Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. The Brexit Thread

    This is hilarious:
  2. The Brexit Thread

  3. The Brexit Thread

    Some more than others and that's the problem! But we did vote to get out so we should get on with it. Well I figure if we had gone for a Hard Brexit from the start we might be suffering now but we would be looking at a positive and successful future. Now we just seem to be stuck in limbo and it's just going to drag on and on for years. We need a strong leader who's just going to bite the bullet and make a choice. If May's deal goes through, seems unlikely, it could work but it seems very iffy! The country is being damaged because of the continuing limbo and we should also factor in the next global financial meltdown which has been predicted so it all looks pretty gloomy. Hey I'm poor so none of this really bothers me but I would like to live in a safe and respectful country which is, and has, been slipping away for the last twenty years.
  4. The Brexit Thread

    Conservative MP Ranil Jayawardena has quit his post as a parliamentary private secretary in the Ministry of Justice, telling the Prime Minister that her EU withdrawal agreement "does not deliver a good and fair Brexit".
  5. The Brexit Thread

    Well I've been listening to Theresa May for over an hour and this is what's going on. 1. No second vote/referendum 2. This is the 'deal' or it's no-deal (Hard Brexit) or stay in the EU, i.e. We could leave without a deal (which many of us want). 3. The remainers keep asking for another vote which of course TM has said will never happen. 4. Theresa May has said she will honour the people and get us out of the EU. So I think she's playing a game knowing the current draft is not acceptable to anybody and is actually leaving the option of exiting the EU without a deal! So she may be so cunning that she's really planning to get us out of the EU with a Hard Brexit!? Of course if the remainers won't let us leave without a deal then they will take the brunt of the wrath of the people. So May is perhaps secretly pro Brexit?
  6. The Brexit Thread

    Live coverage here if you can get it in your country:
  7. The Brexit Thread

    Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey has also quit EDIT: Junior Northern Ireland minister Shailesh Vara, junior Brexit minister Suella Braverman, and parliamentary private secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan also quit.
  8. The Brexit Thread

    The chaos has begun!
  9. Two for the price of one!

    Firstly we have this disgusting show of inter-species procreation! And secondly our old friend ego reaching for enlightenment!
  10. The Brexit Thread

    This is how bad it is (see front page below) as basically our Prime Minister is threatening the public by saying if you don't take this we're staying in the EU!!!! So we're staying in the EU or, err, we're staying in the EU!! Does she think we're completely stupid? She's obviously a lackey of the EU and, well, it's treason isn't it? We can just leave, it's not complicated, well it might be but we can just leave it's always been the number one option and we would have been two years ahead of the game if...
  11. The Brexit Thread

    Yeah I did say UK citizens. But talking about going... Hopefully the Metro front page image has appeared above?
  12. The Brexit Thread

    UK citizens can sign this petition to force the political leaders to have a TV debate of the EU withdrawal agreement draft:
  13. The Brexit Thread

    Live on Sky News, the facts are that there was no agreement, cabinet split:
  14. The Brexit Thread

    I can't see her surviving as it will just look so, so corrupt and she will be outed as a lackey of the EU and a shill! She didn't win any battle she just ignored her cabinet ministers and did what she liked!
  15. The Brexit Thread

    The lies are coming out already! Theresa May stood outside number 10 Downing street and said the cabinet had agreed to accept the draft agreement (only the first stage of many before it goes into effect) although this was not true! Apparently it's coming out that there were some major shouting and arguments and at least 10 ministers were not agreeing with the draft which is around half of the cabinet!!! See attached pic from the BBC front-page. Here's the article which shouldn't change: So our Prime Minister, the leader of the UK, stood there and lied to the whole of our country on live TV!!!! Here it is (If you can get the BBC web page in the above link the clip is on there and the sound is much better, shouts and all from the public in the background!):
  16. I found this site several months back and the cool thing is once you've generated your chart you can save the page address to you favourites/bookmarks and each time you visit the page it re-generates your chart! Cool eh? It's also a good way to pass people, via email, your chart. How does it work? Well it's very simple it just keeps your location and time details in the web address, page URL, for the interpretation page created. I have nothing to do with this site it's just a really good free tool for those that want a simple birth chart. Here's the link:
  17. The Brexit Thread

    Seven page outline of what's going on:
  18. The Brexit Thread

    Here's the draft agreement which the cabinet has given the first nod to although it's doubtful it will get through Parliament: Leaks have already stated that it will keep us tied into the EU until 2030!! Project May-hem is in effect here in the UK and I think the British people will be making moves very soon. Of course May could be forced out but we'll have to wait and see.
  19. The Brexit Thread

    Well all I can say is that the 'shit-has-hit-the-fan'! It's going to be chaos for weeks, probably months, here in the UK.
  20. The Brexit Thread

    Farage LIVE any minute:
  21. The Brexit Thread

    Tons of really interesting, up to the minute, live comments here: EDIT... And here's the BBC live timeline:
  22. The Brexit Thread

    This is why many of us in the UK like Farage but because he stands up and speaks the truth! This was him speaking at the EU yesterday (check Merkel's face, she hates him):
  23. The Brexit Thread

    Very big day for democracy here in the UK! Will the PM do what the people voted for or be be toppled, will the draft EU leave deal be accepted and will party members resign? Well as we can all see Theresa May isn't doing what the people voted for so the 'proverbial' should hit the fan, big time! Anything could happen so it'll be an interesting day.
  24. The Brexit Thread

    Well a deal is on the table, albeit a draft, and if accepted we could get tied into the EU for years to come. People are saying we don't know what's in the deal but parts have been leaked and they say we're be stuck in a customs union which may also mean we're stuck with the current open boarder situation regarding migration! Here's what the BBC say, although they are biased towards remain in most peoples opinion: Here's the view from a more pro Brexit news service:
  25. The Brexit Thread

    The Nigel Farage show live in about 10 minutes: