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Everything posted by Gemstone

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Flying Phoenix under worst possible circumstances (right after dinner, dead tired, stressed out, crappy focus etc.), is still great Chi Kung. This is certanly not true for all styles. If you do what you can in the weeks, shorter sessions when you find time, and longer sessions to reach saturation in the weekends, there is room for progress. This has been true for me. If you persevere, the exercises on the third and fourth dvd´s are more concentrated and requires less time. Good luck!
  2. "Israel Regardie & The Philosophers Stone" by Lisiewski is a great book. It gives the history of Albertus and his school. The book also explores the relationship between Albertus, Regardie and Lisiewski and the advanced work they delved into. For example the creation of The Homunculus. It contains practical instructions in lab work, especially the plant stone. Overall a great read!
  3. Chi Practice for Drumming

    Famoudou Konaté, master of timing:
  4. When I was younger I thought that working with heavy construction would make me more of a man, so I got a job as a scaffolder. The hard work landed me in the doctors office with carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger on both hands. The doctor ordered two types of surgery on each hand/wrist. I got home and ramped up my newly begun Zhan Zhuang practise to 1h+/day. I did the 5 health stances from Lam Kam Chuens "Way of energy", and after a couple of weeks I didn´t need to break open my hands every morning. After a couple of month I was completely healed. And yes, quit my job. Desided I was man enough without it...
  5. Calling all magickians..... A great manual that will lead to stable meditation/visualization!
  6. Lucid Dreaming

    Great interview with Charlie Morley!
  7. the writings of mouni sadhu

    "Concentration" is an excellent manual!
  8. Flying Phoenix worldwide events

    Great session yesterday! Thank you guys.
  9. Flying Phoenix worldwide events

    I´ll join in from Sweden!
  10. Anyone here from Norway, or traveled to Norway?

    The norwegian coastline with its fjords is breathtakingly beutiful. It really can bring tears to your eyes. You don´t need to go by boat to experience it. Car or bus is great to. The only negative about the country are the high prices. You will have a great time!
  11. Purple Reishi

    My experience with Dragon herbs and their Reishi is good. I´ve not tried the purple Reishi though,
  12. What is the benefit of fire to the body..

    Why not incorporating fire rituals in your daily cultivation? Remember that fire needs form to develop in a healthy way: Martial Arts, dancing, drumming etc.
  13. Try posting in the healing forum: Other than that, good literature nurtures the emotion!
  14. If you find a practice that you find interesting, do a reading to se if it will be right for you in the long run. This can save you a lot of time.
  15. Vitamin supplements

    MegaFood is a good choice. It is what I take after experimenting with several wholefood vitamins. I take them with meals, no coffee for 1-2 hours.
  16. Reading The Intentions Of Others

    Mantra meditation can easily take you into profound states of consiousness. Just let the mantra do the work. Good luck!
  17. Reading The Intentions Of Others

    Kunlun is a strong practice. Why not ask an oracle, I-Ching or Tarot, to see if it is the right practice for you at this point?
  18. Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Ch'I Kung

    Terry Dunn teaches the same system, but starts at the beginning. The exercises on GM Doo Wai´s DVD is advanced. You would do yourself a big favor if you read the Flying Phoenix thread from the beginning, it explains a lot.
  19. What Qigong style is it?

    BKA mentioned Zhan Zhuang. The value of this practice will show in every form of Qigong or MA you will ever do.
  20. TaoMeow on Coffee

    Zassenhaus makes good manual grinders.
  21. How to Kill Robotic Energy (for Martial Artists)

    The energy from society can absolutely get at you sometime. It can be percieved/felt in many different ways. But it is important to not equal that with our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters. They are treading the weel because they know nothing else. Inside them there are always compassion, emptiness and freedom, even if only in potential form. Look down at your own feet and see them tread the same samsaric weel. Reality is a house of mirrors. The conflict you feel with the world, might be symptom of your own longing for the divine.
  22. How to Kill Robotic Energy (for Martial Artists)

    The sleep you find in others are more important to find in yourself.
  23. How to 'heal' Looping Thoughts?

    If you are prone to looping thoughts, you could benefit from mantra practice.
  24. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) experiences?

    Ralis, what is your experience with l-arginine? I´m comsidering it mainly as a nontoxic sleepaid.
  25. The relaxation-response that you develop when you practice chi kung is very useful in the bedroom. Let surrender and relaxation be ever present in your lovemaking, cultivate the sensations in the beginning throughout the act and keep away from the "cooking"-phase at the end. In the beginning it is easier to practice when she is on top, as it keep you from tension. Afterwards you should feel refreshed and satisfied. If you are agitated you came to close to the fire. Good luck!