Mana conduit

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Posts posted by Mana conduit

  1.           You can skip the intro it 

               Only gives backstory 


    Intro: Ok I may have been gone for who knows how long but I'm back and as for the post I made saying my techniques were dangerous you can ignore those as I was tricked by occultists into thinking it was bad when it was infact good I realized rn that occult is a FUCKING SCAM made by negative entities to get you off of the path of true energy training as the moment I trained my own energy and cleansed myself I saw completely different things in my remote viewing than those occultists and saw that the most elite of those occultists are controlled by entities so I was basically fucking around for some months.



    Anyway now I'm better and I trained my new physical strength technique which is this: after training your energy for a while like some months or weeks you try intending to use energy to raise your strength and durability you should feel lighter and feel an aura around you and you will feel as if a metaphysical muscle is being used as well as you using energy don't strain it too much and only use it as much as your intuition tells you to then ground all the energy you used then rest until you feel your energy restored and your metaphysical muscle healed you will notice you have more energy in the tank than last time ant that the muscle improved healing could take 1-4 days but it's worth it to train. I could talk about how you should be energetically training mainly to escape the matrix upon death and fight off negative entities that ruin your life but none of you care about that right i think.

    You can also use energy to attract things like height as I'm 20 and I intended to use my energy to grow taller and I woke up 0.5cm taller tho I'd rather focus on using energy for physical strength.



    Anyway when all of you try my technique and see I ain't bullshiting I might start a free skool group dedicated to helping each other energetically grow.



  2. 3 minutes ago, kakapo said:


    Truth be told, a lot of magicians believe in the power of sigils and egregore and similar concepts.


    Most likely the reason he wants us to listen to this file is that they believe it's been engineered to channel energy back to the creator from the listeners. 


    Something like drawing power from internet memes or what have you. 

    No it's not that it's the embedded energy that was put there

  3. 12 minutes ago, Solo Cultivator said:

    You so called "daoists" should stop insulting him. He said he is gonna show video recording weekly but you can't help yourself but be consumed by the demonic ways and mock him personally. This forum is absolutely toxic, this has happened to me, him, and i'm sure plenty others. You guys just laugh at us, looking down at us when we try to help!

    You are one of the guys of whom I want to see trained in my methods with the audio as when guys like us are stronger than the rest then we can say I told you so to all of them

  4. 8 minutes ago, Solo Cultivator said:

    You so called "daoists" should stop insulting him. He said he is gonna show video recording weekly but you can't help yourself but be consumed by the demonic ways and mock him personally. This forum is absolutely toxic, this has happened to me, him, and i'm sure plenty others. You guys just laugh at us, looking down at us when we try to help!

    Don't worry the moment I lift a ton with one arm they'll be begging me to be their master if your sensitive to energy try my audio file one other user tried it he said it was perfect for him believe me I only want to help I'm not attention seeking I really think this will work

  5. 13 minutes ago, kakapo said:


    When I was a child I used to make up all kinds of games of the imagination. 


    I have very vivid memories of being in 1st grade and on the playground. 


    We all agreed to to believe a rock was the triforce from Zelda, and we went around shooting each other with our magic swords. 


    I have had a few friends that never grew out of that stage. 


    One friend Sam,  told me his next spell was going to enable him to hollow out a mountain for an army of the undead. 


    Keep in mind Sam at this time was probably 24 years old.


    This sort of magical thinking is a game of the imagination,  just like when we were children and made up all kinds of things to play.


    These people obviously know they can't lift 10,000 pounds, or run faster than the speed of light and fight ancient naga demons.


    That absolutely know what reality is.


    It's just they enjoy roleplaying,  they are adults who enjoy making their real life into dungeons and dragons.


    I don't think they are manic at all,  just bored.

    I'm not roleplaying 

  6. 42 minutes ago, Solo Cultivator said:

    Do you know what I noticed from this forum.
    People who post unorthodox or new ways of cultivation are met with ridicule, mocking, and are put down without even trying what is said because it's so unorthodox that it can't be true.

    Now to be fair, i pushed back on @Mana conduits unorthodox post but that's because his audio file is man-made and he said he didn't even make it himself so we can't peel back the layers to make sure the audio file is what he proclaims to say. And I have never attacked him personally but I only attacked his audio file and even asked questions about it. 

    But I am just telling people that you can replenish jing by being barefooted in nature and I am met with the personal attacks, calling me delusional, having a personality disorder, and a quack. There are no safety risks, there is no money involved, there is no catch. It's just going out in nature. 

    People believe that sunlight gives jing but I am met with mockery and disdain for saying earth can give jing too.

    @steve is this really all the dao bums have to offer? Praise to the orthodox and pitchforks to the unorthodox?? This cold treatment is really unfair

    Thank you for not being a mindless sheep that thinks sitting 4 hours a day for twenty years is not a system for insane people and actually encouraging innovation as I believe with innovation we can create a system that can do more in a month than what is normally done in years



    I actually am able to verify that the audio file isn't malicious as a guy here played it in audacity and found there to be no audio as this file is just embedded energy instructions to help train your energy and I have verified with remote viewing that the energy coming from this is overwhelmingly positive and I play it everyday and I feel stronger after every play. Btw the reason you feel replenished when walking in nature is not your Jing being replenished but because your used energy is going into the ground from your feet and if you try doing it at home consciously you'll realize it feels the same as walking outside and the replenished Jing you feel is actually you taking in nature energy which while it can be good doesn't help grow your energy strength at all and nature energy should be grounded at all times.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 23 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

    IMO Any cultivation, initially, cause exhaustion and strains the soul and energy would not be a legit system(旁門左道). Especially, we don't know what the system is all about.


    I wouldn't say strain more like holding physical enhancement is tiring and leads to exhausted energy in a while but three days later the enhancement lasts longer and is much stronger than before it feels like Dragonball ki activating it truly is an incredible feeling.

  8. 7 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

    From your own description of your current health status, it seems  like you should focus on losing weight, building muscle and advancing your cardio capacity.


    Look up the basic Firefighter's training regimine and give it a sincere dedicated effort for 100 days without missing and you will have some guaranteed results.

    I want supernatural strength I wat to also be more durable to the point of not being injured by a nuke explosion 

    • Haha 2