Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Bloody Romans, I mean what did they really do for us? My fathers probably turning in his grave as I type.
  2. Modern London A City Of Death!

    And what was the Romans name for London? Londinium
  3. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Well we can see the sparks appearing so give it another 20 years and... If we factor in the weather or disease chaos may come sooner than we think!
  4. Modern London A City Of Death!

    OK watched 'windwalker's' vid and yes, as most people figure this is pretty obvious. Any society can assimilate a degree of 'import' but when this 'import' becomes detrimental to societies function the 'import' will be removed, one way or another! The angle of those-that-would-enslave is that to promise utopia and say in time all will be well. Of course this is a lie as when the shit-hits-the-fan the state will jump in with the straitjacket and the last remaining freedoms will be gone. Doe's the state/powers-that-be want to really do this? Yes because they have no choice but to try and control, by whatever means, a growing global population. What's the answer? It might be war!
  5. Modern London A City Of Death!

    The lamb is of course normally in the stomach of the lion!
  6. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Haven't watched the video yet, but I will, and I'd just like to day that I think a lot of younger peoples views are a result of peer pressure and youngsters are often fickle and change their minds at least every other day. And let's not forget that younger people are either thinking about sex, physical appearance, money or fame which are just aspects of their programming by the state. Older people have the bigger picture and have steadily evolved opinions based on what facts and experiences they have gleaned from life. Younger people are always relying on hearsay and their opinions aren't based on evidence other than what they are feed. I think the youth are pawns as much as mothers yet are too ego-obsessed to accept this to be true! It's hard to be optimistic sometimes!
  7. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Well it's reigning something! A bit like the eternal fantasy of a Utopian society dandled before the great unwashed. As it says on many a bar throughout the world, "Free Beer Tomorrow" and people never figure it out! Yes this is true although we are beginning to see a very strong gang/drug related connection. The Nigel Farage video above has several Police officers calling in saying that tougher sentences for people carrying knives should be in place, obviously! Well they probably do but we strongly suspect that they like keeping people in fear while making empty promises. Fortunately, or unfortunately, not everybody in London is retarded and it has become a breeding ground of unrest. Cities always end up be breeding grounds for all kinds of cancers on society and then the cancer begins to spread throughout the nation. Of course there's undoubtedly many murders that go unreported and are swept under the carpet. Reasons are engineered to suit political aims or if you're into conspiracy theories they're just part of a grand plan to enslave human beings even further. Freedom? Well it's all relative isn't it as there aren't many mountain tops left for small communities to set-up a simple self-sustaining lifestyle without somebody shouting "get off my land"! I'm sure we all realise here that people are only ever caretakers and nobody really can own anything except perhaps their own mind and even that's debatable!! Well I always got dirty looks when I used to suggest that multiculturalism leads to no culture and when people are uncultured they return to being savages! I'm sure people will argue this but I don't see any argument and the twist is the void of culture is simply being replaced by greed and vanity i.e. The machinery created by those that would enslave us.
  8. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Yeah that was it must have picked up some CT shit along the way. I do remember seeing it on the news when Clinton did the apology. Yeah I've never been able to get into the new Dr Who's. Getting back to London here's odd Nigel Farage, today, hanging the London Mayor out to dry:
  9. Modern London A City Of Death!

    I think it's the other lot that are the problem but then again I don't do American politics. Also it could just be the old 'divide and conquer' tactics and perhaps there's only one force controlling the situation and the show is just a pantomime? If you believe that then we're all feked! Yeah we're aware here in the UK of all the masonic stuff that goes on in American and I was actually shown the building at Yale where you never see anybody enter or leave! No I didn't go in but then again no one goes in! LOL
  10. Modern London A City Of Death!

    I can't find the part from Farage's radio show footage where he mentions the NWO but believe me he did mention it and he has in the past. He basically says, to paraphrase "if you mentioned the NWO to me tens years ago I would have thought it's just conspiracy theory lunacy but now the cat's out of the bag and it's basically a known fact". I think most of the worlds leading politicians have used the term over the last 5 to 6 years so it' is a fact. I suppose they figure, as with the EU project, that they can convince people that a unified global society is the way forward. Of course in time we might all agree but the time isn't now and isn't going to be any time soon The reason to push for the homogenised social structure now, NWO, is simply to control the masses especially when they realise they're getting screwed! Hey who remembers Bill Clinton apologising for experiments that were done by the government infecting Afro Americans, thousands, with Aids!!! The fact that any government exists in any country is a testament to how stupid, fearful and easily manipulated people are! So what's the answer? Civil war? Voting for the right person?!!! Decentralising government? I don't know, I suppose we'll have to play it by ear and see how it all pans out. Civil unrest is certainly on the cards though.
  11. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Yeah old Elon comes across as a bit of a conman! The joke there is "would you by a car from this guy"? LOL I think he might be a bit power-pissed as well.
  12. What are you watching on Youtube?

    He's hoping to catching a lift on the Japanese guy who Elon Musk is building a rocket for. It's just going to be a flyby and then hopefully back home.
  13. Modern London A City Of Death!

    I think I picked up that you are open minded. I became aware of the NWO a few years after 911 although I gave up on the 911 CT and didn't really buy into the NWO. BUT things have changed and now I think almost everybody can see that there is a drive to homogenise the population of this planet purely for buSINess gains as well as simply controlling people. I used to watch Alex Jones years back and I amazed he hasn't been assassinated yet. Of course every now and then people come out of the woodwork and tell us he's a shill. Here the BBC's take on the events going on in London: I'll dig out a clip of Farage mentioning the NWO which just shows how it has become common knowledge to everybody in the modern world.
  14. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Our Marble guy, no not that one the other one!, is hoping to catch a lift to the moon and back:
  15. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Well I suspect that the very large ethnic population figured that by voting for old Sadiq that something mystical would happen. Unfortunately he's not really very well qualified or even capable so yes the people made a big mistake voting for a perceived personality instead of someone with ability and a proven track record. What's actually going on is resources are being pulled from the Police force with the pretence of saving money but in reality it has a lot to do with causing fear in an attempt to stop Brexit! Have no doubt Brexit is like a War in Europe because if we extract ourselves the whole 'mind-job' that is the EU will begin to crumble. In truth the EU will crumble anyway as other countries would leave if they had the balls. Of course the smaller poorer countries love it as they get oddles of monies, a lot of it is ours that we have to put in the pot as a member!
  16. Is Laughter slander?

    Reminds me of all those, often very funny, Zen stories where they always seem to be taking theirs shoes off and slapping each other around the face with them!! As for the three gates, well, two of them often seem to serve the same purpose!!
  17. Modern London A City Of Death!

    Well I almost suspect that the 'powers-that-be' are allowing chaos so they can put a strong arm in government and then enslave the citizens even more! Trump has buggered up the NWO in America and Farage has done his best in the UK to piss on the NWO's fireworks. Did you see what I did there, Guy Fawkes night over here!! LOL Hey we might even get a showing from the people in London as we did a couple of years back. Not sure if you'll be able to view this outside of the UK but it's an snippet of an interview with London's incompetent Mayor: Bizarre that the web address has this under showbiz as that's just crass! Basically the Mayor of London is a twat and needs a slap!
  18. Modern London A City Of Death!

    These kids can't stop killing each other:
  19. The Fasting Movie - Pt: 1, 2 & 3

    Yeah looks as if YT have pulled the videos. I'll try and track another version down and amend the above post. I think fasting may well be a key element to improving lifestyle as well as improving longevity and general health.
  20. The Fasting Movie - Pt: 1, 2 & 3

    Found this and will watch tonight. Will be interesting to hear your views on it, if of course you have time to watch it. Part: 1 Part:2 Part: 3
  21. What are you watching on Youtube?

    So this is where the Marble Machine guy got his idea from and it looks like an interesting series of videos:
  22. Modern London A City Of Death!

    This is from Liverpool, of Beatles fame: More here:
  23. Modern London A City Of Death!

    The train network in the UK, especially England, is being used by teenage mules to transport drugs all around the country: Full details here:
  24. What are you listening to?

    Who doesn't love this guy even if he has lost a few marbles?! I'm really enjoying watching him create the new version of his machine which should, fingers crossed, be finished by the end of the year. He does weekly updates so it's worth subscribing to his channel to watch it all come together.