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Posts posted by gendao

  1. 18 hours ago, Nungali said:

    Nature , death, the soul , women  .....anything vaguely 'feminine'  , we seem to be at war on it ! 

    Okay .... I'm considering throwing my lot in with Bruce Pascoe   ( a whole revision of Aussie eco agriculture based on indigenous traditions and knowledge  *    ... but boy !  has that got a loooong way to go   (but we started getting there a bit ! ;   its now in school geography curriculum





    Nowadays part of this is desolate and the 'Simpson's desert' . early explorers  say grain harvested and in stacks  spreading to the horizon . Earky explorers, near dead and dying of thirst come over a ridge to see this, and are met by indigenous people that give them water , grain cakes and roast duck .


    This grain survives drought , needs no ploughing and doesnt like fertilizer , phosphate kills it . I mean , what else could you ask for ?


    At the centre of, or just beneath, all of these books is the attempt to try and locate some kind of basic environmental baseline. There seems to be no dispute about the fact that the agricultural colonisation of Australia by Europeans has had far reaching consequences for the organisation of the continent’s biota.
    In almost every possible way the land has undergone serious and widespread interventions. The introduction of new predators, notably cats and foxes, caused (and continues to cause) mass extinctions of species. The introduction of hooved animals, in addition to their utterly different patterns of grazing, also hardened the soil and changed the extent to which rain is absorbed or runs off the surface of the land, often carrying soil into rivers which now run faster but also then silt up and slow down.
    The removal of perennial, deep rooted vegetation for annual crops causes groundwater to rise and dissolves salt crystalised in the soil, resulting in soil salinity. Fire regimes have changed radically. Rabbits and other rodents out-compete native herbivores, while European carp have transformed the major river systems of the south east. The list goes on, and it is surprisingly familiar to all of us.
    But as these things continue to run rampant, and as major questions begin to be asked about the sustainability of agriculture, we seem to be thrown backwards into the origins of these problems. And as we trace them back we come against the tantalising question of what it was all like before this. Before what? Before the arrival of Europeans. What did Australia look like in 1788, in fact? This is the question that each of these writers seems to be either answering, or at the least reacting against.

    Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu, which builds in important ways on Gammage’s earlier book, provides the most concerted attempt to answer the question about the quality of the country — in particular, the interface between human and nature — in the pre-colonial epoch. Because of the oral quality of Aboriginal societies, many of these questions have traditionally been considered to fall beyond the province of history proper, and into the study of pre-history (archaeology) and anthropology.
    Indeed, there is something of a demarcation dispute around this crucial hinge between Aboriginal and European colonial lifeways. One of the strengths of Pascoe’s book is its ability to bridge archaeology, anthropology, archival history, Indigenous oral tradition and other more esoteric but highly revealing disciplines such as ethnobotany and paleoecology.

    The Call of the Reed Warbler. The book is in many respect a conversion narrative, documenting the moment when the scales fell from his eyes and he saw truly the world as it was — not a land made efficient and productive by the application of agricultural science, but a land emptied of its relationships and webs of life by a kind of collective psychosis. Farming wasn’t sustaining the land, it was ruining it. It was an extractive industry that had gobbled up thousands of years of sustenance in a few generations of sustained plunder.

    These books are not announcing that the environment is broken — they merely mention this in passing, regarding this as beyond any reasonable doubt. Instead, what these books are announcing is that agriculture is broken.

    ABSOLUTELY!!!  As I've said, Christian colonialism was the turning point for the natural world's catastrophic collapse!  You literally see this same story replayed over and over like a horrific rerun all around the entire world!!!

    • Thanks 1

  2. On 8/12/2019 at 9:15 PM, Walker said:

    Frankly, I think you are walking a weird line of apologism for a behavior which has absolutely no excuse. Again, that behavior is: going to the supermarket and shooting people. 

    First of all, his craziness and stupidity are so massive as to defy classification.

    But if classification is necessary, then this is probably what is called "eco-fascism," a new and unfortunate buzzword to add to the mix of unfortunate buzzwords.

    Where did he say that in his manifesto?

    You project your proto-religious belief in aliens ruling the world onto this killer's manifesto, and you invariably get what you want to see.

    Trying to figure out why a minuscule but not insignificant portion of the population reaches such a level of madness as is required to push a man (seems that women are almost immune to this disease) to walk into a public place and spray shoppers or students or revelers with bullets is a worthy line of inquiry. 


    There are important criticisms to be levied against the many destructive tendencies that have been adopted by certain deranged people and institutions who operate under the banner of Christianity, for sure. But you are taking an extreme, half-blind position. It is extremely easy to find Christians who are the exact opposite of what you describe. Beware projection, again.

    Well, he is complaining about many of the problems actually caused by Christian/exo-colonialism (genocide and replacement of all native peoples, plants, wildlife, etc with colonialists and all their artificial technology)...but just isn't deeply woke enough to realize it yet.

    You also need to check your blood pressure.  His manifesto is like any op-ed, of which anyone may agree and disagree with it in parts.  Whether or not he was violent really doesn't change the validity/invalidity of any of his points.

    But funny, when Christian colonialists kill others in their long history of imperialist perpetual warfare - they are honored as war heroes, not "mentally-ill sickos."  So, who do you think is the real inspiration/role models/justification for these shooters?

    On 8/12/2019 at 10:35 PM, Earl Grey said:

    Fantastic, good sir, bravo in your rebuttal.

    Mental health isn't the issue, it's hate and access to arms, as well as an enabling community, which, in this case, are the weirdoes from 8chan and other sites that really make you question what bowels they spawned from to inspire such tempestuous children of Hate and Bigotry.

    Anyway, Gendao can project all he wants, but if he does, he is no better than the colonialists who projected their view that they knew what was best for the countries they entered, as an old anthropological joke where a group of researches were told by the subjects they were studying, "Enough about you, let's talk about me" in reference to how most analysis of cultural groups speaks more about the observer than the observed. Expanding upon that, having all sorts of weird pseudoscience conspiracies and projecting them as the answer to all the world's problems shows a serious problem with listening because people who have all the answers don't need and don't want to hear anything but the sound of their own voice and their own perceived brilliance.

    Now to make sure the above paragraph doesn't convey that this whole post is purely an attack in Gendao (it's not, but he does sound rather absurd with the nonsense he keeps posting), one thing I will convey is that the people who need help are the ones who don't realize that they do, and this is the importance of communities.

    Like in a martial lineage, I was told that the pillars of a good tradition are 1) good lineage, 2) good system, 3) good teacher, 4) good community, 5) good student. If we translate this, we can say in non-martial terms for an individual to be okay with themselves and the universe that they need 1) a good family, 2) a good set of values and principles, 3) good teachers in the form of mentors who can be big brothers and sisters, parents, cool uncles, and counselors, 4) a supportive community that doesn't just acknowledge their presence but actively participates in their life, and 5) their own effort to better themselves. 

    Where did I see this? Believe it or not, in Tanzania where I lived, in the remote villages. I saw it in social enterprise projects in Sri Lanka as women created their own ad hoc groups to steer children away from hate and conflict while teaching them values and life skills such as weaving and agriculture. I saw it in the Philippines. These were not top-down instructions from some NGO or the Peace Corps, but community-led by people who were given a little inspiration and some money to think outside of the box, and the respective groups from UNICEF to WorldVision simply had an advisory role. 

    The fact that a former First World country like the US still can't get its act together and maintain the community essence as people wall themselves off in their conspiracies and consumerism is why I choose not to live there due to how people in the Global South I've worked with and worked for in the rural areas show that they want to succeed together. It has nothing to do with colonialism and David Icke theories. This is because people have forgotten how to connect with one another, and the most passionate feelings that come fast are anger and hate rather than the ones that take time to build.

    I was respecting your request not to quote or message you...yet you insist on continually referring to me!  Now look, I do have a right to defend my position.  But, you are actually agreeing with my points.  Like, it's not just a mental health issue...

    And then you act surprised when communities that work most functionally are found in the remote, rural, "backwater" areas that are least living the colonialist lifestyle?  Lol, that's not counterintuitive buddy, you just verified my thesis!

    But instead of WORKING where this planet ACTUALLY needs help/conversion the most (urbanized, Christian colonialist meccas) instead fled to these tiny remaining pockets of resistance to proselytize your Christian colonialist "faith" and convert them - to what you just fled, lol.

    How about trying to convert an urbanite New Yorker to reforesting, living off the land, and squat-shitting to reduce their 24-acre/125-lb daily footprint, instead? Can you propose a Peace Corps program to do that?

    On 8/13/2019 at 6:50 AM, dawei said:

    But I don't think the shooter(s) want to show a solution as much as they likely want to be 'heard' in some cases; particularly those who wrote a manifesto.   

    Yes, one single label isn't enough to describe this guy.  I think he sees no end in the insanity going on and this is his parting way of saying so.  

    Well, that's exactly why I labeled him as a "millennial."  Because their generation has a timely new mix of pressing political concerns.  So while much of Crusius's manifesto does fall into the stock alt/far-Right camp...he also recognizes universal problems like Americanism and corporatism destroying the environment, automation imperiling jobs, etc. - that have been more popular liberal or indy talking points lately.  So, millennials of different stripes are now seeing some of the same dots...but just lack the unifying ideology to really connect them all.  Which is why these shooters end up in logical non sequiturs of wanting to desperately preserve the same culture that has been most responsible for many of the biggest global problems they are now witnessing, lol!  Because the existing political landscape lacks a super-ideology based upon a greater paradigm that addresses all this coherently...which is what I've been proposing!

    • Like 1

  3. On 8/12/2019 at 9:38 AM, Apech said:

    Our recent paper in World Archaeology explores past agricultural systems and how they could help make agriculture more sustainable today.

    IOW, organic, pre-colonialist "permaculture" practices...which all got largely wiped out by colonialism.


    Seriously, Christian colonialism was the big, planetary gamechanger that has led us into the 6th mass extinction, today!  And the more you wake up, the more glaring this becomes!!!

    For example, just consider the basic, daily act of taking a shit.  In the aboriginal days, they simply popped a squat in the woods.  This position gave them a deep stretch while also ergonomically pointing their rectum straight down.  And ecologically, it spread seeds from the fruits they ate and also returned fertility to the soil to sustainably close the loop.  So, it was just a win-win across the board!


    Then enter the humancentric, Christian colonialist, Western civilizers who decide to "civilize" this process by making it more convenient and less "squeamish."  Let's now instead sit (instead of squat) on a stationary toilet and shit into 5 gallons of clean, potable, freshwater.  No seeds or fertility will be returned locally, but instead reseparated out into sludge by a huge treatment plant downstream requiring miles of underground concrete drainage pipes.  And then let's all wipe our asses with Canada's boreal forest!!!
    Now, multiply this simple process by several billion colonized people a day...and the damaging effects are absolutely staggering on the planet!


    Or consider what we do with the corpses of billions of people?  The civilized way is to inject them full of toxic chemicals (for vanity) and then bury or burn them in deforested plots.  Again, this is an incredibly resource-sucking and toxic method that also does nothing to help close the loop sustainably... 


    Toxic chemicals from the embalming, burial, and cremation process leach into the air and soil, and expose funeral workers to potential hazards. And maintaining the crisp, green memorial plots is extremely land-and-water-use heavy.

    For this reason, scientists and conservationists have been looking into more eco-friendly ways to die.

    "The best way is to allow your body to feed the earth or ocean in a way that is sustainable for future generations," Susan Dobscha, a professor of marketing at Bentley University and editor of an upcoming book about the green-burial industry, called "Death and a Consumer Culture," told Tech Insider via email.

    Yes, why not just let our bodies naturally rot aboveground like all other dead wildlife?


    Etc, etc...

    18 hours ago, sean said:

    I also reject the idea of human overpopulation. Last time I did the napkin-math, the entire human population, nearing 8 billion people, could all fit in the U.S. state of Texas with a population density less than Paris, France. The problem isn't "too many humans, a bunch of these fuckers need to die". The challenge is collectively discovering sustainable energy and resource models that help us all thrive in deepening harmony with our beautiful planet.

    OK here we go again with having to repeatedly debunk this faulty, myopic, Christian/humancentric colonialist argument...

    Can 8 billion people fit into Texas?  Sure...and you can also physically fit into a trash can...but can you actually live in one?  Because, a person living the lifestyle of an average American requires almost 24 acres, 10X the world per capita share...whereupon they (average Westerner) alone also uses 125 lbs of resources extracted from there...DAILY!  Still think they can all fit into Texas and want to know how much space humans actually take up - then do the math with THAT ginormous footprint!?


    So look, the land required to live in isn't just the space your body occupies...but includes all the resources you use as well!   And this includes at least enough arable land to grow/forage the food you eat, water sources, waste disposal, etc, etc...


    But even if everyone could simply live in Texas with the density of Paris...where would all the displaced wildlife and plants/forests then go?  As there is no room for them in Paris, either.  I don't recall seeing any native prairies or forests!  Because oh yea, Christian colonialists don't give a f*** about anything but humans, do they?  Hence, they don't even allocate the MENTAL SPACE for them in their plans...much less in physical space.

    • Like 1

  4. On 8/7/2019 at 5:29 AM, Apech said:

    I don't think its right-wing ideology - I think its the personal alienation of individuals which drives them to extremism.  The left is not immune from violence itself - if you look around the world most state violence has been by left wing governments to the tune of 100s of millions.  But it is true that someone who is alienated from society is more likely to go right than left - because the left emphasises society, inclusion and the rest.

    Well again, based on the facts - alt-right ideology IS THE PRIME POLITICAL MOTIVATION/INTENT for most all of these domestic spree shooters lately.  Simply blaming it on guns, mental illness, video games, or drugs is pure deflection and denialism!


    Crusius was also inspired by the Christchurch shooter's (Brenton Tarrant) manifesto - The Great Replacement.  Which vaguely rambles around a lot but seems to focus on anti-immigrant, ethno-nationalist preservation of the White race?  (Although I am then confused by his logo which includes anti-imperialism, environmentalism, protection of heritage & culture, etc...all of which were extreme and intentional casualties of the Christian colonialist war on the rest of the planet for the past 6 centuries.  So, he is wanting to preserve the same culture...that has been the most antithetical to many of his big, societal goals...WTH? :huh:)


    An attack by a gunman at a Norwegian mosque on Saturday [2019/8/10] will be investigated as a possible act of terrorism, police said on Sunday.

    The suspected shooter at the al-Noor Islamic Centre near the Norwegian capital - a young, white male carrying several guns - had expressed far-right, anti-immigrant views online, assistant chief of police Rune Skjold told a news conference.


    Alleged white supremacists were responsible for all race-based domestic terrorism incidents in 2018, according to a government document distributed earlier this year to state, local and federal law enforcement.

    Of course, Trump not only withheld this data...but supported their attacks by covering for them while sicking his dogs on "black identity extremists, animal rights/environmental extremists, and anti-authority extremists," instead - that posed greater hypothetical threats to colonialism...if not the actual public, lol.


    Yes, he's more concerned about activists wanting to protect the environment...than colonialist invaders wanting to kill newer immigrants to all the lands they immigrated to, stole, and decimated!

    • Like 1

  5. On 8/7/2019 at 3:47 PM, Taomeow said:

    But who can blame us if we're not prepared to fight for those hypothetical future bodies and their happiness, and are more interested in winning over the minds of our contemporaries.  And those are fully civilized minds, and I have no idea how to undo that.  Yes, AnPrim extreme is antisocial -- so is our society, despite the oxymoron an "antisocial society" is -- so the best they have come up with is fight fire with fire...  and that's where my Energy says forget it, you've used up your quota, and my Experience says forget it, if they actually do something practical,  they'll just be marked as troublemakers (or worse) and banned (or worse) and that's the end of it.

    YAS!!!  I just realized I've shifted further off the reservation from Libertarianish to ecospiritual AnPrim! :o


    Granted, I'm also like a weak, domesticated puppy bred and raised in captivity...but that's part of what saddens me.  Watching the health of our species keep degenerating and thus "needing" more and more technological crutches (GMO humans will become the new normal next).  I would love to regain the robust health of livestock gone feral again!


    Anarcho-primitivism is an anarchist critique of the origins and progress of civilization. According to anarcho-primitivism, the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural subsistence gave rise to social stratification, coercion, alienation, and overpopulation. Anarcho-primitivists advocate a return of non-"civilized" ways of life through deindustrialization, abolition of the division of labor or specialization, and abandonment of large-scale organization technologies.

    Meanwhile, Trump's colonialist assault on Nature continues like a runaway freight train in the exact opposite direction!


    The U.S. Forest Service, under President Trump’s Department of Agriculture, has proposed major revisions to the agency’s rules for following NEPA. The proposed changes would end longstanding requirements that the Forest Service notify the public, allow for public comment, and analyze environmental impacts when approving logging, road building, pipeline construction, and a host of other activities across the U.S. National Forest system, including Kentucky’s Daniel Boone National Forest and Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. This is a radical turn toward secrecy that benefits industry at the expense of the public.

    Under the new rules, the Forest Service would be allowed to clearcut up to 4,200 acres at a time – nearly 7 square miles – for pretty much any reason, without telling the public or performing any meaningful environmental review. Their “one size fits all” approach treats Kentucky’s 170,000 acre Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area no differently than the 17,000,000 acre Tongass National Forest in Alaska.


    The US government has approved the continued use of "cyanide bombs" to kill pests such as coyotes, foxes and dogs that live in the wild in America.  It comes despite thousands of objections to the M-44 devices, which have killed more than just wild animals since they were first introduced.  They work by drawing animals with bait then spraying poison into their mouths.
    Animals which aren't considered a threat to farmers and their livestock - such as skunks, raccoons and bears - have also been killed by the traps.

    In 2018, the US Fish and Wildlife Service agreed to assess the use of the M-44 devices after a lawsuit was brought by four conservation and animal welfare groups in America.

    They've been in use since the 1960s.

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says 200,000 people wrote letters of objection to the M-44 devices during the 18-month assessment period.

    And the Centre for Biological Diversity says that 99.9% of responses to the EPA's proposal were in support of a ban.

    But the EPA has decided they are still safe for use, after support from rancher groups and "stakeholders" including farmers groups.

    It said that the cyanide bombs stopped predators from killing livestock and that a ban would result in farmers losing money.

    Yep, more deforestation & keep killing more NATIVE "pests" (colonialese for "wildlife") that "threaten" the colonialists' exotic LIVESTOCK, domesticated PETS, & PROFITS!!!  And any public opinion/comments to the contrary mean absolutely NOTHING, BTW!  Yes, go "democracy" & MAGA!!!!!





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    • Sad 1

  6. On 8/4/2019 at 3:05 PM, Rocky Lionmouth said:

    So... yeah, of course it is the actual owner and supplier of this FREE service of a Dao/spiritual board drawing a boundary and asking everyone who isn’t willing to play nice to leave who is childish, not those who have outstayed their welcome and know this for a fact but still argue the abstract principle of having their way unconditionally because rights, free speech and yada yada.


    Do you guys also crash weddings and claim it’s a free country when the newlyweds tell you ”please leave, you’re not invited.”? I bet my nose you do, after reading this.

    Do you argue semantical rethoric of impartiality when something you don’t like gets kindly asked to leave before being escorted off the premises? I just dont think so.


    It’s not at all infuriating to read page after page of ”uh, excuse me GOD, stop dictating stuff, i feel denied my right to live if i cant be on here against your wishes to blab and rant and bully. Aint this heaven? Well then let me bully people in the name of free speech, Jesus man, stop being butthurt God. Amen.”


    Lord Guan Gong help me, this is pitiful to watch.

    So wait...are the same Trumpuppets who believe they "own" Turtle Island (common ground taken by force) and are physically deporting and building a wall to keep "invasive freeloaders" (like themselves) complaining that they are getting digitally deported here by the actual owner of this forum?


    Can any of them please explain to me what their difference in principle is here?  Or is it just plain ole' hypocrisy?

    • Haha 2

  7. 20 hours ago, ralis said:

    New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch which is a right wing news organization. The article is based once again on reefer madness with no scientific basis. 

    Yes, the author, Miranda Devine, is a hardcore Trump supporter. 




    So of course she is going to totally ignore Crusius's alleged anti-Hispanic immigration manifesto (that echoes Trump's same platform and that of MANY TRUMPuppets HERE)...and instead deflect it all onto "Reefer Madness."  I mean, she has a point in that it really shouldn't be used recreationally by kiddos under ~26...especially those with severe psychological issues...but it's more of a contributing factor than primary cause.


    We don’t yet know much about the mental state or drug use of the El Paso or Dayton killers. But a former girlfriend of Dayton killer Connor Betts, 24, has indicated he was mentally ill, and two of his friends interviewed by reporters this week mentioned his previous drug use.

    And she also loosely links the other Dayton shooter to "drug" use...HOWEVER, his rumored drugs were actually NOT CANNABIS - but meth/coke!


    Himes claimed that Betts “consistently” smoked methamphetamine and other uppers, including cocaine, and that Betts would sometimes write in the pages of Himes’ own journals.

    IOW, lots more fake news and politically-driven deflection going on here...instead of just starting with the facts and digging deeper...

    • Thanks 1

  8. On 8/6/2019 at 7:00 AM, Walker said:

    1. The trend towards blacking out of dipshits who go on mass murder rampages is a conscious attempt to stop giving them fame and thereby reduce copycats.

    2. There is a huge amount of reporting on the dilemmas of immigration, automation, and demographic change in mainstream sources. If you do not realize this, then my best guesses are that either you do not read enough to have seen it, or you reject it because the Atlantic does not generally mention the Annunaki. 

    3. Yeah, that was terrible. Thank the Reptilian overlords that this is not getting much attention. The kid, if anything, is a great advertisement for the fact that the defunding public education and municipalities in general that picked up took off with Reagan has done what you'd expect--create a bunch of malcontents who lack critical thinking skills. Bad combination. 

    4. Why did you forget to criticize this guy for failing to mention the Annunaki and Repterrhoids?

    5. OMFG the left has mos def NOT been "sweeping colonialism under the rug," it's just that you and your 8Chan buddy above have the most ridiculously warped notion of what colonialism is and are terribly poorly read and underexposed to the world, so somehow you actually think that your statement about colonialism surprises anybody. DUDE! EXACTLY, COLONIALISM IS A FUCKING PROBLEM, BUT GUESS WHAT, THE FLOW OF MIGRANTS NORTH ISN'T COLONIALISM, IT'S ALMOST ENTIRELY PEOPLE RUNNING AWAY FROM THE MULTIFARIOUS CATASTROPHES WROUGHT BY EURO-US COLONIALISM IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. If what I just said doesn't make sense to you, go to your local library and search for "Howard Zinn" and "Noam Chomsky." Read all relevant titles. If your library has none, use interlibrary loan.

    6. No, really, fucking go.

    7. Like, turn off the computer, get off your butt, go to the library, turn off your gadgets so you can focus, drink a chamomile tea, and read that shit.

    8. You have two eyes, and two ears, but only one mouth. One's ratio of learning to speaking should be ~5:1. For people suffering from repterrhoids, I recommend ~10:1.



    10. "Get humans to terraform the planet into a warmer, technological... blah blah..." Lol. They have spaceships and can shape shift and control everything from US deep state to the Chinese government, but they cannot:

    A-Terraform the planet

    B-Prevent hardy truthseekers like you from knowing the truth because of YouTube, which is somehow out of their control, and David Icke, whose purple and turquoise clothes are so ugly that Annunaki's can't even look at him without turning to stone.

    11. That was not an invitation to talk back to me, kid, you're supposed to be at the fucking library already. You're already there? Oh, well, stop using the catalog computers to surf stupid websites, you're breaking the rules. 

    1.  Yea, looks like that strategy's (silencing dissent) sure working great!

    What would actually work is addressing all their gripes and concerns with better answers and dialogue...instead of just suppressing them and leaving them feeling unheard with no healthy outlet.  Problem is...the Left/Right colonialists DON'T have real answers to this, as they are all still within the same mental colonialist paradigm, themselves.  Which is why they both want to just avoid the actual topics, PLAY DUMB, and DEFLECT to vague generalities...


    They don't SEE the bigger picture (or do and don't want others to!).


    Whereas I would simply expand his paradigm from outside of his box.  I don't have to censor his worldview, I can simply supercede it with a greater one.  For example, even he admits that European colonialism totally destroyed the Native Americans...and also how the American lifestyle is destroying the environment.  Although he gets defensive about the former, he is really unavoidably acknowledging the greater truth that CHRISTIAN COLONIALISM IS really THE MAIN PROBLEM HERE...and therefore the only real solution is to stop it.  He is unintentionally right in that YES, it is a REAL problem that shouldn't just be dismissed out of hand!  And even deeper down the rabbit hole, Christian colonialism is really just a subset of ET EXOCOLONIALISM.

    2.  So what?  The point is that clearly this is one of his primary motives (if he truly wrote this) why is everyone here instead guessing that it's due to video games, guns, etc, instead? 

    3.  Actually he sounds like a millennial with some views all over the map...primarily, but not just alt-Right.

    4.  Don't shoot the messenger.  I merely posted his (alleged) essay to START the conversation from his own (alleged) words - instead of from random, irrelevant speculation.

    5.  No, only guys here like voidisyinyang, Taomeow, & myself really understand the FULL (& ongoing) SCOPE & global impact of Christian colonialism - especially in comparison to the world's holistic, aboriginal cultures & native ecosystems that it destroyed.  Christian colonialism to me is not just some historical European imperialism with its primary relevance today in resulting race relations...but the complete subjugation and supplanting of ecospiritual, animate Nature with artificial, mechanizing/digitizing/AI, inanimate technology (going against the Dao) in every aspect of its unsustainable lifestyle/culture/religion that they've spread all over the entire planet. 

    Although it sounds like you entirely misunderstood my position and thought I was labeling Mexican immigration as "colonialism?" :rolleyes:


    But speaking of "mental illness"...let's not also forget this:




    • Like 2

  9. EDIT: Hid shooter manifesto behind spoiler. — Sean


    Funny thing is that most of these spree shooters publish manifestos that clearly elucidate their worldviews and motives...yet the MSM works hard to totally ignore all these and deep 6 them down the memory hole ASAP.  And then instead gloss over and generalize about mental illness, gun control, video games, etc...while avoiding everything they actually wrote about.


    Look, here is Patrick Crusius's alleged screed from 8chan:







    Like I've said before, neither the Left nor the Right has the (IQ) answer to this colonialist worldview...which is why they both quickly sweep it under the rug.  The only answer is zooming out even further to realize how colonialism has been the biggest problem on the planet for the last ~600 years...and how that is all really an Annunaki/Reptilian scheme to get humans to terraform the planet into a warmer, technological Matrix more inhabitable for them.

    • Like 1

  10. On 8/1/2019 at 11:53 AM, Encephalon said:

    #2,  It was not until 2015 that Developmental Trauma Disorder become recognized as a specific condition with the  publishing of The Body Keeps the Score.  And it wasn't until 2018 that I actually sought and received help for this. (It's possible a DTD thread could be valuable here.)


    So,yeah... ecology is real.  And it's radical.

    ABSOLUTELY!  DTD is incredibly common today and I would love to hear your whole story and treatment of it!!! B)

  11. On 2/19/2019 at 12:28 PM, voidisyinyang said:

    Another good example of supply side economics is Roman AQueducts.


    So Western civilization shits in its clean drinking water - that's considered to be "civilized" - whereas nonwestern culture COMPOSTS the human shit as ecological sanitation.


    So then supply side economics states that Rome HAD to build aqueducts to haul clean drinking water from far away since Romans had shit in their clean drinking water.


    And so today - if you want to "improve" your land that means you HAVE to not compost your shit - but instead have a sewer system hook up (composting shit is illegal in cities). Or you need to install an intensive septic system with a drainage mound - costing over 10,000 $$ - if you "want" to compost your manure in the modern Western civilized world. Also you would need "special" legal permission through a special appeals process - requiring an expensive lawyer, etc.


    Meanwhile in the nonwestern world - like the traditional Berber village I visited in Morocco - they transformed the desert into growing food for THOUSANDS of years - by composting their shit. oops.

    On 2/19/2019 at 4:58 PM, voidisyinyang said:

    Yeah so the Brits imposed their Western stupidity onto India and Africa, etc. - so just as the Chinese are now doing in Tibet.

    That's just how Westernized imperialism works - the trade patterns are based on export commodities, not local food sovereignty.


    For example in Somalia - Mogadishu was controlled by the farmers. So when Cargill dumped US food into Somalia - at 1/6th the local food price - that was not to "feed" Somalia. It was to undermine and take over the political control of Somalia.


    So Westerners tend to underestimate nonwestern cultures. Somalia was trading with China and India - centuries before Western colonialism with "textiles" being their main export.


    So just to put abrupt global warming into perspective - consider the book by Professor Alfred Crosby - "Ecological Imperialism" - it documents how intensive Western style farming (with the animals in close quarters) then spread plagues and invasive species around the world. Then as Western "growth" kicked in like a cancer - so too did abrupt global warming.

    On 7/9/2019 at 10:46 AM, voidisyinyang said:

     Cargill is the world's largest private corporation yet most have never heard of Cargill. Cargill works with the US as "food for peace" imperialism - aka "food dumping." So Cargill recently admitted they can't stop all the deforestation they caused when Cargill put illegal soy bean storage elevators in the Amazon rainforest. At the time the "liberal" corporate-state mass mind control media was PROMOTING Cargill's raping of the Amazon rainforest.


     I even wrote an article against this - in 2006. Now the "liberal" news is pretending like they were not part of the problem when they could have done something about it. That's the typical corporate-state "time frame." So that Kim Iverson lady says the Democrat Elite is now stating Iran attacked the US - that's the Rockefeller Big Oil agenda - while the "new green deal" is dismissed as unnecessary idealism by naive young people (AOC).


    So as long as indoctrination is effective then ignorance will be bliss. People either blame "the left" (thinking that the liberal elite are the "left" which is a total joke) or people blame the "right" (meaning the brainwashed lapdogs trained to "sick" the poor outsiders of the Empire). Yes as Chomsky points out - controlling people's minds is much easier than controlling people physically.

    On 4/2/2019 at 2:11 AM, windwalker said:

    Peace corps,,,


    cool although some might say its a way for 

    the US to influence countries indirectly 

    BINGO!  And you know when even an alt-right, ex-military, ultra-patriot like windwalker thinks that they may be used for colonialist expansionism (just like Christian missionaries were)...that there is likely something to it, lol!


    What the US exports by and large here is our mass extinction-causing colonialist lifestyle - of taking the focus away from nurturing family and living naturally sustainably - and supplanting it with pop culture consumerism & frivolous leisure activities to keep the masses distracted, ecologically-destructive convenience, technological arms race, anti-family/motherhood, squeamish Naturephobia, rectilinear thinking in literal boxes/cubicles/buildings/crucifix, and all the immense resources/infrastructure needed to achieve all that.  And all with the underlying Christianesque attitude of "because we know bettah dan you, poor savages!"


    I mean, a quick perusal of current Peace Corps projects include:


    And then teach them vital life skills like netball!

    The school hall would be used for school events, morning meditation, cultural ceremonies, fundraisers and much more. We are currently holding each of our events under a big tree which does not fully accommodate all of the learners at our combined school.


    (Because I guess you couldn't simply just plant some more shade trees? :rolleyes:)



    How a B-Grrrl from da Bay taught native Ugandan girls SWAG and why they "needed" it!

    Lol, the memes really write themselves!


    THE PLANET NEEDS MOAR COMPUTERS (and technological dependence, rare-earths, & strip-mining!)
    Hey, there's 7 damn billion of us & counting!

    The grant will aid in the construction of an entirely new block to house roughly 18-20 computers. The community is willing to gather all materials needed for the construction of the building and supply all manpower, as needed. Having a block solely dedicated to computers at the secondary school would greatly stand to increase the technological skills [dependence] of both the students and teachers.


    Because hey, technology is the new opium!

    Overall, technology benefits people of all social backgrounds and ages in progressive ways and I would like to my community to be a part of that.



    Ladies, let's keep boosting those ACE scores and Developmental Trauma Disorder, just like back at home!


    promote empowerment, self-esteem, and leadership amongst young girls in Samoa by providing them an opportunity to attend a Girls Leading Our World (GLOW) conference
    three pillars of GLOW: Careers and Education, Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds, and Ending Violence Against Women and Children. The girls will attend training sessions and activities implemented by influential Samoan women. Past activities and sessions have included a doctor educating about reproductive health, a representative from the Special Olympics providing hands-on activities, visiting the Samoan Observer newspapers to discuss careers, planting trees with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, learning first aid skills with the Samoan Red Cross, a female speaker from the Samoan Rugby Union, and UN Women hosting a discussion on the issue of domestic violence. This year's conference will entail similar sessions designed to expand the girls' knowledge of and encourage empowerment around the three pillars.

    Well, finally here's possibly 1 good long as the seeds are native (and not invasive or GMO):


    The goal of this project is to increase the knowledge and confidence of community members to establish their own functional and productive gardens, resulting in increased food security, improved nutrition, and a new sources of income generation.
    The training will also cover agricultural topics such as soil testing and improvement, composting, natural pesticides and fertilizers, drought resistance, seed saving, and plant maintenance. Participants will be given starter seeds, low-tech tools, and will be assisted in starting their own gardens. Seed sharing will be emphasized during the training, and participants will be expected to share 20% of harvested seeds with neighbors, friends, or family members and share helpful techniques for gardening and drought mitigation to broaden the impact of the project.

    It's just crazy to me that as much as Christian colonialism has damaged the planet...we are still propagating it to every tiniest corner of the globe for full market saturation!  But most people are just COGS...and not COGnitive!

    • Thanks 1

  12. 16 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

    Have you actually had formal training in development both at university and professionally, worked for NGOs at grassroots level for DOMESTIC agencies not funded by foreigners and international collaborations, or the Peace Corps and lived in 13 countries?


    I can’t take anything you say seriously because you’re just posting platitudes and mocking my experience that has been critical to my identity and values, not to mention I’m a Third Culture Kid (something I’m pretty sure you won’t even understand if you research it), meaning I’m not one of your fellow American colonialists as you like to presume.


    By the way, I am not white, I am Asian and therefore not part of your stupid white savior complex assumptions.


    Kindly get lost and quit wasting my time by trivializing my experience to fit your conspiracy theory narratives or presume you know more because of some protests and counter culture literature. You sound like joeblast for crying out loud.


    If the next thing you post in any dialogue with me doesn’t have an apology for your rudeness calling my work “LARP” and has more bullshit accusations, you’re getting blocked and will not get anything out of me you asked for before.


    Back to topic. 

    No, I clearly have not been formally indoctrinated at colonialist summer camps.  I've strayed way off their reservation!


    And I never said you were White, either.  A lot of foot soldiers fighting colonialist wars weren't White.  And there's also anti-colonialist Whites who truly revere Nature, for instance.  So yes, you can absolutely have a "savior complex" where you believe civilized lifestyles >>> primitive, aboriginal lifestyles...even if you are not White.


    The real question is if your predominant culture and cause you serve is colonialist?  Where you seek to go convert all the remaining "backwards" natives to your "superior" colonialist way of life (which is what's destroying the planet as we speak)!


    The islanders were friendly, curious, and easy-going, but their near-nakedness, ignorance of "civilized" ways, and apparent laziness shocked the missionaries.
    When the Thaddeus anchored, the ship was greeted by men and women of all ages, some surfing, others sailing, and others dancing or running along the shore.
    "You are to aim at nothing short of covering those islands with fruitful fields and pleasant dwellings, and schools and churches; of raising up the whole people to an elevated state of Christian civilization."
    The missionaries set to work building New England-style frame houses and a church, creating a reading primer in Hawaiian and translating the Bible and other texts into the native language, setting up schools, preaching Christian teachings, and providing basic medical care. The Hawaiians were accustomed to going without clothing and to gathering their food and fish from the wild. They were completely uninterested in most things the Americans considered important, chiefly farming, sewing, and cooking, but with traditional Hawaiian religion already in decline, the missionaries made headway in spreading Christianity.

    Note how the indigenous Hawaiians had simply lived happily, carefreely, and sustainably off the land...without the need for deforestation and agriculture.  But in come the Christian colonialists...and immediately try to fix what wasn't broke!


    Then FF 100 years, and the new rice bag missionaries (Peace Corps) are basically replacing homegrown crops with free hot dogs and shitty junk food in plastic bags in Africa...while celebrating a grand colonialist holiday for that time they stole another entire continent from some other aborigines!  Déjà vu!


    The Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) in Tambacounda invited me to celebrate the Fourth of July with them. We had no fireworks but we shared some hotdogs and Doritos under an American flag. I asked them, “Is the Peace Corps useful in Senegal?”

    One PCV said that they had trouble convincing locals to plant their own crops because they knew a supply of free food would be delivered anyway. She still felt that “the benefits outweigh the cost.”

    And hey, let's not even talk about ecological carrying capacity or the planet's 6th mass clearly those are merely all "conspiracy theories" too and of NO CONCERN to the Peace Corps! :rolleyes:

  13. 3 hours ago, Earl Grey said:


    Really sad.


    When I worked in Peace Corps in Tanzania and for another NGO in Sri Lanka, East Timor, and Indonesia, clean water was already a crucial issue. 


    Even the locals knew that climate change was impacting them and were doing as much work informing us as we were building the water towers with them. 



    Well, at least cold-blooded REPTILES will love "GLOBAL WARMING" so they can bask in the heat, right?! ;)

    But you already said it yourself:

    On 8/1/2019 at 9:43 AM, Earl Grey said:

    One of the sad things about the Peace Corps is that while ideally, people seek to improve the lives of those living in abject poverty, there comes a point where we ask how much of their way of life is being traded for "modernization and sustainability" and how much should really be touched when we ask them to move on the path towards living like homogenized urbanites and the McWorld? 


    Mother Jones had an article a little over ten years ago saying that the entire population of China can't sustain the Super-Size It philosophy of America. Nowadays, it seems even just the urban population and all that pollution is doing quite a lot of damage itself.

    I believe you obviously have good intentions...but we all know what the road to Hell is paved by, right?


    Have you ever sat down and really pondered the ROOTS of these problems, and looked beyond (Christian colonialist) cultural blindspots and surface fixes?  Have you ever stepped back and considered the larger picture???


    Can/should you sustainably exceed the natural carrying capacity of a locale?  And in trying to, might any of those measures actually simultaneously decrease the carrying capacity (like deforestation for agriculture/livestock)?


    What is the "Peace Corps" doing to help stop the planet's current 6th Mass Extinction caused by humancentric colonialism exceeding its carrying capacity for all wildlife?


    Or is it just easier to pop another blue pill, dismiss all this as a "BS conspiracy theory," and go back to clinging to your World Savior LARP?

  14. On 7/28/2019 at 2:56 AM, rideforever said:

    And after the parents have tortured themselves to get the Disney World Holiday, and all the mountains of plastic shit nobody needs or wants, and the kids are completely lost in a sea of meaningless advert life .... and everyone is really "happy", whilst also being on Ritalin and getting their procedures done at the hospital, being poor and totally fatigued ... and so on.


    This is without dignity.


    Oh yeah, and then these people one day end up running the country.

    Welcome to colonialist culture where WEIRD is the new normal.

    And as you said, the cycle repeats because these plastic kids completely disconnected from Nature will become the next crop of homeowners and policymakers a generation from now...  Now, do you think yet another generation totally illiterate in Nature from birth will likely appreciate, understand, and do ANYTHING to sustainably steward it???

  15. On 7/31/2019 at 11:17 PM, MooNiNite said:

    Amazon, Facebook, some of the most technologically advanced companies in the world. Google.


    What about government run programs? I hope you see the inefficiency and waste. Does that factor into your assessment? We have Nasa vs Space X and Blue Origin. How about the F-35 program (over 1 trillion for a plane comparable to the euro fighter)?

    Actually, the (financial) sweet spot in the US seems to be "private" companies spun off from tax-funded government R&D - to form the military-industrial-academia-corporate complex.  As these companies all benefit greatly from the government's research, corporate welfare seed money, and political blessings - which true grass-roots companies are at a severe disadvantage to compete against!


    Intelligence-gathering may have been their world, but the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) had come to realize that their future was likely to be profoundly shaped outside the government. It was at a time when military and intelligence budgets within the Clinton administration were in jeopardy, and the private sector had vast resources at their disposal. If the intelligence community wanted to conduct mass surveillance for national security purposes, it would require cooperation between the government and the emerging supercomputing companies.
    There was already a long history of collaboration between America’s best scientists and the intelligence community, from the creation of the atomic bomb and satellite technology to efforts to put a man on the moon.
    the internet itself was created because of an intelligence effort: In the 1970s, the agency responsible for developing emerging technologies for military, intelligence, and national security purposes—the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
    MDDS was introduced to several dozen leading computer scientists at Stanford, CalTech, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, and others in a white paper that described what the CIA, NSA, DARPA, and other agencies hoped to achieve. The research would largely be funded and managed by unclassified science agencies like NSF, which would allow the architecture to be scaled up in the private sector if it managed to achieve what the intelligence community hoped for.


    • Thanks 1

  16. gv051917dAPR_s878x651.jpg?a572966ebdfe89
    Oh, the irony, lol...  Seriously though, the Left doesn't have the answers to beat the alt-Right.  Nor do the Right have them, either...  Both are really stuck inside the same little frog well (Annunaki, colonialist foxes arguing about how to best guard the native, natural henhouse).  The real answer is a whole paradigm expansion that compiles both subsets into that same category...from zooming out-of-the-box into deep history and Ickeian exopolitics to see the REALLY bigger picture (spanning millenia) here.

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  17. On 8/1/2019 at 9:43 AM, Earl Grey said:

    Yes, that was true in the villages for my friends when they were assigned there, including the squat toilets. 


    One of the sad things about the Peace Corps is that while ideally, people seek to improve the lives of those living in abject poverty, there comes a point where we ask how much of their way of life is being traded for "modernization and sustainability" and how much should really be touched when we ask them to move on the path towards living like homogenized urbanites and the McWorld? 


    Mother Jones had an article a little over ten years ago saying that the entire population of China can't sustain the Super-Size It philosophy of America. Nowadays, it seems even just the urban population and all that pollution is doing quite a lot of damage itself.

    Lol, "Peace Corps"...or "Colonialist Corporation?"


    Fact is, these impoverished areas don't need "improving."  They already got it right!  Squatting to shit is much healthier both ergonomically - and ecologically!  And aside from all the energy savings alone, no light pollution at night is a godsend to both human and ecological health!  I actually just showered last night in the dark, and it felt sooo amazingly relaxing to my eyes/body!


    Artificial Lights Disrupt the World’s Ecosystems
    Scientific evidence suggests that artificial light at night has negative and deadly effects on many creatures including amphibians, birds, mammals, insects and plants.
    Nocturnal animals sleep during the day and are active at night. Light pollution radically alters their nighttime environment by turning night into day.

    According to research scientist Christopher Kyba, for nocturnal animals, “the introduction of artificial light probably represents the most drastic change human beings have made to their environment.”

    “Predators use light to hunt, and prey species use darkness as cover,” Kyba explains “Near cities, cloudy skies are now hundreds, or even thousands of times brighter than they were 200 years ago. We are only beginning to learn what a drastic effect this has had on nocturnal ecology.”

    So, what are they really "improving" the world for?  Certainly not native Nature or human health, as is scientifically-proven!


    Thing is, what the colonialists don't realize is that they aren't actually colonizing the planet for themselves, but their Biblical Annunaki overlords - who conveniently instructed their obedient sheeple (Christians) to overpopulate, domesticate, and terraform the planet into an eventual technological singularity  (centralized Matrix) for them starting ~6000 years ago.  This required a huge labor force and several millenia - hence the initial need for overpopulation and termination of all other competing, "useless," indigenous lifeforms who wouldn't "git wit da pogrom" (particularly "poor, primitive," aboriginal populations stewarding the land sustainably - that the Peace Corps specifically target for lifestyle conversion).  This was really what the last ~600 years of Christian colonialism was about - to completely destroy Nature around the globe (like land clearing a site before construction).  And once this phase has been completed (like just about soon now)...then human slave populations may be radically reduced to only leave ET hybrids and remote controllable, GMO'd, cyborg puppets as low-caste settlers in their place.  Geoengineered/natural cataclysmic and kill switch time, BABY!  Above which the Annunaki/Reptilians/Greys will reign supreme in their more inhabitable digs (for them)! 
    And globalist organizations like the OrweIIian "Peace Corps" are all helping with this much larger, covert agenda.  It's just another Doublespeak version of Christians "saving souls" by obliterating them!!!  WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!!! :lol:

    • Like 2
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    • Confused 1


    On 7/16/2019 at 7:49 PM, Lost in Translation said:

    If you pay for illegal aliens then you get more illegal aliens.

    Indeed.  And the US actually had a formal program importing Mexican farmhands for 22 years up until 1964 because American citizens wouldn't do that hard labor.


    Remember that time the U.S. asked Mexico to send its hard-working men and save the U.S. agricultural economy during war time? That time from 1942 to 1964, when the U.S. offered 4.6 million contracts through The Bracero Program because many American growers feared World War II would bring labor shortages to low-paying, arduous, agricultural jobs scorned by most Americans? And then they kept renewing it because U.S. growers needed the cheap labor. 
    This is how circular migration from Mexico to the U.S. was encouraged. This is the history of the Mexican immigrants some Americans now scorn.

    So this wasn't just Mexicans uncontrollably sneaking across the border for decades.  For decades, many of them were actually openly recruited by the US government to help "MAG"...because US citizens wouldn't.

    Yes, cheap foreign labor has ALWAYS been a part of what "MAG" (economically) - from Black slaves, to Chinese railroad workers, to Mexican farmhands, etc. 

    • Like 1

  19. 17 hours ago, joeblast said:

    It was why I had a good hard laugh when some folks out there had a problem with Trump's proposal to clean up the plastic island in the pacific - why, an ecosystem's sprung up around it, and we'd kill it off if we cleaned it up! 


    I'm all for a clean environment, and contrary to what some might think, I'm also the type of guy who picks up trash when he goes on a hike.


    But the problem is I looked into James Hansen's soul and saw it was corrupt, and there's been such a focus on the conjecture, at the expense of real environmental efforts.

    Well, I'm glad he proposed that...but only because it's not on American turf and so does not impede American business/convenience.

    Whereas back at the ranch, he is just another textbook Republichristian colonialist who simply views Nature as an inexhaustible resource to domesticate, own, gleefully plunder and profit from.  He is a developer, after all...  His aide even reversed the ban on lead bullets in wildlife reserves, for gawdsakes!


    I mean, government regulations and the EPA all fall wayyyy short of truly stewarding the land...but something is still better than nothing!  And before they were created, colonialist coastal settlers typically simply dumped all their trash straight into the ocean (up until 1934 in NYC)!   And when the EPA was created in 1970, the US had looked like this:


    So when Trump wants to "MAGA" by stripping all these environmental regulations back...this is what he wants to recreate!


    In the larger picture, Left & Right are still both merely subsets of the same materialist colonialists, both following the same basic path of Man/Machine Vs Nature.


    The "life path" established by the Great Spirit divides into the lower, narrow path of continuous Life in harmony with nature and the wide upper road of white man's scientific achievements. The bar between the paths, above the cross, is the coming of white men; the Cross is that of Christianity. The circle below the cross represents the continuous Path of Life.
    The short line that returns to the straight Path of Life is the last chance for people to turn back to nature before the upper road disintegrates and dissipates. The small circle above the Path of Life, after the last chance, is the Great Purification, after which corn will grow in abundance again when the Great Spirit returns. And the Path of Life continues forever...

    MAGA?  That would actually require taking the Path of Life again like before the arrival of Christian colonialism...


    • Like 1

  20. 16 hours ago, sean said:

    It's been incredibly disheartening to see that many of the loudest, most active voices here are right-wing reactionaries and conspiracy theory bros. Frankly, it makes the entire forum feel juvenile and toxic to me.

    Yea, the vocal majority here definitely shifted from mainstream liberals to alt-right over the last election...

    My own perspective has also expanded since then and I now view both as mechanistic colonialists working furiously to replace Earth Mother Nature with their technological singularity and implement the "Mark of the Beast" for global control per their exopolitical Rep/Grey agenda.  The alt-right is relatively worse than liberals in their zeal for trashing the environment to "MAGA"...but really only aborigines truly respected the land ecospiritually and lived off of it sustainably for millenia.  And most of them already got killed off by their Christian "saviors" long ago...just like most other life on the planet.  Meanwhile, the fact that the whole WIRED mentality and lifestyle of modern convenience IS causing the planet's 6th mass extinction of wildlife and flora is not even a talking point/concern in any of their platforms/debates.

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  21. On 7/22/2019 at 12:45 PM, windwalker said:

    There is no such thing as an undocumented alien ,  any alien in the US not documented is illegal  until their status becomes documented.




    • Confused 1

  22. 27 minutes ago, rideforever said:

    Well being English I am not a fan of the deriding of the British Empire, it's an easy target.

    Life changes, it would be impossible for the native aboriginal tribes to continue as they were and there are as many myths about the glory of them, then there are about the bad things about the British Empire.

    We all have to grow and grow continuously.

    And I for one don't mind seeing the cross of Christianity on that building, the resplendent love of Jesus is a beautiful thing.

    Or at least was once.

    Anyway, humanity is mad, what can you do.

    And there's a great reason for that, lol!

    Lmao no, Christianity provided the ideology for colonialism, and its missionaries were not only Trojan horses for their invading "scorched Earth" stormtroopers, but were absolutely brutal in systematically destroying all the aboriginal cultures and their ancient wisdom...  Christian "Salvation" = Orwellian Doublespeak for Utter Destruction.


    Wherever they arrived, the pattern was much the same, forced conversion, destruction, torture and murder.

    This is the land promised by the Eternal Father to the Faithful, since we are commanded by God in the Holy Scriptures to take it from them, being idolaters, and, by reason of their idolatry and sin, to put them all to the knife, leaving no living thing save maidens and children, their cities robbed and sacked, their walls and houses levelled to the earth.


    You have to remember that religion was literally a BIG LIFE OR DEATH DEAL in Europe up through the Middle Ages - and millions of Pagans were tortured and killed by Christians.  This extremist attitude at home then got exported all over the world with colonialist terrorism.


    It's not like today, where Christians will no longer kill you if you don't convert...  Back then, being a "heathen" was literally worth the Biblical death penalty!  Just imagine that - where a non-Christian neighbor could get outed and then burned at the stake at your local park!

  23. On 6/26/2019 at 8:57 AM, rideforever said:

    Are African people really poor and starving, I don't think so.   That is the white man's dream, they go and be missionaries in Africa

    Exactly.  The entire aboriginal world culture was doing just sustainably dandy before Christian Anglo-Colonialism "saved" them all by decimating them into oblivion.


    The Hadza have been living peacefully, happily and sustainably in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa for at least 100,000 years. Their home, around Lake Eyasi, in Tanzania, has been called “the cradle of mankind.”
    The consequences of allowing civilization to crowd the Hadza – and the handful of other hunter-gatherer tribes remaining on the planet – out of existence
    After the British took control of the area in 1917, there was no more hiding.
    The British colonial government tried to make the Hadza settle down and adopt farming in the 1930s, as did the independent Tanzanian government and foreign missionaries in 60’s and 90’s.

    Of around 1000 surviving Hadza, about 300 still have a diet of 100-percent foraged food. The majority of their calories come from gathering roots, fruits, nuts, berries and honey, but they are also very reliant on hunting local wildlife, such as gazelle, kudus and monkeys, which are becoming scarce due to the influx of cattle.

    Members of the civilized world who’ve observed and studied the Hadza note time and again how happy they seem and how much free time they have.

    “What struck me very much was how little time they really had to spend hunting and digging [for roots],” said Peter Matthiessen, author of The Tree Where Man Was Born. “They really had a lot of leisure.”

    The Hadza are very egalitarian. They have no chiefs and no hierarchy.

    They are organized into bands of 20 to 30 people. Conflict is resolved by one of the parties voluntarily moving to another camp.

    There is gender equality as “men’s” and “women’s” work is seen as equally important. They share everything.
    Children are not punished and their genitals are not mutilated, as they are in surrounding agricultural tribes.
    The Hadza do not keep track of time. They have no words for the days of the week, or months of the year. Because they don’t plant or harvest, they have no use for calendars or keeping track of the seasons. Their sense of time depends only on the wandering animals and the shifting patterns of their flowering plants.

    Disease is rare and herbs are used as medicine. It is estimated most of Hadza live into their 70s and 80s.

    “They are very dignified. They have a beautiful life and they know it, but as soon as you bring them into civilization, they are the bottom of the pile and everybody preys on them,”

    The number of Hadza able to survive by gathering and hunting alone is decreasing along with the size of their ancestral territory. They’ve lost more than 90 percent of their land in the last 100 years.
    “The Hadza have a very peaceful culture,” said Harvard Anthropologist Richard Wrangham. “They do not try to fight back.”
    “Life is totally different when I’m working in the town,” says one young Hadza man in the film. “You must pay rent to sleep in a house and buy all your food. You have to use money for everything, even water.”
    “I want to live here until I’m an old man,” one of the boys said. “Because in town, there is no Hadza food – no kongolobei berries, noguilabei berries, no baobab fruit.”

    “The Hadza don’t recognize land rights. To them, you share the earth with the animals and plants that are on it.”

    The Hadza see themselves as protectors of the land. “That’s why we stay here, to protect the place and the animals. So we are patient. We watch the animals and their movements in the area. If we leave this place, others will come in and cultivate,” a Hadza man said. “This land is our true home. We can move a few meters, but we can’t leave. There is no other place we could go.”
