Patrick Brown

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Everything posted by Patrick Brown

  1. The Brexit Thread

  2. Be Warned Satan is Copyrighted!!!

    Seems this has been resolved, probably some money a few chickens and a couple of human sacrifices was the price Netflix paid!
  3. The Brexit Thread

    Looks as if we're going to have to wait for it to be voted down before we get round two! Pity as I do think we're wasting time but I can see why some are waiting. I still think May will be pushed or forced out somewhere along the line as she's is trying to please everybody and that's simply not possible. Of course some suspect May's a complete lackey of the EU but I really do wonder if Boris isn't the real problem as he's just so undecided it's bizarre! Anyway it is a frenzy and it does show a lack of decisiveness and leadership from the tories so they're knackered for years to come. The draft is unravelling day-by-day and isn't even the issue anymore as nobody thinks it has any chance of being voted through. The truth will out and pretty soon I feel!
  4. The Brexit Thread

    Farage live in 15:
  5. The Brexit Thread

    Miffymog makes a good point, but! I have a strong feeling that Graham Brady has been told to lie and stop May being booted for whatever reasons. Yes the draft will not be voted through and it will make May look like an even bigger idiot but the renegades may also end up looking bad for wasting time as the clock is ticking! Even though I don't like Boris he's does seem to have formulated a plan and maybe he's grown some balls and has decided to go for the leadership? As farage keeps saying anybody that believes in Brexit could do the job!
  6. The Brexit Thread

    I think the 48 letters are in but someones has been told to put May's dethroning on hold. probably in the hope that some will withdraw their letters. I've got to have an operation a week from today so I may sloop off this thread as it's going to be the same old 'Never Ending Story' as far as Brexit is concerned. Fingers crossed we get out but at the end of the day we are an island so at least we'll always have that!
  7. The Brexit Thread

    It's the same old story of mud slinging with the politicians! As for the current draft most people are beginning to understand that the negotiations needed to be done by people that want to leave as well as having the appropriate negotiating skills needed. We're getting a picture of Theresa May constantly sticking her nose in and derailing the process. If the EU don't want to play ball then we should just move to WTO rules and get out ASAP. The test will be if the EU will allow, and are willing, to renegotiate aspects of the current deal. I think May and the EU we're deluded in the first place to think that nobody would notice that this current draft deal simply means remaining but with us having even less control!
  8. The Brexit Thread

    Farage Live as I type:
  9. God as Self, Atman

    Well I liked Bergson's ideas even if he wasn't enlightened, which I didn't think for one moment but who knows? Anyway talking about monkeys wasn't Hanuman enlightened?
  10. God as Self, Atman

    Mirrors often come up in certain teachings so perhaps that's a hint. I've been thinking about time a lot the last year or so and wonder if it has an illusionary quality. The philosopher Henri Bergson gives us some ideas to play with: Because a qualitative multiplicity is heterogeneous and yet interpenetrating, it cannot be adequately represented by a symbol; indeed, for Bergson, a qualitative multiplicity is inexpressible. Thus, to grasp duration, one must reverse habitual modes of thought and place oneself within duration by intuition.[2] Source:
  11. The Brexit Thread

    I'd accept a vote on that as I think people will still vote leave but if they don't that's fine I'll accept it. I'll move to Australia if we stay in though!
  12. The Brexit Thread

    I've always wanted a hard Brexit.
  13. The Brexit Thread

    It won't get through and if it does I think there's a very strong possibility of civil unrest. All the bilge coming out of the media is not the truth, most people are prepared for a hard Brexit but it's the buSINess people that are pulling strings trying to keep us in.
  14. The Brexit Thread

    The letters are submitted directly and the only person who knows how many ministers have been submitted is the head of 1922 committee. 22 ministers have told the press they have submitted a letter of no-confidence but many have remained anonymous. The reason some strongly suspect that the target of 48 has been reached is that ministers have been confirming to each other, in confidence, that they have submit a letter of no-confidence in the PM. Of course there is an element of doubt but some letters may have been posted but you would imagine that you could send it via email? I think the target has been reached but the 1922 committee have been told to stall the process! It's possibly a scandal but I doubt we'll ever find out anything about it. So it'll probably be Monday/Tuesday that the hanging will take place!
  15. The Brexit Thread

    Well I don't rate/like him whatever his dress sense!
  16. The Brexit Thread

    Apparently the reason the 'vote-of-no-confidence' hasn't happened yet is the post! I jest not which means it probably won't happen until next week. You'd think an email would suffice but hey what do I know?
  17. The Brexit Thread

    It does seem that we're going to be dragged into a whole new era of social manipulation, sorry I meant evolution (!), but not without some kicking and screaming ! Anybody that's been keeping an eye on the BBC website can see how skewed their view is of the dawning of our brave new democracy. Demonic and Crass or for the greatest and holiest buSINess deal of the century?!! Take your pick.
  18. The Brexit Thread

    Apparently the 48 total has been reached according to the BBC.
  19. The Brexit Thread

    I think you're right but I also think the government has made a shambles out of this and should be held accountable in some way, I think May needs to go as an example and then we can insist the EU renegotiate albeit this time more openly. If the public knew what was going to be in a deal they would have time to consider it and it could be openly debated. The current deal isn't acceptable as it could potentially lock us into the EU for an indefinite period so it's simply a nonstarter. We should have come up with our version of a deal from the beginning that was openly available to the pubic and then it would be up to the EU to work with us to find solution. As is the government have been dealing behind closed doors and the public have just become suspicious. Of course the idea of a deal the public can have a say in constructing will never happen but it would be the correct way to do this then a referendum on it would work. If this, 'peoples deal', had happened from the beginning then we would have a draft which all would pretty much understand and be prepared to vote on but as-is it's a mess. Yes unfortunately he doesn't want to be PM which is a shame as I think people trust him and he would do a good job. Of course the people wouldn't be voting him in so he probably wouldn't get the position anyway.
  20. The Brexit Thread

    LOL Yeah the pounds does bounce around at times like these and the press thinks it's of real importance but in reality I don't think it's a big deal. The long term financial trends are what's important and no one knows what will happen there. Of course if we accepted this deal there would be a rise in the value of the pound short term but what about long term? I think Gove is playing a game as I've never liked him as he comes across as the slimy type of course some think they're all slimy! Res Mogg has grown on me as he seems the most level headed and as a Brexiteer I believe he could do the job the people voted for. This just in:
  21. The Brexit Thread

    It'll certainly be close. I think she'll have to resign or risk her party never getting in power again for twenty plus years!
  22. The Brexit Thread

    48 Letters in, looks as if she'll soon be out!
  23. The Brexit Thread

    Th PM is live on LBC now:
  24. The Brexit Thread

    It's a scandal that the government haven't been called to account for messing it up since the vote! We could have been on our way to growth and success by now instead of this protracted farce. I also get the feeling she's not in control and somewhat deluded. In fact in the speech she made [see below] I thought she came across as being very unstable and on the verge of a mental breakdown, I jest not. If she's so rattled does that suggest she had no idea of the backlash that would come from the draft agreement? Perhaps she thought nobody would notice the glaringly obvious tie-ins/lock-ins to the EU? Yet she keeps telling us we're leaving as if she thinks by keep repeating it people will believe her! She's lost the plot and should go, and as she won't resign she'll be hung-out to dry big time. She's going down as the worst PM ever, and the reason is her inflated ego and an inability to lead. All she had to do was make a decision either get a good deal or if the EU won't play fair then just leave, it's clear cut. She should have just bit-the-bullet and left without a deal, blaming it on the EU, and if it got blocked at least she wouldn't be taking the blame. We now have a leader who's, literally, lost the plot! She'll be gone by Monday at the latest.
  25. The Brexit Thread

    Farage is live in about 10 minutes: