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Posts posted by rain

  1. I used to. Periodically.Together with a particular set of strictly performed hatha yoga practises given me by my teacher.

    Perhaps these paved the road for the kundalini.

    These days I enjoy nei gong, ashtanga and the fruits of breath combined with my body's natural reflectiveadjustment movements following practise.


    Pardon me me, I didn't realise that this is the book club..

  2. Yes, I think exorcist is suggesting that by using certain internal alchemy techniques postmenopausal women can at least potentially with the proper approach and methods restore their vital essence to the point where they regain their menses, and they can then implement the female internal alchemy technique to 'cut the red dragon' to intentionally stop menstruation. This is different than menopause where the menses stops because of decline in vital essence due to aging. In this particular case one's vital essence is continuing to get stronger and stronger through cultivation, and menses is stopped intentionally through a special female internal alchemy technique implemented to conserve vital essence. In certain internal alchemy traditions it is held that males must first learn to 'tame the white tiger' and females must learn to 'cut (chop/slash) the red dragon'. In internal alchemy theory, if one can't conserve their vital essence they will not be able to advance far in their internal alchemy practice. There are different traditions of internal alchemy however so different traditions may have different approaches and practices. This is the general idea anyway...


    Thanks for the links.

    Here are a couple of links for a bit further info on this:

    Cutting the Red Dragon (FYSK)

    Inner Alchemy for Women (Master Yuan's site)

  3. Although having got older means less jing that people can initialize, and therefore a weaker ability in getting high quality qi ,there are , however , some benefits in it :


    First, less jing means your having less sex drive than those young guys. In that case, likely you can manipulate it easier. Too strong a sex drive , in most cases, turns out to be something negative . Too much , too strong a force than the appropriate , than what you can manipulate , is no better than having not enough of it ..


    Second , old guys , after years of life experience , already see through the illusory nature of things in life : fame, love ,prestige, loss ..etc, that entangle them before. Therefore, when coming across the Taoist truth, many of them can grasp it and stick to it more firmly than those young , indecisive Taoist followers.


    It is said that as long as the yang-jing , no matter how little it is, existing in us, there is a possibility of accumulating it, expanding it , upgrading it ...in a word, even you are at the age of 100, the door towards physical immortality is still there, open for you..


    However, to male who can't have an erection , or capable but not hard enough, they must first accumulate their jing and make it return to the status as in their youth.Only after having succeeded that , do they get the foundation, the starting point to "tame the tiger"...

    For old ladies, no matter how old they are , they have to cultivate and get their menstruation back so that the foundation , the starting point to" slash the red dragon" becomes possible.


    Fascinating perspective. Do you happen to know many elderly females who have succeeded to keep or revive their menstruation though cultivation? If so what particular method was used. :)

  4. Got to admit we (we... my guess) all are fascinated with the supernatural.

    I just saw over 100 people here lookin' at these top three posts all related to either believing or

    disproving the associated phenomena on these posts.


    The search continues...






    I feel Mike here shares my frustration with siddhis, MCO, Kundalini, all that!


    Check it out



    What is this man talking about?


    There is no discussion amongst qigong practitioners about the natural adjustments of qigong. It is common knowledge.

    The frustration that evolves around mysticism and *siddhis* au contraire is rarer in enlightened circles. *fnis*

  5. "kunlun and spontaneuous qigong movement"

    jeez I remember the kunlun representatives moving in on TaoBum forum years ago. I asked them, the very first question was; do you know of wild goose qigong" But noooo..they had never heard about it, surprisingly they did not. Many taobummers were at that time already practising spontaneous adjustment qigong.


    Now years later the verry verry indeed incredibly famous Jenny Lamb DOES teach this AAAND the wild goose


    I just don't buy any of this *wow*


    everything is copy past send

    nothing special


    nothing riginal.



    no need to get exited by anything.

  6. Ah, the Madonna (Goddess) -whore complex... Men resenting the sexual freedom (autonomy, power) of the female....I could go on. Can you speak of this with a positive spin, without the patriarchal culture prejudice? Shakti goes where She wills..... If you took away the whore aspect then what would this journey represent? If this was a masculine energy how would it be perceived? Let's get away from using/ blaming the Feminine for our failing to advance on the Spiritual Path. Another learning is in this....


    I would posit that Religion is a Masculine creation.




    Thank you Shakti Mama

    instead of seeing this free searching energy of Shakti as whore-like..

    :))) one could embrace and surrender to the creative and destructive power of this aspect in each one of us, man and woman, and ask ourselves... where is Shiva..what is he up to while she is on her search?

    I bet he's not m e r e l y sitting on his ass judging..?



    btw noone's gonna pat my head. :(

    apropos shakti pat.


    gjøre selv

  7. I've heard they don't teach quantum physics in kindergarten. Does this mean that we cannot go through the entire training process of this system?..




    Master Wang does not run an institution. When a seminar or a workshop is offered, you get a clear and precise curriculum of the event. But if you want to know in advance what the system "has" in its entirety, you can't be offered that -- you need to do some practice work for a length of time and, in the course of this practice, develop some organs capable of perceiving what it has before you can perceive it. How fast you personally can develop these organs is impossible to phase into any curriculum.




    Well, you are told what you're going to be doing, step by step. What is going to be happening while you're doing it, however, is just about as transparent as destiny, as clear as the will of the gods.




    This is a traditional art that has never mass-produced its masters. A teacher must be qualified before he or she is authorized. In the traditional view, just because someone "wants" to teach is not enough qualifications.




    What are you going to do about the entity that made you say that? Are you going to question it closely as to its source of this idea? Please do, I'd be interested to find out how the demons of character assassination and smear tactics get their training and what curriculum they follow.


    Think of it this way... What master Wang teaches is not a "product" that has gone through a process of packaging and presentation so as to look attractive to the customer who's been preemptively trained to expect his or her consumption of goods and services to be facilitated in a particular fashion by the producing industry. It is not a product that is going to get cheaper once knock-off versions are mass-produced. It is not a commodity. It is not an entitlement. It is not something someone promised to deliver, satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. It is not a basic right. It is not a trendy must-have goodie. Not a fad to abide by. Not a basic necessity. It is not a constitutional guarantee. It is hard to come by and will always be. It is expensive and until the world abolishes money it is likely to remain so. It is unique. You don't demand a Rembrandt original for your living-room just because you want it. By the same token, you don't demand things of a taoist immortal. You take what is offered, gratefully, or you say "no thanks" and look elsewhere for what pleases your heart's desires. It's as simple as that, and it is not likely to get simpler.


    Hope this helps.



    • Like 1

  8. In Broken Images


    He is quick, thinking in clear images;

    I am slow, thinking in broken images.


    He becomes dull, trusting to his clear images;

    I become sharp, mistrusting my broken images.


    Trusting his images, he assumes their relevance;

    Mistrusting my images, I question their relevance.


    Assuming their relevance, he assumes the fact;

    Questioning their relevance, I question the fact.


    When the fact fails him, he questions his senses;

    When the fact fails me, I approve my senses.


    He continues quick and dull in his clear images;

    I continue slow ans sharp in my broken images.


    He in a new confusion of his understanding;

    I in a new understanding of my confusion.


    Robert Graves


    Love it

  9. http://www.youtube.c.../TheJourney2218


    this is my youtube channel! "The truth of no truth" is the only vid i've uploaded since i've had my current world view. the others are good too though, i think.


    had a different channel that had a bit more success than this one has had so far, but stupid name and much different topics led me to create this one.


    Don't you just love this? A young person speaking, publically, reflecting, reaching out with personal and aquired mental reflections. see feel no lecturing here? no offensive assertiveness. Only engagement. And I love it.


    It is perhaps the permanence of no thing that makes us able to morph and spacetrvael in the expanding and contracting "space" btw aspects or none.

    I am suggesting that there is a self-nothing as light as the mother as there are selves attracted dark as the myriad of things.



    *tap tap*


    light and darkness equally adored.

  10. I'm not so sure about that. The actress's words may have created a bridge... things connect when they are bridged, on all levels, from your own neural dendrites connecting synapses in your brain to your whole brain connecting with your body via neural fibers, to your whole body connecting to the rest of the universe via electrical, magnetic, thermal, chemical (e.g. breath) etc. interactions. Your body temperature being different from that of the room you're in is one such bridge -- you create a local molecular traffic around you that is shaped by your being there. If you're a cat and there's fleas in the environment, they will react to the thermal bridge -- their all senses are shaped around detecting it -- and cross it. Similarly, words you hear in a half-asleep trance-inducing state can create a brain wave pattern that is a local bridge shaped by your being, well, in trance. Trance is the state accessible to entities that can't contact you otherwise -- while, e.g., a state of your electrochemical brain activity known as "logical step by step analysis" is a lock that closes most doors to most entities.


    For comparison: cooling off of your mucous membranes is a state that makes them accessible to some microbes and viruses that otherwise can't penetrate it -- that's why we talk of "catching a cold," what you really catch is beings that the cold let through. (Whereas a high fever kills many of them, which is why the body raises its temperature to get rid of entities it is trying to eliminate.) Similarly, a trance state makes you, or anyone else, more "permeable" to some entities. Since the entity that you heard mentioned in your trance state was a tall angel and not a short elf, that's who "permeated" -- it's like turning when someone has called your name in the crowd, you go, "what? who? did someone say Scotty?" The same thing may have happened to that angel. Then when he (?) saw that his name was mentioned just by chance (someone in the crowd may have been calling a Scotty all right, but you turn around and discover it wasn't you they were calling, some other Scotty?), he left, end of story.


    We are not nearly as suggestible as we believe we are. :lol: We are much more along the lines of "more" or "less" permeable to stuff, the state we are in is a bridge or a bridge burning endeavor... We assume that if our contacts or lack thereof with other dimensions, realities, entities can be affected by the state we're in, it must be "all in our head" when they manifest. Not so. It's an interaction... a bridge between your state and the state of the universe.


    Love your post, it's good medicine ;))

    found this link which resonates some of your thoughtlines hope you enjoy it too



  11. deci belle have you ever stood in a circle and invoked the Sun Disk to visible appearence? I think not you would not be so Sweet and Light. Move Slowly Cloud


    Cloudhand..could you share some information on which mecanisms make the sundisk appear and..disappear?

  12. Doesn't the whole scenario remind you of anything?..


    Let's see... How do the overlords go about taking away freedom? The cheapest way is to make it obvious to the public that freedom is dangerous and harmful and only serves the bad guys. Then the public will demand that the freedom be taken away.


    How do they introduce tight internet censorship that's been in the pipeline for a while? Why by making it obvious to the public that freedom of information is dangerous and harmful and only serves the bad guys.


    There were no leaks. Nothing of any consequence was revealed.


    Assange is just another way to spell Osama.


    Statement mirrroring my exact questions earlier in this thread. I wish we are wrong.

  13. Interesting. Maybe iintent initially led me into meditational state..?

    Or perhaps I am merely recapturing a certain state intentionally?


    Now intent seems to be an important trigger..as well as certain habitual clues

    Sitting in half lotus, closing eyes lightly, relaxing muscles


    An important light stirr inside my forehead and I sink through vibration into stillness


    like a bowl thats been hit and left


    Legs crossed is no longer imperative, it can be done on a bus..in the car..in front of the computer..on the floor..outdoors in a café, at the dinner table


    btw Sean..do you continue to breathe evenly and smoothly or does your heart skip beats?

  14. -What if Wikileaks is a set up by both the chinese and american goverments to mold mass consumers into the opinion that the internet has to be regulated, based on fear of cyber terrorism


    -What if Wikileaks ideals finally result in what they claim they are trying to prevent..namely censorship,...,


    -For how long can they exist as a radically free idealistic organization without being misused as spindoctors?


    Have any of you signed the petition?

  15. With all the posturing around Tibetan monasteries, exactly what has been accomplished for the physical welfare of others?


    1. Clinics and hospitals?

    2. Feeding the hungry that live in close conjunction to the local monastery?

    3. Clothing the needy?



    A perfect example of neglect is this display of arrogance in the name of the Dharma. Gangteng Tulku spent a fortune on refurbishing this antique stupa while neglecting the local poor people. Why? So he could sit on his golden throne and dispense, whatever he dispenses!





    Absolutely, in Nepal most schools are private, to my knowledge at least a handfu(l), probably more, built and run through the initiative of single monks operating on the Dalai Lamas incentive to strengthen tibetan and nepalese culture through educating them in both english and mother tounge. Children from the age of 6 to 16 are dressed educated and fed. Exchange is made between medics in China, Malaysia, India, France, Germany, Norway and numerous other countries.

    Enlightenment may be sold on every corner, but there is still individuals who dedicate their entire lives to this work.

    • Like 1

  16. I read that site.

    But you don't have answered to my questions

    For a guy who don't practice meditation, a "non Taoist", is possible to practice some kind of retention, ejaculation interval management (like 1 ejaculation every 4 intercourses) without side effects ?


    Yes of course. It is most ordinary, attaineable, skill. do not aim for it forcefully. it is the fruit of intercourse. very beautiful. no big deal. it may lead to many mutual climaxes