Ă— compared with Norway (0.05 deaths per 1000 population), 5.1Ă— compared with Denmark (0.10 deaths per 1000 population), and 9.1Ă— compared with Finland (0.06 deaths per 1000 population).. course I'd also expect most of Europe did much better than the US. >
  11. The Sephiroth

    God can be a heavy/loaded word, filled with pre-conceptions. Every now and then it's not a bad mental exercise to substitute another word.
  12. Damo Mitchell? tell me what you think

    Boom. This is exactly it. A live teacher, you can understand and contact, beats a semi-legendary recluse. One can also look to advanced practitioners like Wang LiPing, amazing man, he's got good books available, but any training means long travel and many many thousands of dollars and perhaps some translation problems.
  13. I collect guided meditations, biaurals, breathing apps, have an Oura sleep ring. I think they're a great addition, but not substitution for meditation. Just sitting you have to face your mind and body, its thoughts and anxieties, the body's squirms and itches.. Your weapons are concentration, relaxation, surrender and practice.
  14. Full lotus > half lotus > crossed leg

    I'm not as young as I once was.. Also my mom ate alot of insoluble fiber when pregnant. I pretty much came out fully clothed.
  15. It's a real shame that Biofeedback never got the attention it deserved. Using tech to develop better mind/body control. Though I guess the whole body hacking movement is into it heavily. Or at least measuring body changes as they try various protocols. Still, wish it was much more mainstream. Take meditation, with the Oura sleep ring, I can set a meditation time and it tracks my heart rate, heart rate variability and skin temperature. It's useful to see how fast and deep I go. Back to the OP, From Anne Wise's book Higher Performance Mind, she hooked advanced practitioners to EKGs. She found unlike normal people, many of them had simultaneous brain waves going on at the same time.
  16. Full lotus > half lotus > crossed leg

    If only Drew aka Full Lotus was still around. As I recall one reason was to close off/lock the bottom chakra. It's also a stable base. Might also be Pavlovian, ie you repeatedly get into an awkward position when you meditate, after awhile the position automatically brings on the meditative mind.
  17. Secrecy

    I don't either, but I can respect it, if others believe it. Remembering your past is remembering among other things, your mistakes. Important lessons. CC may have ended in a bad place, taking some people with him because of that.
  18. Secrecy

    That's what I like about travel. Living life day to day one is moving thru ruts made by the roles we have. In travel, particularly solo you can drop all that and just be.
  19. 2021

    & I believed if you didn't eat the paper fortune, it wouldn't come true. In Chicago, most of the New Age shops and books stores have been long closed. Pity, some were great to grab a pastry, coffee, peruse a book. Some offered a palm or tarot reading. Not that I'm a true believer in such, but every year I'd partake, to give myself food for thought. Focal points to dwell on. We live in a Rorshachian world, and perhaps it's better to look upon it and give values and interpretation, then to ignore the designs we see, altogether.
  20. Anyone got interesting plans for February?

    Ain't that the sad truth. I practiced more when I had 3 kids in diapers, ran a small business and was working on black belts. Problem w/ doing nothing is you're never quite done w/ it. Though, this morning I woke up, played w/ wife, did Pan Gu qigong, followed by Ocean breathing, sun/moon form, Crossing the Ocean, 5 minutes of shaking, little bit of zhan zhuang, and KAP stretches. Not that I spent much time on any one thing, but felt good. I've been sitting too much, getting stiff. the only interesting thing I'm half way planning is the creation of a certain kind of tincture. One that would be actually legal, a bit expensive, but frowned upon by my significant other.
  21. Anyone got interesting plans for February?

    mostly retired, putzing around a bit in finance.
  22. @king 13 years ago I read it and liked it. I assume it's got the story about the Yoga master who moved a compass needle after a lightning fast recitation of 1,000s of mantras.. but can't be sure. It had interesting stories on masters of biofeedback, sports, meditation.. Don't think I own it anymore. Full title- What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America Paperback by Tony Schwartz (Author) On Amazon, you can 'open; the book. It has an unusually generous amount of pages you can access. Including a dozen or so pages on indexing. You might find the guy mentioned in one of the back indexes or extensive notes.
  23. Secrecy

    Like Cheya I was thinking there are some practices where one leaves the past behind and don't talk about it. Not that have experience with such. On the other hand if he's been living with you, what do his actions tell you? What's his mood? His likes, what makes him tick? And basically, do you trust him and how far does the trust go? If you have a worry, a gut feeling, it's not a bad idea to honor it. You don't have to do anything drastic, perhaps have a conversation on his plans.
  24. How long can your sitting meditation last?

    I usually sit for 25 to 35 minutes. From Stillness Movement practice I learned to do a slight bobbing motion, from the waist. It's helped quite a bit with numbness problem. Also a zafu (cushion) at the right height w/ a secondary cushioning for my knees, help for longer sits. Every 5, 10 minutes I'll check my posture. Too often I'll slouch my lower back. For beginners its not a bad thing to sit against a wall for support. Though at some point you have to give it up. I've found some breathing exercise audios that last for 30 minutes, they help me stay consistent and focused. (see
  25. The end of Facebook

    Not exactly the end of Facebook, but hopefully a wakeup call to stop intrusive data over-reach. They can do it voluntarily and intelligently or if the over reach keeps up, they'll invite in legislation, that could (somehow) split them up. Cooks speech was well done. The pioneer creators and users of the internet were 'naive', at least the users were. The new generation cares about data control. If it's not done by the US, it'll be done by Europe and that splinters access.