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Everything posted by Baguakid

  1. How to find a master?

    I must say I've learned quite a bit of SKL's (Share K. Lew) material and must say it didn't do anything for me (results).
  2. SKL

    wrong place
  3. Focusing on a particular organ with qigong

    There are other methods besides using "Breath" to build the dan tian Qi. As I mentioned above, Wuji is excellent. Not only does it open channels, builds Qi but also detoxifies the body at the same time. Not only do we want to have good Qi but we should also get rid of Bad Qi (cold Qi, damp Qi, dirty Qi). There are many roads to the top of the mountain, breath work is only one of them.
  4. Focusing on a particular organ with qigong

    In my opinion the best exercise for spleen/stomach (and kidneys) is Wuji Qigong (hands relaxed at sides). I've also had this issue with Stomach and Spleen and have tried many, many exercises. Wuji is the best I've found for building foundation and tonifying Stomach and Spleen. It is a core exercise I keep no matter what else I decide to pracitce. Regarding targeting specific organs in Qigong, this can be taken to a serious extreme. I know a guy who has acquired very high level material (which he didn't share with me but told me about it) that if practiced wrongly can damage that organ or cause death to the practitioner. This is a forced type of Qigong. There is a butt load of theories and practices out there. Just need to find the right people who are willing to teach it.
  5. Taoist Instructors in Miami

    Dr. Love in Boca Raton.
  6. The difference between Chi Kung and Nei Kung

    Wow, I actually agree with Ken here.
  7. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Pure meditation, seems something like that was tried at Shaolin Temple before Damo arrived? Wuji standing meditation is the alignment between heaven and earth and has purpose on many different levels. Practice of form based exercises is a means to an end and attachment of course would hinder any real advancement.
  8. If I am so cultivated.... why am I tubby?

    yep, I was waiting for that. It depends on the gong the individual is practicing as to how his/her body will change.
  9. Chi development?

    TT, while has developed highly in his specialty, I found he is not well rounded socially. Also, he has issues as, we both know, with hmmm "grabbing" other's material and "selling" it to his students. He and I had a falling out for that very reason. He got "greedy". I told the story to LL Lama, look her up some time, she'll tell you. I think he has great material and I'm not sure how he acquired so much good stuff but he definitely has it. TT is an "exercise vendor" and a clever individual. That's why I said if you are in good relations with him, just go get exercises, even if you're not interested in them currently, put them aside for later reference.. I know some of the good stuff he has so if you need guidance down that path I'd be happy to help. Just let me know. Regarding Rick Barrett, I'm more interested in Qigong really. Building Qi, opening channels, etc. Similar to TT but in a more well rounded way as you mentioned.
  10. If I am so cultivated.... why am I tubby?

    Darin, maybe you're a teletubby? Re: Qi Bellys. One of my teachers has a Qi Belly but he doesn't practice Taiji, he practices Neigong.
  11. Actuallly, Marblehead, I spoke basic spanish when I was in my 20s since I was around many spanish speaking people at that time. Later, I started learning Chinese and now I speak Chinese much, much better than I ever could Spanish (oh, I also took a college course in Spanish way back then). So, the dream is valid. Now, however, I have difficulty remembering Spanish because I've concentrated so much on Chinese in the last 8 years or so. What I was saying was in the dream Spanish came out freely but while awake, Chinese was dominant.
  12. Last week, wednesday night I dreamed in Spanish (I am not spanish), I said "open the window" in Spanish when someone told me the three people inside looked like they had died. I said open the window and they will be ok. They opened the window and all was ok. The next day I went to the outside market to buy vegetables. The man I bought two eggplants from was eating a taco and could not speak English and I wanted to know where he bought the taco as it looked very tasty. As much as I tried to speak Spanish to him I could not. It all came out Chinese.
  13. Chi development?

    Good to see you here too. I can't open the link you posted. Is there a web site? Also, I don't know anything about Rick Barrett, what is he teaching that I might be interested in? Thanks,
  14. Chi development?

    No, this does not make sense. "Storing" comes from TCM theory of vessels and meridians. Vessels are "storage tanks" and supply meridians to keep a balance (as I understand it). Vessels are also meridians but larger in capacity and size. Like the river/stream/brook, analogy. The body can store Qi but we need to be focused on that end in our practice to see the results. Martial Tai chi will not bring us there. There is someone we both know, who was an original at the Orlando temple and with the initials TT who practices high level qigong exercises. The last time I was around him you could feel the qi. Just by being around him. Very strong. If you have good relations I suggest looking him up and try to learn what ever you can in that area.
  15. Anyone have experience with wuji qigong as taught by Cai Songfang? I heard he had a large following in Macau (about 9000 students). I would love to get in contact with these peeps if possible. Or, anyone follow wuji qigong as taught by Cai Songfang? ] Thanks in advance, Here's some info:;page_content=2 Here's a link but doesn't seem to be working right now.
  16. Macau Wuji Qigong association

    Actually, he's not teaching. He's retired as far as I know to spend time practicing his buddhist meditations. He was kind enough to see me though when I was in Shanghai. Anyway, that's why I'm looking for other locations that might practice his style in numbers. Yes, he is getting older now but not sure of his exact age.
  17. Macau Wuji Qigong association

    Thanks Iskote for your replies. Yes, I have personal video of Teacher Cai Songfang I shot at several locations and I've visited him several times in Shanghai where he now resides. However, I've never been able to meet any of his students outside the man who introduced me to Teacher Cai. I've spent time with Teacher Cai when he was teaching and can attest his qi is very strong. It was a great feeling to be around him. Also, he is a very kind man. Thanks again.
  18. John Painter

    Ok, here's the deal, since this thread started about Bagua and Dr. Painter and not other IMAs or Neigong arts I would respond with this. With in Bagua there are, from what I can see, two main theories, Open frame, and Closed frame. I say Open because, like BK Frantiz (sic) and othersI have seen on the web who seem to have a rounded, almost tai chi frame when circle walking (elbows sticking out, chest open). I still don't understand this method. Dr. Painter I believe is the same but Dale can correct me if I am wrong. The Gong Baotian lineage which I follow, we are "closed". Elbows are tucked and center protected, back is rounded and arms are extended forward which looks more like a western boxer than anything else. This method or style of circle walking is very demanding if done correctly so I don't see any need for weights unless it's very specific training exercises like I mentioned before. In addition, this type of training, one focus is to bring the blood and qi to the palms, which, over time, will cause the palm to thicken and become a weapon. Bagua is not Tai Chi and cannot be compared IMO. I've practiced Taiji of various flavors and it's just not the same. Now, perhaps the "open" methods of bagua are not as demanding as the "closed frame" methods so maybe in this case they need to train with weights.
  19. John Painter

  20. Magic?

    Hey S.A. hmm.. I would ask what's the purpose of learning magic. It seems it would only be effective to the weak minded (like the Jedi knight mind tricks). Does Doo Wei have any input on this subject? and, How's the burning palm DVD coming. tks.
  21. I know nothing about David, what he teaches, or how much he charges but if his fees are high then the quality damn sure better be high as well. I would also expect no BS spoon feeding and carrot baiting as well. If I'm going to pay high fees for qigong instruction I expect the entire exercise be taught in clarity. No, "well you gotta use your Wu", or "well, it didn't work for you because you didn't do this or that". I am incensed with the way some qigong teachers handle themselves. Basically it's YOYO (you're on your own) and I don't have time to guide you, the student, into the proper path. I've met some who could care less about a student's well being and are only concerned with their own self promotion and ego petting, and are happy to waste people's time and money to that end. I've been in this for over 25 years and the quality qigong masters I've met can be counted on one hand, and not use all the fingers.
  22. Chinese language questions.

    Interesting that Darrel asked what kind of Chinese was spoken at the places he listed and everyone but Vortex came back with how to learn Mandarin. Vortex is correct. Mandarin is the national language. However, like my bagua teacher, for the older people their mandarin will usually be heavily influenced by their local dialects.
  23. Off to China :) See y'all back soon !

    yep, I just got back from China and didn't want to return. China's the place... Have a good trip and lots of fun.
  24. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    I agree with this. Even my Bagua teacher, whom I consider to be very capable, says we are just playing. Real IMA, like Wang Hanzhi and Zhang DuGan who started from very young and trained daily without interruption for 20+ years. Those Xingyi vids, especially the first, were so so based on what I've seen in Shanghai. IMO
  25. Tai Chi Sword Lesson #1 by Me

    shontonga, That's the nature of a forum. Personally, I much prefer people to make statements without pulling punches so I can personally evaluate their validity. If everyone just said "Oh Darin, that was wonderful" without providing feedback he may never get an understanding of what other people think. Some people like tassels, some don't, it's ok. Personally, I no longer use weapons in my training but if I can find a video Darin, I'll post it for you. Best.