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Everything posted by rain

  1. what exactly is nonpsychological open awareness? I get open awareness it is the non psychological kind I fail to understand
  2. Haiku Chain

    shine similarly crazy karma diamond you breathe samsara dust
  3. Following Desire

    This is one awsome post deci belle
  4. Haiku Chain

    axe in hand smiling seconds of reflecting mind deep breath moving on
  5. Haiku Chain

    who wants to go next? intuition will save the daredevils, the pure
  6. On Kundalini and thought constructs

    ahh this was great read. I could not finish today I am afraid. Why do you have the need to use so many words to come aross with your ideas. do the talking sooth your intellect? keep it shorter sweeter. the masquerade and trickster is just it. thank you. I will finsih reading later..probably. - just one more thing, claiming kundalini non-material does not hold up, just because it uses or can be read through several to us appearing different scientific means does not make it merely ethereal
  7. a world without pretense perhaps but I am awfully unsophisticated
  8. I just purchased a chinese herb called Lei Gong Teng/Thunder Vine/Tripteerygium wilfordii. Is anyone familiar with the use of this plant? I accidentally ordered bark instead of capsules..and now I do not know how to prepare it. Do I cook, grind or put it in alchohol? Would very much appreciate some help, it would be a pity to see it wasted.
  9. How to prepare chinese herb?

    draw off the water thrice, mix the drained water and drink one cup of this twice a day, is it? thank you dmattwatds.
  10. Pain in lower back

    often trouble in the lower back is a response to or corresponds to immobilized torso or shoulder area. in addition to circulatory movements of the hips and the regime you already thought of and Joes advice, I would look into tummo breath or just pull/suck in your tummy on both inand outbreath as you bend over and straighten up. to stretch and elongate the inner fascias around your ribcage, especially in the back around your shoulders.
  11. do I know you?

    1. eye_of_the_storm


      Maybe, that question sparked a memory...

    2. eye_of_the_storm
  12. The Tao of Dying

    fancy that! two in a restaurant and nobody dying. yet. ain´t this america money, handcuffs and slavery death is close
  13. calligraphy

    I am thinking about taking private lessons in calligraphy. I've been working with ink and feather before, and various slit pens, but this time its going to be korean calligraphy on rice paper with brush. We are going to prepare the ink also. Do any of you have some tips or thoughts to share on the subject?
  14. The Tao of Dying

    Every turn of stress is handled with an even larger amount of Love for this earth. Thank you for asking.
  15. The Tao of Dying

    The idea of death was intellectual until a doc told me that I probably would die. It intensified my everyday experience of life. Just like someone on this forum asked me once I started meditating "how long do you meditate, how much time do you spend in meditation"..both these two priceless discoveries have one thing in common. the idea of death and the death of action gave me more life in a shorter span. Both states were like a clean-up. Surplus shit was expelled. What makes it possible for an organism to tell, to organize? What is it about that black space? "Buddhist here buddhist there"..
  16. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    no idea. I think not. but they may have been americans
  17. Opening the Third Eye: Spiritual Sight

    Third eye..so you are supposed to see things automatically? Are you sure about this? Sitting in the darkroom retreat, listening to the intitiated students talking to the master about soaring the cosmos - seeing the planets they were visiting on will I felt unengaged. It felt like being back in kindergarten looking at the grown up trying to please. I stink at it obviously. My experience with the third eye was not visual, even if I tend to use visual image to share. Oh sure electricity can be seen, is what you see... ..but what really happens? It was energetic and functional and did not lead to an out of body experience, rather it led to an expanded awareness that finally extinguished the boarders built by ordinary speech patterns. It also included nonconceptual awareness.(con isn't that an american word by the way? conman..contradictory..consciousness..) the inclusion of "the other" was possible due to the extinction of the mental hassle and lag linked to the attributes flawing the patterns of guttural speech. I see no way I can only be a slave of my own translations