Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. The Brexit Thread

    As you might have gathered from my absence I'm fucking furious!!!!!!!!!! Why is this loony trollop allowed to continue this farce? Really?! Has any leader of any country ever be so incompetent while being so despised by the citizens? This women is destroying this country single handed! Get me a gun and I'll do the wet work!!!! FUCK!
  2. Getting really, really fucked off with everything in this world. Why O why don't people just follow their hearts? Listen and then reflect at how far astray we have all become from the source of all that is goodness. Empty be filled, Light of my life, Darkness has taken you, Renew me, Take me, I am nothing, Alone, Your servant, Bright ones.
  3. The Brexit Thread

  4. The Brexit Thread

  5. The Brexit Thread

    You forgot: no to the British people
  6. The Brexit Thread

    This is hilarious!
  7. The Brexit Thread

    Parliament has been evacuated!
  8. The Brexit Thread

  9. The Brexit Thread

    Yes but once kids get interested there's no stopping them. Unfortunately the indoctrinated are legion but the freethinkers are fierce and cunning. Err just need to get them off the drugs and booze!! Well we wouldn't want any of those freethinking hippy sentiments leaking out would we? Now where's my bucket and spade?
  10. The Brexit Thread

    Think it was a feeble attempt at placating the leave camp especially the ERG although I didn't understand it either. Just seems as if they all have their heads in the sand as we have potential civil unrest tomorrow and perhaps through the weekend, with any luck! Also the blatant lies and arse kissing goes on and on! So as said they all seem oblivious to what going on with the public or maybe they just don't care? So as the country teeters on the edge of civil war all these MP's chunter on laughing as if they wont be held accountable!!! I personally think it's gone too far and chaos is coming but if we just left without a deal on the 12th April the beast might be subdued. Perhaps the government are just testing the level of potential civil unrest by using the weekend as a trial period!!! LOL Will I be going to Londung? What with these legs?
  11. The Brexit Thread

    More proof, as if it's needed , of how to fake UK Government petitions:
  12. The Brexit Thread

    Remember to share my video with as many people as possible lifeforce as the government petition website should be closed down as it's not fit for purpose and a lie. The fact it hasn't been shut down now that we all know how to fiddle it is a scandal and is government corruption yet again.
  13. The Brexit Thread

  14. The Brexit Thread

    Probably because politics is such a hot bed of deception and lies it only attracts a certain type of person!
  15. The Brexit Thread

    Be great to have a genuine working class PM but I doubt it will ever happen.
  16. The Brexit Thread

    Of course the truth is they're all scum! Members of little clubs pulling strings for their buddies in buSINess.
  17. The Brexit Thread

    Yes May is the worst and I really despise her. I mean I hate Thatcher but May is less than dust she is nothing. That speech she gave the other day from Number 10 was the last straw. Less than dust!
  18. The Brexit Thread

    Sorry I stand corrected! Well if I saw one of them in the street they'd get a slap but then again politicians have that effect on me! Sorry but I can't stop laughing!!!! He's just not right in the head is he?
  19. The Brexit Thread

    I think it's beyond doubt that Theresa May is the worst PM our country has ever had. AS said above she has destroyed democracy and any remnant of confidence in government. She really, really should be arrested and locked up for treason but obviously wont be which just makes the people even more furious. Highly likely that Londung will burn big time this weekend. There was also a rumour put about that extra military troops are already based within parliament! It's a powder keg waiting to go up!!
  20. The Brexit Thread

    And here's a screen-grab for the "leave without a deal" vote and we note that Londung, Birmingham and Manchester are all very much remain! Of course this has nothing to do with the multicultural populace and that they are prone to corruption and deceit. Apech will probably just say it's because they all have very large families and really believe in British values! You know like the values Theresa May and the government are displaying, lies, shilling and corruption! Hmm perhaps that's an orange yellow flame the map is really showing! Burn, burn, burn!!!
  21. The Brexit Thread

    I thought this was Londung for a moment! Well it wont be long!!
  22. The Brexit Thread

    Sorry didn't get any of that other than the last sentence which I read as: The vote was simple and the process was simple but Theresa May has purposely shit all over the people of our country as well as parliament and our laws! She has been seen to destroy our country for some strange allegiance to the EU which must be pretty obvious to everybody by now. May has indeed squandered an opportunity to move ahead in the world and is worse than a traitor and more like a destroyer. Reasonably intelligent people forgive the ignorant and simple minded but May and many of her pals will not be forgotten after the revolution. This is no longer about Brexit it's about the blatant corruption of our government and people within it.
  23. How the FAKE Brexit Petition is Being Created

    And here's the "Leave Without A Deal" link: Read the how to on my video above on how to get UK post codes. All world wide Universities are also good due to students moving around a lot!!
  24. Please pass this on so everybody knows the truth as democracy is being perverted in the UK in an attempt to keep us in the EU against the peoples will. Help us win our freedom!
  25. The Brexit Thread

    OK here you go Apect, this is how the 'Revoke Article 50' petition is being faked: