Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. Angels in Taoism /Buddhism ?

    Bodhisattva's, Saints, adepts are all angelic beings although in truth we're all angels. The difference between Bodhisattva's, Saints etc and the majority of mankind is that they choose to return to this sphere of conciousness to help others become self-realised. There are spiritual immortals but that's beyond this topic. It's also accepted that the angelic host are hermaphrodites / androgynous although they normally are forced into a male or female body when they manifest on earth. As we move into the new age more and more 'intersexed' children will be born and some of these will be great teachers. The combination of a diverse gene pool together with cross cultural breeding means that there will be more gateways available for the angelic host to manifest through. Other factors such as oestrogen pollution, mainly from synthetic oestrogens from chemical waste, are also changing our genetic make up. Currently, especially in America, 'intersexed' children are operated on and assigned a sex at a very young age. I personally see this as an abomination and have come across many teenagers as well as middle aged people that wish they had, had a choice regarding surgery and hormone therapy. People that remain 'intersexed', meaning they had no surgery, are often intelligent and well balanced individuals. Of course there's a whole bunch of people that are not 'intersexed' yet still choose to have surgery and hormone therapy because the think they were born in the wrong body. I personally don't understand 'sex changes' although I'm aware that many of them would kill themselves if they couldn't transition. My personal view on all this is that society is frightened of 'intersexed' people because it shatters their cosy belief systems. We might also consider that the 'powers-that-be' see 'intersexed' people as a threat to the duality which they use to control the masses. Of course 'intersexed' people are not hermaphrodites or truly androgynous but they are a genetic bridge which if nurtured will allow the angelic host to manifest and enlighten the world. And just for the record I'm not 'intersexed' or androgynous, I'm just a man although I've strived to never define myself as such, which doesn't mean I wear women's cloths either.
  2. scary stuff

  3. scary stuff

    I've heard it all before ten-thousand times and as said the 911 CT is bullshit. End of discussion.
  4. scary stuff

    I'm not going to argue about it as I'm sick to death with the whole pile of shit that the 911 CT is. I thought we always agreed!
  5. scary stuff

  6. scary stuff

    I just think you should be more acceptant of other religions, philosophies and traditions. Just because you don't get Tibetan Buddhism there's no reason to slag it off. And yes many people here that might claim to be Taoists probably are confused because they tend to obsess on energy cultivation and so called masters. I see Taoism as being pretty explicit as all anybody needs to do is practice a tai chi form and study the Tao Te Ching. Because I'm pretty cerebral I can see the esoteric teachings hidden in the Tao Te Ching and I can also see the same teachings in most traditions. Of course there are certain things which are never written about and hardly ever discussed. So Lin follow your path and perhaps one day you'll become the path and in so doing realise that all traditions are pointing in the same direction, up!
  7. scary stuff

  8. scary stuff

    Lin you should become a lawyer because you're not very good at 'getting straight' are you? You're the one creating turbulence with flippant comments and then when someone points out your error you react. You talk a lot but me thinks that's 'spiritual vanity' on you part. Yes my kharma just ran over your dogma!
  9. youtube down?

    Is it just me, here in the UK, or is youtube down for everyone?
  10. Daoist no grain diet

    I think it depends on what your nature / totem is. I've tried being a vegetarian but it's not for me and although I have a varied diet I love meat.
  11. Hearing the Cries of the World

    The echoes of silence, The chimes of immortality, Ringing through the seasons of my life. A child looking out to sea, A myriad forms dancing on the waves of eternity, How I wish I could see you, you dance so beautifully, But I'm too thoughtful, And there's dust in my eyes the size of stars. But who can I be but me or am I you, Like a blossom on the tree of diamond dream reality's.
  12. is reserving jing even necessary?

    I thought it was a known fact that men produce less sperm as they get older. Obviously as our bodies age energies are redirected in an attempt to repair joints tissues and organs so it seems pretty obvious that sperm production would lessen. I think it's also obvious that if sperm are not used the production of them would lessen meaning the testicles would atrophy. Hmm not sure I buy that. I suppose it depends on whether you believe people can live for hundreds of years. It might also depend on whether you believe there's such a thing as enlightenment.
  13. scary stuff

  14. scary stuff

    Really and what are you so frightened of? Your own shadow perhaps?
  15. scary stuff

  16. scary stuff

    Yes but all governments are playing this game and they always have been. I think the way out of all this shit is to nurture positive change and not romanticise civil war.
  17. scary stuff

  18. scary stuff

    I spent three months researching it and it's balls. Anyway what's all this shit got to do with Taoism or spiritual matters?
  19. scary stuff

    Well I can get as well so WHAT IS JONES ON ABOUT? So who would gain if America and Britain imploded? Anyway this thread should be moved to the 'off topic' section. Sean?
  20. scary stuff

    Well I can get the site from here in the UK so I'm not sure what he's on about. To be honest I figure Jones is a shill and a nut-job but in truth he's probably working for the CIA as a fly-trap for potential 'you-know-what's' (begins with T and ends in death). And no 911 wasn't an inside job is was perpetrated by Saudi Arabia. Take a look at the world capital they're building: At the end of the day all these power pissed types are as bad as each other.
  21. Name change

    qijack is the reincarnation of truth but truth is still truth and qijack is still qijack!
  22. Name change

    Truth has many names and many faces but only one Tao Bums membership!