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Posts posted by XianGong

  1. @silent thunder I did receive a ping but I don't think I care enough to read your posts.



    2 hours ago, Shadow_self said:

    defend Damo...his ability, and achievments stand on their own merit

    Sure, if you say so.


    I am not going to ask WHAT are those achievements and abilities. It is obvious you don't know what you are talking about like in every single sentence you write, but we know what's gonna come next :


    A. I know IT but won't be sharing it with you, you don't deserve to learn this sacred knowledge.
    B. I am not sharing it publicly cuz it is very esoteric and secret information.
    C. Damo would come himself and say what his abilities are if he would care enough. But as he does not, this information is top secret.
    E. Omg, he asked someone about abilities, how dare he force people to reveal their abilities against their will.

    P.s. Guys much less than cultivation, I seriously doubt your level of intellectual and cognitive development.
    Anyway, entertainment value for, I might come to check up on you several years later and see how much you have grown.

  2. 30 minutes ago, dwai said:

    That's why one might find a billionaire who's not satisfied with just one billion and keeps trying to amass more and more. Can you imagine the plight of such a poor person? Such people are poorer than the poorest beggar on the streets because that kind of poverty is more a  chronic state of "want" than "lack". If you give a beggar enough money, shelter, and food, they will opt not to be a beggar anymore. 


    There is nothing bad in money, but greed is another thing.

  3. 15 hours ago, Shadow_self said:


    Im aware its a public forum...hence the reason I told you im not detailing anything....also probably the reason that glowing ego of yours is radiating like anything....you really should give that the attention it deserves....its quite a sad thing to see


    My confidence isn't in myself....Indeed I am a newcomer..Rather its a result of a shared collective experience, combined with some objective confirmation and equally...guidance from several people not only Damos students, but also in other lineages who have explained things to me.....So your chart...much like every other word you've typed thus far, is essentially meaningless


    Now please go annoy someone else....that seems to be a past-time of yours based on the posting history....it is pretty sad for a person who claims to have 15 years cultivation, to have the manner of a person who has not cultivated anything at all...how unfortunate


    Sounds like you have been bamboozled by Damo Mitchell. His system is more like a spiritual McDonald's and he himself is a third-rate (average) practitioner at best. Not all have a talent for cultivation even if starting at a young age, you just won't progress far.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    Its not that I have nothing to talk about...I just have no desire to share anything with you

    This is not private messaging, wake up, this is an open thread in a public forum you share with everyone. :lol:


    17 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    I've shared plenty with others, where the conversation is actually useful...However, the arrogance and bad attitude displayed by you, tells me my first judgement was the correct one


    Yes stretching isnt spiritual..working with qi....fine line....however, your false assumption that this is all I was shown, or practiced, is just that...false...Moreover, I really feel no need to either explain or defend myself...like I said its of no benefit to me what you do


    If I were you, id worry less about what other schools are doing... that ego and attitude you seem to embody is a far more troubling issue that deserves your attention


    You are very confident, despite having started cultivation recently in 2020...



  5. On 06.09.2021 at 2:22 PM, Earl Grey said:

    Observe his students versus what he claims he imparts. Do this for any teacher you encounter and their students. 

    Exactly. Bullseye.

    It is comical to me that some people instead of discussing actual fruits of practice, refer to read some book. Read this and you will understand what you gonna get in 20 years of practice...


    Like no, a book is just paper with words. Nothing that is written there is even real, unlike actual produce of teaching = students.
    A short talk/discussion on practice with a student/practitioner of any teaching is usually enough to make conclusions.

    • Like 1

  6. 17 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    Actually, I did make a comment on my experience....you just wanted more and I refused out of respect for requests that were made to me, and because I don't talk about spiritual things too openly ( any decent teacher would advise you the same)

    I just checked that you are a newcomer, so yeah... maybe you have nothing to talk about.


    17 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    No, calling something bullshit because you cannot place yourself in another's shoes is absolutely a bad attitude..nothing more nothing less..

    I am calling bullshit = bullshit. I like to be straight. You told me that there is something so esoteric and spiritual, that you can't say online. How else can be that called? I don't remember when last time I heard anything like that being said, maybe when Western Mopai kids were around?

    Just to shed your illusions, there is nothing spiritual in the online program you study. Working with Qi and stretching the body is not a spiritual practice.

    And I don't want to be placed in your shoes, lol. Why would I want that? :lol:


    24 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    I asked you to respect the fact that I said as much as I wanted to...yet that basic concept is lost on you....so I wouldn't go around claiming others have qi deviations when you are complaining about the fact that someone wont tell you more than they are comfortable with divulging....


    And yet the concept is lost on you....

    I am just checking on Damo students and their progress, to see how effective the system is, your inability to write a few coherent sentences and express any experience beyond emotional "Super, Powerful, Potent" is already very telling.


    I only do it out of curiosity, and to compare to students of other systems and schools.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    I just told you what the early work does...and told you what comes later..... I don't think you need a detailed breakdown of whats involved in neigong or alchemy...that information is readily available...in many books and all over this forum too

    I am not interested in books, I am on a forum and I asked people, what is their personal experience. If you can't talk about it why do you even write here?


    56 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    or people with bad attitudes

    You are confusing "bad attitude" with "Critical Thinking" and "Questioning Things"
    Nothing wrong with asking direct questions. It is just your answers don't make any sense.
    I.e. :
    You brag that it is extremely potent. 

    3 hours ago, Shadow_self said:

    Damos methods are extremely potent,

    But cannot go into any details...

    1 hour ago, Shadow_self said:

    my own experiences....id rather not elaborate

    It is kind of ridiculous to ask for respect on a forum, where you come unwillingly to share anything.

    32 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    I do not verbalize with people I don't know/trust, or people with bad attitudes ...You are currently in the former category, but your other comment means you are threading the line of being in both...so I repeat...show some respect please.


    There are very few people I respect, and those earned my respect and it was not granted for free.
    So far, I cannot see any "potent results" teaching in you, but I can see some Qi Deviation. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    Some of it is esoteric, and because of that is best left unsaid

    That's bullshit. You are on an "esoteric" forum.


    4 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    for confidentiality of the school

    School is public, what it has to do with confidentiality? You can not verbalize your own progress/results? We do not ask you to share the "secret methods you exercise".


    5 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    Methods that work produce results...methods that don't, well...they don't.

    Ughh, this reminds me of Western Mopai Students.
    They also said something about their method was working, but could never say what they have even been able to achieve with it.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    Regards my own experiences....id rather not elaborate

    Why not?


    4 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    What is the result after 20 years? the results would depend on your input I imagine...a dedicated practitioner....Im sure this stuff would take you pretty far

    We don't know what the results would be, never seen Damo students.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    I've had some really powerful experiences with it.....I would highly recommend him to anyone.....Look forward to meeting him once this whole covid19 situation dies off

    Can't you be more detailed with that? What is a powerful experience for you? What is the value of it?


    27 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    It is different from what is routinely taught in the public domain..

    I may not know this, but what is routinely taught in the public domain?


    28 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

    Damos methods are extremely potent,

    So, what is the result after 20 years?

  11. 12 hours ago, Vinh Ott said:

    whatever you say.my point is id rather go to a doctor to be treated for bodily illness than to a physcist although both have there value.the all is equal for every purpose approach just doesnt work for such things.similarly if immortality is my goal id rather look in a society obsessed with it not implying you should under any and every circumstances.

    I mean if you want immortality, first find an immortal. As you can't find it, your search is just to waste time.


    How about starting with newbies exercises like few hours of Zhan Zhuang a day and don't think about any immortality in the next 30 years?

    Usually, people are obsessed with things they do not have..

  12. 6 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:


    The online academy has only been running for just over a year. Prior to that, the only stuff he offered publicly were are a few qigong or daoyin methods on dvd or vimeo. 


    The online people who have been studying his neigong for longer than that are people who learned from him in person, and those are few and far between.

    I see, did not know this, had thought, that he has been teaching for over 2 decades already.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Vinh Ott said:

    maybe a rhino with skin disease and a lot of exageration.

    Do you think it is Rhino who contracted rare skin disease and then shit so hard, it thinned out to look more like a horse?

    Have you ever heard of ancient priests performing rituals to crossbreed different species?

    Did you see a picture of Sphinx? Minotaur?

  14. 30 minutes ago, Vinh Ott said:

    didnt claim that merely claiming that the ability to arrange a donkey a horn and add the color pink is something you can do and reality posses the capacity for that even if only in your mind. or if your interested in its plastic brothers/sisters thats an option too. 

    Well, let's discuss it. How do you think Pink Unicorns came to be and Why?

  15. 2 minutes ago, Vinh Ott said:

    i mean there is certainly something real through which the myth of the pink unicorn originated reality is just most of the time not exactly our concepts but concepts are always based on reality.

    Oh, so now pink unicorns are real, that was fast.

  16. Just now, Vinh Ott said:

    i wouldnt make such claims the world is big and weird . its defenitly not uncommon to hear a daoist master reach an older age while buddhists sometimes dont life long considering(id make that claim)the standard how that looks at the edge of the distribution i cant say i am certain though that what a culture strives for matters.


    Hear something somewhere, is not how you talk online or in person.
    I hear pink unicorns flying, can u see that?

    There are a lot of people in the caucasian mountains who live to 120, without ever hearing about any kind of Dao nonsense, or doing any kind of Qi exercise, or any meditation in their life, ever.

  17. People are being too obsessed with their bodies in this thread. Body is impermanent.
    Click me anywhere where you are able to see any single immortal "body". It is just as real as pink unicorns flying around.
    Everyone who has lived in the past = died.


  18. 4 hours ago, idquest said:


    I practised his system for about 3 years and found it with either little effect or, in some respects, even detrimental to my health. Although I did receive a few good tips from him in the workshops.

    So, little to no progress? Was health your only goal?
    How was dan tien development and stuff?

  19. 2 hours ago, Vinh Ott said:

    happy to hear normaly when wishing to enter the deep jhanas( the first one) one has to build up the 5 jhanas factors initial application  sustained appilication one pointedness joy and emotional happiness that arise from taking one thing to place his mind unto therby supressing the 5 hindrances this does not remove the 5 hindrances permanently though in short when one does wrong jhana one basicly becomes peacful because there arent as many things around . regardless of what object you take the above 5 have to be perfected for deep jhana to become possible and the 5 hindrances abandoned. in short the first jhana is overwhelming bliss and while in it it is impossible not to feel it.right jhana permanently removes the 5 hindrances when the 5 hindrances are permanently removed one has become an anagami. so in buddhist jhanas you either achieve this type of jhana or you aquire the 9th jhana which also is equivalent of anagami hood. in short the object taken in buddhist jhana is nibbana the 9th jhana is nibbana but with residue(only upon death can one be permanently in nibbana keeping ones body and nibbana are mutualy exlclusive i also dont get whats so intersting in this piece of decaying carbon) another way of seing this is letting go of something vs focusing unto thus blocking unwholsome states what is let go of ? it is aversion(to dislike what is) desire(to go for something diffrent than what is) and delusion(to ignore what is) getting absorbed in that is indeed the path to nibbana.

    Yo, when writing, use paragraphs.

    Like this. Also use things like , and .

  20. 52 minutes ago, Asher Topaz said:

    I didnt even know buddhism had immortals unitl I read William Bodris and Nan huai Chin book "The World’s Best and Worst Spiritual Paths and Practice". He referred to the shurangama sutra and talked about immortals that used samadhi to ahive immortality. Then it clicked for me.

    IF you read more books one day you will learn that pink unicorns are actually the master race, and humanity is just slaves for pink unicorn overlords. How can you doubt what was written in the book? Critical thinking is bad, having experience is bad. Reading books is a true path of enlightenment and achieving immortal golden unicorn status.

    • Haha 5

  21. 54 minutes ago, Asher Topaz said:

    I m saying that there are other ways to achieve immortality. Samadhi being one of them.

    Idk, about ways to achieve immortality, and never seen a single immortal on this planet. So, any bla bla on the topic is meaningless.

    But,  I know there are certain ways of achieving stupidity, lesser and greater, one of those paths is by reading drew's books.

    • Haha 1