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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Running into walls again....ARGH!

    Excellent point! I might add that the Tibetans exhibit cult behavior, which is the dark side that devotees don't want to see. The mystique is kept intact by the exotic accoutrements, required prostrations, offerings and secret teachings. The secrets are kept intact with vows and the fear of breaking said vows. The punishments are hell realms and the accumulation of bad karma. Furthermore, the implied behavior of the Lama's is one of purity that is supposedly beyond reproach. Of course, this is the public image and how dare anyone question the integrity of the Tibetan system. The best example is Trungpa, and his successor. Trungpa abused his students sexually, emotionally and died an alcoholic. His successor spread AIDS to both men and women in the Boulder community. He knew he had AIDS and believed he was more powerful than the virus. It took his life. The dark side of spiritually is always framed in the so called higher cause. Human primates are fascinated with the higher cause and in this case, exotic teachings with the offer of power, which is never given. The promise is made and the power is never shared. Once again I suppose Vajraji will attack me for saying "the emperor wears no clothes". ralis
  2. Running into walls again....ARGH!

    You make the incorrect assumption that I have no rigpa experience. Moron is defined as slightly retarded and that was a punch below the belt!! ralis
  3. Running into walls again....ARGH!

    Bragging about experiences and that is all they are, helps no one. All that will accomplish is further inflate your fragile superior ego complex. You get high off your statements? ralis
  4. Running into walls again....ARGH!

    I have suggested several times for him to purchase, Strunk and White and William Zinssers "On Writing Well". Obviously, his sense of superiority will have no part in correct communication skills. He insists on using fragmented thoughts, non-sequiturs and grammatical syntax that is chaotic at best. His attempts at using non-sequiturs to make it appear that his writing is well thought out, is the mark of a dilitant. ralis
  5. I have 50 hrs. of math including advanced studies in Utility Theory. Please indulge me with your calculations.
  6. I think this drama is based in fear. I remember Norbu saying that it is an error to make the cage cozier by feathering it with more and more teaching than flying away from it all. Knowledge is more important than the accumulation of teachings. ralis
  7. Revenge tactic...

    Their ego's are inflated more than most Buddhists I know. For some reason they need constant attention. Vajraji's behavior is diametrically opposed to Norbu's. Norbu almost abhors attention. ralis
  8. Revenge tactic...

    What do you mean by that? You always make vague statements. ralis
  9. Revenge tactic...

    Haven't you heard of "Zen Sickness". You have it big time! ralis
  10. Revenge tactic...

    It is a known fact that homosexuality is common in Buddhist monasteries. If celibate monks make condemnations around sexual expressions and indulge in same then I have a problem. Not interested in hypocrisy. ralis
  11. Revenge tactic...

    Wow! I thought all was love, peace and bliss in the Vajraji house. ralis
  12. Exactly what are you attempting to say? BTW, Dzogchen goes beyond any ism or belief system!!! ralis
  13. I met Norbu 22 years ago and have sat in many retreats. Never once, has he codified rules and behavior for his students to follow. I guess I am not what you expect and don't fit your idea of a good little Buddhist. I think for myself and question everything, including your rigid beliefs. I also question anyone who claims to be a teacher, Buddha or whatever. BTW, whatever spiritual experiences I have had, are only shared with a few friends. I don't put my experiences all over the internet for all to view. Your assumptions in the above quote are baseless. ralis Are you implying that you have control of your destiny? ralis
  14. Now you have joined the right wing radical fundamentalist crowd. Your condemnation of me is no different than the fundamentalist types that condemn people to hell everyday! Your worn out rhetoric of Buddhist superiority smacks of Calvinist guilt ridden propaganda. Your use of the term karma is nothing more than a substitute for the doctrine of original sin as taught by Catholicism. Religion is and will always be a means of keeping humanity in superstition, guilt and fear. Religion is anti evolution. http://www.listenlittleman.com/ ralis
  15. Just how do you arrive at this conclusion? From your days as a dinosaur? BTW, how did you know you were a dinosaur? By watching your dinosaur self in a mirror? ralis
  16. 1. Are deities real or just an illusion? Archetypes perhaps? 2. What about so called enlightened as opposed to unenlightened deities? 3. Are these systems constructed to put the masses in fear and are just a control mechanism? 4. Does one have control or is one just a pawn to serve the deities (spirits)? ralis
  17. Has anyone studied with this guy? What is he up to? ralis
  18. Michael Bertiaux and Voudon

    Thanks for the warning! Had a feeling he is over the edge! ralis
  19. RE: The Buddha Bums

    Your statement was just a string of incomplete thoughts with missing conjunctions. Stephen Hawking is easier to understand! ralis
  20. Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson and Taoist Magic.

    He talks about the One-Ten meditation in one of his books and gives no instruction. If anyone knows this and would be willing to share, it would be appreciated. Thanks ralis
  21. RE: The Buddha Bums

    If you were in a college level physics class, your statement would have red marks in several places. Your arguments are always incomplete, are not well thought and usually contain grammatical errors. If you believe that insulting the intelligence of your audience in this forum makes you intellectually superior, then you are greatly mistaken. ralis
  22. Alcohol since we can remember

    Do you honestly believe such attacks further positive discourse? In general, your responses are emotionally charged and usually don't follow the points being discussed. What does poker have to do with anything, except you have some bias against poker players! What other prejudices do you live by? Seems as though your concept of being unlimited is very limited! ralis
  23. Alcohol since we can remember

    Who allows you to drink? Some parent daddy figure? What about making a decision on your own? BTW, your grammar still needs work. "Criteria are" is correct. Not, criteria is. ralis
  24. RE: The Buddha Bums

    Vajraji claims to understand Einstein's theories and cites Einstein's work to prove his Buddhist theories are correct. Yet, when I have asked him which part of Einstein's theory (general or special) proves his theories correct, he provides no answer. He obviously has very little knowledge of the "Theory of Relativity". ralis
  25. Maoist exercise routine?

    Should be? Regimented exercise programs are always used as an indoctrination tool by rigid authoritarian cultures. Hitler youth corps used the same type of brainwashing as well as Mao. Also it does not follow that if this type of program were implemented, then students would be happy. Phys. ed and volunteer sports are enough. ralis