Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. Greatest Movie and TV One-liners

    If you've seen this 2018 TV show then please don't spoil it for others. The delivery and context of this line was killer! "Don't tell mama"
  2. The Self, Does it Exist?

    Is that like bending in the wind?
  3. Slang terms we can and can't use!

    Well I have a hernia operation coming up in November and if I get butthurt from that I'll be complaining!
  4. Slang terms we can and can't use!

    I though the butt thing was was to do with plastic surgery! Am I alone in thinking that old Kim is a loony?
  5. Slang terms we can and can't use!

    Is this the beginning of a cult?
  6. Slang terms we can and can't use!

    Yes of course, because certain words are very powerful like shazam! HP taught me that one. There's also words/terms which could out you as a... ...fundamentalist!
  7. Slang terms we can and can't use!

    I thought I posted it in the hole! I'm just getting old.
  8. Slang terms we can and can't use!

    This is supposed to be fun and has no serious point other than seekng out obscure slang whether offensive or not.
  9. What are you watching on Youtube?

    And this groundbreaking news:
  10. The Self, Does it Exist?

    Hmm I figure the primordial self is like a perfect mirror, conceptually speaking. As for a personal self that's kind of like a dirty mirror or one that's warped and not perfect/true. The ego is this dirty mirror which we can choose to clean! So the individual self does exist but it needs a wash, or does it? Repeat one-thousand times: Tend to the work then wash. " " " Of course this has nothing at all to do with enlightenment and is simply called 'needs must'.
  11. Can We Know Truth?

    I'm not really a Buddhist I just walk like one!
  12. Can We Know Truth?

    Yes 'opinion and understanding' is what forms one of the two Buddhist truths the other being the absolute truth which we can't talk about because the mind will just.. well do that monkey thing.
  13. Can We Know Truth?

    Thank you, I enjoyed that!
  14. Isn't that only when they've got the plague?
  15. Found this a couple of months back and I found it very interesting. So do you believe that empathy is a strong force that we should always be mindful of?
  16. Any one tried: Dry Fasting?

    This chap thinks it's all balls. Watched the first 10 mins and will watch the rest later.
  17. Any one tried: Dry Fasting?

    Anybody tried dry fasting? Apparently it can be very beneficial for ones health. I'm in the process of cutting my fluid intake down as well as keeping away from modern beverages such as tea, coffee, alcohol, cola etc. Herbal tea, water, fruit and vegetable juice is what I would choose to drink.
  18. What are you listening to?

    Did you notice the black marble?
  19. What are you listening to?

    This one's for marbles, obviously!!
  20. Can We Know Truth?

    There is a Tibetan Buddhist doctrine about the two truths, one of which is relative and the other which is eternal. Oh did I just say it all?
  21. Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition?

    That version seems pretty good, sometimes a new version can allow something to trickle through.
  22. Rebirth????

    Hi All, I'll just chime in as I'm passing, been away for years!! So the way I see it when you're dead you're dead but what people tend not to get is that there are somethings beyond the material realms and in essence they don't exist! It's pretty hardcore philosophy, or not, but the personality of an individual is what reappears. So everything disintegrates and nothing is left so how can a persons personality reappear? Well it never really existed to begin with did it? It's like an illusion. Think memes and ideas as that's similar. Anyway the mind-stream is an unbroken thread so as the conscious mind fades into oblivion another mind begins it's appearance from oblivion. Bear in mind that everything exists and is happening all at once so the continuation of the mind stream is a natural event. You can pencil in the rest for yourself. Oh the dissolution of the personal ego/personality happens but I haven't figured that out yet it's something to do with it being absorbed into a kind of nirvanic state (laya center perhaps) and some say the personality can still reappear! Well either way we're often told we're eternal beings but be careful not to freak yourself out with that notion!
  23. Universal Love

    This may get deleted (see below) so enjoy it while it's available. I am trying to upload a copy to my 'esnips' account so people can download it but I'm having problems. Anyway enjoy. Love, p <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param'>"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>