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Posts posted by Gemstone

  1. I´m halfway through "Magical knowledge Book II - The Initiate".

    It is the perfect companion to the first book. In fact I recommend that they´d be studied together.

    Questions rising from the practices in the first book easily finds their answers here.


    As usual it is dense with serious wisdom, insights into power and sharp humour.


    Already looking forward to "Magic of the North gate"

    • Like 2

  2. Did you pay attention to the people you killed? How they behaved, personalities etc?

    It may be a time for you to leave parts of yourself behind. Parts that are no longer useful.

    No need to carry dead weight.


  3. Hi Gemstone,


    No I feel it and many others do straight away, I guess over night the energy has time to settle and you should feel pretty good unless you had a bad day or night with other personal issues. This will also depend on how good you are at listening skill, and body Qi awareness.


    Thanks for your kind words :)


    Sifu Garry

    Thank you for answering.

    What I meant was that FP builds on a foundation of good sleeping habits.

    I did FP in the past for 1,5 years and found it to be a fantastic system. It came very much as advertised. Unfortunately you need enough sleep for it to be truly effective. I`m now raising small children and work nightshift, so sleep is scarse.

    With other practices I can cut an hour or two of sleep and still feel great. Is this true with Sunn Yee Gong?


    Another question: As the first SYG practices are seated, can I do Zhan Zhuang training before, in the same session? It is the Yiquan health stances and are quite neutral energy-wise. Later on they can be replaced with SYG standing exercises.



  4. You´ve had good and real attainment after only a month with this method. :)

    I would love to hear about your progress.


    Hint: The spacious feeling you get in your body can also be reflected in the mind as silence and emptiness. Sitting in silence after practice is very good.


    Good luck!

    • Like 1

  5. The focus of the practice, in the beginning, is to let go of tension. Both in mind and body.

    Check from top down for tension and try to relax. This should be done over and over.

    The body is open, all joints are slightly bent, the breath is slow, deep and full.

    You can imagine that all of your body except your head is submerged in water. The water helps to carry the weight of your body so you can relax even more.


    The energy will rise. Just let it be.

    Relax and more will come..


    Don´t initiate any tensions or movement with the mind, let them go.

    • Like 1

  6. It is good that you noticed any sensation at your first session. :)

    This practice will make you strong both in body and mind, and over time build a strong internal energy that can be benificial for both yourself and others (through healing application).

    End every session with your hands over the lower Dan Tien (navel area) for a couple of minutes to store the energies that you have cultivated.

    If you resonate with the practice I strongly recommend that you buy the book.


    Good luck!



    Recently I liked the Red Lion, by Maria Szepes.


    It's fiction but has plenty of hermetic/alchemical wisdom in it, the author poured lots of her knowledge in there but sadly there's bias too. The more you know about western tradtions the more you notice from the book. For example if you know some palmistry it will give you some infromation about some characters when they are first introduced.


    The story takes place in multiple incarnations on the road to becoming a master. Each incarnation has it's challenges but each is also necessary to progress.


    [My reviewing skills seriously need polish]

    Fantastic book!

    If you have a basic understanding of Alchemy it will unlock the book even further.

    If you don´t, you will have gained it at the end.

    The alchemical processes in the book are accurately described.

    Written towards the end of WW2, in a time of death and madness, makes it even more important.


    • Like 1

  8. There are many ways to keep a good diet, but it is important to keep it clean. Organic if you can afford it, but at least no processed food.

    I´m Vata to and I feel good when I eat often but not to much. Warm and cooked food tend to be good for us.


    If you are Vata I think you will like He Shou Wu. Especially with more yang herbs like Cordyceps and Shilajit.

  9. There are people here with much experience with herbs, mine are limited..

    But from experience, when you experiment to find your favorites, don´t throw to many different herbs in the mix if you don´t work with an oriental doctor or herbalist. What we want is not allways what we need..


    He Shou Wu nourishes kidney yin and Shilajit kidney yang (slightly warming).

    In Aurveda Shilajit is often taken with Ashwagandha but that didn´t work for me. He Shou Wu made the perfect marriage.

    For you it may be something else.


    He Shou Wu can also be taken with ant (cheaper than Cordyceps).


    My recommendation would be to go with quality, add slowly and keep a good diet.

    • Like 1

  10. Wild Cordyceps are very expensive:


    I would only pay that money if I needed it for medicin. If you buy some I would like to hear about your experience with it. :)


    For health maintenance I take He Shou Wu and Shilajit. A great combo if you ask me.

    Shilajit can be hard to find, the only real stuff I have tried is from Lotus Herbs:



    Dragon herbs Shilajit is not good, their He Shou Wu is good though.



    • Like 1

  11. From iherb:

    Formulated on the principle established by Damo, the founder of Zen: "Move Forward from the Heart”. This formulation nourishes all three treasures, tonifies both a Yin and Yang, enhances wisdom, strengthens resistance, strengthens the bones, nourishes the muscles and promotes inner power and inner peace.


    Red Jujube Date, Astragalus root, Wild Reishi mushroom,

    Chaga, He Shou Wu, Eucommia, Polygala, Morinda root, Licorice root,


    Probably good stuff..