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Everything posted by Baguakid

  1. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Ok if Mythmaker said Standing makes you more aware of your physical body and sitting meditation makes you more aware of your spiritual body then I might understand better. It is not what he said.
  2. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Ok, here we go. If this is true spiritual energetics should be able to cure any physical ailment. You are implying a physical aliment (broken bone, spinal issue, or organ disease) is a direct manifestation of some spiritual imbalance, right? Man "exists" between heaven and earth. Not necessarily connected between heaven and earth. That takes a lot of practice. If the physical body is a direct reflection or manifestation of the spirit and the physical body has issues then the spirit should have similar issues, no?
  3. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Yeah, I'm still trying to understand what he's saying so I couldn't understand your response. Is he talking about spirit? Is he talking about Qi/Blood? I have no idea. If he's talking about spirit which is what you seem to be talking about then I agree with you. When I read his first post I thought he was talking about Tian Di Ren He Yi... (天地人和一) but now..... I still have no idea.
  4. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Oh good grief. Don't give me this Horse$hit answer. I stand 3 to 4 hours a day dude. With that I still have no idea what the F you're trying to say.
  5. Asking a girl out at yoga class....

    What the heck is Chai?
  6. Asking a girl out at yoga class....

    So what's the answer? LOL
  7. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Yep, I still don't get it. How does standing take you into your body? How does sitting take you out of your body?
  8. Physical effects of standing meditation

    I really have no idea what you're trying to say here. Seated meditation takes you out of your body? Standing meditation takes you into your body? That one is not clear either. What ever does this mean?
  9. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Told me don't stand for more than one hour at a time although when I stood with him we stood for one hour twenty minutes one time.... Stand for an hour.. Stop, rub hands, wash face, pat legs up and down, walk around, relax... stretch, etc... Then practice another hour and repeat. I practice an hour in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one to two in the evening before sleep. Let me add that I think it's important to stretch.
  10. Physical effects of standing meditation

    Standing builds kidney strength and Qi and Blood. TzuJanLi, Cai Songfang suggested 20 minutes minimum for maintaining health. More if you want to develop "gong fu". He suggested my teacher, his student, to stand 4 hours a day. He suggested 2 hours a day for myself. Since I'm unemployed at the moment I'm currently standing between 3 and 4 hours a day. When I go back to work it will be 2 hours a day minimum.
  11. What is the GOAL of your cultivation?

    I'm curious where in China you have moved to find quality Taoist teachings as I spent nearly 2 years in China and didn't find anything but commercial malarkey. Regarding your questions. To understand the different techniques of building and circulating qi. To understand Yin/Yang and Heaven and Earth. Best,
  12. Oh Haeng Gi Ma Sae

    Anyone know where this came from? Is this a Korean Taoist exercise? Thanks,
  13. Sigh... Only for the wealthy it appears...
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    BEGIN SARCASTIC REMARK: Sure, why stop there? Why not let everyone you know in town borrow the dvd. I'm sure Terry wouldn't mind. I'm sure the store he has on the web is just for fun and giggles. END SARCASTIC REMARK
  15. You're kidding right? 100 fighting systems? Is he a god? I would love to see a list of those systems.
  16. Hey Jess. Is this what you're talking about: Looks very basic. I have 25 years experience in the arts. Looking for higher level material/teachers. Thanks,
  17. Sure, look what Dr. Paul Lam is doing. I just heard tonight that Dr. Lam will do a seminar near me. There are 45 students who will attend his class at a price of 275.00. That comes out to a nice 12k plus weekend for him. His material is all non-traditional, watered down Sun and Yang/Sun combinations. If you want to make money in the arts, don't teach traditional.
  18. Master Wang LIping's seminar in SC

    Yes of course. The people I received teachings for free I gave more than I would at a high priced seminar because I wanted to take care of someone so kind and I still have relations with most of those people today. It's directly opposite with the former high priced scammers.
  19. Master Wang LIping's seminar in SC

    Well, here's my experience in the past. Master has student at school. Master sees potential to make money from student. Master thinks of the best way he can draw out the teaching process in order to maximize the return from said student. Master has core material then uses seminars to gain more money from student. Master thinks more about how to draw this out further. Instead of teaching everything in one seminar, why not divide it into six seminars over two years. Then you must come to every seminar in order to learn what used to take only one seminar. Over time Master gets older.. and thus seminars get more expensive. I had another Master come to town to give seminars. I would ask the organizer what he was going to teach. She'd say, I don't know, just come. .... Ok, so I pay for a seminar that I have no idea what the contents are going to be? What the heck?? Yet another Master has qigong instruction but never answers questions directly about the instruction or responds in a cagy, slippery fashion so student pays big bucks for nilly-willy instruction. I could go on but I think you get the picture. I've been burned this way many times in the past and frankly, it gets old. I absolutely have no problem spending money for learning. In fact, I've spent upwards of 500.00 on one exercise. My friend has spent upwards of 3500.00 on one exercise which I also don't mind paying if I know the quality and source before learning. The difference is: The exercises bought in this fashion were complete (no next time needed) and the quality and source of said exercises were known before learning. Very clear cut. So, If I were 2 to 5 years in my learning experience I would have a different attitude I think but after 25 years I've just gotten to the point I can't do it anymore. Add to that I have a family and don't make much money so, what the hell. If a master only cares about their financial position and not the student's progression then he/she is not for me. To be fair, Kathy's seminars have been very affordable. I just don't have the money for travel these days.
  20. Master Wang LIping's seminar in SC

    Some of my very BEST practices which I practice to this day have been taught to me either without charge or at a very small fee. They have all been clear in teaching and not holding anything back. By contrast, the other, more costly practices I've learned had been taught in an most esoteric, double-talking most severely irritating and annoying way possible. Not saying that's the case here... just saying.
  21. Master Wang LIping's seminar in SC

    I would hate to think of the price for that one. 3500 to 5000? I'm sorry but I'm gun shy. I've been burned many times over the past. You might have great results but I may not and therefore would waste time and money. I just don't get what makes WLP's material so powerful. Are his methods really good or is it because of his title that makes for wide-eyed kid in the toy store look? I've practiced a lot of stuff over the years and I would say only a couple practices I've found were really powerful. The rest are about on the same level as the others. The point though is, more important than the exercise is the method. Without giving up the secrets of the exercises, can you talk more about the methods? For instance, one may use breath control, or postures, or etc.
  22. Hundun, PM'd you.. let me know if you did not get it. The PM function throws an error when I try to use it.
  23. Thanks tumoessence for the reply. At this point I'm far more interested in Qigong training than Taiji as I have a turd load of forms training from my past and unfortunately have absolutely no interest in Wing Chun. Otherwise I could have a good learning experience there. So far Hundun sounds like the man to see for me. I'll give him a PM. Thanks again for the reply.
  24. Novice Self - Accupuncture Danger?

    Forget the Acupuncture and go with Sitting or Standing Meditative Qigong (Wuji) or something similar. Especially if you're just trying to relax.
  25. Master Wang LIping's seminar in SC

    skyfly, where's the link info on this seminar? I looked for it in the events section but no can find. tks