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Posts posted by S:C

  1. To differentiate between good and evil there has to be some kind of „projection surface“ or „witnessing element“.


    Judgement is usually a comparison of at least two options made by some instance that is not a part of those or can detach far enough to put those outside of itself by methods of thinking (evaluation).


    This „projection surface“ can be one individual, a group, a country, all mankind, - in theory.


    So there is awareness and methods of coming to a conlusion of good and bad / right and wrong within some strand of causal chains.




    getting from the abstract to the concrete e.g. even if you think, it is best to advise a woman who as been emotionally, mentally and physically abused by her husband to get divorced after years of seperation, if you cannot foresee, that she might will have to give half of her pensions to him after the divorce, because she took into account that she’ll have to take her of herself in age, and he didn’t and the law of the country they live in just caluclated that by the written laws.


    Is the advise for divorce you gave her now still a good one?


    Why did she even endure all the pain, humiliation, fear and sorrow? Why did she still pamper her husband, threw her hard earned money after him, while he attempted to take her life several times?

    There is no rational explanation. Was it something she needed to experience in this life? A psychological misconditioning from her formative years or something that was within her character all along?


    Is the law good or bad, that forces her to give 50% of her accrued pension claims to the man who despises her, who violated and threatened to take her life, who took her hard earned wage without a ‚thanks!’ and never worked more than 90 days of a fulltime job in his lifetime?


    In her case – most would agree this would be unjust.

    But isn’t the wife not a bit stupid e.g. bad for enduring this? Giving him the possibility to abuse her, hurting (– if you believe so –) her and his innermost (soul? higher self?) and that of their witnessing children and grandchildren down the line?


    Does the oppressor need the consent of the victim?

    That would mean you’d ‚need to go all in’ and die for your ‚self’, your believes and values?

    Not everybody’s resurrected, but I believe there’s still lots of self acclaimed martyrs who do not know what damage they do to themselves and those around and even towards the oppressor by acting the way they do.

    And despite them believing their sacrifice is for ‚a good cause’ as it’s only themselves’ they are allowing hurt towards to, - it makes me just sick watching it.


    In most of the cases this law might be observed by the majority as just.

    In most of the cases it is used to give the housewife the possibility of „earning“ her own pension claims via a points system for supporting the family doing household chores and childbirth and raising, while the man earns his pension claims working for money and thus supporting the family in his way.

    There’s of course always the possibility that someone abuses those possibilities for his own benefit alone, as it happened here.


    So yes,



     - good and bad exist in our perception, but are often perceived different by the parties involved.



    If you ask the husband, I am very sure he does tell a different story, even if the facts stay the same… and is absolutely convinced he did the right thing all along these years of fear, pain, humiliation, abuse and looting.


    These different perceptions of the same (or other) observed facts give need for regulations, might those be religious, spiritual or those of society (= laws) that show those who are subject to it which consequences the legislature and iudiciary (and sometimes the majority of people) deems right.


    Written law therefore might be a (good or bad) indicatior for right and wrong (just and moral behaviour) for a specific group of people at a specific timeframe under specific circumstances. Something to orient towards while making decisions about good and bad, right and wrong, maybe. (Written law being independent of justice and moral, as this is the only way to consider a law being right or wrong and correct it.)


    So what is the ‚right’‚good’, the ‚true’?

    Who may be authorized to say "this is it! and not the other." and why not somebody (individual or majorities) or something else (artificial intelligence, heavenly signs through the flight of birds)?


    Western philosophy of the law has discussed this and came up with two major theories…


    One: there is some objective higher natural (moral) law that is acknowledged by all beings and somewhat present in all cultures while expressed differently ( = theory of natural law).


    Two: law is that what is written down (manifested) as such (subjective values within specific time frame, place and group) and exercised by ‚authority’ both via due process and with exeptions of hardship and accepted by those subjected to it (= legal positivism).



    In regards to the theory of natural law, there is the difficulty of how to fixate this ‚rather intuitive feeling’?
    (The same difficulty appears for consciously chosen subjective values of humans that are set ad absolutum.)

    The closer you get, the more blurred and refracted it gets...




    What is the benchmark of natural law? Nature itself seems mostly careless... when observed. What is the essence of nature itself? Is man part of nature or apart from it (as he watches and witnesses) or both? (...)

    But then again what is law?



    The closer you get, the more blurred it does become...

    having a similarity to Heißenbergs indeterminancy principle or Schrödingers cat, - you never know, if it is there or not.


    But as safe as the theory of legal positivism seems in contrast, (- because whatever could go wrong with due process of lawmaking and enacting of laws with a people who checks and balances via constitution, revolts and revolutions with whatever is happening -) there’s danger:


    For one, there is the phenomenon of ‚conscious ignorance’, - not only in smaller circles like stock companies, where share holdes sometimes will not speak up about misbehaviour in the firm with their votes, as the correction will cost them more than what they get out of it.This same principle applies to the whole of a people... most among the many will not care about the ‚simply felt’ unjust rulings and awful laws, as long as themselves have no trouble living with those, (- there’s so much in their lifes that seems more important!), so they will follow orders and answer when asked why they did commit murder – „Because the order given to me by my superior said so!“ (No matter if it’s in war or just politics like e.g. in Germany in the 1930s to 1945s.)


     How could that happen? Denial of personal responsibility to evaluate right and wrong and make decisions?

    „Give them bread and take away their freedom, as there’s nothing man despises and fears more than dealing with the burden of his conscience and personal responsibility!“ (loosely quoting Dostojewsky here; ...)


    And on the other hand, how can it be assured, that protest doesn’t happen with every law that is made or felt to be ‚unjust’ in the individual case, so there is the constant clashes, chaos and revolts of civil war? Is a majority of 51% enough to use its power to overthrow its opponents and to enforce their will?


    Then again, the greed of some, will let them close their eyes towards bribery and otherwise manipulation of the process of lawmaking and enacting of the laws for their own good.


    So, can we come to the conclusion that we need both for a solid decision of ‚right’ and ‚wrong’? If in which hierarchy?

    Does ‚natural law’ as a ‚higher principle’ stand over legal positivism and supercedes it if it breaks the principle? Who decides that again? The closer you get towards it, the more it diffuses again...



    If we look back on the politics in Germany 1930s-1945s, this argument of ‚natural law’ as a ‚higher principle’ can again be turned against itself! You may be rest assured, that the authorities would find some ‚principles’ or ‚reason’, some ‚historic incident’ some ‚cause’ or ‚story’ on which they based their ideology and it was „suffice“ for the social class of judges (not exactly the most uneducated!) to make use of this ideology in the interpretation and reading of ‚vague legal concepts’ and judge-made law and decentralized orders.


    How could that happen? Denial of the rights of dissidents and public enemies? For some higher cause they called the ‚public cause’? Too vague legal definitions that were used for the purpose?


    Again, it’s the ‚projection surface’, - the individuum, the group, the people who decide... what action they take, obey or revolt... how they define what they experience in words, what words and definitions they use for their decisionmaking.

    Sometimes the decision is made in regard to good and evil, sometimes in regards to prefering one concequence over the other.


    And still, usually, people do not know all consequences of their actions or sometimes decide the way they do to just avoid those without regard to those for others.

    (simplified: „If you don’t go to war to kill others and take the risk to be killed yourself, you and your family will definitly be killed instead!“)

    Bearing the consequences later on, (when the perceived probabilities have revealed themselve to result in only one of the possibile results,) in the face of your previously expected outcome might make you quite sceptic in the long run...


    But that is why it is so necessary that law- / decisionmaking can be observed by the people around and understood and compared with those supporting the decisionmaking process,

    so that if one or a majority do not accept what is written there, it can be examined by the courts – or those who do not accept it can try to go into exile instead, overthrow the government or simply accept their fate and concequences while going against the law but follow their feeling of right and wrong in a way of a so called duty of civil disobedience (...).



    Is it possible for the individual to follow this process of consideration (in accord with perceived higher law, in accord with surrounding people, in accord with subjective values) while deciding what is good and what evil?

    Or are these challenges too high to demand of everybody all the time? Probably.

    That might be why natural law is usually embedded in the constitutions of the people for everybody to voice their opinion and be heard before a court of law (with hopefully due process and competent, attentive and incorruptable judges!) and why it influences the interpretation of laws. And that is why law is usually written down, so that one has some orientation to ponder on (and discuss!) while wandering around here, while looking at it through individual experience and cultural lenses etc.


    And yet again there arises another question: when determining right and wrong or good and bad, are we looking at intentions or outcomes? Or do we need both?


    The trouble with looking at intentions is the lack of proof to determine (for yourself and others)  if what happened was due to wilful intent or conditional intend or gross negligence or carelessness? (Isn’t the mind with it’s thoughts and feelings a flaky unreliable thing?!)


    The trouble with outcomes is, how far and deep can we estimate the results down the causal chain?


    one chosen causal chain alone - for enhancement :D

    Can we elaborate all conditions and forsee and evaluate all elements in the chain, even those yet unknown? And what about acts where a will was missing? What about acts where I feel that I have a justification for my actions even though the outcome was as expected? What if I was under the influence of substances or manipulated by somebody else while making my decision?



    There’s help with the concept of „attributability“,  - thus which is not foreseeable, which is not within normal life experience, cannot be attributed to you, (is without your accountability) – and of course help with the concept of self-responsibility and limited areas of responsibility (delegation).


    Which leaves us with a need for structure and a lot of work for the synapses if we want to consider all of that, while evaluating what is good and bad,  within a limited frame of time and reference via forseeability and cultural lenses of the individal person. Usually of course most of us just run on autopilot...


    For some element


    (all encompassing consciousness? God? the smallest particle and wave in everything? whatever you want to call it)

    that might be beyond such limitations, I suppose, it would still be difficult to determine in the whole context if one act of will was good or bad, as the outcome in all directions on all levels must be taken into account: a minus there, a plus there, does it make it equal on a wider scale? In which frame of time and reference is something ‚good’ or ‚bad’, ‚right’ or ‚wrong’?

    Maybe it’s more ‚good’ for someone, ‚bad’ for someone else, beneficial (or not!) in the wider (but perceived limited) scheme of things? It sure is easier to determine within a limited context what good and bad is!


    At what point in which dimension do qualia become indifferent and just act and react within particles and waves? It might be true that it looks mesmerizing and beautiful, this 'belle indifference'. But it doesn’t help much solving everyday problems (e.g. conditions of unrest in movement) in everyday life, especially if you have strong feelings about the specific problem and the readiness to act accordingly!? Interfering with causal chaings outside of your sphere of responsibility might backfire and set you (and those you interfere with) in a greater state of unrest (unforseeability of all effects your action has in the long run, more responsibility, steady assessment etc.) and further away from one desired equilibrium.


    So if you evaluate a complicated matter and come to the conclusion, that you are willing to take the risk and accept the consequences of your action despite possible fallout, I would argue, that this is the closest way you can come to your personal definition of ‚good’ and ‚bad’, ‚right’ and ‚wrong’ in the specific context.








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  2. 13 hours ago, Nungali said:

    " You wake  up ,  middle  of night , 3 - 4 am ? "

    interesting, that this is considered a symptom ! :unsure:

    so you hopefully did find out what caused that?


    9 hours ago, freeform said:

    without allowing you to see how they work

    So there's practically no way of checking how good they are before I signed their treaty and agreed to be needled?

    Apart from going through their CV, see whether they did the A + B diploma of acupuncture, how long they have already practiced? Most have an allopathic medicine doctorate as main business.

    There would probably a higher chance of competence if they grew up with the culture - have asian background, no? Or not necessarily?


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  3. Should they practice only TCM?
    Those I come above, - not tried yet - either just stopped practicing last year or do a mix sort of.

    I did stumble upon an indian acupuncturist - haven't tried that either - and someone who only sells ten obligatory sessions priced more than double on what I pay monthly rent.

    47 minutes ago, Nungali said:

     how I could tell was ; I say nothing , and if they are good THEY can tell me what my symptoms are .

    that would be impressive indeed!

    48 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    raised his eyebrows and said  "I dont think so .


  4. I'd like to know what would be important for you when you choose a TCM practitioner!

    Are there specific qualifications you'd deem important and which one are those, how important are international recognized qualifications, does there have to be specific techniques? Is acupuncture always necessary or are there some who (seem to) only deal with decoction (extracted boiled herbs)? 


    Would be great to get some helpful insight! Thanks! :)



  5. 12 hours ago, Draco said:

     source. I too searched

    So what comes up in your posts is like spontaneous gut instinct insight or  creativity or what is it?
    So far I was not able to detect a pattern or contextual relationship.

    Still there are bits who might get attention ... if you'd only elaborate. :)

    Your canaan comparison for example I found to be quite an intriguing hypothesis...  (where'd you get that?)

    • Like 1

  6. 5 hours ago, Draco said:

    disintegration of time leads to a vast Void of Pure Potentiality


    The Fifth Law

    For academical purposes, would you mind citing your source?

    Experiencal knowledge? Study? You are quoting a law and I'd be interested in which one you are talking about.

    • Like 1

  7. 54 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

    no protection


    54 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

    to defend against

    this seems contradictory. and you don't give a plausible reason why.


    I prefer the extreme ownership approach: whatever is in my life is there for a reason, and even if it is that I have a faint resonance for it, e.g. wanting to have that experience, even despite it being against my truthful will and benefit. If I got myself into a bad situation, I can get myself out of it, or die trying.


    The ignorance of the consequences or indifference of non-acting despite realizing the infringement seems to be a sin towards the higher Self of the person. Even if unaware, that's what I dreamt, when I fell asleep while listening to music last time.



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  8. Thank you again for your answer, @Nungali!


    I'm not at all tuned into this, I'm quite blind concerning those subtler levels. Just on few days, - where there's some astrological transit emphasis on my natal Neptun etc. - I do get different dreams at night than usual. Else, those outer planets effects (and levels) are mostly hidden or - well overshadowed by the others. (Although dreams have usually always been helpful to me, those times now I sometimes have to check, - oh yes, it really was just a surreal dream - - uff! ).


    That's why I prefer psychology, science, proof, perceivable cause and effect, laws of nature instead of tricks and - for me - unexplainable, might those be simple manipulation or subtler. However there's times, when I feel intuitively that I'd have like to have an explanation for some of the things I do not understand (...)

    as there's something that's going wrong, and it's not wrong because of me or my perception. Like the cases I wrote about, and some other experiences. My mind strongly overwrites those as figments of imagination and oversensitivity of the senses. Maybe Occam's razor is the best solution here, - unaware stupidity (like the assault case) of people is simply awful! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor) Worse might be only aware stupidity and hurtfullness.


    It might very well be all there, but you cannot fight with monsters you don't see? And the occult isn't really my choice of playground. For now I go with Ronald Weasley, - I'd rather like to chase butterflies than spiders (if I have to chase anything at all) and so I'll stick with the advice in 1 + 2  try to deliver it to those I have in mind as far as that's still possible ...(preliminary research and getting to know self better). I might get back to you about that topic at some time, thanks!


    • Like 1

  9. 48 minutes ago, Nungali said:

    your focus , to ask , how do people get influenced to do things by others ? 

    Yes. There's the obvious, that which you can deduct by simply looking at people and questioning their motives.

    What is paradoxical to me, is how it is possible to influence people against their will and benefit...


    Thus why I mentioned probabilities before... If one is aware of their will and benefit, they just wouldn't do it, no?

    Why should they... So they are only halfway aware ?


    Just wanted to know if there was some managable action,

    still trying to make an analogy with the bird example... but fail miserably. :lol:


  10. Thanks, @Nungali, -

    - to speak in the terms of spells and magic,

    rather than NLP and anchors, hypno'therapy' etc. etc. ...


    in your words... (trying to summarize)


    it would take a "white magician"

    (with some experience like that they strive for in the eleusian mysteries)

    to break the "spell" of a "black magician" or

    egoistic unaware manipulative wicked bastard, so to speak?

    Or the "spell" didn't even result there but was there all along?


    How would one ever know the intent...? How then trust...?




    Well, in the case of the assault I was mentioning,

    - the woman mentioned, she couldn't mumble a "NO!"

    but was strongly unwilling to intercourse when it happened,

    and let it happen, - happened when she was still half asleep.

    I found that pretty shocking reading this today...

    (shocked not by the sexual assault, that happens often,

    but that she couldn't or didn't express her explicit will.

    - and she wasn't the only one there saying this... oh no...)


    So never mind, if it is black tantra, NLP, hypnotherapy or else...

    without the realization of being manipulated into something

    you initially don't wish to do and the will to do something against

    there's no way out for those?


    (Asking because there's another, who didn't get what the matter

    over the outcry was, as her boyfriend would usually take her,

    when she was still asleep / not conscious and often couldn't say

    if it was reality or a dream, - even though building of a will is not

    possible in that state and it is prosecutable!)


    1 hour ago, Nungali said:

    near type of hypnotic programmed trance anyway  ( ie. 'normal consciousness '  )

    Not sure if I understand this correctly... do you mean -

    like the average consciousness is a near type of hypnotic programmed trance?




  11. The how and if of the influence of occult magic(k), NLP,  black tantra or whatever they call it...


    You, @Nungali, always mention Aleister Crowley... I know you hold him in high regard, but I do not and do not wish to get into his works, just asking, in your opinion in a few words, if that stuff works and how it could influence people on a subconscious level or else - people under the spell - so to speak.

    - if it is even real (that's what I dunnot know).

  12. Trying to make this post less obscure:


    I'd like to know if you believe in NLP (or black magic or black tantra)


    if you believe in that:

    I'd like to know if there's a decent way

    to get aware of such stuff

    if one is susceptible to this stuff

    and to repell this influence

    and how that is possible.

    (and no, I don't wish to go into the abyss of reddit and read occultist works!)


    This is because when several women mentioned specifics of sexual abuse in a town nearby, there were men who spoke up and said, they might have been psychologically manipulated via hypnotherapy or neurolinguistic programming https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuro-linguistic_programming and this sounds just very disgusting and I wondered if that might be a real thing and how those could be helped, if that wasn't in their benefit but for egoistic purposes of the perpetrator. Maybe those men had no idea, was hoping for a 'reality check' on the daobums. :mellow::huh::lol:


    Thanks a lot!

    • Like 1

  13. Why isn't that what is perceivable and influencable by word and deed alone (no tricks) not good enough? Why does there have to be (what I'd call) undue influence to live a great or good life? Why can't that which is haunting you just be some ultimate real part of you that wonders where your true path is and work out stuff from your past that didn't went that well?


    I truly believe you can still find the miraculous elsewhere, macrocosmos of nature, relationships, science, astronomy, arts, music, people, history or whatever you choose if you actually wish to!



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  14. Cannot contribute anything about asian worldviews and concepts that isn't already known here - what comes to my mind is what Mozart and Schickaneder did with the 'Magic Flute' Opera, if anyone is into music here... (which is set before ancient egypt) At some matinée at the theater they told before, that in fact originally they had it planned out differently before the publication. Queen of the Night should then have been King of the Night, - as the greedy, passionate, angry, vengeful, distrustful, scheming man instead of woman. Sarastro, with his (strange and easy to risk someone's life and sanity) brotherhood (who doesn't seem to support free will of the individual either !!) stands for the light, the humanistic ideals, benevolence, should in their plan have been the female character. 


    For whatever reason - don't know if this is even true - they were obligated to exchange the male / female parts, - (doesn't make quite sense to me, however should any man be ever able to sing the "Queen of the Night Aria" ? Or did they really change that much ? )


    Once I wondered, if the Queen of the Night should have been a symbol for the catholic church and  Sarastro with his 'sevenfold sun circle' the liberty, truth, reason and individualism of the siècle du lumière, - 'age of enlightenment' which started with the Diderot, D'Alembert, Rousseau, Voltaire, the first encyclopedia, science development and voices against the cencorship and abuse of power by the catholic church and the respective ruler of the countries back then in the west.

    And this could be of course an analogy to the individual and Kant's self imposed immaturity.

    But then again: one can interprete almost anything into music and poetry, no? Far fetched for sure.

    Anyways, the whole thing always irritated me. (It seems something doesn't fit in the opera.)

    However, - one does seem to find both concepts (male and female) in males and females. As well as darkness and light.
    About the divine, - somewhat I'd equate consciousness with light, and birth / creation with the darkness, but more intuitively so, quite surely influenced by legends and stories told from a young age on. Consciousness would need something to be put into, creation without consciousness might be quite destructive in the long run... one not without the other.

    Still, one seems to be more perfect  accomplished (polished) than the other, I'd say... but couldn't exist long without the other?


    Edit: and about the not so accomplished imperfect evolving 'darkness' (in case of the flawed individual and the flawed (?) evolving world in general) I'd let Leonard Cohen answer to your foremost question... "there's a crack in everything, that's how the light get's in" - so to speak a necessary process somewhat (lyrics from anthem, see also it's torn by him, if you're interested. remarkable artist indeed!)



    @forestofemptiness could you please get into some more details, this sounds quite interesting, or maybe just send a link or so.

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  15. Don't intend to conquer and drive the thread away, but would anyone know a less invasive resource for metabolism regulation (= balance?) for those who don't react that well towards modern medicine ?


    well... that's it.



    ? Yes, I know, if serious I should see doctor or TCM practicioneer. But just in case, that'd be great!

    Edit: never mind

  16. what's been of use to me - lately:


    ginger water

    black tea with milk


    reishi - THE one thing that gives me focus and stability these days

    acaia gum - as dietary fiber





    zeolite - in case of detox need


    ashwagandha - also for concentration and nerves

    vit b12



    vit d3 in oil

    vit k2 in oil


    rubia cordifolia - agains burning skin issues

    pomegranate juice

    a mixture of dry fruits, flower pollen, legumes, herbs


    herbs in tea, depending on the current conditions.

    very rarely black chocolate


    apart: clean eating. meaning no processed foods and absolutely no  only few sweets.

    • Thanks 1

  17. On 26.10.2021 at 8:52 AM, Frederic said:

    It took years to integrate this experience because all previous motivations where no longer relevant, yet the ego still had (and still has) a lot of habitual movements, so searching, grasping and stuff like that often happens.

    Sounds great!

    How did you manage this? 

    (feel free to pm if you like.)