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Posts posted by Pramod

  1. 13 hours ago, dwai said:

    Hi @Pramod


    Where are you located? We might be able to help you find a good teacher if you share the details. 

    Since you've done Karate, have you learnt Sanchin? 

    Basically what you're asking for is covered under Baduanjin and yijin jing practices.


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    I Stay in Bangalore , I have checked nearby practically there's none

  2. 22 minutes ago, Cleansox said:

    There are a lot for free on youtube. 

    But: Xing Yi Quan is an internal martial art, meaning that there is a certain amount of principles that goes with each movements, and I would advocate in-person training or as close to that as possible, at least if you do want to actually check ✅ off every item on your list, and get some more you didn't know existed. 


    There are other methods, but as an introduction and a foundation to internal arts, Xing Yi Quan is a very good option. 


    Even if you later on decide to focus on something else than the martial side, the basic five element fist methods continues to be very useful. 


    I'm not practicing this specific art myself, so I have no preferences when it comes to specific lineages. 


    Ill be sure to follow it senior.Thank you

  3. I found the above on internet , is that practicable ? . I am trying this Daoist Breathing method and also while doing that im trying to close acupoint near anus , i dont know what its called , trying to close it by clenching buttock muscle. Is that method practisable ?

    2 minutes ago, Pramod said:

    Qi Training Manual

    If you have any questions...

    • Post them at the message board
    • E-mail me them
    • Contact me over AIM (My SN is Manji101 )

    Qi Training Manual
    By: Manji Itto (Manji101)

    Welcome to my first Qi training manual; since this is my first time writing one of these please bear with me... In this I will cover the basics of Qi, explain Qi and other Chinese terms, and give you some interesting exercises. Well enjoy.
    What is this “Qi” you speak of?
    Qi, now where did that word come from?! Qi (pronounced “Chee”) is also known as chi, and to the Japanese it is called Ki. Chi is your life force, your energy. It is vital for without Qi you would be dead for there would be no life in you. Most people gather Qi without even knowing it; they gather it from the foods they eat and by sleeping. Others have discovered how to gather more Qi through meditation, martial arts like Tai Chi (Taiji), Qi Gong (Chi Kung), and through deep rhythmic breathing from the stomach. There are several other ways but I won’t list them all here. If one has a vast amount of Qi he will live longer than others who have not gathered extra Qi will. Daoists believed through meditation and Qi training one could become immortal. There are several legends of very old Tai Chi masters being able to fly because of this amazing energy.
    What about all of these other big, hard to pronounce Chinese words?
    Yi: Yi is intention. You will. You use Yi everyday to talk to eat as well as to use Qi. If one has a weak Yi there Jing will be weak for they cannot use Yi to direct the power. If one has a strong Yi and the ability to use Fa-Jing they could practically hit a person without touching them physically.
    Jing: Power. A punch is an ancient form of Jing while a Fa Jing (kinda like a “ki blast” from anime) is a lot more complex. Think of the body as an engine, Qi is the gasoline and Jing is the horsepower of the gasoline exploding into a more useful power.
    Shen: Shen is your spirit. You soul and mental force. Shen is god-like When one becomes advanced they use Shen instead of Qi and be able to create Jing and Yi from it alone. It is said that if one has a strong Shen as well as lots of Qi with enough Yi there soul will live forever and become a spirit.
    What are Yin and Yang Yin and Yang are all about balance. There is always a bit of Yang in an ocean of Yin and vice versa. Here are some examples of the two.
    Low Yang

    As you can see, Yin and Yang are opposites. They are two halves of the whole. For example: If there were no darkness, there would be no light. This is because there is a contrast between the two and we can notice the difference. It is this way with all things, looking at the list above you can think of many other things and their Yin and Yang aspects. One, for example, would be sex appeal. If there were no beautiful people, we would not know of ugly people. Because there would be no comparison, only the one type of person.
    Now let us look at how your body can be divided into Yin and Yang aspects. Below is a table of the major Yin and Yang aspects of your body, just to give you and idea.
    Chart which shows Yin and Yang in Your Body:

    Lower Half
    Small Intestines

    Upper Half
    Large Intestines

    How do I cultivate Qi?
    Well there are several ways to do this. Qi is cultivated naturally through eating and sleeping. Qi also can be cultivated by meditation, Internal Alchemy (Nei Dan), Taiji, and the list goes on. Here are some basic exercises to cultivate Qi.

    Qi Breathing
    Daoist Breathing: This breathing involves you to pull in your stomach when you inhale and let in go out when you exhale. This will get Qi to flow out of the Tan Tien.
    Belly Breathing: This exercise will allow you to bring Qi into your Tan Tien. When you inhale your stomach should expand out using the lower part of your lungs. When you exhale let the stomach return to its normal position.
    I won’t tell you how long to do these exercises because you should see what works for you and make your own training schedule that fits you. If you know Taiji (Tai Chi) try out the following.
    Now you create the motions used in the form. A Yang motion might b throwing a loose fist followed by a Yin motion like making a circular movement with your arms. So go on out and try this out. If you have any questions or comments on this give me an e-mail, the address is at the bottom of this page.
    Now the following may seem very simple but it works for me, try it out.

    Zhan Zhuang
    The Relaxed Dragon
    1. Stand with hands at your side, knees slightly bent, straight back.
    2. Begin to visualize yourself as a dragon, with long whiskers and two big horns.
    3. Stand like this for about 30 minutes. You might feel some heat in your hands after a while, this is quite normal, the Qi is trying to move to the dantian.
    The Phoenix
    1. Stand with hands at side; visualize yourself as a phoenix.
    2. Slowly rise up your arms until they are horizontal at your shoulder level, like a phoenix spreading its wings.
    3. Turn your hands outward, like a phoenix's wingtips.
    4. Stand like this for about fifteen minutes, feel the qi coming in through your palms.

    Methods to attain a focused mind.
    To use Qi you should have a strong Yi (intention) as well as a focused mind. I find that Zazen works very well for this.
    Zazen is a simple meditation done by Zen monks in monasteries and all over the globe. To perform Zazen get into a lotus position (sit “Indian Style”). Now focus on your breathing. When you inhale imagine the air as a fog, imagine this fog entering and swirling inside of you while you inhale. When you exhale imagine the fog leaving your body.
    Koans- Koans AKA “Zen Riddles” can be focused on while in Zazen. Here are a few Koans: “When you clap your hands together a sound is produced, what is the sound of one hand clapping?” and another “If a tree falls down in the forest and no one is around, does it make a noise?” Now these riddles have nothing to do with sound waves or anything like that. Unask the question. Mantra- Mantras are basically things you repeat over and over. You hear monks repeating mantras all the time. Probably the most common and most stereotyped mantra is “Ommm”. Here are a few mantras; Ommm, O Mani Padme Hung, There is no self; only breath.

    Basic Taiji and Qi Gong Movements
    Here are some basic movements from Taiji and Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong that will cultivate Qi.
    Pushing Water: This is a simple movement from Taijiquan.
    1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hands at Tai Tien level with palms facing ground and fingertips pointing forward.
    2. Slowly bring hands up to shoulder level. Imagine your hands bringing up water with them.
    3. Now slowly push the water down. You should stop with your hands at tan tien level.
    4. Repeat steps 1-3 as desired.

    Basic Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong Movement: Baduanjin (eight pieces of brocade). Baduanjin was a form invented by the Immortal Qungli Quan, a retired general. It fell into mortal hands because Qung inscribed it on a cave wall because Lu was late for a meeting of theirs. (alledgedly, because he was entertaining a female friend...)
    They are primarily breathing exercises but have stretching movements. (Qi is sometimes translated as “breath” or “air”)
    1. Stand feet together, step into a narrow horse stance, hands at sides
    2. Breath in, palms, bring fingertips together to nipple level
    3. Breath out, interlock fingers, palms up, push up to sky, look up
    4. Breath in, bring hands down to nipple level, fingertips together
    5. Breath out, palms down, hands to sides
    6. Repeat for a total of three times
    7. End by standing feet together, hands in front, push down to sides

    Qi Healing Techniques
    Here are some techniques I have found that really help me when I get hurt.
    Technique 1: Hot/Cold Healing
    I do this when I have sore muscles, cramps, and …just plain old pain.
    1:Imagine the place where the pain is located as a cold mass of cells, tissue, blood vessels, etc. Just imagine that everything there is cold.
    2.Now imagine the Qi in you as a warm force. Move it to the place where it hurts with your Yi.
    3.Have the heat warm the cold painful area, making it feel better and sending the pain away. Do this until you get the results you desire.
    4.Remember to move the Qi back to the Tan Tien after you are done.
    Technique 2: Internal Heater
    I use this technique in the winter when I get cold. It is rather useful. I find that it works best when it is quiet and peaceful around me.
    1. Imagine your Qi moving throughout your body.
    2. Now imagine the Qi as a warm force
    3. Now feel wave after wave of warmth wash over you
    4. Once you have reached the desired effects send the Qi back to the Tan Tien.
    Technique 3: Exhaling Pain
    I perform this technique sometimes after a rigorous sparring match that I have received an injury in. For example I may have gotten a kick to my shin, after I get home if the pain is still there I do the following.
    1. Imagine the pain as a black fog moving inside of you.
    2. Now when you inhale visualize the air as a white fog going inside of you swirling around.
    3. When you exhale imagine the black fog (pain) escaping your body through the pores in your skin.
    4. When finished settle the Qi back into the Tan Tien via Yi.

    Kuji Kiri
    Once upon a time I studied whatever I could about Ninjitsu. During my quest for knowledge I came across Kuji-Kiri. Kuji Kiri were not only used by ninja, it was practiced by the Samurai during wartime, it was know as kugi goshin-ho. These nine ideograms were believed to drive away evil forces. I use them myself; I like to get up early in the morning while the sunrises and practice kugi goshin-ho (remember that’s Kuji Kiri) as the sun comes up. The ideograms give me power that I need to start off my day. Here they are.
    Kuji of Strength of Mind and Body
    This Kuji enhances physical strength as well as giving you a positive outlook.
    Middle fingers extended, all others are interlocked

    Kuji of the direction of energy
    This Kuji can be used to direct energy and increase internal power.
    Index fingers and thumbs extended, middle fingers curled over index fingers, all other fingers are interlocked

    Kuji of Harmony with the Universe
    This Kuji can help bring you to peace with mankind, animals, and to be at one with yourself.
    Last two fingers extended to form a V shape (with tips touching) thumbs are extended, all others interlocked

    Kuji of Healing
    This Kuji helps speed up the healing process of your body.
    Index fingers and thumbs extended, all others interlocked

    Kuji of Premonition of Danger
    This Kuji seems to raise you awareness and speed up your reactions.
    All fingers interlocked

    Kuji of knowing the Thought of Others
    This Kuji increases your ability to “feel” the thoughts of others.
    All fingers interlocked inwards.

    Kuji of the Mastery of Time and Space
    When I use the Kuji it speeds up my perception of time, but I can also use it to slow down my perception of time. I find this very helpful when in a boring class, or when I want a moment to last.
    Index finger of left-hand points up with all of the fingers of the right hand curling around it, the thumb of the right hand is on the outside edge of the nail of the left index finger

    Kuji of Nature and the Elements
    This Kuji seems to bring me to level with the environment I’m in and seems to allow to realize how to use it to me advantage.
    Fingers outspread, palms out, index fingers and thumbs touching

    Kuji of Enlightenment
    This Kuji is said to help with meditation and enlightenment
    Right hand covering left, thumb tips touching

    Tuina is Chinese massage. If you are a martial artist you know how relaxing a nice massage after a long day of sparring can be. After I finish working out I always cool down with some stretching and Tuina. Tuina literally translated means “Push-Grasp”. The following are some movements used in Tuina.
    Tui: Pressing and dragging
    Na: Grasping
    An: Pressing
    Mo: Palm rubbing
    Rou: Kneading
    Dian: Finger pressing
    Ca: Rubbing
    Gun: Rolling
    Zhen: Vibrating
    Cuo: Twist and rub
    Mo: Wiping
    Tina: Lift and grasp
    Anrou: Press and knead
    Boyun: Forearm kneading
    Ji: Beating or drumming
    Pai: Patting
    Dou: Shaking
    Yao: Rotating
    Ban: Pulling
    Bashen: Extending




    Email: [email protected]
    Seniors i foind this on internet can try any of this , i dont know if its true or practisable. Can i try this.
    I am trying this Daoist Breathing method and also while doing that im trying to close acupoint near anus , i dont know what its called , trying to close it by clenching buttock muscle. Is that method practisable ?



    Qi Training Manual

    If you have any questions...

    • Post them at the message board
    • E-mail me them
    • Contact me over AIM (My SN is Manji101 )

    Qi Training Manual
    By: Manji Itto (Manji101)

    Welcome to my first Qi training manual; since this is my first time writing one of these please bear with me... In this I will cover the basics of Qi, explain Qi and other Chinese terms, and give you some interesting exercises. Well enjoy.
    What is this “Qi” you speak of?
    Qi, now where did that word come from?! Qi (pronounced “Chee”) is also known as chi, and to the Japanese it is called Ki. Chi is your life force, your energy. It is vital for without Qi you would be dead for there would be no life in you. Most people gather Qi without even knowing it; they gather it from the foods they eat and by sleeping. Others have discovered how to gather more Qi through meditation, martial arts like Tai Chi (Taiji), Qi Gong (Chi Kung), and through deep rhythmic breathing from the stomach. There are several other ways but I won’t list them all here. If one has a vast amount of Qi he will live longer than others who have not gathered extra Qi will. Daoists believed through meditation and Qi training one could become immortal. There are several legends of very old Tai Chi masters being able to fly because of this amazing energy.
    What about all of these other big, hard to pronounce Chinese words?
    Yi: Yi is intention. You will. You use Yi everyday to talk to eat as well as to use Qi. If one has a weak Yi there Jing will be weak for they cannot use Yi to direct the power. If one has a strong Yi and the ability to use Fa-Jing they could practically hit a person without touching them physically.
    Jing: Power. A punch is an ancient form of Jing while a Fa Jing (kinda like a “ki blast” from anime) is a lot more complex. Think of the body as an engine, Qi is the gasoline and Jing is the horsepower of the gasoline exploding into a more useful power.
    Shen: Shen is your spirit. You soul and mental force. Shen is god-like When one becomes advanced they use Shen instead of Qi and be able to create Jing and Yi from it alone. It is said that if one has a strong Shen as well as lots of Qi with enough Yi there soul will live forever and become a spirit.
    What are Yin and Yang Yin and Yang are all about balance. There is always a bit of Yang in an ocean of Yin and vice versa. Here are some examples of the two.
    Low Yang

    As you can see, Yin and Yang are opposites. They are two halves of the whole. For example: If there were no darkness, there would be no light. This is because there is a contrast between the two and we can notice the difference. It is this way with all things, looking at the list above you can think of many other things and their Yin and Yang aspects. One, for example, would be sex appeal. If there were no beautiful people, we would not know of ugly people. Because there would be no comparison, only the one type of person.
    Now let us look at how your body can be divided into Yin and Yang aspects. Below is a table of the major Yin and Yang aspects of your body, just to give you and idea.
    Chart which shows Yin and Yang in Your Body:

    Lower Half
    Small Intestines

    Upper Half
    Large Intestines

    How do I cultivate Qi?
    Well there are several ways to do this. Qi is cultivated naturally through eating and sleeping. Qi also can be cultivated by meditation, Internal Alchemy (Nei Dan), Taiji, and the list goes on. Here are some basic exercises to cultivate Qi.

    Qi Breathing
    Daoist Breathing: This breathing involves you to pull in your stomach when you inhale and let in go out when you exhale. This will get Qi to flow out of the Tan Tien.
    Belly Breathing: This exercise will allow you to bring Qi into your Tan Tien. When you inhale your stomach should expand out using the lower part of your lungs. When you exhale let the stomach return to its normal position.
    I won’t tell you how long to do these exercises because you should see what works for you and make your own training schedule that fits you. If you know Taiji (Tai Chi) try out the following.
    Now you create the motions used in the form. A Yang motion might b throwing a loose fist followed by a Yin motion like making a circular movement with your arms. So go on out and try this out. If you have any questions or comments on this give me an e-mail, the address is at the bottom of this page.
    Now the following may seem very simple but it works for me, try it out.

    Zhan Zhuang
    The Relaxed Dragon
    1. Stand with hands at your side, knees slightly bent, straight back.
    2. Begin to visualize yourself as a dragon, with long whiskers and two big horns.
    3. Stand like this for about 30 minutes. You might feel some heat in your hands after a while, this is quite normal, the Qi is trying to move to the dantian.
    The Phoenix
    1. Stand with hands at side; visualize yourself as a phoenix.
    2. Slowly rise up your arms until they are horizontal at your shoulder level, like a phoenix spreading its wings.
    3. Turn your hands outward, like a phoenix's wingtips.
    4. Stand like this for about fifteen minutes, feel the qi coming in through your palms.

    Methods to attain a focused mind.
    To use Qi you should have a strong Yi (intention) as well as a focused mind. I find that Zazen works very well for this.
    Zazen is a simple meditation done by Zen monks in monasteries and all over the globe. To perform Zazen get into a lotus position (sit “Indian Style”). Now focus on your breathing. When you inhale imagine the air as a fog, imagine this fog entering and swirling inside of you while you inhale. When you exhale imagine the fog leaving your body.
    Koans- Koans AKA “Zen Riddles” can be focused on while in Zazen. Here are a few Koans: “When you clap your hands together a sound is produced, what is the sound of one hand clapping?” and another “If a tree falls down in the forest and no one is around, does it make a noise?” Now these riddles have nothing to do with sound waves or anything like that. Unask the question. Mantra- Mantras are basically things you repeat over and over. You hear monks repeating mantras all the time. Probably the most common and most stereotyped mantra is “Ommm”. Here are a few mantras; Ommm, O Mani Padme Hung, There is no self; only breath.

    Basic Taiji and Qi Gong Movements
    Here are some basic movements from Taiji and Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong that will cultivate Qi.
    Pushing Water: This is a simple movement from Taijiquan.
    1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hands at Tai Tien level with palms facing ground and fingertips pointing forward.
    2. Slowly bring hands up to shoulder level. Imagine your hands bringing up water with them.
    3. Now slowly push the water down. You should stop with your hands at tan tien level.
    4. Repeat steps 1-3 as desired.

    Basic Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong Movement: Baduanjin (eight pieces of brocade). Baduanjin was a form invented by the Immortal Qungli Quan, a retired general. It fell into mortal hands because Qung inscribed it on a cave wall because Lu was late for a meeting of theirs. (alledgedly, because he was entertaining a female friend...)
    They are primarily breathing exercises but have stretching movements. (Qi is sometimes translated as “breath” or “air”)
    1. Stand feet together, step into a narrow horse stance, hands at sides
    2. Breath in, palms, bring fingertips together to nipple level
    3. Breath out, interlock fingers, palms up, push up to sky, look up
    4. Breath in, bring hands down to nipple level, fingertips together
    5. Breath out, palms down, hands to sides
    6. Repeat for a total of three times
    7. End by standing feet together, hands in front, push down to sides

    Qi Healing Techniques
    Here are some techniques I have found that really help me when I get hurt.
    Technique 1: Hot/Cold Healing
    I do this when I have sore muscles, cramps, and …just plain old pain.
    1:Imagine the place where the pain is located as a cold mass of cells, tissue, blood vessels, etc. Just imagine that everything there is cold.
    2.Now imagine the Qi in you as a warm force. Move it to the place where it hurts with your Yi.
    3.Have the heat warm the cold painful area, making it feel better and sending the pain away. Do this until you get the results you desire.
    4.Remember to move the Qi back to the Tan Tien after you are done.
    Technique 2: Internal Heater
    I use this technique in the winter when I get cold. It is rather useful. I find that it works best when it is quiet and peaceful around me.
    1. Imagine your Qi moving throughout your body.
    2. Now imagine the Qi as a warm force
    3. Now feel wave after wave of warmth wash over you
    4. Once you have reached the desired effects send the Qi back to the Tan Tien.
    Technique 3: Exhaling Pain
    I perform this technique sometimes after a rigorous sparring match that I have received an injury in. For example I may have gotten a kick to my shin, after I get home if the pain is still there I do the following.
    1. Imagine the pain as a black fog moving inside of you.
    2. Now when you inhale visualize the air as a white fog going inside of you swirling around.
    3. When you exhale imagine the black fog (pain) escaping your body through the pores in your skin.
    4. When finished settle the Qi back into the Tan Tien via Yi.

    Kuji Kiri
    Once upon a time I studied whatever I could about Ninjitsu. During my quest for knowledge I came across Kuji-Kiri. Kuji Kiri were not only used by ninja, it was practiced by the Samurai during wartime, it was know as kugi goshin-ho. These nine ideograms were believed to drive away evil forces. I use them myself; I like to get up early in the morning while the sunrises and practice kugi goshin-ho (remember that’s Kuji Kiri) as the sun comes up. The ideograms give me power that I need to start off my day. Here they are.
    Kuji of Strength of Mind and Body
    This Kuji enhances physical strength as well as giving you a positive outlook.
    Middle fingers extended, all others are interlocked

    Kuji of the direction of energy
    This Kuji can be used to direct energy and increase internal power.
    Index fingers and thumbs extended, middle fingers curled over index fingers, all other fingers are interlocked

    Kuji of Harmony with the Universe
    This Kuji can help bring you to peace with mankind, animals, and to be at one with yourself.
    Last two fingers extended to form a V shape (with tips touching) thumbs are extended, all others interlocked

    Kuji of Healing
    This Kuji helps speed up the healing process of your body.
    Index fingers and thumbs extended, all others interlocked

    Kuji of Premonition of Danger
    This Kuji seems to raise you awareness and speed up your reactions.
    All fingers interlocked

    Kuji of knowing the Thought of Others
    This Kuji increases your ability to “feel” the thoughts of others.
    All fingers interlocked inwards.

    Kuji of the Mastery of Time and Space
    When I use the Kuji it speeds up my perception of time, but I can also use it to slow down my perception of time. I find this very helpful when in a boring class, or when I want a moment to last.
    Index finger of left-hand points up with all of the fingers of the right hand curling around it, the thumb of the right hand is on the outside edge of the nail of the left index finger

    Kuji of Nature and the Elements
    This Kuji seems to bring me to level with the environment I’m in and seems to allow to realize how to use it to me advantage.
    Fingers outspread, palms out, index fingers and thumbs touching

    Kuji of Enlightenment
    This Kuji is said to help with meditation and enlightenment
    Right hand covering left, thumb tips touching

    Tuina is Chinese massage. If you are a martial artist you know how relaxing a nice massage after a long day of sparring can be. After I finish working out I always cool down with some stretching and Tuina. Tuina literally translated means “Push-Grasp”. The following are some movements used in Tuina.
    Tui: Pressing and dragging
    Na: Grasping
    An: Pressing
    Mo: Palm rubbing
    Rou: Kneading
    Dian: Finger pressing
    Ca: Rubbing
    Gun: Rolling
    Zhen: Vibrating
    Cuo: Twist and rub
    Mo: Wiping
    Tina: Lift and grasp
    Anrou: Press and knead
    Boyun: Forearm kneading
    Ji: Beating or drumming
    Pai: Patting
    Dou: Shaking
    Yao: Rotating
    Ban: Pulling
    Bashen: Extending




    Email: [email protected]
    • Like 1

  5. Hey, 

    I'm a new comer here i am a fan of martial arts, i really wanted to practise a body refining techniques that can remove impurities , strengthen muscles bones and internal organs , wanted to cultivate qi.


    I know i can't ask for any top techniques so please provide me with any basic body refining techniques and qi cultivating techniques.


    I practised karate before it provided me no increase in strength or any other benefits so i stopped it, I am 21 year old now I wanted to atleast achieve something  .


    I searched everywhere for techniques with no results so I turned to this page.


    So seniors out here please provide me with your guidance and help me .

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