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Posts posted by Gerard

  1. Hey Jonah!


    Thanks for providing this tremendously interesting information on Chinese research into the paranormal. The Soviets and Americans have also done this kind of research. If the rumors are true, they have gone places with it that are the stuff of science fiction on a grand and global scale. But who knows about that?


    In kind regards,




    Yes I agree, CIA and other Secret Services have shown keen interest in this area. In fact, John Chang [Magus of Java] was contacted by the CIA as a result of the famous Ring of Fire video. He refused to participate in that program.


    Now, what is the real truth of their remote viewing program and if really exists as such? Who knows, maybe just another conspiracy theory. But out of curiosity you can take a look at this:


  2. Can't give you my opinion in the last part of your message. Regarding the first part: avoid accumulating chi in the head. Store it below the navel also called Xia Tantien or Hara.


    Chi needs to be moved around and too much of it in the upper centres leads to mental disaster.


    We already think too much on our technlogical society. Ground yourself well and keep chi where I just said.


    I would stay away from Kundalini; however and spontaneous kundalini raises are normal if the spiritual practice is done correctly but don't pay too much attention to them either. They lead to nowhere.




  3. A guy I know is trying to fix his room. I am trying to give him some tips but I am no FS expert.


    Does anyone know of a free online resource?



  4. Anyone else get this? Do you know the cause or have a solution to it?



    LOL! You are experiencing dibba-sota. Nothing to worry about, it will remain with you until you disappear physically from this plane of existence as long as you practice regular meditation. The only remedy to that is stopping but I am pretty sure you don't want to do that, do you? :)



    Also read this as the progression in your meditative practice is sequencial.



    Take care.


    2. Women. Women will suck you dry. No not in a sexual way usually. Your life energy, your time, your money, your sanity. Most women don't love you, they love the money, energy, and emotional stability you provide for them. 99% of them follow their biological directives, they want a provider to make babies with and support them till they die. If you absolutely have to have sex drive out to nevada and pay for it. It will save you a hell of a lot of trouble, and money in the long run. Otherwise get a fleshlight. I highly recommend getting a good platonic (nonsexual) male friend to be your roommate if you find you require companionship. Granted there may be a few good women out there but the time required to find them is astronomical, and women are masters of deception, they can be a totally different person right until after the honeymoon.


    LOL! Very well said.


    Example of the 1% you just mentioned:



    I feel deep sorry for human females. They suffer a lot but their suffering is different, as they are stronger than us due to their higher Yin content in their genetic make-up.


    May all females become enlightened as well.



  6. (not focusing on the "dog" part)


    Actually can't I transfer merit for 40 days? I think that one is a Buddhist practice.



    Yes Tibetan. But personally I don't think one can change someone else's karma. It's a universal act of justice and balance. How can an individual interfere with something like that?



  7. Yes, thanks for uploading the video.


    It's about quantum theory and the behaviour of the electron. It discusses concepts such as the interaction of a particle (Yang) and its antiparticle (Yin) where both annihilate each other and produce energy.


    However the thing that I found most interesting was the concept of emptiness, and which has been described mainly in Taoism and Buddhism:


    We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel;

    But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the wheel depends.

    We turn clay to make a vessel;

    But it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends.

    We pierce doors and windows to make a house;

    And it is on these spaces where there is nothing that the usefulness of the house depends.

    Therefore just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognize the usefulness of what is not. (chap. 11, tr. Waley)


    Philosophical vacuity is a common theme among Asian wisdom traditions including Taoism (especially Wu wei "effortless action"), Buddhism, and some aspects of Confucianism. One could interpret the Tao Te Ching as a suite of variations on the "Powers of Nothingness". This resonates with the Buddhist Shunyata philosophy of "form is emptiness, emptiness is form."


    In quantum electrodynamics a vacuum is not a place where nothing exists and nothing happens...instead it's full of stuff and it's heaving with activity. Hence emptiness is just a metaphor to express the Yin side of reality. :)


    I can see now how quantum theory and Eastern spirituality are getting closer.




    I found a very interesting page that is basically derived from the enlightened Plato's Myth of the cave:



    Allegory of the cave:





    Imagine prisoners, who have been chained since their childhood deep inside a cave: not only are their limbs immobilized by the chains; their heads are chained in one direction as well so that their gaze is fixed on a wall.


    Behind the prisoners is an enormous fire, and between the fire and the prisoners is a raised walkway, along which puppets of various animals, plants, and other things are moved along. The puppets cast shadows on the wall, and the prisoners watch these shadows. When one of the puppet-carriers speaks, an echo against the wall causes the prisoners to believe that the words come from the shadows.


    The prisoners engage in what appears to us to be a game: naming the shapes as they come by. This, however, is the only reality that they know, even though they are seeing merely shadows of objects. They are thus conditioned to judge the quality of one another by their skill in quickly naming the shapes and dislike those who play poorly.


    Suppose a prisoner is released and compelled to stand up and turn around. At that moment his eyes will be blinded by the sunlight coming into the cave from its entrance, and the shapes passing by will appear less real than their shadows.


    The last object he would be able to see is the sun, which, in time, he would learn to see as the object that provides the seasons and the courses of the year, presides over all things in the visible region, and is in some way the cause of all these things that he has seen.


    (This part of the allegory, incidentally, closely relates to Plato's metaphor of the sun which occurs near the end of The Republic, Book VI.)[1]


    Once enlightened, so to speak, the freed prisoner would not want to return to the cave to free "his fellow bondsmen," but would be compelled to do so. Another problem lies in the other prisoners not wanting to be freed: descending back into the cave would require that the freed prisoner's eyes adjust again, and for a time, he would be one of the ones identifying shapes on the wall. His eyes would be swamped by the darkness, and would take time to become acclimated. Therefore, he would not be able to identify the shapes on the wall as well as the other prisoners, making it seem as if his being taken to the surface completely ruined his eyesight. (



    Plato = :) A kind of Buddha = ;)

  8. The government is actually putting money into temples and promotion of Daoism in China - with the sick aim of tourism!


    They have government staff selling entrance tickets to most temples, and I am not sure where it will all end up.


    The government agency on Wudang recently put music speakers all over the hills of Wudang so they can pipe in music there for the tourists - I held a public demonstration there and got them to turn the music off for a time.


    Imagine a small group of foreigners marching into their office shouting in Chinese' "Bu How Ting!" = "Sounds Terrible!"


    The government officer went white, and looked quite scared.....and quickly turned the music off..........


    The real places of training are hidden Dao Guan - or Remote Taoist Training Centers.



    Not only that; they removed all the wandering taoists and homelesses that lived in Wudang shan (even one who practiced the wow of silence) and relocated them 1,000 km away. The funny thing is they ended up returning to the mountain. LOL!


    The spiritual flame is inextinguishable. :)

  9. Yes, very true what you said. But what differentiates Buddhism from the rest is that in the former there is not such thing as an immortal soul. Everything is subjected to change and that includes spiritual energy.


    We store imprints of previous lives especially when it was rich spiritually and we will keep growing and moving on until our spirits are ready to break the law of karma. That's what the Taoists refer to as immortality. Buddhism calls it Nirvana.


    Physical immortality is a hindrance.

  10. Hi, what is the Taoist belief of what will happen after death? Is it karma and reincarnation like other eastern faiths?


    Buddhist belief is that there is always change and as such life is a continuum of cyclic changes according to karma. Very similar to Taoism.

  11. There is no bull in here:



    76 years old and still going strong.


    Wang Bo from Shanghai performing Yang, Chen style Taijquan and Songxi Pai Internal Boxing of Siming.


    Funny all that Chen leg stamping. :)



    This is a classic:



    and this one shows the applications of his simplified Yang style:



    Chen Man Ching

  12. Settle down some of you, please. Don't let your emotions take over your spiritual path (if you are really into one). I used to be like that as well but decided to move on. It only brings bad karma on the person. Everything is karma, we are all creating it at every single instant every time we think, act and speak.


    Re-read this Buddhist text to help you understand that the ultimate process is escaping the cycle of reincarnation and help those who are in the event of becoming awakened. For the rest compassion and love.


    Let them be able and upright, straightforward and gentle in speech.


    Humble and not conceited.


    May they be content and easily satisfied, unburdened with frugal and duties on their ways.


    Peaceful and calm, and wise and skillful.


    Not proud and demanding in nature.


    May they be wise, with their senses calmed, not arrogant and without desire.


    May they do nothing that the wise would later reprove.


    May all beings be happy.


    May they live in safety and joy.


    All living beings, whether weak or strong, the great or the mighty, medium, short or small, seen or unseen, near or distant, born or to he born, may they all be happy.


    Let no one deceive another or despise any being in any state, let none by anger or hatred wish harm to another.


    As a mother watches over her child, willing to risk her own life to protect her only child, so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings, radiating kindness over the entire world.


    Standing or walking, sitting or lying down, during all one's waking hours, may one remain mindful of this heart and this way of living that is said to be the sublime abiding.


    Unattached to speculations, views and sense desires, the purehearted one, with clear vision, being freed from all sense desires, will never be reborn in the cycles of suffering. (Metta Sutra).

  13. Bravo to those who never go public and don't place importance to a particular name and let alone the ego.


    Bravo to those who help without expecting anything in return.


    Bravo to those who help all sentient beings and understand the true nature of reality.


    Not referring to myself in any of the above.


    Kind regards.



  14. Here is a good starting point:



    If you achieve stopping your thinking mind during still meditation you'll have taken a huge leap forward.


    Remember simple things lead to greatness.


    Regarding other forms of meditation you can practice Zhan Zhuang ( and Neijia arts like the big three, Yiquan, etc.


    After you finish doing the still meditation exercises like sitting Yoga and ZZ make sure you rub off excess chi on your head, face, temples, tap 20+ times with your fingers the jade pillow (area just on top of the back of your neck) lower back, legs, arms and finish doing circular motions of wrists and ankles as well as rubbing 20+ times clockwise and counter-clockwise motion with palms on top of the lower dantien area. Always finish these meditations gathering chi in that area imagining your are filling a pond with water.


    Finally, after any internal energy work you do, perform the spinal twists for few minutes as shown in this video:



    It's just right after the beginning.



    Good luck.