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Posts posted by rain

  1. Rain, Joe,


    What you guys are saying is that ZZ or Kunlun or I Jong - all these lead to spontaneous practice but intensity is different? And same type of spontaneous energy? I don't understand the difference between the three practices...bear with the ignorant me :D



    Raymond Wolter

    If you pose the question like this I have to say No.

    My personal route was from hatha yoga to tkd, and tkd introduced ZZ.

    I re encoutered the ZZ stance in qigong, less heavy, but the combination of

    neigong and heavy static luohan stances released hormones in my blood that led to involuntary movements

    when "locked and circulated" in the ZZ.


    Kunlun came so much later. I was trained by then and used to standing spontaneous reactions, so

    the strain in the sittting poses (for those who never trained ZZ) and groupmechanics

    didn't get to me.


    To me it looked like the announced powerful reactions kunlun initiated in a few

    was a mix of expectations, groupsynergy (read grouphysteria)

    and weak untrainedd legmusculature.

    But I am such a sceptic. :)

    I see spontaneous as an outcome of another qigong practise, as qiflow working in a closed circuit.

  2. there is a world of difference between the symptomatic shaking caused by release of adrenalin through your bloodvesselsand caused by the strain initial strain of ZZ, and the slow development and later stage of embryonic unvoluntarily muscular contractions mounting in the same stance.


    ZZ is the pot where to simmer.


    What is to be boring with spontaneous I cannot fathom because spontaneous is always fresh. That is the essence of spontaneous. THat said it often does contain recognizeable curves and angles but if done correctly it is themost effective method to locate and dissolve blocages. Amusician or a painter often has a personal signal.

    the same thing. andalways seeking to expand.

    • Like 1

  3. So feet or toes would not work? :lol:


    I am not sure Castaneda didn't make that up about the hands but millions seem to use it after he wrote about it.

    I don't. Could, but don't see the need.


    I still maintain that raising the energy body vibration is the single most critical aspect of this (and probably coincides with your "heart").

    I think what happens without this higher vibration is that most people find themselves in lower astral levels. Can be entertaining but full of disembodied liars. Only when a person has actually raised their energy body vibration can they easily jump past this non-sense.


    I really wouldn't know Ya Mu since our qigong grandmaster taugt us tofocus on the hands and heart.


    Only later in Darkness Retreat at Tao Garden was I told by some teachers that Castaneda used a method likethis.

    I do like sacredness.

    I adore my toes

    But you know the heart IS kind of special.

  4. So feet or toes would not work? :lol:


    I am not sure Castaneda didn't make that up about the hands but millions seem to use it after he wrote about it.

    I don't. Could, but don't see the need.


    I still maintain that raising the energy body vibration is the single most critical aspect of this (and probably coincides with your "heart").

    I think what happens without this higher vibration is that most people find themselves in lower astral levels. Can be entertaining but full of disembodied liars. Only when a person has actually raised their energy body vibration can they easily jump past this non-sense.


    I really wouldn't know Ya Mu since our qigong grandmaster taugt us tofocus on the hands and heart.


    Only later in Darkness Retreat at Tao Garden was I told by some teachers that Castaneda used a method likethis.

    I do like sacredness.

    I adore my toes

    But you know the heart IS kind of special.

  5. I also have the Kunlun book. Do the Ijong posture and five element standing postures replace ZZ in the Kunlun system i.e. can ZZ be replaced with these standing postures?


    You also practise kunlun, is that what you are saying?

    Kunlun to me was a integrative system designed and taught by Max.

    Have you been instructed by him or are you copying the instructionsfromthe book?


    I could give you my answer, andI think your pretty close BUT I am not the founder of any of your systems

    so I would advice you to discussthese questions with your various teachers

    before you decide on what is similar and can be replaced...or not. :)

  6. Was wondering is there anything dangerous or inherently wrong practicing more than one Chi Kung in the day.


    -For example say i do 20 minutes of ZZ

    -Then i do 30 minutes of another Chi Kung

    -Then i do 20 minutes of meditation...etc.


    Do Chi Kung systems and their purposes ever conflict with each other or is it simply the more Chi Kung the better.


    I had to google to be sure youwere not referring to the qigong system Zhan zhuang http://www.chi-kung.no

    there seems to be so many systems and it can be rather confusing to answer even simple questions due to this.

    BUT I would say that if your reference is to the classical standing post that is a basicrequirement in most martial arts and qigong systems, your list of threesomes seems just perfect to me.


    I have a similar list myself, and serious zz training has rooted and strengthened me to the point of initiating embryonic breathcycles.


    I do follow a medical qigong system which is successively built up on

    nei gong for the twelve ordinary meridians

    luohan gongfor the eight extraordinary meridians

    and kong jing for those truly dedicated..

    to put it simple.

    I am therefore combining neigong and luohan gong every day, since it is like returning, strenghtening basic foundation while steadily adding extrordinary angles. But all in one qigong teaching system.




    Meditation is not a part of the qigong system. It is my personal practise. But I have come to realize that without the meditation everything else would have muchless effect.


    THis system is a logic successive system where the exercises and poses build upon each other, therefore it would be unneccessary to add another system

    But ..ascurious as I am..and this system takes years to finish..I do check out

    other systems as well, it gives me a better understanding of why and what works.

  7. Yes, whoever told you this got it from Castenada. The power of suggestion. Hands actually didn't have much to do with it as it could have been anything and would have worked.

    I will point you back to the post above by "Spectrum".




    There are many approaches to this but I think the above post by Spectrum says much.

    If one raises the energy body vibration then a lot of this will happen on it's own.

    But there are specific techniques within specific systems that act to enhance, safeguard, and deepen the process.


    edit: Rain, I think you misinterpreted my use of the word "impossible" in my above post you referenced. I mean it as it is impossible for me to write of the technique within my system to teach someone. Sorry, it was not clear.



    Very good YaMu I know you were speaking of your practise when you referred to the impossible


    therefore I felt compelled to share the possible practise

    my way :0)

    and with all respect

    the hands and heart are important:)

    but its impossible to describe why in my practise ;0)


    and yes


    dogs are :)

  8. No reading material. The system I teach and practice is the basis for the dream practice. The Gift of the Tao movements I have on DVD are results of dreaming qigong practice. And I am releasing Gift of the Tao 2 this summer. You can read about some of the dream practice experiences in my book but the book doesn't tell you how to - it would be impossible.


    Certainly not so from my point of experience.

    I was told to look & consentrate on my handsbefore I fell asleep and make a mental note/descision/intent to recontact my hands when dreaming.

    I woke up in my dream as I was washing my hands. And could recollect the dream afterwards remembering the astonishment of keeping and succeeding with my intent of lucid dreaming. My hands were the first thing I looked at when I woke up the next morning and they were glowing with a fine red hue.

    Later I was told that C. Castaneda knew of this way.

    shrug but I aint selling nothing


    Ah, One last thing.

    You make the intent then place it in your heart

  9. Hey everyone, just came across this site and it seemed really interesting as i have had an interest in chi and meditation for a while, hopefully this site will aid me in gaining knowledge on it. Mainly on how to increase chi levels.


    :) very good intentions. thank you

  10. This is a forum with many great thinkers, great insights and sharing of information,

    One year ago I took a couple of phones urging the government to make use of plain citizens

    cleaning up the disasterous oil polluting our coastlines. No simple task to convince them but fortunately they had hundreds of similar calls.

    I did post the event here, no one seemed to notice.


    The people of Nigeria have long time waded in the toxinsand eaten deadly fish from BP's oilspill.

    But ironically it never seems to reach the news.


    I admit the military's and civilians first feeble attempts to clean the shores in Norway was a grim


    Now all our rescue tools and resources are at your coastlines, and we are if anything should happen

    at this very moment, far worse off with less protection than one year ago, no politicians

    have even bothered to answer the official letter written by the major in the insulted county, asking for a conlusion of the matter. Silence. He askes what have we lerned, what are the imprved strategies? Nothing. Silence.

    And why is this?

    So many people including politicians are tied and tangled by their purchased oil-shares, by their business interests.

    They are aware of the competing cheap sanded oil and aware of the fact that oil is running out and determined to sacrifice even more of our pristine norhtern coastlines to ensure that our country stays afloat while EU and the rest sink. Even if the government can give NO guarantees that this will not happen again.

    Hardboiled businessmen believe the capitlist system has come to its end,

    and what we are seeing is a hoarding mentality.

  11. Looks cool -- I thought you meant Solaris as the basis for Tarkovsky's amazing movie. Oh yeah that was Stanislaw Lem







    McEwan's most recent work, Solar, was published by Jonathan Cape and Doubleday in March 2010.[9] In June 2008 at the Hay Festival, McEwan gave a surprise reading of this work-in-progress. According to reportage of the reading in The Guardian, the novel concerns "a scientist who hopes to save the planet."[10] from the threat of climate change, with inspiration for the novel coming from a trip McEwan made in 2005 "when he was part of an expedition of artists and scientists who spent several weeks aboard a ship near the north pole to discuss environmental concerns". McEwan divulged to the audience that "The novel's protagonist Michael Beard has been awarded a Nobel prize for his pioneering work on physics, and has discovered that winning the coveted prize has interfered with his work"[10] but denied that the novel, which was not due to be published for at least two years, was a comedy, saying "I hate comic novels; it's like being wrestled to the ground and being tickled, being forced to laugh"[10], instead, that it had extended comic stretches.




    thanks fo re-minding me of Tarkovskij, I haven't seen anything from him since The Mirror and Stalker. I was deeply impressed with his ability to mess with my cognitive structure, tease my brain so to say. I also enjoy a good picture.

    no I wasn't referring to him obviously but to the dubious "synchronisity" of "photovoltaics" as he chose to name the light splitting water eco/phyto- technology he describes in his book Solaris :)

    Remember the Feynman's Plaid?

  12. Hi Marblehead,



    Perhaps you should ask it otherwise around: Can you convince anyone that there exists even a single particle with strictly defined limits?

    But actually, I find your framing of the question flawed. When you ask for the strict space-time coordinates of a particle, you will necessarily omit its momentum, and by measuring its momentum you will omit its location. This, my friend, the physicists call the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, though they misunderstand its proper meaning. When they talk about the wave equation, it gets all fancy, but it distracts from the true lesson here: They want to limit what they call "being" as something which possess an exclusive, static quality. A permanence, if you will.


    So how do you define this "being?" A presence in a relativistic space-time coordinate map? How do you define presence, if not as something that possess the quality of measurable interaction, so that you could measure it in the first place? And if you insist that this interactivity does not extend unrestricted from this bordered presence, then how can you account for the momentum vector and scalars of mass and charge which may all influence beyond the limit of simple presence, yet certainly constitute as something essential?


    I must say that definitions can become very limiting when they don't acknowledge the facts of interdependence and change. Nothing the particles may ever carry has anything inherent or unique to that particle, and neither does their interaction with the world happen unilaterally. We call it inter-action after all!


    You will get paradoxical results as long as you hold on to your contradictory premises of how "being" should manifest.





    Thank youfor expressing my very morning thought so much better than I ever could have.


    What if there IS NO ONE PLACE?

  13. Well if you watch the next section of that documentary they go into the new discovery of plant photosynthesis based on quantum superposition as well -- so there is an "infinite" number of paths literally taken but then the most efficient one is chosen for the actual transmission, thereby enabling 99% energy efficiency.


    I agree that this level of efficiency is a wave that can not be measured itself -- it's the true meaning of nondualism. We exist within this infinite potential wave as a higher dimension of space.




    "We exist within this infinite potential wave as a higher dimension of space."


    smile.gif Such beauty postulated

    Have you by chance read Ian Mc Ewans book "Solaris" ? ...


    I just love quoting him;

    "Sun is the new rain" & 'Its raining photons"

  14. I guess Master Nan, Huai-chin groups it into the "fin chi" or fake chi as wind phenomenon -- where the lower tan tien gets hot but it has to be full body chi to be real chi. So I think that's only AFTER the crown chakra orgasm -- where it




    down as a full body orgasm and then the whole body converts to chi.


    After that you can go without food and water in the bigu state as post-death chi. haha.


    full tantien, fake chi - harmful only for a woman? full body chi to develop into real chi - necessary only for women?


    I found the site of Mrs Effie..what particular link covers the question?


    It makes sense though, it is when the my whole body is engaged in qigogn movement OR in deep meditation I am healed


    Lovely reference to the water-method btw.

  15. From my understanding it seems to be a womanly-parts thing, especially at certain times, if enough cultivation is put in that the energy density potential gets significant. Or so I've gleaned from what I've come across B)


    heeeyy...thanks. Joe. I DID get the part of accumulating too much Yang, and can only speculate about what that could do to the "womanly-parts thing" hehe. But as undefined as this it sounds like cottonfluff nonsense. so far...