Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. The Next Great Thing?

  2. "WANT"

    Isn't it a case of tempering desire so that we can begin to see what we truly need thereby avoiding excess? Eventually we will have less and less as we find ourselves constantly rejoining the Tao. We move into silence.
  3. Global Shaktipat on August 6th

    Yes and remember it's 6.18 AM your time zone. The idea is to set up a 'Mexican Wave' style ripple of peace and bliss which will run around the planet for 24 hours. Of course if people do their practice, what ever it may be, at 6.18 AM every morning then the ripple may have a long term effect and possible even grow.
  4. Wishful Thinking

    I felt like that the other day Mike and wondered if it wasn't the new moon. I think you should stay and although I can't recall all your posts here I don't remember you ever being abusive. I figure there's two camps here the ego driven power hungry and the more spiritually inclined. I figure some simple tai chi or basic meditation are always more conducive to spiritual progress than any complex system of internal alchemy. Yes, live and let live, and if people want to learn how to shoot thunderbolts from their hands then that's their decision. If people want to learn how to attain ecstatic experiences or intense sexual experiences that's also fine. I think the motive is always key though and 'the great man' is always seen for how much he gives but also for what he humbly receives. I'm not here for any other reason than to share. I hope I give some good advice and point well and if in the process of my own unfolding I learn something then I say thank you. What ever you decide I wish you well.
  5. The vagus nerve and the female orgasm

    Cheers drew, I'm beginning to see where you're coming from (excuse the pun) and I can verify some of your experiences as being valid. Of course all this stuff is in the realms of conceptual thinking and it's only through experience that we truly realise what the deal is. I find I am using words like transition and transmutation a lot more as well as thinking of triangles and spirals. I agree that the feminine principal is the ground of being and it does seem to tie in with the more esoteric alchemical processes. On this thread (see: Link 1) I created a triangle with the feminine as the ground of being. As the masculine moves down (accepts) his divine feminine and the feminine moves up (embracing) her divine masculine the transition / transmutation towards divine-emotion / bliss is realised. Link 1 : When I reflect on what you've said above I can see some esoteric conections to circumstances at the time of my January experience. The day before I had visited my ex's house but she wasn't there but I was able to have a quick talk with her youngest daughter. Now my ex has two daughters and they normally are always fighting and screaming at each other. The day after my visit was when I had the lightning, flaming swords and thunderbolts started rushing through my body. Important to not my ex's house is only a few streets away. So anyway it does sound as if a whole bunch of energy was being directed at me which I couldn't transmute. I even called my ex on the day of the thunderbolts and she just put the phone down on me. I was actually on my bed unable to move and really needed help but perhaps I just made it worse in a psychic sense. Another experience I had was back in April which I've quoted from my original post below: Source: I've had many other experience in the past such as: Being able to make plants move by staring at them. I tried to convince myself this wasn't happening but it happened way too many times to be coincidence. Staring at the back of peoples heads and noticing them scratching their heads or rubbing their neck. Lots of synchronistic events and subtle telepathy normally with lovers or best friends. And many more which are not relevant to this thread. I often post images of fields of flowers as I intuitively feel that it's representative of our true state of being. I purposely try not to overly conceptualise such things as I think beauty has something to do with it all. Not a dualistic beauty, which creates polarity, but more a spontaneous beauty which is wholly accepting of the moment and flows without the need for distinctions i.e Universal love.
  6. The vagus nerve and the female orgasm

    Years ago it felt like a kind of static electric as if a spider was walking up my spine. The experience back in January was more like swords of fire and lightning (thunderbolts) and seemed to emanate from the dan tien. The fire first started in the lower back then moved to the front of my body, say at the dan tien, and then started moving up my body. As it moved it got more and more intense until I was screaming out in pain every few minutes. After a few hours I had no choice but to force it down my body with a combination of will and hand movements. All I can say is it wasn't pleasant and I hope it never happens again.
  7. The vagus nerve and the female orgasm

    Well that's what I was always lead to believe although I'm not stating anything as fact. Doing a quick google I found this talk which I may listen to when I get the time: Here's the link: I also found this which ties in with my own experience back in January (my bold text): Yes I couldn't control it and instead of going down it tried to go up. It lasted about 24 hours and took me three weeks to recover from and I actually couldn't get out of bed for three days.
  8. Why Taoism is different

  9. 8 / 8 / 8 Beijing

    Hmm what do you think?
  10. 8 / 8 / 8 Beijing

    From the BBC: "Sixteen Chinese policemen have been killed in an attack on a border post in the restive Muslim region of Xinjiang, state media say. Two attackers reportedly drove up to the post in a rubbish truck and threw two grenades, before moving in to attack the policemen with knives." Read in full:
  11. K?

    Being a piss-head is really interfering with my practice so I'm going to give up the booze. I drink because my crown chakra can become way too active and then my mind starts reeling so I reach for the bottle (wine not spirits). Of course doing my practice and drinking just means I can drink twice as much without any damage which is kinda like stagnation. Drinking served it's purpose but now it's time to move on and evolve my practice and be seen.
  12. Why Taoism is different

    I think women that can ejaculate are pretty rare although perhaps it can be learned through self exploration? The way I see it through proper cultivation ones orgasms just get harder, longer and more and more intense. One day last week my whole body wouldn't stop shaking for fifteen minutes after!
  13. Tantric Mongoose

    Oh My! Satan's seductress.
  14. Yes a lot of these type vid clips use way to much shit from Hollywood movies. It's actually really fucking annoying and reeks of 'mind job'.
  15. holy b vitamins batman!

    This will work even better: Best, p
  16. Absolutely and I think the lesson we're learning is that people are more important than any amount of stuff. In learning to love ourselves we realise that material gains are purely transient. Therefore by getting closer to the self and expressing our true nature we can open heartedly accept, love and care for all people and all things.
  17. K?

    *Patrick pours another glass of wine*
  18. With regards to the video clip Smile posted, well, I think it's bollox! The leap in conciousness is obviously towards freedom of expression which in turn will help all people grow further into their true unique and beautiful self. This whole idea of us moving to the astral plane is way in the future and has nothing to do with the new age or even this round. I keep mentioning David Bowie and it seems pretty obvious that the main thing he taught was freedom of expression. I mean if you don't feel you can be yourself how can you find true peace and bliss? We're all currently imprisoned by the constraints of society but that's not to say we should tear society down but rather evolve it.
  19. Drug Induced Enlightenment?

    I jest not when I tell you my friend has just pointed out that I have deadly nightshade growing in the front garden! No I won't be messing with it.
  20. Yes everyone wants a piece of Jesus but one day he'll be having a piece of everyone!
  21. Mass Awakening 2008

    The way I see it 2008 is going to be the catalyst for a global mass awakening. I think we're already at critical mass and with the bridge of light in place, as we approach the threshold, I'm getting kinda trippy! Such good work by so many people, respect. Now lets all dance: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param'>"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>