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Everything posted by Baguakid

  1. Life Application of Bagua Workshop

    Qlites, What I see from the website I see the main teacher has picked his closed door students. So, that means to me that everyone else is a "lessor" type individual, not worthy of higher learning that is being taught to the closed door individuals. Therefore, they, the lessor type students, are getting crumbs of the system and are progressing down an empty road.
  2. Life Application of Bagua Workshop

    I'm curious, what is the value of learning from a system that is closed door to everyone else and therefore can never realize the full system?
  3. Anyone have first hand experience with this? Interview here: Book:;condition=new
  4. Karate Kid

    My wife and I went to see it (my wife is Chinese) and we thought it was so-so. This movie was a cookie cutter remake of the first one. Almost everything was the same. I would rather have seen a Karate Kid 4 rather than a remake of the first. Also didn't care for the kissing scene of the two 12 year old kids. Also, the mean teacher is out of character for China. I've never seen such a school in China and if there were such a teacher, most would not let their kids study there. Unrealistic and poor remake.
  5. Zhan zhuang

    This is exactly correct. ZZ is a cleansing exercise as well as a qi building exercise. Bravo!!
  6. Zhan zhuang

    Hey Bob, yeah, that was around 93 I think. Around the same time you met the Chen stylist (Cui? if you find those websites BTW, feel free to send it any time <smile>). I like Cai's standing method but what really secured it was exposure to Tony Ho in California (Wu Taiji stylist). He follows the same alignment principles with the execption of having the hands up instead of down. Tony, because he built and expanded on the same principles as Cai, has a complete different result. In addition, not known by students of both teachers, they both do sitting meditations every evening. Both amazing teachers.
  7. Zhan zhuang

    It IS that easy.
  8. Warrior Body Buddh Mind

    Hey Sifu Garry, Like the Coconut breaking. Is that a result of Shattering palm or Burning palm practice? It's interesting to view your forms as there are many similar movements and "correct structure" in my style of Bagua. Very cool. Best.. Bill
  9. Zhan zhuang

    I'm sorry but I'm going to have to deviate from Bob on this one. First off, I'm not a fan of Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, I have seen little from his teachings/books or even talking to him personally that flips my fiddle. But that's me, sorry. Real Bagua is extremely difficult to do correctly. The movie clip does not show realistic practice in my opinion, it's a movie that's showing an exotic practice. There are theories and practices that need to be understood and adhered to to be successful. Walking on bricks (IMO) is unnecessary and is in fact destracting from the real practice. Zhan Zhuang is a simple practice with profound results, Bagua ZZ is more complex and much more demanding. Bagua Circle walking is even much more difficult than Bagua ZZ.
  10. Taoist Hotspots in China

    I have never heard of this. I spent 2 years in Shanghai and never had a problem going anywhere I wanted to go. I'm curious what places would be prohibited due to "saving face".
  11. durkhrod chogori, Have you ever lived in China for any length of time?
  12. Zhan zhuang

    People are perhaps looking for exotic, fancy named practices and thus overlook the most simple of exercises out there.
  13. Taoist Hotspots in China

    Bob, what's in HuaShan? Have any more info?
  14. Coming Soon:

    Perhaps, but I just about can't stand BJJ, or MMA. I'm a traditionalist with root development and theory in Qi production, accumulation and usage. If training doesn't include thought about Qi then it's nothing more than physical training, not internal, and it doesn't interest me. One problem a Neigong site will have is Defining what Neigong is. I have my definition, others have theirs. So, it's going to be a little on the difficult side to find a main stream line of thought in such a site.
  15. Stillness-Movement with Michael Lomax

    Yes, Michael's system and teaching has been an interest of mine for quite some time. Wish he was a tad closer though. Great review.
  16. Coming Soon:

    Yes, if you can devote it soley to true Neigong issues that would be great. RumSoakedFist doesn't do too bad but they shut down when talking about Qi. Also, they include MMA and BJJ which I don't see as internal at all. Hope it works.!
  17. Brand New Chunyi Lin Podcast interview

    Sorry, I could only handle about a minute of Chunyi Lin's talk. Love Love Love... Love .. too much love.. Definately sounds new agey to me. Is there somewhere I can view the meat of his system?
  18. Acupressure - The importance of St 36

    Sorry, I practice Bagua, circle walking included. Applying moxa at this point has a completely different reaction. An effect may be noticeable by flexing but no where near the reaction of moxa on this point.
  19. Acupressure - The importance of St 36

    No way circle walking is the same as applying moxa to ST-36... sorry. Totally different.
  20. Acupressure - The importance of St 36

    Yes, totally agree with this. I learned this 20 years ago and keep coming back to it. Very good and what's more, it's very, very low cost. The only downside is the smoke but a small fan will take care of that.
  21. Energy vs Western Medicine

    One other thing. I lived in China for nearly 2 years and can say there's a deep difference between the people of China and those in the US. Most here want to be treated. They want someone else to take care of their problem and fix it for them. People in China want to be in control of their health as much as possible. Go to any park in the morning and see how many people are out there practicing. How many people talk about what foods to eat and when, etc etc.. Go to the park here? Hardly anyone that I see. The differences are deep. Of course this is general. Not all in China and all in the US are stuffed into the above. Just most.
  22. Energy vs Western Medicine

    Yes, I'm not a Medical Qigong practioner (do not carry this title) but I have tried to help people by offering Qigong exercises which would help them with their conditions and yes, they look at you like a deer in the headlights. Like they've just seen an alien, or they engage in your conversation with interest and forget everything you said the moment you leave. Most are drawn in by the drugs, medical science, etc to solve "ALL" of their health problems. Western medicine is great in a lot of areas but at the same time Qigong is also a fantastic way of minimizing the need for any western medicine. My own sister, who has problems with her sight has been to neurologists, had a CAT Scans, a Spinal Tap, Blood work, etc and the doctors (in the end) can find nothing wrong with her. The neurologist first said she had borderline MS so he starts treating her with some MS drugs. Made my sister loopy. Said her sight would be cleared up in a couple weeks... After three weeks, nothing. Then he decides to do a spinal tap. Done. Then he concludes she doesn't have MS but it must be Diabetes. She goes for blood work. They say no, no diabetes. So, to date, still no answer. She can't work, she can see sometimes, goes in and out. So, Western medicine is good when they know what's wrong and can treat it. Otherwise it's like their patients are lab rats. Let's try this, let's try that. Do they care that what they're trying is costing you thousands of dollars??? Hell no. Now, I'm fairly certain if my sister would listen to me and practice Wuji for 2 hours a day (she's not doing anything but sitting in front of the TV all day now) then she would see results. But, she can't get it, doesn't want to get it, and doesn't care to practice. So?? Another quick story. My coworker's mom had some intestinal problem that was causing her to lose weight. She went to doctors who insisted her small intestine was the problem and they told her to have sugery to take a portion of it out. Which she did. Did it help??? HELL NO.. ! So then she goes to another hospital who said it was something else. And they are still working on it. But meanwhile, her small intestine cannot be replaced. WTF? Does the doctor care that what he did didn't work? Hell No! Did the woman try any Eastern or Energy medicine at my suggestion? Hell No! So?? No, people don't care to be unplugged.
  23. Energy vs Western Medicine

    Agreed. The only thing I can say is "they are not yet ready to be unplugged". It's a hard path to know the truth and see people who could be helped with it and yet they just pass it by like it's a rotting, dead animal.
  24. yep, I'm with Vortex here. I recently lost my job (12 + hours a day) so I have more time to practice. Two to four hours a day practicing Wuji qigong and just last week a very large skin nodule (size of a shirt button) dissolved (basically dried up and fell off) off my head. My wife was really suprised, shocked even. I am trying to keep up that schedule (at least two hours a day) and am feeling much better than I did while carrying that grueling work schedule.
  25. Ba Gua and Hsing-I of BK Frantzis

    Hey Jess, Well, to be fair, I've also complained about Wang Liping's class pricing structure so BK Frantzis is in good company. Again, I would have to meet the man first. Just to say this, I paid less than BK's seminar cost for a flight to China and nearly a year's tuition with my teacher. Of course, I can speak Chinese and was lucky to find a great teacher. In addition, I started CMAs in the early 80s and the MA atmosphere then was much different than it is now. I'll leave it at that. Best,