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Everything posted by Gerard

  1. Many years of work and daily maintenance after that especially for us Westerners who grew up in a culture of thinking, using chairs and couches to eat, sit and the like. Sahara's bedouins and tuaregs, Rajasthan's Gadia Lohars and Chinese villagers and who sit and live on the ground have no problem at all as they think little and are very grounded, hence their pelvic area are loose and wide open. He Jinghan has made available for free online (personal YouTube channel) the most comprehensive training program to train and open that area and the rest of the body's major joints. i also like moving/shifting the body weight from side to side while sitting in the Asian squat; you can also extend the legs adopting the Pu Bu stance to stretch, open and strengthen the pelvis even further.
  2. 2021

    On a side note, many of you won't see this winter until later on this year, make sure you eat lots of warming and Wood containing foods, especially beef. I have cooked some of the following recipes and they are very good: 20 Head-to-Toe Warming Winter Stews and Casseroles Japanese Ramen with rich broths is a welcome addition to your diet. Sake, thick slices of unsalted butter, garlic, ginger, spring onions, red miso, bone broth, etc. are excellent ingredients to build a nutritious and warming Ramen broth. Bon Appétit!
  3. This is part of "Foundation" work you should be doing outside the circle. Start with this one: Pole assisted Squat I used to do it very slowly down stay there in a squat position and time myself until I was able to do it for 1 hour! That's how ungrounded I was after a lifetime of being a modern professional man brought up in school, universities, work and all that jazz. Then into Asian Squat which is done on a daily basis like going to the toilet as done traditionally in Asia (probably Europeans too in a distant past before they started thinking too much!). I used to train a body squat only starting with a kettlebell of 8kg and dropping the weight progressively until I was able to do a full body Asian squat without any extra weight and with bare feet. So 8kg-6-4-2-1. The last weights (2 & 1kg) were small dumbbells as they are cheaper than kettlebells which weren't easy to find either. The Asian squat will enormously help in your Bagua progression (as well as any other IMA); it will ground you nicely.
  4. And the best part, it will delete your animalistic nature/tendencies revealing your TRUE NATURE. It's entirely up to you to find out what this really means. The animal side is what keeps spinning your 'karma' wheel. Ba Gua Quan, more than a martial art, more than a ceremony and more than fancy body movements coated with Chinese New Age names. It's a very powerful transformational tool but for those who are ready to access that level.
  5. 2021

    Can't wait for this one to finish that you need to move on to the next? Lol. How about my year 2026? I'm still thrilled by the 'Iron' Rat. A lot of work on deep unresolved issues. The descend effect of Metal coupled by the Rat's action (Yang Water). Very exciting but also quite challenging.
  6. The simpler the better because it contains more ESSENCE and essence in turn is the root of LIFE. It's like a seed ready to sprout when the conditions are right. Cultivating like an empty shell (focusing on performance and fancy moves like a ballerina) might have a lot of appeal and look pretty to the senses but it won't last and will not yield a crop. Essence is the foundation of any art form. I have quoted Ma GUI's philosophy several times in this thread. Let's repeat it again as a daily mantra. More is not better either. Less is better. It's part of foundation work. Ma Gui had a reputation for being an extremely conservative teacher who demanded the very best of his students. As a busy lumber merchant he did not have to teach professionally and he was therefore able to maintain extremely high standards in training. Fiercely dedicated to the traditional way he had been taught Bagua by Yin Fu and Dong Haichuan, he refused to modify his teachings to make them easier and felt that "anyone who felt the skill was too difficult to learn should not be taught in the first place. Btw, Happy he who far from business, like the primitive are of mortals, cultivates with his own oxen the fields of his fathers, free from all anxieties of gain. Patience and discipline!
  7. Ceremony? Clearly you'd benefit from something that emphasises the following aspects: 1. Own Effort 2. Concentration/Mindfulness 3. Understanding and applying correct Body Mechanics 4. Simplicity. The less complex the form and the less you change limb positioning, the better; eg. holding one palm for many circles at a time will yield more benefit than doing 64 Palms in one go. 5. Understanding and accepting Change. 6. Understanding and accepting the Law of Yin & Yang plus it's Five main Forces. 7. The underlying role of the Mind which controls Everything. Wudang = New Age & Communist controlled tourist honeypot. Easy to deceive Westerners with spiritual mumbo jumbo. HARD WORK + DEDICATION plus learning from a legitimate lineage is the way to go:
  8. Is turning 40 all downhill?

    The following quotes by Anaïs Nin come in handy: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” "I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.” "People living deeply have no fear of death.” To the OP: practice more and worry less!
  9. Acupuncture

    Hello, Rather than focusing on the branch (effect) why don't you work on the root (cause). What is that you are doing on your daily basis that is causing you to have those blockages in the first place? Work on them and the problem will be gone for good.
  10. Treat the root rather than the branch. This is one of TCM'a main principles which many practitioners often forget. In your particular case, what are you doing in your normal life that is causing you to tense your upper torso? Fix that and over time the problem will fade away.
  11. What you need is not a healer but self-control! It's useless having the best teacher in the world if you can't control your eating habits. Why don't you attend a Vipassana retreat in Burma? It will be very hard work but you'll lose a ton of weight, your health will improve dramatically and you'll learn something invaluable in the meantime. This is a good monastery: A 40-day retreat in the natural world will fix you up. Good luck!
  12. Thoughts on Energy Arts / B.K. Frantzis

    Good to read you found a method that resonates with you. Deep methods focus on healing and opening. Martial methods focus on fighting/self-defence. Each to their own. With Ba Gua you can do both so it's a matter of personal preference a d the teacher's main goal anyway. Good luck
  13. Unfortunately the source is in French with Spanish subs (primary video) & Spanish with Portuguese subs (secondary vid.). I can post the translation of both vids in English for those who don't understand the languages used in the video material. "A few sheep are always sacrificed in order to keep the flock under control." "Most humans are very submissive and end up accepting the ideas of the majority, even in Germany the Nazi propaganda was capable of subduing an entire country." Big lie Too many youngsters making too much noise (black sheep) trying to stop the climate change (the current status quo ----> ultra capitalism, coal emissions, global plastic pollution no one in power cares about (another real virus in my book), and the list goes on. ‘We don’t have time anymore’: In face of climate change, young people across Europe are protesting for their future The rich stashing their trillions in tax heavens and the rest of the world living in slavery blinded by junk food, their mobile phones and Facebook accounts (happy sheep in the global pen). Tadaaaa! The Wealth Detective Who Finds the Hidden Money of the Super Rich Interesting that this 'virus' circus started in China while there is the current trade war between the 'almighty' USA and China. Yeah put the blame on the Chinese. Tadaaaa! It's show time. Try to shut this whole climate change movement down and get rid of China as a rising global power. Tadaaaa! The bad wolf is here (virus), docile sheep confined and scared without saying a word. Politicians enforcing the whole thing. Tadaaa! Let's sacrifice some sheep: 239,615 out of 7.6 billion (current global population). Not a great deal really since heart disease alone kills a lot more people: So what's all this fuss about Corona-circus/virus for the good sheep? We need Confucianism back at the global level to remind those in power that ruling is about bettering society not subduing citizens like slaves and controlling them like fearful sheep. Only a civilised society could have a stable, unified, and enduring social order. Before I finish: The WHO is a freaking farce. Mainly funded by the US government. It makes sense! World Health Organisation? This to me is the real WHO: Huangdi Neijing Real Medicine, real results, zero side effects.
  14. On walking

    A few only? A hundred even better. Yes meditation is always great after spending the whole day walking or cycling. Btw: State of nature: how modern humans lived as nomads for 99 per cent of our history
  15. Liver Yang rising. Cause: Excessive mental ability, reading, studying. How to fix this problem? The mechanical is probably better than herbs as Qi is accumulating in the head rather than the legs. Fix: Asian Squat on a daily basis, multiple times. Exercise more, read, study and think less. Lots of walking.
  16. I ching website

    Let me suggest you starting here: The rest is about going with the flow and not holding onto stuff. Whatever the oracle says take it and move on. You can't force or manipulate change. Good luck!
  17. healing gall bladder stones ?

    Easy. I did follow this method in the past and released EVERYTHING I had after three passes. Your dad might need more (or less). He will be OK. Any Qs ask and will provide any extra help if required.
  18. Not really, people spending more time here than in the park/mountain doing their energetic practices or meditating facing the ocean This is for you: “People living deeply have no fear of death.”— Anais Nin To the rest: “Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears.”— Rudyard Kipling “Who sees all beings in his own self, and his own self in all beings, loses all fear.”— Isa Upanishad, Hindu Scripture
  19. Love this stuff. Don't know whether to laugh or give you a medal. You obviously haven't been to Vietnam, have you? Btw, talking about coordination and efficiency (none of them existent in India since this country operates with a totally different level and it's one of the countries with the filthiest/worst sanitation/cleanliness levels in the world: How does India, a country of 1.3 billion people, have around 1,000 coronavirus deaths? Most Indians have never heard of this thing, lol. Enough they have with surviving on a daily basis. Same goes with VIETNAM and their efficiency with ZERO DEATHS. And so goes with many of the African countries with their incredibly high poverty levels and low level of sanitation let alone their EFFICIENCY (enough they got with surviving in life): Coronavirus: Which countries have confirmed cases? This 'virus' wolf would have had devastating effects in these poor countries but it isn't the case, how come? A: They don't watch TV and are aware of media, Govs & WHO scare tactics. My advice: go outside, breathe, chill, carry on with your life and stay away from TV and the News! The bad wolf/virus won't get hold of you, brother.
  20. And millions die from other causes and Govs. don't put entire countries under lockdowns: The weak will always believe and die from 'viruses' like this current propaganda. Nietzsche and Morality: The Higher Man and The Herd
  21. Indeed a real joke when heart disease kills 17 million people a year and no Govs. are confining everybody (keep the sheep in the pen) and asking you to self-isolate? Hahahahaha. You got more chances of dying from a bee sting than this dumb virus propaganda. First video: "What the shepherd is saying that the best way of keeping a thousand sheep docile and obedient is to manipulate fear and their sense of security. Fore example if I say: Watch out! There is a wolf (fear); then they all run to the pen (sense of security). The flock happily stay in the pen together safely without ever thinking of the wolf. And while they focus on their fear of the wolf, I as a shepherd can do whatever I want with my sheep: 1. Vaccinate them 2. Castrate the rebellious sheep and inject them with medication 3. Shear them When finished they are aware they have been sheared but also happy to have escaped from the terrible wolf. Then I ask them to watch the news so they can happily see that they have escaped from the bad wolf (but in the process they have been sheared too). Some sheep, the black ones, the rebellious type, while being aware that it was all the shepherd's trick, try to convince the rest that it is true that the wolf will eat 2 or 3 sheep but the shepherd himself is way more dangerous because eventually the whole flock will end up butchered and served as meat. So I need to show the black sheep, the free spirited ones, who is boss there. I either use my cane or command my dog to bite them. But in truth is better sacrifice the black sheep in front of the flock because in this case I have a thousand of terrified yet happy sheep in order to prevent a rebellion. Many politicians come and see me for advice as a shepherd because they are aware of the similarities between human and sheep behaviour. With the coronavirus we achieved to confine millions of humans and on top of that deshumanised humans as well as shutting down the big bosses who accepted confinement as well. The only way of getting out of this Machiavellian plan is a collective awakening. I have also realised that I try to explain this whole strategy to a DUMB sheep is useless, I will be wasting my time because they are so dumb that won't be able to understand anything." Second video: "It is easy to see that while the folder was green and the student that was different than the rest saw it in its true colour (green) due to peer pressure agreed with the rest and said: It is red (but he believed it was green). Then the teacher explained it was a green folder and the student argued but then the teacher interrupted him stating that according to Nietzsche our world is divided between two types of people: 1. Those who follow their own will. 2. Those who follow the desire of others. -The first are strong and are not controlled by anyone. -The second are weak and just do what others say. Most humans are very submissive and end up accepting the ideas of the majority, even in Germany the Nazi propaganda was capable of subduing and entire country. Kant once stated: "The human being is an animal which, when it lives among others of its species, has need of a master." ................................................. Climate Change action by the Young European movement? USA-China trade war? Hold on. Let's create a virus to see who really is in control and to make the whole story more believable (media brainwashing, worried WHO officials using scare tactics and even asking the UK PM to get sick. Interesting it wasn't Putin or the President of China or Mexico.) The United States of America. End of story. Happy sheep in a pen now. Don't forget to wear your mask and sanitise your hands. Hahahahaha. CORONABULLSHIT.
  22. Does this teacher seem legit ?

    I'd personally stay clear from anyone doing Qi talk. Much prefer a pragmatic approach like He Jinghan from Taiwan, the teacher that taught me Ba Gua, Geoff Sweeting, and his uncle who taught him Xingyi, Roy Jenzen who also happens to be a practitioner of Taoist Medicine. Always look for teachers who are ESSENTIALLY practical, come from traditional martial arts background and if they work as TCM practitioners that is a bonus. They must also encourage you to do hard work because finding a good teacher is difficult but finding a good student is more so. Good luck!
  23. Only Comfortable With Paid Lessons

    And you will learn NOTHING from any of them. Only a live teacher from a reputable and long standing tradition will. End of story. Note: He Jinghan's vídeos are free and are very good but still you need to learn the art first from a teacher and not necessarily him.
  24. Sitting is the new Smoking The body is a perpetual motion machine. A.M.E.N. x ∞ The thinking aspect well discussed in one of Joel Signeur's lectures (Chinese Shamanish thread). A Taoist is constantly on the move! Same as practitioners in ancient times; they were nomadic.
  25. Baguazhang

    Hello, It's not just walking in circles like a headless chicken but building a very solid foundation from which circle walking must emerge/run along. The Yin that anchors the Yang. Let me vouch for He Jinghan, Taipei (Taiwan): Plenty of useful instructional videos. Start from the bottom of the page. The Asian squat is something you MUST do/work on if you can't on a DAILY basis: Use arms while holding on to a pole then move on to using kettlebells of various weights. Over time you'll be able to squat down using only your body weight. Good luck