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Everything posted by exorcist_1699

  1. Questions about Qigong and Healing

    4. There are many ways you can use qi to heal : In case you can't initialize qi : Try to search those places you find very painful on your limbs , which likely are also those main acupuncture points on the meridians , say Sanyinjiao (SP6 ) for handling kidneys problems or Diji (SP8 ) for healing Diabetes ; In fact , pains at those places foretell what diseases you will have later if their symbols not yet appear. If you already can initialize qi by paying attention to lower dantian : In that case , trivial diseases can be healed by shifting your attention or visualize something related to qi ; Severe diseases likely can only be healed by qi's higher level : Shen . Assume that you get a malignant tumor in your brain , right inside your consciousness, and it grows day after day , can you get rid of it by visualizing it being burnt off or being squeezed ; hardly can it be done by that way but by subliming qi to a mindless Shen that can be used as a operation knife or laser beam to yet without their side-effect defects..
  2. Questions about Qigong and Healing

    3. Zygomatic (cheek ) bone is related to longevity ; if it is high and convex , then likely you can live long ; front-head bone's shape ( whether it be broad or convex ) related to intelligence . Both are jing-related and can be changed in our lifetime via qigong practice .
  3. A significant anthology of interviews with Daoist alchemy practitioners I ever got was a book I bought some day in the 1990s at an old bookstore on a narrow street of Hong Kong . Name of it is called "訪道語錄" (" Records of visiting those Taoist masters" ) . It is in fact a book published in Taiwan in the 1960- 1970s , interviewing those Daoist practitioners who were living in Taiwan but had fled from the Mainland to the island just decade ago. Among the people being interviewed were the later became famous Nan Huai Chin , Xiao Tian Shi , Fang Da Xin and some other West-School masters.. . Its content reflects the status and achievement of those Daoist practitioners in that times of political turbulence.. That anthology later becomes so valuable that nowadays you can still find most of its content on the internet , unfortunately in Chinese .
  4. 只用中文的帖

    功法越簡單 , 出徧機會越少 。 恰恰是金元以後出現的大小周天 , 被人加入 很多搬弄 、 呼吸的東西 , 出徧的機會反而大增了。 西派和中派的功法就不多談什麽大小周天啦 。 但簡單的功法系統 , 開始時有點難掌握 , 如莊子 、 文子的 " 無聽之以心 , 聴之以氣 ; 無聽之以氣, 聴之以神 ; .. " , "化書" 的 " 忘形以養氣 , 忘氣以養神 , 忘神以養虛" .. 都是功訣呀 。 但太簡 , 没有禪宗的功法 那種 詳細 及深度 。 但禪宗的東西 , 缺了談 修性修命這大問題 , 又不太完整 。
  5. 只用中文的帖

    看了一下所介紹 的FB 網頁, 蠻有趣的 , 水平好像 也不錯 , 謝謝 .
  6. 只用中文的帖

    不單是設置可輸入中文的環境 , 還要懂倉頡輸入法呢 . 會倉頡輸入法的外國人 , 線上很少踫到 .
  7. 只用中文的帖

    Forums like Xiulian , "知乎" , "天涯" .. did have quite lot of posts about Daoist cultivation before, but in recent years , as more restrictions imposed they become less active .
  8. Squeeze The Eye For Pineal Gland Activation

    To be granted a 3rd eye ability means our gain of one more spiritual dimension to our existence , which is great to us as a 3D creature who claims to be intelligent( analytic cum intuitive ability ), yet always suffers due to our inability to see those unknown and uncertainties . However, we cannot attain it by focusing our mind on the upper dantian , visualizing something strange nor electrically charging some part of our brain . Assume that there is a 2D world living creature who now gets his brain , yet all his senses and minds are accustomed and stuck to the 2D world he lives in , how can we add that extra-dimensional ability ( now a top-view of his world ) to his mind's eye , allowing him to see those originally blocked dots and lines , or not yet emerged / happened events earlier ? The key first is to detach . Contrary to most people who think that mindfulness, more focus or higher levels of abstractions that might do the job, it is to detach from his world , his senses and his conceptions that can attain it . It is to the utmost of that series of detachment that an extra dimension comes in.. ; such a way is unique , and likely applies to n-th dimensional worlds as long as consciousness , or more precisely speaking , self-consciousness , exists in them.
  9. Mantak chia's possible error mco, i need help, please

    This is quite a common trouble we can find on the internet..,anyway , some ideas: 1) As beginners , deliberately lead qi to somewhere or intensively focus on dantians / acupuncture points , is something you should not do. 2) Do not start by focusing your mind on Upper Dantian because as beginners , hardly can you grasp the strength of doing it . If the trouble is generated by over-focusing on some upper dantian/ acupuncture points on the head , then shift your focus to the lower dantian ( main source of qi in our body ) or acupuncture point on your foot sole , say Yongquan : can be the solution.
  10. Eating and alchemy

    All organs ( lung, heart, stomach..) , their jing and qi rise to our head, enabling us to think, to see and to hear ; stomach qi is especially important for the ability of our thinking ; conversely, thinking too much makes our stomach ache , undermines our digestive ability . Old people whose ability to learn as quickly and easily as youth people deteriorates also experiencing a decline process of their digestive ability .
  11. Eating and alchemy

    It is said that stomach , our digestion ability , is the basis for our post-natal energy . And , kidney , jing inside it is the basis of our pre-natal energy , which is always symbolized as some kind of Fire . The ability of digestion , to the final analysis , relies on how strong that Fire underneath be . People after their 50s likely understand this easier as they now eat less , easier to have a feeling of stagnation after eating ..etc . To make thing worse, eating less means weakening the jing inside our kidneys and further makes our digestive weaker .. so here is a bad , negative feedback circulation. How well ( easier to sense those delicate, subtle layers of emptiness , quicker to enter those statuses ..etc ) we can do the emptied Mind meditation is related to the quality and quantity of the jing we get ( this is crucial to differentiate the Taoist way from the Buddhist ) , so to any old -aged practitioner , of course, he /she has to pay attention to his eating and drinking . Seldom do Buddhist ways pay enough attention to this , but in TCM and Taoist alchemy materials , you get tons of materials about them.
  12. Eating and alchemy

    Doing Taoist alchemy means your cultivating Tao, which is something you should not deviate , even for an instant ; that means no matter you go to toilet , sit on bus , have your lunch, you can do it , say emptying your mind or paying attention to your Dantien . However, if you in fact are doing some medical qigong stuff, say massaging some acupuncture points on your body , then you should avoided doing it before or after eating your meals.
  13. 只用中文的帖

    用繁體寫帖好啊 , 勇氣可嘉 . 單是如何在電腦上輸入 , 就是一難題.
  14. Key 'Stats' for Cultivators

    Death is not something happens in future , some many years away ; death happens right at and because of our everyday mediocrity . This is why people say : " You can't deviate from Tao even for a minute of time " . Always stay on the highland , in a high energy status so that everyday scenario , our habits and emotions not making us leak our jing, qi and shen ; without such a discipline and self-awareness , we are doomed to succumb to aging , diseases and death .
  15. Cultivating Qi

    Medical qigong stuff , its characteristics either is attached to breathing or attached to dantian / posture / visualization..etc . Maybe good for trivial diseases .., but far away from anything great .
  16. Neidan plan

    Quite agree . Teaching medical qigong , Taiqi ..etc as a commodity is okay , nothing wrong . Just like someone who teaches you how to play some kind of sports that makes you healthier and happier, and he charges you some money for it . Neidan is totally something different . If any guy who really knows the key , or any crucial skills about it , not those mostly are just medical qigong stuff , the first thing he does is not to set up a website boast of how capable he is , but how to hide among the crowd .. ; the Taoist saint walks on path totally different from common people's , if someday you meet him , it is because he deliberately changes his path to enter yours , not because of your chase after him .
  17. It is strange to think that spiritual problems can only be answered in a spiritual way , not in a physical way ; maybe it is true for people who follow the Buddhist style of cultivation , but it definitely is not the case if you follow the Taoist way . An emptied mind , if you do it correctly , definitely will give rise to physical changes in your body , say diseases be cured or your aging be reversed even your having paid no attention to them . So, seeing this , you can estimate that likely you are on a right path of your spiritual cultivation . It is important to know that if your mind consolidates (not just empties ) , your jing will also consolidate ; (" 神凝則精凝" ) Note that having jing consolidated means it not leaking , can be accumulated , and no longer be deficient . Deficiency of jing , therefore deficiency and imbalance of qi , is the main reason of those diseases and aging.
  18. Alcohol and Qi

    If you are doing medical qigong , or try using the so-called "post-heavenly " qi to do some cure , then drinking some alcohol does help you initializing and enhancing qi ; or you mix alcohol with some herbs , say Ginseng or Dang Gui , to enhance its curing effects; you can find tons of these materials related to alcohol in TCM writings . If you are doing Taoist alchemy , then drinking alcohol is unlikely to be proposed as in that area, a delicate application of your mind is necessary ; drinking alcohol expands your qi and makes you not capable of consolidating your mind , besides, arousing sex drive ..etc all are not so beneficial .
  19. Deep Universe Inside?

    From Zhongyongdaoist's post : It existed in China as can be seen in this quote from the Confucian, Mencius: It is the same Mencius further says : " 吾善養浩然之氣.. 其為氣也,至大至剛,以直養而無害,則塞於天地之間 " ( " I am good at nourishing that magnificent qi ..such qi fills the whole universe , so enormous and strong that we can nourish it straight without worry " ) so for both Confucians and Taoists , the precondition for those ten thousands things inside us , for such a great joy inside us is the common ground : qi ; without it , we can not overcome the sufferings and adversities in life. Yet the existence of a bodily boundary and the qi so weak we initialize separate the internal qi and the external qi , making us not sense them as a unity . Therefore most of us remain living in the world as mediocre folks, hardly appear as any kind of saints or heroes .
  20. Questions about Qigong and Healing

    Likely qi fixes scoliosis , along the spinal cord is where the Du channel runs ..
  21. The Embryo of Sagehood

    Chinese Buddhist texts is one of the most difficult areas of the classical Chinese , I appreciate anyone , especially western scholars , who are brave enough to do such an attempt . Also because it is one of the constituents of the Chinese and Japanese cultures ,it seems to be something difficult to evade if you aim at high-level spiritual achievement
  22. Approaches to Cultivation

    Similar to nature , heat air rises to the heaven ,then it gives rise to lightning and rain downwards..
  23. Approaches to Cultivation

    Some may feel it as a stream of energy with heat , even with some light.
  24. Approaches to Cultivation

    There are two things , as preconditions , you need to have in order to attain an eternal life or something spiritually great : 1) You are capable of initializing qi . Unable to get such an ability beforehand means you get no criteria to measuring how good or how high a level your spiritual practice is or will be . Note that praying , visualization or how well you imagine things , is some kind of subjective experience or creation , hardly any kind of criterion to be used to judge itself , and is unmatched to a criterion like qi so reliable . 2) You somehow know what a genuine emptied Mind look likes . In capable of tasting some flavor of it will either make you mistake those talks in Buddhist Sutra as philosophical stuff , or make you ignore those spiritual presuppositions that Taoist emphasize before doing your MCO .
  25. Approaches to Cultivation

    People who follow the Buddhist way must know the Taoist framework of jing-qi-shen otherwise they very likely will fall into the trap of ignoring the importance of body energy; people who follow Taoist way must know Zen's criticisms about attachments to ideas, forms and statuses otherwise they definitely will be entangled by those tricks of MCO or visualization , not capable of achieving anything great .