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Everything posted by Gerard

  1. Water Distillers

    A good filtration system cleans the water well. I am not worried about processing the water to the point it becomes distilled. The teas I drink and chi will manage the rest of the water impurities. I would worry more about the quality of the air we breathe and stress about life itself.
  2. Water Distillers

    It is not a hypothesis that distillation methods leave the water without essential minerals. The Journal of General Internal Medicine (1) published a study on the mineral contents of different waters available in the US. The study concluded: Drinking water sources available to North Americans may contain high levels of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ and may provide clinically important portions of the recommended dietary intake of these minerals. Physicians should encourage patients to check the mineral content of their drinking water, whether tap or bottled, and choose water most appropriate for their needs. Since distilled water is devoid of minerals, supplemental mineral intake through diet or dietary supplements are needed to maintain proper health. 1. Reference: Azoulay, Arik; Garzon, Philippe; Eisenberg, Mark (2001), "Comparison of the Mineral Content of Tap Water and Bottled Waters", Journal of General Internal Medicine 16 (3): 168-175.
  3. What is 'me'?

    Good, a true sign that you are in the correct path. However this is also the stage when the dangers are on the increase as well.
  4. Water Distillers

    As an Australian resident, I use this brand: Plus a carbon-type of cartdrige 0.5 micron which will remove all chlorine, chlorinated hydrocarbons metals, dissolved inorganic and organic impurities including volatile organic compounds such as pesticides as well as cryptosporidium and giardia. It treats in excess that quantity of daily water you are after.
  5. Mozzie coils

    Is it made of natural and pesticide free stuff? If not, I would surround myself with natural repellents like mint. You can also use any of these formulas I found after googling for this topic: GL.
  6. What is 'me'?

    Through deep meditation after thousands of hours (or less depending on your karmic evolution) you'll be able to reach the spirit. Edited: typo.
  7. This is so funny. Some of these threads are like questionnaires. Lions no bears yes LOL!!!!! How about penguins? OK, I will be serious. Animals do not have the "mental" (as Yi-intent) ability to work directly on chi and transmute it to shen, which eventually leads to breaking through the cycle of rebirth as the spirit will be able to survive on its own without a receptacle.
  8. Give up smoking

    Best method by far is hypnotherapy. Seek someone in your area who's good at it. I have met two people who rave about this system and it works. They have quit completely and every time they smell the smoke of cigarettes burning they feel nausea. My Bagua teacher's daily job is acupuncture and also uses hypnotherapy to treat his clients, I will ask him if you like about the success rate. Some background info here:
  9. standing meditation: HOW TO STAND???

    It doesn't matter where, just place both feet evenly on the ground and you'll rock back and forth until chi settles down into the ground. Chi itself will arrange your posture once you have passed the beginner's stage. For initial correct posture, read this:
  10. Thoughts on Chanting? (During Meditation?)

    No need. Better be mindful of your breathing. Read this: This is the bread and butter (and starting point) of Vipassana meditation as taught by Gautama Buddha. Nothing beats this system.
  11. How Do You Meditate?

    Like this: There is a lot you need to learn in here, little grasshopper. I would urge you to attend a retreat after 1 year of consistent daily practice where a teacher will give you further guidance. Good luck. Edited: typo.
  12. I would start by reading and grasping well the ideas discussed in the links I posted in a related thread of yours. You haven't done so. If you carry on with this childish behaviour you might get hurt. Just be careful because you don't know what you are dealing with in here.
  13. Yiquan standing meditation

    Don't worry too much and keep cultivating. You have been given a great chance this lifetime, make the best use of it. Old Man Contradiction, Yes it is true what you are saying but Qi is more subtle, it is felt in a different way much more sensitive yet energetic. Sometimes I feel it like a massive magnet expanding right out of the lower dantien.
  14. Good Will Hunting

    Man with bad karma. If "yuanfen" is what brought you together so be it, if not walk away. Get another job, I know it is easier said than done but hey your journey is not his.
  15. I Have A Few Questions! Please, Help!

    My questions are: 1. Is it better for a beginner to start with Tai Chi or Qi Gong? Either. 2. Do it in the morning or night? Either, however morning is more energising and calming. 3. Self teaching for beginners? No if your internal organs are not 100% clean. 4. Can I combine Tai Chi and Qi Gong? Yes. 5. Good sources for Tai Chi and Qi Gong? Difficult question. See if there is anyone practicing in your local park. Ask acupuncturist in local Chinatown. 6. I'm using Youtube to start with Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Is this a good a good beginning? Definitively not for Tai Chi. For Zhang Zhuang you can get away with this (I googled a bit to find something to give you. I feel lazy to write about it sorry): (Basic requirements for body posture...good for beginners to help them with the rooting aspect of Qigong practice) (this is the way I do it)
  16. H.O.R.S.E.S.H.I.T. Qigong practice will result in: 1. Influence on the molecular properties of DNA and RNA, and changing molecular structures. 2. Alteration of brainwave patterns 3. Synchronization and coherence of the hemispheres of the brain 4. Regeneration of neurons 5. Natural regulation of the limbic system and areas related to generation and storage of emotions 6. Control of the shift between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system 7. Activation of brain areas with unknown functions 8. Massage of the brain and cerebellum 9. Stimulation of the thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands to release unique secretion of hormones 10. Opening of the sinuses and stimulation of the olfactory bulb 11. Improvement of eye sight 12. Reactivation of major nerve plexus 13. Control of mental, emotional and consciousness states 14. Development of special functions of the body mind psyche spirit and soul 15. Functions of the Nervous and Endocrine Systems are improved 16. Activation of the natural micro movements of the cranial sutures 17. Circulation of the cerebrum-spinal fluid in the medulla oblongata and the brain 18. Accession of each vertebra of the spine 19. Re-establishment of the original independency of each vertebra 20. Decompression of the inter-vertebral discs 21. Lengthening and balancing of the vertebral muscles and spine muscles 22. Self treatment and rehabilitation of arthrosis, arthritis and rheumatism 23. Regeneration of the marrow and bones 24. Joint mobility, regeneration of cartilage, decalcification 25. Loosening and opening of the joints of the limbs 26. Regaining of full motion and flexibility 27. Optimization of the exchange of mass-matter/energy/information on the cellular level 28. Regeneration on the cellular level 29. Lymphatic systems and nodes are cleansed, detoxified and brought to full working capacity 30. Functions of the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems are improved 31. Positive influence on a series of nerves that are directly connected to the heart regulation of arrhythmias and cardiac weakness with optimization and expansion of cardiac output and input 32. The blood is enriched, revitalized, cleansed and purified 33. Arteries and veins are cleansed, elasticized and strengthened 34. Improvement of peripheral blood circulation 35. Circulation increases and smoothens becoming fully optimized 36. Changes in blood biochemistry 37. Change in hormone levels 38. Autotherapy for chronic and autoimmune disease 39. Strengthening of the immune system 40. Rehabilitation and maintenance of the immune system 41. Oxygenation reaches the utmost fulfillment of its purpose 42. Changes in the skin's electric resistance 43. Creation of high coherence and negentropic fields 44. Control of the metabolism of the body-mind system This is the product of research conducted in many leading Universities in China. Edited: I forgot about this vid; tell this man that he should give up the timeless and universal Daoist art of Bagua because it will shorten his life span: And tell this other Chinese warrior to give up Tai Chi Chuan: And this hermit leave his mountain and start eating MacDonald's and get a 9-5 job
  17. More than making this statement, you should be happy for having good karma and being aware of your spiritual nature. A very tiny % of humanity have the privilege of standing where you are and they will remain in that state for many aeons. Arguing in this forum is the spice of the soup. Kind of the bling men and the elephant tale. Keeps the ball rolling I suppose. Glad you enjoy this tiny space of the www.
  18. East australia, new zeland and shang hai.

    Tell your friend that if she goes to Shanghai she must visit Qian Zhao Hong, one of the best Xingyi fighters in China.
  19. East australia, new zeland and shang hai.

    She can come and visit me for Baguazhang, Qigong practice and correct Vipassana meditation. I live in Brisbane, Australia.
  20. Thoughts on Buddhism?

    Go to a retreat in Thailand/India/Sri Lanka. I can recommend you a place I know of in northern Thailand. Send me a PM for details. In the place I have been to they don't want you to read about Buddhism and/or discuss your practice, ideas, beliefs, siddhis and all that jazz. They only want you to meditate and keep your mouth shut as it should be. It is a 3 week silent retreat that would definitively trigger your practice. Make sure your internal organs are very clean before attending or you won't be able to finish. Tao, Zen are just words. Practice whatever you like. Good luck.
  21. sex with entities

    Close. I knew you were the mobile type but not 100% sure which.