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Everything posted by Gerard

  1. 2022 - Year of the Tiger (Water)

    1. Do you live in the Equator? Then it's balanced. Yin-Wet & Yang-Dry. 2. They manifest via the internal meridian clock; Wood (11pm till basically 11am the next day); Water (3pm to 7pm Urinary Bladder & Kidney), etc. 3. Yang - Heaven - 12 constellations (Aries, Taurus, Gemini...). Yin - Earth - 12 constellations take physical form. You are reborn. 12 animals correspond to the 12 constellations. The Earth cycle repeats itself every 12 years through the 12 animals, not 10 years. You mention ten because of the 5E? Let's break it down: 1. Fire: Horse (Yang) & Snake (Yin) 2. Wood: Tiger (Yang) & Rabbit (Yin) 3. Metal: Monkey (Yang) & Rooster (Yin) 4. Water: Rat (Yang) & Pig (Yin) 5. Earth: Dragon (Wood - Yang), Dog (Metal - Yang), Sheep/Goat (Fire -Yin) & Ox/Buffalo (Water - Yin). Balanced because of 2 Yang + 2 Yin. 1. Water (Yang & Yin): years ending 2 & 3 respectively. 2. Wood (Yang & Yin): years ending 4 & 5. 3. Fire (Yang & Yin): years ending 6 & 7. 4. Earth (Yang & Yin): years ending 8 & 9. 5. Metal (Yang & Yin). years ending 0 & 1. Its not a cycle of ten years but a cycle of twelve animals divided according to the Yin & Yang and the Five Forces (aspects of Yin & Yang). The cycle always starts from the Yang aspect (from Heaven) to down below (to Earth) which is Yin. So really we should call it the Yang & Yin not vice versa. Yang & Yin
  2. Whats your Sign?

    It's not about believing but experiencing it yourself as well as an acute observation of others, physical signs and their behaviour. We all have two major dominant animals & human (a few in the Sun-based Zodiac; namely Gemini, Libra, Virgo & Aquarius) -Yang (Heaven): 12 constellations of the Zodiac found by the ancient Mesopotamia civilisation. 2. Yin (Earth). 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac. They are related to the Yang signs as each animal represents a Sun sign; eg. Sheep-Cancer, Monkey-Leo. Your physical appearance is shaped by the two Zodiac systems and visible to anyone who has their third eye open. The human is in the middle shaped by these two forces: Heaven-Man-Earth
  3. Death and the horse it rode in on

    Pretty much. This is is the spirit's sole concern, when you 'die' (move on) then you'll will switch attention to the next existing/pre-created form. The Big Bang of YOU created many, many forms. You will learn and grow within each. There are no shortcuts to this and in oder to preserve that SPIRT makes sure most of your incarnations are almost wiped out clean except for some significant memories which are still retained and kept within. They can be accessed through deep meditation and in the sleep state.
  4. Death and the horse it rode in on

    It is but it does not work that way. It took me 8-9 years of daily committed practice to find out exactly what is the MIND/SPIRIT and its location/depth of scope...and how it operates. No books, spiritual texts and religious beliefs will give you the answer. There is one however that is very explanatory but it does not follow any given system. The author connected to her higher self by sheer luck and untapped her full potential which is OURS too. Better finding out rather than reading it as self-realisation is the best method. Search for Jane Roberts. She was an Earth Snake. Note: about the Source. You'll know that too, if it was meant to be.
  5. Death and the horse it rode in on

    There is no death! It's all en eternal game of FLOW and CHANGE.
  6. 2022 - Year of the Tiger (Water)

    "...the yang water on top represents fierce ocean water which sometimes become a tsunami. This may trigger impulsive and fierce violent actions without careful consideration and planning. Hence there could still be skirmishes and conflicts and even war and destructive actions." 2022 The Year of the Tiger Forecast
  7. The sky is the limit. ENDLESS. No beginning, no end. Ask yourself this question: What am I really? Self-observation is a key element of practice. Breaking through the barriers/blockages, built by the Mind in order to protect the EGO. is the hardest aspect of this practice. But even if you dissolve them all and reach the very core of your being, there is still no end.
  8. This thread has gone off-topic completely but let me throw something in in relation to your comment: "Only past lives?" How about future ones? What makes you think rebirth works only in a linear fashion or let alone you only live only life at the time. Everything is possible when it comes to the complexity of the Mind and the ultimate nature of reality. Quantum Mechanics is a great tool to explain it from a rationalist perspective. Taoism uses the 5 Element Model with forces that are eternal and comprehensive (they work in all different levels due to the expansive & contracting nature of Yin & Yang).
  9. Questions

    You'll find teachers here: Some background info: Xingyi & Ba Gua are the highest and deepest Qi cultivation methods. Good luck!
  10. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    1. Aware. Breaking through the social conditioning you have been subjected to in this very lifetime. You chose to anyway, no one forced you to become another brick on wall. 2. Balanced. Yin & Yang are SACRED forces you know you can't mess up with. 3. Accept solitude in preparation of the big let go. We are all alone though just normal people aren't aware of it either.
  11. In fact, when you practice a method that has been passed on by generations of teachers and you fully dedicate your life to it, meditate to supplement that practice, live a solitary life and are celibate, EAT HEALTHY, COOKED GOOD QUALITY FOOD DAILY, stop eating meals past midday, and live near or in the natural environment as well as practising that method in this place THEN you ask yourself: Do I need anything extra? Drugs? Not really, this lifestyle is already a drug in its own kind. This lifestyle also leads to FULL REALISATION, and you know it. My main method is CIRCLE WALKING also known as Ba Gua Quan. And a lot of grounding I had to do to bring all that Qi down after decades of thinking, academic studies, professional work, etc. And a lot of HEAT and DAMPNESS was removed in the process due to our modern lifestyle. HARD WORK I call this method too.
  12. Sincerity? It takes a lot more than sincerity to work on blockages at all levels: mind, qi & body. The hardest one is the start of all blockages: The Mind. What Buddhist call fetters. From there is all a cascading effect. Psychiatric community? We are talking about healthy fit people here on a spiritual quest not junkies. Travel where?
  13. "You can't polish a turd"

    I love snakes in fact. Saw one today in one of my mountain runs. The way they move is captivating. Snakes are the deepest thinkers in Chinese astrology (Year of the Snake). The quote I used is figurative and a very well thought one.
  14. You gain no wisdom and in the meantime become addicted to them. Stay away and nothing replaces hard work! There is no substitute to this.
  15. 2022 - Year of the Tiger (Water)

    Yes and thanks for updating the link. I tested it before posting but the website dev. must have changed the URL.
  16. "You can't polish a turd"

    I prefer the expression: A snake is a snake, no matter how many times it sheds it’s skin. People can change. But a snake is a snake. When you identify someone without integrity, get rid of them. No matter how many times they promises to turn over a new leaf, they will revert to the original state. ............. Many lifetimes to polish that 'turd' and turn it into a diamond. We all go through that process which unfortunately can't be speeded up. Luckily the Mind has built-in a *'reset' mechanism so when you finish this lifetime it's a fresh start onto the next one. *Parts can still be accessed through internal work though but the results are random and left to chance. It's a siddhi.
  17. Bagua Teacups

    Tina, The best way to supplement your practice is to work hard on GROUNDING. The Asian-style of squat should be performed daily and it is a great grounding exercise which will strengthen your internal organs and open the joints in your entire body. There are many videos on YT. Just to give you an idea: if you can't do it straight away (like me when I first started) do kettlebell (drop slowly and progressively the weights being used; eg. 12-10-8-6-4-2kg) and pole assisted work to help you with progression. The guy in the first video is using the kitchen benchtop to do so but you can use any other still structures as you wish. Good luck and happy practice
  18. Indeed. Aries vs Taurus; Fire Horse vs Metal Ox (both at the opposite end of the spectrum) your own evolutionary process; namely old soul (many cycles of rebirth undergone) vs. someone who just started the awareness journey and still has got more rebirth cycles to continue on. How can you follow or try to mould into an specific model you are not suited for? Adapt practice to your own personal circumstances and astrological profile. However, you still need to follow the rules of practice (universal laws) and be watchful of the desires of the lower self.
  19. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Eat well according to the winter season; that is more hearty soups and stews. Every day in fact.
  20. Do animals know 無為; wúwéi

    mapbox add geojson You are most welcome forest dweller. They are very special birds these kookaburras. This one was making noise on the balcony railing by hitting it with its beak to call me while I was inside. He was actually staring at me and trying to read my mind very intensely...likewise so you want to play mind games hey!
  21. Do animals know 無為; wúwéi

    Yes they do...and CONSCIOUSLY. A good example is the kookaburra which is Australia's most evolved animal. I have see them meditating on top of trees. They sense EVERYTHING!
  22. Do animals know 無為; wúwéi

    You live in the forest, right? So you are very aware of this. They think a lot less than us (if they ever do) so they can perceive and 'see' things naturally. Birds get crazy ever single evening right before sunset yet humans carry on with their activities as usual. Do why they carry on like that? The sacred Yin you don't want to mess up with.
  23. Do animals know 無為; wúwéi

    What animals know should devote an entire book in Taoism. I interact with wildlife every day and there are particular birds that quickly react when someone is meditating in any way or form. They are also aware of the SPIRIT, a lot more than 99% of humans. Big respect to them!
  24. Are humans idiots

    Nothing has really changed: “Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires’. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt.” Book III of Odes, Horace (Roman poet), 20 BC.