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Everything posted by hyok

  1. US history is made...

    There's a big difference between the proposed NAU and EU. The NAU will be the combining of three nations whereas the EU was a union of 27 nations. Interestingly though, the EU passed with the specter of 9/11 lighting a fire under its ass. The NAU has no such event, yet. I would gather that it will take a helluva lot more than an event in NYC to convince the patriot/nationalist types in the US. If anything, it will definitely be interesting to see how the West gets the public to accept it.
  2. We Could All Use A Good Laugh

    wow, this had me giggling like a little school girl. MUST. SHARE. WITH. OTHER. PPL.
  3. Kunlun, Max, Beliefs

    Although it's not wise to express any sort of disdain towards the soldiers, after all, there's really nothing they can do about anything since they signed their lives away, I find that the inactive and un-enlightened citizen is where due fault usually lies. If this is a democracy, which it really isn't, the soldier basically does the bidding of the citizens. Unfortunately the citizens are scared shitless of their govt, and now soldiers do the bidding of a small group of rich meglomaniacs and their army of statist politicians.
  4. Kunlun, Max, Beliefs

    That's looks like a fascinating book. Definitely going to check it out. Thanks! Also, did a little research into the subject and found this... neuro-linguistic programming seems like a pretty fascinating subject.
  5. Wow, Shon, that was one helluva post! I'm standing beside myself at the vast chasm of knowledge I never knew you had. 'Course, I don't know anything so that would explain it. I am really leaning towards that same idea that everyone has their own experiences, BUT, there does seem to be loosely related similarities when it comes to energy centers. It does seem like some people feel them very specifically, and some people feel them in a general sense through the body. I find this to be interesting for some reason, but the crux of the reason I posted this is to analyse what these differences are (although it does not look to be the huge successful thread I had imagined when posting) because I think it is relevant towards understanding what we are experiencing since too often these experiences come with absolutely zero guidance, mainly due to the very fact that people, for some reason or another, do not like to discuss the details of their experiences. Btw, you're pretty cute. Are you single? Wanna go out?
  6. Why is it that after thousands of years of secretive esoteric arts and mystics that now is the time when it seems like a free for all? What is the significance of this time period that should allow all these secrets to suddenly be offered for teaching to the public at large? I realize opinions will be theoretical, but i'm interested in reading the thoughts of the Taobums because I think it matters in the bigger picture. I've heard theories ranging from preparing mankind for the Age of Aquarius (whatever that means), to 2012 Mayan calendar as well as ascendancy, to Alien vs Man warfare, to evolution of consciousness, etc etc. What are your thoughts?
  7. Anybody out there experience the opening of the heart chakra? I am at a point now where i'm fairly positive I have experienced a partial opening in the backside of my heart. Physical Manifestation: when stretching or standing straight, I feel a coiling energy swirling around the back of my heart. I was skeptical initially, but this has been going on since September '08 everyday for short durations of time. Emotional/Psychological Manifestation: None that I can detect. Maybe more patient? lol. Confirmation came after speaking with a metaphysical teacher who directed me to C.W. Leadbeater's book The Chakras and the artwork of mystic Johann Georg Gichtel depicted on the cover of the book... As you can see, it is clearly not similar to what the New Age Housewive's depiction of The Chakras is. The heart chakra is actually where the heart is and the spleen chakra is introduced. The image also depicts a snake coiled around the heart which resembles the feeling behind my heart. I don't know what is supposed to happen when heart chakras open up. Probably the same ol' spiel of "bliss, enlightenment, love." etc, etc. Perhaps i have felt more of that lately than in the past, I can't gauge this given that i've gone clean and sober after all of this started. But i'm curious if anyone has ever heard of anything like this, or experienced anything like this? (Here is the full sequence of Gichtel's art if you're curious.)
  8. The new earth

    I've wasted a lot of time reading into 2012, and I have concluded that everything regarding some kind of consciousness or physical transformation occurring on 2012 is pure 100% theory backed by absolutely nothing tangible. There is no fact involved in anything that should lead a person to wholly accept that theory. Something may happen, something may not. But one thing is for certain -- the days of capitalist culture is coming to an end, and 2012 will be the beginning of that bottom.
  9. Into the Wild

    I read the book and saw the movie as well. The book, of course, is a lot more detailed but moreso technical which I really enjoyed I think the true story of Chris McCandless will never really be known, but what I did find poetic and romantic about this young man was the courage he had to break out of civilization. Sure, he made some mistakes which resulted in his death, but it certainly should not paint his life out to be a cheap lesson for kids. He was smart, had many convictions about humanity and the state of the world and wanted to test himself armed with what he knew at that time. That said, give the kid a break. He was 22, fresh out of college and feeling invincible.
  10. I've been in the market for a good time piece that has a moon phase display to help remind me of the transitioning phases of the moon. Out of curiosity, I looked up the most expensive watches in the world, this led me to a Forbes article which displayed time pieces that ranged from nearly $1 million to a paltry $350k. What I found interesting was that in nearly every one of these watches there was a moon phase display (hmm). All yours for 3 easy payments of $225,000.00. Any of you taobums sportin' a Moon Phase watch? I've got my eye on a few of them from the $80 to $1,000 range, but i'm still playing with my budget to see what is affordable and whether or not a quality time piece is something i'm in the market for, but i'm definitely in the market for a moon phase watch.
  11. Moon Phase Time pieces

    Here's an interesting watch I came across while browsing the web. It's called the YES watch.... And there's also the Kundalini YES Watch. you think maybe they know who their target audience? ehh? EHHHH?? Kinda pricey but there's a leather strap version on Gaiam.com that goes for $395. I think i'm sold.
  12. I think that's the gist of it - practitioners can do it for different reasons, but what is a stark contrast from what you're seeing is that almost everyone around me who is married/has kids seems very stressed out and seem secretly resentful in some way. Not to be a downer or anything, but that's the reality I see. The ones who "seem" to have it together usually have a religious or strong family support group behind them, but they're few and far between. I like the idea of marriage as a unification of two families as well as two kindred spirits, and children are angels to me, but what I think is more important is finding a partner who is over the euphoria and the sentiment of an adolescent lifestyle. Regarding children though, I do think those of us who are very aware seem too concerned with how we will perform as parents, which is interesting considering we would probably make great parents because of this. Which reminds me of an old client of mine who was neck-deep in family life, I remember asking him if it was tough raising kids. His response was ... "Nah. You just feed them the scraps."
  13. Abstaining from masturbation

    This Burning Dick, is it anything like The Iron Palm? Do I need a teacher? I went near a month of this and experienced what you're referring to once. It literally did feel like it was burning, but not in a infectious way, more like energy burn.
  14. Some weird book :O

    I've read halfway into this and it's pretty fascinating stuff. I don't know a whole lot about mysticism and arcane knowledge, but what I do know seems to fall in-line with what he's written, although there was a segment where he says that a certain diagram showing energy centers is based on caucasian physiology. That seems odd to me. I'm Asian so maybe I shouldn't be messing with this stuff lest I turn into a frog or something.
  15. Dealing with a parent with dementia

    I've heard that memory games helps in retaining long-term memory.
  16. How To Guard Ones Dreams

    You might want to try keeping a daily journal of your dreams. Doing this consistently helps in creating lucid dreams at which point you can have some level of control. I did this for a while with success but quite frankly i didn't like the idea of too much control - kept having super powers and hooking up with hot women. One thing of importance is that if you do keep a journal, jot down the info as soon as you wake up otherwise memory of details will diminish as the day progresses.
  17. Some weird book :O

    Nice! Downloading now and will give input once i'm done reading(Which could be a while!). Thank you.
  18. Reincarnation

    The subject of past lives is a bit confusing for me. I've met people who've met people who've read their past lives, but I can't seem to take it too seriously when someone ELSE is explaining someones past lives. I mean for all I know they could be imagining it. It seems like a very personal journey and one that oneself can only trust. One thing I did find interesting in Strassman's Spirit Molecule is that in Buddhist teachings, the soul is supposed to enter the body 49 days after conception. Similarly, the pineal gland begins to form exactly 49 days after conception.
  19. Learning all the time!

    Welcome YinTherapy!
  20. I picture it as being part of whatever community it is close to as well as a welcoming place for travelers and practitioners. But community involvement should be important to keep balance with the surroundings (granted the location is near a town or a city). But you're thinking basically the way I am. No rent but must contribute something to the sustainability of the compound, i.e. maintenance, handy-work, farming, teaching. The thing I've come to understand about people who travel as well as individuals who are drawn to places like these, is that they almost always have something to teach and are always willing to learn. Basically they're seeking something - truth, understanding, culture etc. I actually like the idea of using technology, although theft is definitely something to be aware of, but internet access would probably come in very handy as far as the education-wing of the complex is concerned as well as, like you mentioned, employment as well as networking purposes since nearly everyone uses email these days. I also like the idea of inviting guests to teach and showcase. That would definitely be a welcoming and shared experience and keep things lively. Might not even be a bad way to bring the community into the fold. All in all it would work on three levels... Practice Education Expansion of teachings
  21. Qigong Pyrokinesis Demo Real Or Fake

    I see no point in performing this act on video if one is not going to do so in the most transparent fashion they can come up with. i mean, really, isn't that the singular point of the video -- to prove it's real? Anyone performing such feats under suspicious conditions should be automatically regarded as a fraud.
  22. San Diego Kunlun Seminar Review

    Thanks for the review DD. BTW, were there any cute chicks there?
  23. Qigong Pyrokinesis Demo Real Or Fake

    Impossible to tell since his hands are all up in the paper and hidden at various moments. I'd say BS tho.
  24. Best way to enlightenment

    Different roads leading up towards the same mountain. I think once one reaches the top, enlightenment is enlightenment.