Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. Enlightenment by Seeing (a series of images)

    I see you've met my ex!
  2. Spiritual ADD

    Perhaps you're just going through a process of finding out what's right for you? The only thing I will say is learning a tai chi form is worth while and if you drop it you can always come back to it years latter. I've been learning the 24 Forms (also called the Beijing Form) for a couple of years on and off. I've taught myself about a third of it from books and DVD although I'm aware that it will take me the rest of my life to really learn it! I don't like this video of the 24 Forms as it just doesn't seem to be executed very gracefully but it'll give you an idea: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param'>"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> My personal philosophy of tai chi is that it should be stillness in motion and be as graceful and as flowing as possible.
  3. The "multi-orgasmic" male.

    This is quite a good article and I can confirm that it's fairly easy to achieve multiple orgasms: I figure a lot of men work all that out on their own!
  4. reality & illusion

    I shouldn't be laughing really as I'm trying to get off the bottle!
  5. Why Taoism is different

  6. Why Taoism is different

    In retrospect I think the tearing of the foreskin shows greater similarity to the tearing of the hymen which many women are said to experience when they first have sex.
  7. Ajna chakra

    Sounds like astral/dream plane experiences. I used to get stuff a bit like this when I was in my early twenties and I remember one day the household cat climbing up onto my chest and licking me between my eyebrows! I stopped getting these glimpses when I decided I didn't want to see them. I figure it's the pineal gland leaking a small amount of DMT. Deep controlled meditation emulates the deep sleep which we experience before REM sleep. I suspect returning from voidness, deep sleep, causes the pineal gland to release DMT which electrifies the mind (white field) and as the brain/mind slowly falls back into self-conciousness we cloth our metal patterns with imagery and then emotion. For those that have OBE's you will remember that strong emotions cause you to awaken in the physical. It's also interesting to note the correlation between birth and awakening from sleep. the release of DMT in the foetal brain of a human 49 days after conception which corresponds to the 49 days of the Bardo states (see: Tibetan Book of the Dead) and this together with the release of DMT released by the brain at death is very interesting. Note: 7 x 7 = 49 the rainbow body perhaps? Also we have Blavatsky saying that in future rounds we will live on the upper astrals i.e. Dream planes. Not sure if I buy Blavatsky's view but I can see where she's coming from. As mankind becomes more enlightened we would all move to the next round (beyond our current ring-pass-not) and a more fluid state of conciousness. Of course we can't reach such a state currently because of our lack of clarity but we do understand that all is energy. So I can see why some of you might believe in magic etc but that's in a different round and is only used on the level of mind in this round i.e. On the dream planes. When we move the seat of conciousness to the dream planes in another round we will all have the same power but until then it's better to stay grounded. As Lao Tze says, move with the present.
  8. Releasing

  9. Enlightenment by Seeing (a series of images)

    Indeed it's a love story. Love, p
  10. Shamanic healing video documentary

    This talk is also very good but don't be put off by the Theosophical aspect:
  11. Beyond Duality

    There is far too much talk about balancing opposites and duality. The truth is that duality is only apparent and simply ensnares the mind in paradox. Yes we're so clever! No ensnared by our minds through erroneous distinctions of this and that. THERE IS NO DUALITY Duality is a mind job! Drop duality and you drop the illusion of death and rebirth. Realise that there is only the flow. For fucks sake!
  12. Beyond Duality

    So please explain how you arrived at such a conclusion?
  13. Beyond Duality

    Off you go to work to earn some money so you can buy your new shiny car. I'm being serious.
  14. I'll be hanging mine from the front window throughout the Olympics. There's a lot of support for Tibet from the UK and yesterday a Brit climbed up this pole (see pic below) to hang a protest banner and was of course subsequently arrested. I'm sure the protester will be fine as China are putting on their nicely nicey face. Hmm when has brainwashing been any different to religion? Err no don't get a job, don't get married and please, whatever you do, don't breed. That last comment is for the whole world and not just China. You will often find that people who don't like the truth are living a lie. No of course I'm not religious I'm just not stupid. All things run in cycles and the cycle is the movement of the great gateway. Therefore moving to heaven is the eternal movement through the gateway towards peace and bliss. This is the way.
  15. Beyond Duality

    Breaking the cycle of death and rebirth has nothing to do with the death of our physical body. Perhaps you missed the humour in my post relating to stabbing? Err no not really.
  16. How open should/can you be on a forum?

    I also always use my real name and have been doing so for about 10 years.
  17. Beyond Duality

    I love a good stabbing!
  18. Why Taoism is different

    Yes much of this stuff is covered by Joseph Campbell and there are striking similarities of thought between him and Carl Jung i.e. Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious together with the narrative of the hero.